I ..The Family Shoe Store Ltd. I 1 OUR ANNUAL I CLEARANCE SALE ! DAILY EDITION Offers You Super Savings g HERE you will find REAL VALUES in Shoes with highest possible QUALITY consistant with LOW RICES SPECIAL --WOMEN'S SHOES Brown T strap, cut out vamps leather cuban heels. AH sizes Regular 3.95. Sale price $245 get in wear and comfort. Quality counts. Your insnection invited M I i THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managlng-Edtor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lewr periods, paid In advance, per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the BrlUsh Empire and United Btates, paid In advance. per year- " By mall to all other countries, per year , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Incn, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion "" 1 Local readers, per Insertion, per Ime .. $5.0-1 SIM 9.00 1.10 ss: -2f Friday, August 30, 1935 , SEARCHING FOR GENIUS t it walraTThe'!e'nTd" of August in the year 1CC0 that the uuun-o ui me puct luuiuii were puDiiciy Durneu ny the common hangman in London. Those were the days when church and state united to crush out error lest it corrupt the world. In their laudable efforts they crushd out almost al genius for what was cleverer than themsleves must of necessity be evil. Today we are looking: for irenius. searching ail tiip far 10 me public taste or to witness their gyrations on the stage or in pictures. If we cannot get instruction w are determined at anyrate to get amusment. We no longer advertise a poet by burning his books in public, but we advertise all our freaks and nit-wits in other ways. If man has genius, even if it is onlv enough genius to enable him to make a fool of himself, he can win the applause and sometimes the admiration of the multitude. OPINION IN THE EAST 1 i as SI THE PALM COFFEE SHOPPE 1 y Offers You WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine g Call around and let us prove it i Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT &iiai;imsi!Wi!!asim Pretty Wedding At Usk Recently Miss Ivy Alter Becomes Bride Of Richard Leslie Brask Will Reside At Surf Point USK, August 30: At the home of parents of the bride the marriage of Iva Emma Roblna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. San Alger, and Richard Leslie Brask. was solemnized by Rev Adam Crisp recenUy. For her wedding the brid? choose a gown of white silk crep. trimmed with white fur with a white hat and accessories to match, and carried a bouquet of roses. The bride was given in marriage by hr father and the ceremony was followed by a buffet wedding breakfast. Durini; th" refreshment perioJ Rev. Adam Crisp, in a very happy speech, proposed the toast to the bride, and this was responded to by the groom. Later in the day the happy couple left for a short honeymoon trip to Jasper. The bride's travelling costume was a blue tweed ensemble with gray hat and shoes and accessories to match. On th conclusion of the honeymoon they will proceed to Porcher Island where they will reside at Surf Point. District News q. c. ISLANDS Dr. A. L. Pritchard of Nanaimo Biological Station1 arrived on the Prince Charles this week at Port Clements, being on his way to Mc- Clinton Creek in connection with! research operations regarding the J movement of pink salmon. J. Oarcln, manager of Rose Harbor whaling station, returned to the Islands on the Prince Charles this week after a trip to Victoria on buslnesJIe was accompanied oy nis son.'.K Messrs. Demer and Yarborough arrived at Queen Charlotte City this week from Vancouver. One will teach school at Queen Char lotte and the other at Skid-gate. Mitchell Newman a"nd Jack Glllatt are not returning to the Inlet this term, the former taking corners of the earth and sometimes mistaking eccentricity 'a schot)1 at HaKlton wnile the for geniusVVare ready to worship at the shriho of any-jlatsr ls at vlctorla-thing whether in politics religion, morals pay! or dress. We Mrs. Emii Palmer' and two chii-consuierable sums to read of the antics of those who cater idren came from sedgewick Bay to Queen Charlotte on the present rip of the Prince Charles, being on their way to Hell for a holiday. Mrs. Elmer Palmer and child are already at Tlell. NEW HAZELTON Relief Inspectors for the govern- jment have been visiting this dis trict recently. o c it , v . l mosi oi me inruans irom mis r. pome of the .people in Eastern Canada , arelooking uponldistrict are home from the skeena Mayor Gerry McGeer as one of the political saviours of'Rlver canneries where they spent i wciii uay. ntj is coupieu wiin rremier Hepburn oi-Ontario as an outstanding man and is ranked also with the leader of the young Liberal movement in Quebec, Paul Gouin. x Evidently the people of Ontario trusted -Hepburn and the people of Quebec seem to be rallying behind Gouin. Many British Columbia people are now wondering if the eastern estimate of our own Gerry is correct and will be really cut a wide swath among the hayseeds of Ottawa. Evidently there is a war in progress "between the men who have in the past controlled the finances of the country and tha younger men who are grouping themselves together, intent on changing it. It must be remembered that Premier Pattullo was one of the first of Canada's leading public men to declare in favor of socialized credit or using the credit of the country in the financing of hip- undertak- infto. uirti a wny n is so msiiKeci Dy tne money powers represented by one of the Vancouver newspapers. We Buy For Less RUPERT Third Avenue, THE LTD. SWAGGER jthe summer season. Most of them Pofitf1if I olIac, ipnn dissatisfaction with their VlilUVU littUlCO earnings. . Corp. Masorw-Rooke, R.C.M.P. at Hazelton has gone. to. Prince Rup- ert to relieve Corp. Clarke while he ls away taking a course of training at Regina. J. C. K.Sealy of'smlthers spent the week-end in this district, returning home on Monday. George Ironsides of Vancouver is In Hazelton during the past week and purchased from James McRae the piece of property here Stephenson Si Crumm had their offices in the early days. A long spell of rainy weather nded at the first of this week md there has been bright warm sunshine by day with cool nights ilnce. CJi.R. TRAINS For the East ' Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. Prom the East Mondays, Saturdays 2:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays ..10:20 p.m. J' lJ n any other lj WKKMmjjjiM Tea and Sale Is Succssful Event The Ladies of Annunciation Church held a successful tea and means W e Sell For Less JUST ARRIVED A Lovely Lot of Fall and Winter Come in and Examine and Compare with Catalogue Prices Merchandise Satisfactory or Money Refunded THE RUPERT PEOLPES STORE LTD. -. .u.itoou at '.he home of Mrs. M. urui and Miss Margar ItoCi!- a uur.iaaK, jrsi Avenue, weather :.-ry. Mrs Arthur Murra; aad Mn. I co.iuii.ons wore ideal for the event ....-gen wero in charge -f toe lit- auu luuy wuin raura aunng'inr Cirefl. "Mrt. Frank" St Am -4 r;i:3rnoon. Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson, cashier. Mrs. Arthur Snj as: president of the organizaUon, and Mxs Joseph Oaron A uuivim receivea me cauers. tne fame cooking table - - "o. . air& j R Eiiert was ,sa Tfcael . Fltt'nck poured and ser- a th? raIrle 0j a Ub;, ur- w" Mr. Louis Amadlo, v; i p nr,tf rvl sale of home cooking yesterday M A. S. Lewis. Miss Blanche , a; erole . personal loss to you! It destroys your forest wealth . . . ruins the mutchless beauty of your $ccnic highways ... it kills Ki game and fish. Protect this great natural heritage of British Columbia !. . , be careful with fire in the woods. Be sure your match, cigarette or fire is dead before you leave it.