i Saturday. December 21, 1B33 ALL FOR fir THE YOUNG 1 Sets of Books Qff AA of Knowledge VU.UU Boys' Annuals Boys' Chums Boys Toy Boats 50c 50c 25c PERSONAL up up up up Tricycles Watuns ,Etc. D.ELIO Furniture Exchange PHONE: GREEN 1 I'll m if Want Ads WANTED EXPERIENCED irl wants house work. Apply Box 259 Daily Newi.. (29C MALE HELP WANTED A LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Book'e. "How to get a. Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, Win nlpeg. PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. .We start you. The Canadian Kin-dorgarten Institute Winnipeg, tl) FOR S5AI.K FOR SALE 7-9 H.P. Easthope engine. Apply 707 Eighth Avenue West. (389) FOR SALE--Of flee sate; extra thick walls; giving perfect protection acalnst fire. Dally News. (tf) -- in the st r'nEME roriiT or wutishI (OIIMIUA III Probate In tli Mallrr r tlir MAlmlnlslratln!i Ait" An A In thf MaUr of the Estate of JniMs i. I'atslras, Ieceaetl. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor Judge Fisher, Local Judge M the Supreme Court of British Columbl. mde the 6th day of December 1935, I was appointed Administrator of tlv; Estate of James a. Patslcaa, Decsed, lnteUte. late of Prince Rupert, B.C. All Vernon havlti claUns -gainst the said Estate are nereoy miuura uu iui nih noma Drorwlv verified to me on nr the 15th day ot January 1836; otherwise dlspcltlooi of the paid Estate Will be made without regard iwrciu All inarLles Jhdebted to the 8ftW EstaW at reoulrrt to pay the amouint ot their Indfbtedntwa to me forthwith. DATED Lhla th day of D-embr NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.'C I.ANO ACT Notlre nf Intenltoti to apply to I.rase liinfl ' In PRINCE RUPERT Land Recording District of Range S Coast, and situate bout i-2 mile south of the W. A Brpwn H(melte Uase .on , Sklafci Bay. Stephehg Island", - Ta notice that William Ar.thony Brown of Sklakl Bay, Stephens Isl occupation Fisherman and Trapper ln-tenda to apply for a leae of the follow-lm rtAvrrtwi foreshore lands: . Commencing at post planted 'on. a small island within an liet of Ski-akl" Bav. a.bchlt 20 rept West of my hnathnno tshir.h la located approxun ately 3-4 miles south of , the W. A. Hmwn Homeatt. Lease thenoe West 1,200 Feet; thence North 600 Feet thru c.act .-i nna Feet: theni Bo'.i'h 900 rVet;, thence West 600 Feet to point of irxanmeiKeirtent un& wntalnlng Tlilrty acres, more or less. WIUJAM ANTHONY BROWN T)t.d November th. 13. CEIITII ICATES .OF IMPROVEMENTS Rlt.VKrt; INQ 'NO. 1: SILVER KINQ1 No. 2: STI.VER KINO NO. 3: SILVER! Kwn n i- Rit.vER KINO No. 5: SIL-I vv.n Kiun Wrt SILVER KINO No. 7; BtLVER. KTWO No. 8: BLUEBIRD NO. & BLUKBIMl No. 2 MINERAL CLAIMS, Sltuafoe Jn 'the AUIn Mining Division of Casslax DUtrict. Where located : Whitewater Creek, Tuliraua.lv River, . TAKE NOTICE ttiat D. C. Slarpstone. acting m ageivi for Raymond L. WaJker,: Free Miner's Certificate No. nwm-u; Daniel 1L Mo?ir, rwe Miner's Oerttfloate No. 64877-D5 Harrvia Bracken, Free Min er' CeiTtlflcteHi.rt7lJ; Arthur lied-man, Free Miser's Ortifk No. 64890-D: Alaska Juneau Odd Mlni''Conoa'a- tlon, Fiw Mlrver's OeWftofU No. 98028-D: Walter Barron, Free Mlher Cnrtlfl- cate No. 64888;D: D. J. MacDoiKall. Freel Miner's OertlJKalx No. tm9-D, Intends! BiJiW tiAV from Uw date her-f, to ep- pdy to t.he Mlnlnfi, Recorder lor Cmlfl- oales ot Improveimenta Xor the purpose of oMlntng Crown Grants o the above I claims, . , And Further talu riotboe that wttoti, undr sectlou 85 of the Mineral Act, must be commenced Wore .the , Issuanc '. Ullta tUM IUt O J Oi LXCTIUlVCr, 1MB. I 0W Country Soccer t ----- tiOmineca Ski Club English League, First Division Arsenal-Bolton, postponed on account ot frost. Birmingham 4, Everton 2. Blackburn 5, Aston Villa 1. ' Chelsea 2, Wolverhampton 2. Ortmsby Town 1, Portsmouth 2. Leeds United 0, Preston North - 2a i end 1. 5 Liverpool 1, Sheffield Wednesday S Manchester City - Huddersfield, tS , postponed' on account of frost. Stoke City 1, Middlesbrough 1. Sunderland 3, Derby County 1. West Bromwich Albion 1, Brent ford 0. Scottish League, First Division Airdrleonlans - Clyde, postponed!! oh account of frost. Arbroath 0, Rangers 0. Ayr United 1, Queen's Park 0. Celtic 5, Aberdeen 3. Dundee 3, Hamilton 0. Dunfermline 5, Albion Rovers 5 Hibernians 3, Queen of South 0. on account 6f frost. Third Lanark 3, St. Johnstone 1. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 057 New Full Size HOOVER $ for only 59 .50 Give Her a Hoover and You Give Her Ihe Hest! "IT BEATS AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS" Kaien Hardware Your Christmas Gift Store JOCK McEVOY KNOCKS , OUT WOULD CHAMPION RISKO IN ONE HOUND NEW YORK. Dec. 21: (CP) Jock McEvoy, Britain's middle and lightweight champion, scored a sensational' one round knockout last night over Babe Rlsko, recognized in North America as middle- weight titleholder of the world. The title was not at stake. SPORT CHAT Mysterious disappearance of eel era; from the Atlantic seaboard balween Noith Carolina and the Strait of Belle" Isle may cause total evacuation of the Eastern Brant, Motherwell-Kilmarnock postpon- popular game bird, from Maritime ed on account of frost. Canada, according to Hoyes Lloyd, official of the National Parks Branch, Department of the Inter ior. Accompanied by Robert W. Tufts, Wolfville, N.S., chief federal migratory bird officer for the Maritime Provinces, he addressed i . . . . , i .au.m. rt. I i wildfowl conservation. Since eel grass, afflicted by some unknown malady, began disappearing in 1930, flocks of Eastern Brant had become seriously depleted espe I the marine plant. Mr. Lloyd termed the Migratory Birds Treaty be tween United States and Canada "a most Important pact to hun Iters." This treaty includes agree- Iment that migratory birds belong to both countries and that the : matter of adequate protection ! rests with hunters north and south . of the border. During this fiscal year, he added, the United States was spending $8,5Q0,000 for game bird protection In addition to the "TILLIE THE TOILER" C1,I'M SO SOf?l2V,MAC- BOT BILL. ASED ME to the c?amc;e. pir-st 1 y I (t r- j i SKU-I MI6HTA icmown!-im TMl W, li 9nm ijmil U. tm turn V iwwUg t I WW Five WW.."" ' SN . ... ,.. DAILY NBW3 J! V-''?li:a3'PAOB five At Burns Lake Is Final Games Of l. First Half Of Ten Pin Bowls Final play of the first half of the the Saint John branch of the New season in the Five Pin Bowling Brunswick Fish and Game Protec- League took place last night with tive Association. Both are jecog- results as follows: Five Jokers, 2; Lamble & Stone, l. Old Empress, 2, Pioneer Laundry, Five Jokers had already won the first half. High scorer last night was Mcln cially in New Brunswick and Prince tosh of Lamble Stone with aver- Edward Island, said Mr. Lloyd. This age of 221. erass represents about 90 percent Individual scoring of the birds' food. Five Jokers-rOingweu, oiu; aar ton, 526; Smith,, 563; Morrison, 502; Andrews, 660 Efforts have been made to deter- Lamble ia sbtone &uies, out, In r- rt . tt i ty. lAtHAfllnn ,1n thflnmrlMVAtatllS Of the A?, OOJ HOI , ; vuiau.i. . .occ T.otoct 598: Mcintosh, 64. findings of the survey were de-j. s0 5,"L"C"J ' ' . .... Rt.nrPV. S30. TTn ijot? col n-rncc rpinuprpn Trnm me I WiliOO . v,.. . TiM vICO. mysterious scourge he feared that ,. r,T. wi!' ZV. Ll ....... ... j,,. Arroll, 508; Joy, T 512; Wesch, 497; .r;:r " n VJJ Final first half standing: ' broke out at North Carolina and (worked up to the Strait of Belle SEVER ,Vi!ND,MAC: - iiRMEMSP:!? THE OLD "STAVING - UNLOCK V (-. 9Sr& j' '. LEGION WINS . -IN BILLIARDS Defeated Grotto 1500 to 1268 in W. L. 1 ...21 15 ...18 18 1 ...17 19 20 Pioneer Laundry ...16 16 LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE G. Ttl. Av. Annette's .'...20 15048 752. P. R. Grads 20 13751 C87 Dcoolads 20 13404 070 Blue Birds v 20 12933 647' 1 Maccabees 1.. 20 12636 032 Rangers '. 20 12339 617 C. N. R. A 20 11261 563 .Brunettes ..; 20 10948 547 rhallmre Tournament ' The Canadian ' LeElon won the three remaining Barnes of the bil llard challenge 'competition last evening and so made a complete swpen nf the series, winning by 232 . - - r I .nltinrr Nniif I limn points in the six games. The mar viviimg ii tt uump. lns Qf victory last evening were, - ! however, small. Charlie Baptle won BURNS LAKE. Dec- 2l:-Th from M. E. Young by nine-point Omlneca Ski Club, which Is look- George Woodland from George tag forward to an active season as Howe by en potats and Nell Cam-won as the weather Tor winter rqn from Charlie Balagnd by 30 sports becomes a little more prop- points. Balagnq was a hundred ttlous, has elected .officers as fol- points behind at 125 but made a lows: i grand" recovery, scoring ninety President, Kaare Engstad. points while Cameron was jetting First Vice-President, Miss Sylvia onjy a few but managing to win. Brunell. The aggregate scores were: Ca- j Secretary, Fred Rush. nadlan Legion, 1500 points; Grotto, Assistant secretary, uianys Mac- j26a. " ' Nfiil 1 ... ' Treasurer, Walter Johnson. Executive Mrs. W. Wilson. Miss M. Reld, Miss L II. Adair, John Berg, W. Orchard, A. Smith, J Linton, W. Smith and P. V-. Tallon A new hill, permitting a jump oi 250 feet, is being prepared. HOCKEY SCORES ' Northwestern League Vancouver 4, Calgary twd. Hockey Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE American Section ; W. D. L. F. A- f Detroit 7 5 3 29 24 19 Chicago 7 2 5 23 22 16 Rangers 6 3 5 25 33 15 Boston .5 2 7 16 15 12 International Section Toronto ., 7 2 5 39 33 16 Americans S 2 7 2S 32 12 Mnnt-OQl 5 1 A 24 2.1 11 lUVHIUVUI - F Canadiens - .3 4 7 25 32 10 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Qualit auzy Built up through 230 years of wine making tradition. W. D. L, F. A. P Vancouver 9 3 2 54 31 21 Portland 7 3 Calgary 5 3 Seattle 4 0 Edmonton 2 3 1 50 17 17 8 ..42 52 13 8 19 34 8 24 35 A "Proverbial" Test SAVl MAVBE THE.PE IS SOMETHING TO THAT U I THiNK ILL. . TRV IT OUT Product! eit S.UtDomlniw 4'his advt. is not published or 'displayed ny the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia HLLO, BOfe?- HOW ABOUT A FftlENCL Li L POVttsR GAME TONlSHT?-AT COR OLACE r- GPEAT! - (aET THE GAWQ OaSANiZED AKID. "Play" Day BE THERE AT EIGHT n Student Bowling Hay Li Now Suspended Until After 1 J New Year Hlgh,ScrgoV boys', .bowling Results today "were as follows: . Punks' 749, Trojans 793. Bombers 756, Cubs 418. Big Four 693, Squirts 679. Titters 703. Wolves 624. wHh 269. High scorer was Donaid Fitch j Ssuirts Games are suspended untlLJan-uary 11. v ;- The aggregates to date: Trbians -.i.4934 Tigers .., -....-...,4516 Wolves - -44175 Big Five 4202 Punks .4103 Cubs, -3640 Bombers .3877 3354 IV L VICTOWA.IC 1 - t (H. v .... 1 "T W " SILVER SPRING Imager is brewed to the time-lionotireil formula that has made its superior quality enviable standard for barley malt beers that has not changed in more than two decades. Buy it by the rase for the lloUduys! Silver Spuing LAGER BEER On Sale Everywhere This advertisement is nol published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government oi British Columbia BOV! .CXI PEEL L-UCI-C- -ILL-SEND THESE GUVS TO THE CLEANERS By Westover ffl AN 'DOUBLE V PHOOEV I MAC. I WOMV BE iKi 1 TILLIE .TAKE A LOpxIr WHV.WHAT THE BOSS WONT I &?- W BUT OOESNT HE TOMORROW, SO I WANTT J X- AT TOMODOOWS DO VOO MEAf . BElM TOMORUOW V CAQRVON I wANJT US TO DO J , VOU TO KEEP AN EVE J f HEAD MAN HERE r V ) MAC?.- AN HE SAID FOR ALL RIGHT- iJ ANV WOGk -v