VMJX IW THE liKTVi NEWS 8aWiy. M Join In King's Jubilee Celebration The Following Merchants are Co-operating wholeheartedly in the big event 'Monday and invite aU to take part: WALLACE'S Draperies General Dry Goods, ... Ladies and Children'? Apnarelr'ti, 21 Years at the Old Stand ORMES LIMITED "God Save the King" . WE REJOICE in the fortunate completion of Their Majesties' 25 years of unremitting effort for the good of the Empire. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. DYBHAVN & HANSON FIRE INSURANCE M Tickets to all parts of the world Mussallem's Economy Store Oldest Grocery in city. In business since 1910 and still in the lead. We celebrate our jubilee this year, LONG LIVE OUR KING PIONEER LAUNDRY" 1921 CANADIAN LAUNDRY LTD. Laundry Service, Dry Cleaning, Hat Blocking Shenton's Sheet Metal Work Third Avenue E. Iioat Work, Roofing and Warm Air Furnaces Phone 33 M. STEPHENS & CO. LTD. Oldest insurance firm in the city Bept Fire Rates, Strongest Stock Companies Third Ave. W. ' Phone 222 rlUNCK OF VVAI.ES POPULAR day, and more sentimental twaddle - has been written about him than LONDON, May 4:; CP)-Of the about any other oerson. with the Prince of Wales It was recently possible exception of his niece, written, "H. R. H. lives 24 hours a Princess Elizabeth." Phases In The Life of King George V. The picture or in Majwrty ar e as fallow lop If ft. as a baby, top rtzht tn Highland uniform, lover lett, before his marriage; kiwer right, a he appeared at a recent Army review, cent". In his coronation robe. Reign of Quarter Century Has Been Replete With Activity For George V. of Britain Oeorge V ascende-l the throne on May C, 1010. Hi Majesty and Queen Mary were crowned at always been the cockpit of Bur through Canada a Duko of York in 1901 and again vjajting Quebec in 1903 on the occasion of the Tercentenary. It will be year before anything like a full account Is possible of the part King George played In the war. The qannon of Water- nee of Scapa Flow. In'OfWn mt, 1915, when on a weond vIMt to the arraie in France, His I Majesty fmffered a jwrtpui mis-jhaf. Startled hy a loyal oVmon-ct ration ef troop who were pe-injr inspected, the King' horie reared and fell, Ms Itoyal rider fallintr beneath the animal. Ills j Majesty was severely shaken and t brained and he found Kljwresary t. lake to hi bed. I Of the King' devotion In vis-oo had been the last to be fired ,tinK tLe ,wundi ,dlck pf his by Hrituh soldier in what has Lrmil.. u1lA fWt. ,,.t t.rlef men- Uun be made here. There ."is to Westminster Abbey, June 22. oik, hut within fhre year f!i... 4, 1911. Keprtentativ from all hi aec eslns the King MVr the mde M BVrr nrJuln ( munitin !art of. the Empire and from flanus of war awend on land arms whefe lne artnjM 6f. work. many foreign cpnlri were pre- and (.ea. Ijnf, He) nJ wom(. ,tfove to sent. State visits to Ireland, ; In those tense days just before ;jnait)lain supplies for the active Scotland and Wale were followed August 4, 1914, when Russia and .fighting fore e. by the journey to Delhi where Auatria were already mobllleing.J 1.. At the King never snared coronation ceremonie were held-King Oeor.e with Ms own hand hj?a ZlTlTJ in Ueeember. Jwrot, a att Ernest apeal to the',, Ly Kr9ona PXampfe the No BrtUsh Monarch U better ,!Wted Czar, offering any fr-:Frt,at common effort, perhaps known to his subject thi-pe wWch it was 6Jble for a,j,j, mogt striking gesture Jp the George, the "Sailor Prince," who (British King to summon, in the WBy qf personal example was visited in turn before he succeed- w of mediation. It wa wj,en at Easter, 1915, it -was an-ed to the throne, all the great fruitless gesture and within a pognped that by the King' corn-overseas fw day Great Iiritaln and the Dominions, pasting msini no wines, spirits or beer King s Dominions beyond the4WHU,d he conBUn,ed in any pf Hs seas were drawn into the vortexiMttjW(ty.a residences after that of the world passion. jday. The vtry next day tfie ex- Visited Navy and Army ample wua followed by : Lord In July. 1015 the King visited .Kitchener. Many member . of the Grand Fleet but not mucbParlament' rtlinrlly ,by no was heard of that for the fleet jmea"" of lrohlUtloiUt leanings, w hi.h in ih nnrih.rn f.. loperwy rejrreuea mux me nouse Great Program Arranged For Celebration of King's Silver Jubilee in Prince Rupert City Prince Rupert's Celebration on Monday of IJie Silver Jubilee of the King's Accession Will He a Fitting One The day's program will tart with a mammoth parade which it is expected will be the largest ever attempted in Prince Rupert. There will be floats and decorated cars, bicycles and other vehicles as'well as comic features and plenty of music. In the afternoon there will be a diversified and extensive program of sports at the Acropolis Hill wind ing up with the opening baseball game of the season. In the evening there will be public, dances both" at the Armory and Moose Hall. At dusk the Roy Scouts will light a huge beacon fire at the Acropolis Hill. lof Commons itself did not at once j follow the King's lead. Nevertheless the example' probatjy assisted materially in securing unanimity of public opinion in favor of the restriction of hours for the sale of intoxicant. One arresting indication that the old order of things had been swept away for ever was forth coming in 1017. The King an nounced that the ... House of Ilan- t - m over had ceaseq to be so far aa Britain was concerned. In future the Uoyal House of England would be known aa the House of Windsor. Truth to tejl, this alteration was long overdue, for the Kingdom of Hanover, qver which a woman was not permitted to rule, had ceased to be an appanage of the HrKJsh Qrqwn when Victoria came to the throne. In commanding the name to be changed, the King aIQ ccimnian,-(led that those prince of his family who were his nubjects and who bore German names and titles should straightaway relinquish them and assume British names and titles. J Continued on page three) BULKLEY MARKET j. pw.r.cn Fresh Killed Meats from the (talkie? Valley Refrigerator system keeps all meat pure and wholesome. SILVERSIDES BROS. Window (Haw, Wallpapers, Paints, Murcsro, Klc. PHONK 22 LONG LIVE THE KING DEMERS MIMICS' OITFITTFRS Coats, SuiU, Ore. Hats, Lingerie, Hrnipry. ( j loves, Slioes. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited LONti LIVE THE KINfi On the history of the past giiag the future LAMBIE & STONE The British Empire covers onefifth of the (ikl We cover you from head to foot ST.YW3 QUALITY SBRVICE BROWN'S SODA FOUNTAIN THE DRST IN THE NORTn PALM 1CK CKI1AM AND HUTTOIMH.K We Specialize in Milk Bhakm Phone: 80 Next to Capitol and Moose Hall THE PEOPLE'S STORE Third Avenue Everything For Men and Women SMITH & MALLETT EXPERTS IN PLUMHINfJ AVI) HEATING 25 Years in Business in Prince Rupert LONDON. May 4: (CP I In some commanding authority. niV; ways, Queen Mary possesses the less, If Queen Mary rBS .' t enaraeteriiucs oi juen Victoria, aomcuung in oirw - AlUiough her position in the fcalm has perhaps gained more obviously denies to her the Bame sentimental power of appt'11 Dv hm