taox foub Ml LfAV NOTHING The system that me!ei you sight-sure of correct Fitting. UNKNOWN' Don't Forjet the King's Silver Jubilee Monday, May 6 B ii WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS g JTackand JTi 11 HEALTH SHOES You tcnow by iteing inside the shoe on tWe cnitdY Foot you examine the quality of the shoe. Solid quality throughout flexible comfotUblc and smart in style. i 3 j The Family Shoe Store g Third Third Avenue Avenue LIMITED Phone Phone 33: 35" y g IDlllllBllll THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For twenty-five years King George has occupied the throne of the British Empire, acting impartially whether on the advice of the members of the British eabinet or the cabinets of the various other nations of the Common wealth. In every way he has carried out the letter and the meaning of the constitution. When the King came to the throne all Canadian business was done through the Colonial Office at Downing Street. Following various Imperial Conferences, the overseas Do f OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS 31 minions, of which Canada is one, were put m a position pi i dealing direct with the King. Downing Street was elimin-i ated as far as the Dominions were concerned. Today when the Governor General gives his assent to a measure passed by the Dominion Parliament, he does so on behalf of the King an dnot on behalf of the British eabinet. When the King issues a proclamation in Canada, grants d title or acts officially in any way, he does so on behalf of the Canadian government, whose advice he accepts. In other words King George is king of Canada as well as king of Great Britain. There is possibly one reservation and that is in regard to British foreign policy and, even there, the British government consults with the Dominions in all important matters. The possibility of Canada declaring war on another country has evidently never even been considered, nor do the Canadian people wish it considered. What has been considered and discussed has been the possibility of Great Britain being at war without Canada be ing at war. It is one of those questions, the discussion of which does not seem to get us anywhere. SPORT GAMES ARE RAINED OUT " Only Two Major League .Matches o. Yesterday -Giants and 'IfPSSe Ddjers Win NEW YORK, May 4: (CPt Rain, wind, cold and generally unfavorable veather caused the postponement yesterday of all but two of eight scheduled Major League base- ball games. Behind six-hit pitching of Carl ilHubbetL the Giants defeated the 4 j Cincinnati Reds at the Polo !; Grounds to hold first place In the National League, the Brooklyn Dodgers keeping pace In second po rtion by winning a tight victory over the Pittsburg Pirates at Eb betts Field. The Pirates dropped into seventh place behind the idle rail'liarinsa j Boston Braves. . .a I Yesterday's Big League scores: Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupett Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Edtor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Incn, per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In, advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year Local readers, per Insertion, per line . , DAILY EDITION THE KING'S JUBILEE ts.oo .10 J.-0Q 100 .25 Saturday. May 4, 1935 National League Cincinnati 2. New York 9, Pittsburg 1, Brooklyn 2. Baseball Standings National League New York 0 3 .150 Brooklyn 10 5 .667 Chicago 8 5 .615 St. Louis 7 7 500 Cincinnati 7 9 .438 Boston 5 7 .417 Pittsburg 6 9 .400 Philadelphia 2 9 .182 Old Country Soccer ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 0, Derby County 1. Birmingham 2, Everton. 3. Blackburn Rovers 5. Aston Villa Leeds United 4, Tottenham Hotspurs X Liverpool 2, Sunderland 2. Manchester City 5, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Middlesbrough 2, Chelsea 2. Portsmouth 1. Leicester City 1. Sheffield Wednesday 1. Orimsby Town 0. Stoka City 2, Huddersfield Town 0. West Bromwlch Albion 0, North End 0. HOPPING OFl TODAY MEXICO CITY. May 4: Alterations having heen made to the runway to facilitate the take-off of her heavy ship, all was In readiness today for Amelia Earhart Putnam to hop off from here on her pro Jected 2400-mile non-stop flight to wew ypne. Tne famous aviatrlx was only awaiting favorable weather conditions. At the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce last evening it was decided to donate $10 toward the King's Sil ver Jubilee fund. Archie Thompson, Bishop Thur- Der ana jacK MCKae armed In the On Mnnrlnv wo r-olohrato mir Ki'nrr'a .TnWloo Wnnoo under the constitution of our country, partly written and partly evolved, we feel that we have the largest possible amount of freedom and, at the same time, we take pride in the fact that we are British, one of the Dominions of a great Empire, free to act as we wish, yet bound by ties which it would be difficult to break. While other throne have tottered and some have fallen, the British throne seems today more secure than it did twenty-five years ago. There is today less talk in tne country of possible Canadian independence or of joining ;th,e United States than was evident when Goldwin Smith and others openly espoused a change. As Canadians survey the world they see nothing they prefer to our present British connection. A few irresponsible admirers of Russia point with pride to that country but that is because they are ignorant of the conditions that obtain there. There is more liberty in a square yard of British sou than in a thousand miles of Russian. Changes may be necessary and will be made but we can honestly .feel, that In no country of the world is it possible to make those changes as easily as in Canada. The world today, in spite of certain tendencies toward nationalism, is becoming more international. Possibly our sons may see a world in which there will be as close a bond among all nations as between the nations of the British Empire. But that will not make us less Canadian arifOet us hope, not less-British, May the King live-long, to carry on his work at the head of a wonderful Empire in whjch Canada will be among the leaders. city on the Princess Adelaide yes terday afternoon from their studies at the University of British Colurn bia in Vancouver to spend the summer vacation at their homes here. MORRIS KIRKLAND ILkted on The Toronto Stock Exchange) Review upon request. A. D. WATTS & CO. Members The Toronto Stock Exchange Montreal Curb Market 350 BAY ST. TORONTO Telephone WAverley 4517 ffsms SNAP 0 t i r i n t WDER CICAMS U KXrtW WtMOOVS, MMtOK. SAM MIH U "'ASM SA8MS. CANNCX Old Smokes atH Routine Business f omei "AH up and down the whoU plantation, gladly they roam" choosing the young, sun-ripened leavel for Ogden's Cigarette Tobacco. Leaves that cannot pass the Ogden's quality test are kept "far, far away" from this mellow, satisfying cigarette tobacco; That's why we can promise that Ogcfen's will satisfy you particularly when rolled wWChontecW or "Vogue'' Qgarette Papers. SAVE THE POKER HANDS OGDEN'S FINE CUT Your PifKnoui OfJm't Cuf PA At Meeting of The Commerce Body erable difference of opinion In re gard to it. A letter of thanks for flowers sent her in the hospital was re ceived Irom Mrs. A. E. Warren, wUe of the vice-president of the Canadian National. Railways, V ed, among them being a letter from the Can&dlan Chamber of Commerce that the chamber Itself was against the policy of govern ment repudiation of contracts. The chamber adopted a report by which it was decided to ask the da partment of marine to construct an extension to the fishermen's floats. PRINCC RUPERT MEDALS Continued from Page 1 dent, Anyox General Hospital. Miss K. Blakey R.N.. matron. An yox General Hospital. Roland Gale. Boy Scouts' Associu Hon, Anyox, Dr. R. B. Hall, superintendent, St. George's Hospital, Alert Bay. Mis M. Ashley R,N matron. St. George's Hospital, Alert Bay. Dr. George E Darby, superinten dent, R. W Large Memorial Hos pltal, Bella Bella. Miss Maud Barrier R.N matron R. W. Larae Memorial Hospital Bella Bella. Wide Range of Service In the Dominion recipients of the medals range from Prime Ministers and Leaders oftlv Opposition to men who spend 'lonely vigils in lighthouses along the coasts. The Ulst also Includes university presi dents, Judges, military men, Indians, Eskimos, nurses and char women. The Letter Box i nsnriiMAVS VIEWPOINT ! Editor. Dally News - May I beg space fer the feHow- i ing: The halibut strike is over and the I town can brt th slly orwe more i and the poor, worried citterns and taxpayers are again relieved of the load of carrying a half a dozen 1 ! fishermen's famtHee through part ' of therr seven months government enforced Idleness. I You have In Prlnee Rupert about ' 20O to 230 halibut fishermen, perhaps 100 men engaged In packing or handling halibut and about 50 so-called boat owners. I The halibut fishermen's average earnings the last two years has not ' exceeded $700 a year, say $60 a ' month an Income with which the average fish packer's earnings can compare quite favorably. ! Now through their excellent or-. ganhtatlon those so eaHed boat i owners have managed to rrdoee the 1 fishermen's earnings sUM tower: say. $8 to $10 a month. They sure : must be proud of themselves. And their master shall say unto them: "Well done, true and faithful servants, your next Christmas ; turkey shall be an extra large. Juicy one. from Bulkley Valley, the fishermen may. perhaps, have salt codfish." Thanking you. Mr. Editor. I am. one of the ungratefal halibut fishermen I EJNAR B. LARS EN. .Letter Regarding Paper Mill Plans I Premier PattuIIo Promises to He At Helpful as Possible to Pro-rwed New Industry I At the meeUng of the Prince Ru jpert Chamber of Commerce Ust . night. President C V. Evltt In the ;halr. a letter was lead from r. L. Buckley In regard to the proposed pulp and paper mill in which It was mentioned that Incorporation was I beint: put through. He Mid that he would be making a visit to San Yanclsco. Montreal and Toronto i In connection with the project I Premier T. D. PattuIIo wrote ex- ! plaining that he would place before I the legislature the proposal of the Ielty for a set rate of taxation for I the paper mill for twenty years. The request In regard to Shawat- tans Lake water wonld have o go to I the water board to see that al! Interests were protected He promised j to be as helpful as possible At a rather poorly attended meet- 1 A 1 C A MAT TNT Ing of the Prince P.upert Chamber 1 11L1 rVlTlVUll 1 of Commerce last night some routine business was put through. A committee report, presented by W. O. Fulton, adveise to a proposal to adopt a code for auto dealers, was! OF OBJECTIVE The total amount pledged undor laid on the teale :?r a month. It lhe employment service scheme was being found that there was consid reported this morning is $24,257 At the meeting of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce last night, H. F. Pullen reported on behalf of the committee that the sum of $50,000 had been set as the objective and about half that sum had already been pledged and the carlvaxi wasproceedlng actively. A sufftCTitrstim had been collected to pay all the expenses of the Paint Clean Plant Fix UP Everything to Make This Job Easy For You at - Kaien Hardware SPECIAL Garden Hakes, 39c PAINT for the Fence, Shed, Oarage, Etc. Only 95e per quart. $3.25 per gallon Handy rans, 20c $150.00 Prizes. Get in the big parade. Decorate your car May 6th. Don't forget it's the King's Silver Jubilee Celebra tion. hi s M u m u King George Silver Jubilee CELEBRATION 1910 - r) 1935 OFFICIAL PROGRAMME Grand Parade PARADE will line up at .St. Elmo llctrl, on Second Arrnut it 9; JO. Parade mnvrs off at 10:30 a.m. ROUTE: North on Second Avenue, eait- on .Mcllride Strwt U Third Avenue, owth on Third Avenue to Sith Street, PUband at Sixth Street t Second Avenue. Parade Takes Place Kain or Shine NOTE Private ram at request of elljr police ire net U park on 2nd or 3rd Avenue hetveen II a.m. and 12 noon. 2 P.M. General .sports and folk dancing exhibition at Acropolis Hill. 3:30 P.M. Bawln, Rika vs. Son of Canada. 9 P.M. Boy Scouts Jubilee Heneon, Acropolis Hill 2 Jubilee Dances 2 Moose Hall Halacno's Orchcsfra, 50c The Armory- -Mrs. Illack's Orchestra, 50c KJP-UsLXJ fi 11 1 ItiViftln THE 1 STANDARD OF QUALITY L throughout the k World A HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone FOR SALE 8-Tube 193-1 Victor Hadio, A-l S65.00 Half original cost - Don't Forget King's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May G Get your Spring Shoes at B. G. CLOTHIERS, LTD. Up to .the minute in Pumps, Ties and T-Strap? $2.97 a pair and up Phone: Mack 321 Next Frizoil' Market I