1 bru i; ary IS. W TV y Valentine Say it with Page & Shaw Chocolates hipiHent hns just arrived. Price from 60 cents per lb. box f.IVK HEIf CANDY O.N TIIK1ITH. Ormes Ltd. rr Pioneer Drutzgists itrtall SUr rbenes: II & It Open Iallr From a.m. till 10 p.m. Siimlavs and llolidaj From 12 noon till 2 pm, J p.m. till 9 p.m. ELECTRIFY Tutors $2.50 Waffle Irons ' $3.50 r.ulhs (Carton of Six! $1.40 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. M:J Ave Thone 101 HYDE TRANSFER (ice, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 II Kinds of Cartajje 5 Trucks For Quick Service !oal & Vood For Sale, Dry Sawdust Bulkley Valley Bulletins 1 ' ?' size coal best suited to your needs. Hip lumps do not bum best in all stoves. you want heat, there is more in Bulkley Valley Coal i want efficiency, ask your dealer to Send the nf.ative to you. It costs you nothing and may save vou a lot. IkFish which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK Prepared Dally Bj COD- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. You can rent a car at Walker) nes. i T. W. Hall, ltup-etor of ehooK j returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a week's i trip to the Ocean Pall district on i official duties. Mrs T McClyxnont. who was called to Vancouver recently on ac count of the serious tiroes and sub-' sequent death of her mother, Mrs. Mc.Lenaghan. returned to the ctty from the south on the Prince Oeorge this mornlnf . Charles B Haan of Queen Char lotte City, who haa been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city from the .wuth on the Prince Oeorge this momhu and will sail by the Prince Charles Friday ntsjfat on bit return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. T H. Johnson. ff"neral manager of the Canadian FVh k Cold Stor age Co.. and Mrs . Johnson, who have been spending a vacation visit ing in Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, returned to the city on lite Prince Oeorge this morning. Ralph T. Ward, agent for the; Clements, ta paytnjr a brief viatt to the city, having arrived from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the jPirnce John this morning. He will ! return to Port Clements on the Prince Charles Friday night Announcements L.O.BA ruary 14. bring and dance. Feb- Cambral Annual Valentine Dance February 14. Mrs Manet Kceital Pebrnary22 ' Baptist Welsh Teg. Mfeh 1. Eastern Star Dane, Hilar Home, March 1. ! Philharmonic Society concert tPresbyteitan CUWph, Ureh 5 and G, 8:13 poo. Ptoneert nanqtret Monday. March 11. rrosiiyterian Marc: T St. Patrick To St. Patriek'i supper and concert, March 18. i Presbyterian Church Choir Con 'cert. April 5. Moose Hall Valentine Dance Friday, February 15 Admission Hoc, 25c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor ."A HOME AWAY HOME HOME" Rates S1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2il P.O. Box 196 TH DAILT'lflWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Rex Huwiinr Club Friday from 1 p.iu. u 4 p.m for I.idfct only. I Roses from Layrit Nurseries 25c each. Order carry. Ptione V. Edg- i etrmbe. Blue 637. , Be warn and eomXdftable by rid-t ;' inn in X Taxi- It eoata the some. L. O. B. A. bridge ana aance to-, tf J morrow, Oddfellows. -Hall. Admis- tion, 25c. a law aft U N a day. plu 7c. a I Oapt. A. M'. Martlnusen returned mile. ! to-the city on the- Catala Monday from a business trio-to Vancouver O W. Crippt, provincial aateasor.fana bcaiue. H'turtiri ta tfa rl ran ttUt Prince i - ri. ttt mflrnimr tram a week'i i Canadian: Legion British Emptr ri- t- .. . h.i. Service League, monthly meeting I tiomgni. o pjn.; oiumrw a H-i"-. Debate by High School students. W. P. Hall of the Railway Mall Service has returned to the city from Victoria where he was called on account of the serious illness of his mother. Robert M Stwart. president of Miu Dorl5 Robinson R. N. of the the Dunwell mine ana one oi me p . Rmoson General HosDltal prominent pioneer residents of the week rta(f af ter spending a roriiana t-anai camp, is a pm-wi- at her at Xerrace, has re- ger aboard tne Prince oeorge loaay tumed Port Simpson. returning to Btewan aiier a vwi , in Vlr'uirla. Mrs. J. M. Carter and daughter. Peggy, of Balmoral arrived in the rnrH-i-Vi Tivr" 126 D. Cavalier arrived iu the city on Government TeletraDhs at Port 1 the Catala yesterday afternoon from Anyox for a visit nere witn relatives. F. Buckle, field engineer for the Granby Co., is a passenger aboard the Prince George, today returning to Anyox after a trip to Vancouver. Carl Klrmis, weU'knou-n general merchant and hotel proprietor of New Massett, Is paying a brief business visit to the city, having arrived from the Islands on the ss Prince John this morning. John Dunn, sdn of Dr. and Mrs, J. C. Dunn of Massett; Is paying a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John this morning. Merely routine business was taken up at a meeting of the local Nord kapp Lodge Monday night. Presi dent J. Jorgensen was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. William Dey, official of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd. from Vancou ver, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this morning on a visit to the company'; business in this city and district Club objective an1 constitutional matters were among the items taken up today at a business luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Pre jsldent S. J. Jabour was In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Clarence Martin of New Massett. who has been on a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, ar rived in the city on the Prince George this morning and will sail by the Prince Charles Friday night !on his return to the Queen Char lotte Islands; Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Head returned to the city on the Prince John this morning from Dead Tree Point. Queen Charlotte Islands, where Mr. Head, a member of the Dlgby Island wireless station staff, has been relieving for C. A. Moses, op erator in charge at Dead Tree, who has been on his annual vacation. Provincial Constable G. C. Sharpe WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE WITHOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morninr Rttur" to- Go fl faal aowr ( . ad tie. world baaa vuck, daa'l wall a lot ef aelu, mitf oral WtMT, Mi. IBUHI er cavwini Bw ae4 oieact theae I jm aWrt ut baeyeat m rou er mhiu For tkr tu'l de It. They ealy eaaew bewela aed but leiaeat doeie'r e e tee eaeee. TW rM4M far year m u feelief U yeur Uer. it Mould pour (mmbL el liquid n lU jir beaele daily. II tale bu I M seenae; Iraeijr, your ln'l difaat. It Jut decay, la tee-Wela, Cu Uhu us yew eteeeaca. You eee a tkitk, Uite iu rr wm kia efUe. areata est ta blembej. Tea need aceeaeadye I aeww eae ""- IW"""" y.taej la I It tee taeee-feed, IS CART a- IJTTLl LITER FILLS ta ftt that r. pona ol btfa-flawiar try "' 1" Url 'aa aa4 ." Tkar eeaUU waaaarML karaaVaw. raakW TaaaUbU Urt. aaManc. rta it aaaaavaa aaicing uta na iw iiMf. Bat dWt aak tar Drar pills. Alt for Cart!' MM Uim nila. Isk far tka una UMlara UtUi Uvar TO oa tka r4 lakal. lUaaat a aakatitata,Zat4niiWtai. OIWI C H.C. Stewart to with relatives at th latter point. Rev. Arthur Barner of Toronto, superintendent of Indian missions for the United Church of Canada, who has been on a trip to various villages down the coast in the city by the Catala Monday on their course 0f his annual western tour, way back to the Skeena River after arrived in the city oa the Prince a trip to Vancouver George this mornlne from Ocean 10501133503 Relieved Mn. E4wrl Jim baby hJ two taclh when leaa than Out month old. h writa: "He baa 1 uow kiwi I can truthfully tay tht priii him Baby'i Own Tab-llf while cutting fcU trrlh krpt him fit aixi well". Trathins i a rtatlra tevariah time lor babiat but the little one ran always ba anulhaU and the favar radurad by fivin ewaat, a Babj'i Own TkWrt. Vrry eay to tat, do aitrr tflacta. I'riceZSceTarjrwbara. 'alls. Want Ads OPPORTUNITIES WIATIOX NEEDS TRAINED MEN MR. SMITH, VocaUonal Advisor of. Columbia School of Aeronautics, will be In Prince Rupert for a few days for the purpose of selecting men to train for positions in the aircraft Industry. Those desirous of obtaining particulars of tuition, qualifications, etc.. will be granted a, personal interview. Reply stat ing age, education, occupation and telephone o. to Box 232 Daily News. PERSONAL MEN! Buy your anltary Sup plies direct and save 75. Stan dard Lines. Send $1.00 for 15 assorted, imperial Importers, 21 1 Lumberman's Bldg. 509- Richard' Street. Vancouver. B.C." tt FOR RENT LARGE Front room to rent, fur nished to suit Phone 552. (37) FOR RENT Three room snaciU kitchen stove, aed. table and chairs. Call 13 or 180. (tf) FOR SALE CHEVROLET Truck for salt at give away nrlce. Phone Red 6Q6. (37) FRESH Flounders and Sole foi salr on Helen II- Cow Bay. t. FOR SALE to the highest bidder. East United Gymnasium. Apply C. D. Clarke. 3? PAINTERS PAINTINO ano Paperhanglni Moller. Phone Red 802- IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA tir THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF I JTJLIUa BENJAMIN MILLER, UK- take NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor. W E. FlhT the 39th day off January. AJJ. 193S. I waa appointed I Executrix oi the estat of Jullu Ben- tamln Mmer. decea,sett and all parties! havlnsr cuuma affauist me wui r. herehv raaulrad to turnKh aam nroDerlv yertfled. to me on or t)rf6rel th 11th day of March. AJX 1B35, aiui all nartlea lndooted to th estate I ara ranutred to Day ine aroouji- -i'" I imtemednese to me ronowim. LIBBT MILLER, Xxecutrlx, I e-o Metwrs. Patnvore-'ft Pulton. I Frtnce Rupert. BC Dated the 8th day of February, 1935. TlMttKK St.E Xi:6W Sealed tendert wlU be received b, th. Mintater of Landa not later than I niMtu on tha 18th daT ol reoruaxr. WD, of Queen Charlotte City arrived In .for the purctuw of ucwe xnraa. to Via Mtv n tha. Prtnca .Inhn th Ctlt 683,000 Jeet of C"ctar polea and pU- mornlng from the Islands, having in his custody Robert Ritchie, who has . been sentenced for four months' imprisonment for breaking and entering Robert Sharffe's store at Skideg&te. I ntr fan BT BfWft which eovera norUona ol 1m anat 1458. 11 mllea bT road I north of Kltwanga, Caealar Land Dls-J t rrt I rive yrars will be allowed for reniOTUI nf timber. I Further partlculari of the Chlf For- Mter, Vlctta-la. BC or Dlittlct Foiesteil rrinaa Rupert, B.C. SUCCESS FOR LMLUAL I'AHTY AT GENERAL ELECTION' (Continued Mom page one) the hands of the few where its was to- be found' today. He urged heavy : income tax on those of great wealth. Such wealth, should be taken from those who ditf not need rt antfirsetf in creating public works. The Great Conversion Mr. Patmore spa kef at Premise Bennett's great conversion. As a matter of fact everything he advo cated today was contained in the Liberal platform of 1932. Thei speaker reminded the meeting of the essential difference between ; Conservative and Liberal policy. Mr. I Bennett stood for high protection and the Liberals for low tariff. Lib- erals believed that Mr. Bennett had been stifling trade by high tariffs, Mr. Mackenzie King believed In encouraging- foreign trade by lowering tariffs, and. by this means get- ttnir tha Panartian TUrmlp hnrk in Mrs. J. Comer and child: came I .ork acam. premier Bennett talked south on the Catala yesterday fromrtuch of soaileA Brltish pre. ron Bimpson m '""-.ferentlal tariffs. Before they had been given, however, the tariffs had been run. up to the highest levels in history and then small amounts cut oft and it was called preference The I British textile makers would tell j that they had no chance in the Ca-1 nadlan market. There should be fair S olay and give and take In this mat- j ter of tariff but the fafct was that the preferences were all one-eided. rt was essential that the tariff walls e pulled down. Canada, Mr. Pat-nre declared, was losing out in the rrain markets through Bennett's :ambling with wheat. There was no necessity for Mackenzie King to :punciate Liberal policy, the plat- 'orm of the party having been al-eady adequately enunciated. The Liberals were in favor of immediate ictlon in the way of relief for the oeople and getting men to work. Canada was equipped to produce natural products and this should be Buy Everything. Sells Every thuig t'i'A ... - MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Usee? Fawcet new H.e buck. aUrwi. Speci.il '4. Range, with Splendid con- $37.50 Phone 7J5 Third Ave. Prince Rupert II. J. ZUMKEIIR Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates issued with 'each chimney cleaned.- Call or Telephone Thompson Hardware . Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economica); l rtTii crtntrTrb' "''at prrnnn will show complete record of. all repairs made and all parts ? rpnlared. A conv of this record A rptnrmM with all sets serviced $, by- RADIO-ELECTRIC -ji Phone Bine 320 C. L. D. L. FUNERAL m i i Under the auspices of the.Cana dian Labor Defence League, theSf ncouraged. Bennett had done his ; neral took place this afternoon f$ar blasting" of the world's market. J the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers Vow it was up to the Liberals to to Fairview uemewry oi me lick up the pieces. For Olof Hanson John Johnson. 53-year oia rmnisnjj Mr. Patmore predicted an even i oont miner. no pm:u a, treater victory at the next election first of the week at tne prince kim ban In the last 1 pert Genera! Hospital. j D. EL IO FURNITURE DEALER Exchanging; and Auctioneer. Corner Third Ave & First St. Phone Green 421 USED FURNITURE Ranges, Heaters, Beds, Dining Room Tables with 6 Chairs,, eUti A DOLLAR'S WORTH STILL BUYING GOV 1 4- Clip thli coupon and rniil it with J 1 for i tit wetVi trial tuhcriftUn to- THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Putllshad by Twi Chistuu Serene Priuimst BocirrT , Boston, MaKaehnertta, 0. S. A. , , tm ia ma vQl find tha dally rood tli world from Hi too ipatlal wrtttTa, . at tba suixtal aad tha other teatarn. ; ' Tm Chimtui SOTwri Mowitoi. Back Bay StaUon, Boston. ' rSS3 1 naU weU- triU iieMon. X enelMt en. dollar till. ; 4.-.' tf IMamo. pleat prat) ; . . " ,-( L V ' ' i . ' - tAddrrn) - ' , , ' ; : . . . tTOWB) ' I ..........A......ta.iaaaatta fc.aJTy. - -Tp: ? How To Keep Colds -3$j t UNDERCONTROft To Build Bwtlitance to ColdjSFollow the rules of health tbsttJ, are prtof the clinically tested Vicks Plan for Better Control ...ft Qt.ColdtatVht Planisiully exptaitu-d in each Vkka pJti.' Ii your paper does not arrive, telephone Utt offlr; fi ti. v 1