1 .... 7tWi PAOB ronx THE DAILT NEWS COAL PRICES! Owing to the advance in freight on coal by the steamship companies amounting to 50 cents a ton it is necessary for us to advance our rates on Island coal. , After May 15 Our Prices Will Be: Nanaimo Lump Sacked & delivered, per ton $14.00 Nanaimo Nut Sacked & delivered, per ton . $12.50 Mine Hun Sacked and delivered, per ton $12.75 Loose Lump, delivered, per ton $12.75 Loose Nut, delivered, per ton $11.50 Loose Mine Run, delivered, per ton $11.50 ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. 116 Phones 117 WE KEEP OUR . PRICES IN LINE Our Leader is Quality and Service ! LIDBVS PUMPKIN-2V3 25c I 2 tins LIBBY'S SAUER KRAliT 15c 2's, per tin PRUNES Good size 9c per lb PUREX TOILET TISSUE 25c 700 sheets to roll.3rolls QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT yivfc. ... HEINZ SOUPS Large 15c per tin BLUE RIBBON TEA Hit. per lb BLUE RIBBON BAKING Q1 1 ft POWDER. 5-lb tin SUN-MAID RAISINS OvC 2 lbs. READY-CUT MACARONI 22C 3 lbs WHITE SPRING SALMON 11c l's, per tin EMPRESS PURE JAMS 59c All .varieties, 4-lb tin We have everything you want We Deliver MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STOREj "Where Dollars Have More Cenu"i P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 j MACKENZIE FURNITURE 200 Window Shades, 36x72; Color green and 80c cream, eaih Mail Orders Forwarded Promptly Phone 775 Third Ave. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold WaVer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the hest and most economical. OUIt SERVICE RECORD will show complete rccoM ol all repairs made and all parts replaced, A copy of this record returncd'with all sets serviced by- SUPEK10K RADIO-ELECTRIC rtione Blue 320 I iBltirilllllirilHirHIliBIBSB j Mother's Day Tea ' And Sale is Held Affair Downtown Saturday Afternoon by United Church Ladies' Aid The Mother's Dav tea held under the auspices of the United Church Ladies' Aid downtown Saturdav afternoon met with much favor, Manv mothers and daughters call- ed and spent a social hour over a friendly cud of tea Mrs. Clavrtne. president of the Ladies' Aid. and Mrs. C. D. Clarke received and welcomed the guests. Mrs. N. Thomas and Mrs. J. 8. Irvine were in charge of the afternoon tea while servlteurs were Mrs. n nirrnnp anH th Miv. j Green. Marv Davev. Ethel Cousins and Thelma Davis. In phare nf th home rnnHncr u-rrp Mr. p m n, vis and Mrs. Hueh Killln and Mrs. n ntcrhm. in ,h9n. r tk. fancv work. Mrs M MrOrpcnr was responsible for the posters. Mrs. James Krikevsky was rashler. COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothv Hay. Wheat. Oaj and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 The Letter Box HOSPITAL INSURANCE Editor, Daily News: j The board of directors of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Is prepared to Introduce a system of hospital Insurance providing a sufficient number of subscribers signify their intention of taking up contracts. Briefly, the scheme offers hospl-tllization in the public wards of the hospital to a man and his dependent children up to 18 years of age who are residing with the sub scriber. The fees are $12 per annum for single men and $15 for married persons. Full parUculars are attached to the lists at the following places: Ormes, Fraser & Payne. C. N. R. offices and shops, Lipsett. Ltd.. F. E. Hunt Ltd, Dry Dock. Cold Stor- iage, Seal Cove Post Office. Johnson's Grocery, Q Si S Grocery. City Hall, Pacific Stevedoring Co. S. D. MACDONALD. Chairman of Board. Till: MARKETING ACT Editor. Dally News: In view of the prevailing con- troversy In regard to the respective powers 01 me icaerai ana pruvui clal parliaments which has arisen out of the passage of the Marketing Act and tne Unemployment Act and the proposals of Mr. Bennett to pass other leglslatUn, lmple menttng the promises made In his broadcasting program last January, a decision by the Court of Appeal of the Province of Sajkat- chewan in the case of Rex vs. Zas- lavsicy, nanaea qown on April i "'u be ot &T& interest This eae was a prosecution for violation of the Dominion Llve- stock and Livestock Products Act. The accused was charged with purchasing three cases of Sraded egg8 contrary to the pro visions ot the Act. The decision ot i the Court was rendered by Chief' Justice Haultaln, formerly Conservative Premier of the Northwest Terlrtories and later leader of the Conservative Opposition In Saskatchewan. The Court held that Insofar as the Act purported to con trol and regulate the sale and pur-; chase of eggs with in a province, I the Act was ultra vires. The Marketing Act. which was: passed in 1934 by the Dominion. Parliament, embodies the provl-j sions of the Livestock Act and the Chief Justice largely bases his de-' clslon In the above case on the Icltride Stieet 'hone 311 Suite For Snap I Kitchen Aids that every home should have. KITCHEN GARBAGE CANS Neat and sanitary. Saves needless trips to the outs'de garbage can. Operates with foot lever. Finished In ivory. Each $1.35 and $1.60 PYREX WARE The ideal utensil tor oven baking. We carry all the most popular Items. ROUND CASSEROLES with lid. Each $1.25, $1.50 k $1.75 Pie Plates, each C5c & 75c. Individual Custard Cups, each 10c GORDON'S HARDWARE zaBjrBiam:! ELECTRIC RANGE FOR SNAP Dining Room And we sell linoleum rugs at low prices D. EL10 Green 421 Furniture Exchange "TILLIE THE TOILER" "TROUBLED WITH CONSTIPATION' FOR PAST25YEARS" Then All-Bran Brought .Welcome Relief Read this voluntary letter from Mr. Lecour: "I have been troubled with constipation for the past 25 years. I tried practically every cathartic without results. "Recently. I determined to give Kellogg' All-I! RAN a fair trial. Kelloez's Aix-Uran has not only helped me. but I believe it Is an actual relief for chronic constipa-tion. Mr. Henry E. Lecour. Address upon request. Due to intufficitnt -bulk" t meals. Kellogg's AliBban provides 'bulk" to aid elimination. It also ; furnishes vitamin B and iron. I The "bulk" in AlX-BlUN U gentle and safe for normal individuals. t Often more effective than "bulk" in f roitt and vegetables, at It does not break down within the body. Isnt this natural food plaanter than patent medicines? Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily. Chronic cases, with each meal. If not relieved, see your doctor. Cet the red-atvd-green package at your your grocer grocer's. a. Made Maae by oy Kellogg ive in London, Ontario. Keep on the Sunny Sid of Lift oolnt taken by Mr. LaPolnte dur ing the debate on the Marketing ApL viz. that the Act was slmDlv an attempt to give Jurisdiction to the Dominion Parliament Indirect- ly which It does not posse. If Mr. LaPolnte s constitutional objections to the unemployment Iloyal Mr. and Mrs. F. La Bridle, Oona River; B. Mitchell. Prince Otorge. Chester Clapp. Long Beach, Cat: Mr v Grant. Balmoral; W. J. Emoey. Edmonton; R. E. Gallic Toronto; A. Bourgeois, ON..R.; Mr and Mrs. P. C. Arnold, Pacific; Jamea McGregor. Claxton; Gu FolleU and II. CbrtotlnAn. Sat tie; Ingebrtght AunU, New Westminster. Prince Rupert V. A. Rollins. J. J. Brown. J. O Cochrane. W. G. Metcalfe and M McArdle. Vancouver; II. McDonald Nanaimo: George P. McColl, Port Simpson; Beatrice Haan. Manett W. O. Mitchell. Oceanic: D. CM chley, Inverness; C. E. Salter. Hays port; D. ShtWrlck. Terrace; Mrs C. Raven, Lakelae; Mr. and Mrs m. LunU Toronto: J. P. El Joy Iain Morrison and J. Hill. Claxton Central M. Kassum. Oenrge Selk. Mrs . ....... r. uvnr, .kt v. Mrs. P. Hanson. C. H. Johnson, A Johnson. It Wtek, Mrs. J. Man and Mlr E. Marr. Prince nupert J. Hadlsnd, Oona River; T. Ander -on. CNJl.: Mr. and Mrs. B. Ul ricksen. Chicago; J. Jones, Saska toon; Henry Held. Port Basing ton M. Oesnm and M. Canton, city Earl Aadte. Terrace-; E. Pragnetl llaysport. Savoy Mrs. I). Main. Porter Island; C. Leonard. Kwtnttaa; J. S. John Prince Ocon: J D. II. Slew art Prince Rupert; Mrs. Monks. Vancouver; nn jopp. uemo. Knox j. j. UHlna. John Lyiwne. John Rondahl. Martin Linden. Gunnar Log. Floyd Brown and Dan Hotf. tensen. Seattle; Ell Simpson. Rosu Harbor. Act are as well taken as tney were elty; N. MacPhlee. Brandon: P. H. In thU case, the country may re- Cawley. CNJl.; George Robertson gret that the government did not and W. Riley. Vancouver; N. 81a-adopt hi suggestion and have the ter. Winnipeg; M. L. Clark. George Act referred to the Supreme Court town: BUI Trltes. ShaKjajJinv C for a decision on Its constitution- Unds. Ole Lunberg and C. Chris ality. LEX. Steamship Sailings Cor Vanconvei Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs--ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn Ss. Cardena midnight May 6 ss. P. Norah 5 pjn. May 14, 2n&. Pr. Louise 5 pjn. tom Vancouver-Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pin Ss. Cardena pjn. May 2 ss. P. Norah a.m. May 10, 20 as. Pr. Louise ... a.m. For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss, Catala 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Anjox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thursday ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. ror Naas River and Fort Simpson-Sunday sa. Catala 8 pjn. rom Naas River & Fort 8lrapon Tuesdayss Catala 11:30 a.m. 'or Queen Charlotte Islands- May 10 and 24 ss. P. John 10 pjn. rom Queen Charlotte Islands-May 8 and 22 ss. Pr. John a.m. or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn. Friday s. Prln. Adelaide 10 pjn rrum Ocean Fall Wednesday ss. V. Rupert 10 ajn. Friday ss. Frin. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena - p.m. For Alaska-May 2 ss. P Norah a.m. May 10, 20 ss. P. Louise .... a.m. From Alaska-May 6 ss. P. Norah p.m May 14, 24 ss. P. Louise p.m From Skeena River Friday ss. Cardena p.m. He's Hotel Arrivals Every REAT PLAY IS OFFERED Lives of a Itengal Lancer," At Capitol, Outstanding Screen Production Featuring Gary Cooper, Franchot Tone, Richard Cromwell and Sir Ouy Standing In the principal role, The Lives of a Bengal Lancer," a stirring, colorful and action- crammed story of the exploit and adventures of England's colonial soldiers In India, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The story tells how the extra ordinary bravery, discipline and skill ot a mere handful ot English soldiers enables them to hold sway over the teeming millions of India Cooper Is a captain of the Bengal Lancers, commanded by Sir Ouy Standing, when Sir Guy's son. played by Richard Cromwell, ar rives as a raw recruit. Cooper and Tone, also an officer of the regiment, take over the training of the lad who becomes Involved with a beautiful girl and la kidnapped by i hostile native leader who hopes that the father will follow him and .hus lead the Lancers to disaster hooper and Tone are caught when they attempt to free Cromwell who inder torture, disclose the whereabout of a tremendous cargo ot ammunition. Capturing the ammu nition, the native leader prepares to lead a revolution against the British. The situation Is saved and the annihilation of the Lancers averted by a daring single-handed manoeuvre by Cooper Heading the supporting cast are Monte Blue, Douglas DumbrlUe Kathleen Burke and C. Aubrey flmlth. More than four thousand )ersona are Included In the cast Try a Dally News classified ad. Horn Requires a Singer Sewing Machine Not a luxury hut a necessity in every thrifty home. Pays for itself in the many economies effected every day in the year. A New Singer may be had as low as $50.00 And 2 Years to Pay Pays for itself in less time. Less than rental and lasts for a generation. No home investment hrings such multiple returns. Call Phone 6 and have a free demonstration. Right in Line Monday,, Tonight. :"lht, Tuh Turv LyT i. . Special J-bay siwrtnT" with - MATINEE WednrMliy, t t THE Ilir.OEST StXSATIol SINCE "CAVALCADE" GARY COOPER as Copf. McGregor Starching lor odtntu ond romoncs in myiti; Indl . finding both! FRANCHOT TONE at It. Forsythe Conltmplvowl of o!l thinjj ...evtrt love and dto'hl RICHARD CROMWELL as If. Stone Untried, h Uorni ht meaning of loyalty is tht lat of batrUI Adolph Zukor preisMi liVES OF A BENGAL LANCER A ferpmnr Hum SIR GUY STANDING as Col. Stone ' He ttucV to hltpoitlhovg it mtonl tht dsath of to owntpnl. j (At 7 20 & ft ' Also News and Cartoon Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy itr ' Anyox Heavy nun 1 4(1 Stewart Baininu. 1 ' 1 4 Haielton Cloudy 1 ":1 43'.( Smithew Clomiy. " . llurns Lake-Cloudy .Ur By Westnver i i .fawfe i '