IS. .piai roua nM daily 'SPORT Masonic Bowling Event tomorrow Special Rink Matches to Br PUyrd Tomorrow fn Connection With Visit of Grand Matter In connection with the visit to the city this week-end of George C. Derby of Vancouver, Grand Mas- St. Louis . ter of the Masonic Grand Lodge of BritLsh Columbia, who is a lawn bowling enthusiast, a special rink match has been arranged for tomorrow afternoon at the Canadian National Recreation Association greens when two rinks of Past Masters, one skipped by Mr. Derby, will play against rinks of Masons. The rinks will be comprised as followsr Past Masters A. Ri Nichols, F. S. Walton, J. J. Little; Frank bibb and G. 'CL, Derby (skip). Masons - Louis ' Arroll, W. L. Coates, Louis Arroll, -W. II. Wilson-Murray and;D. Q. Borland (skip). Past Marters- W. D. Vance, R. E. Benson, G. A. Woodland, II. W. Birch and G. P. Tinker (skip). Masons Donald Crerar; William Millar, R. 6. McAuloy. R. M. Wins- low, Thomas McMeekin and Angus MacDonald (skip). LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. A; Dowther returned to the cjty on the Prince George this i morning from a badness trip to Vancouver ,and elsewhere In the south. ;. v' . Mrs. L. W. Patmbre' and two daughters, who have, been spending the summerat Victoria Beach near Winlpeg, returned hoine; on the ss. Prince George this morning. Miss S; A. Mills, principal of Bor Baseball Standing i American League W. L. Detroit 8(J 43 New York - 70 52 Cleveland 64 58 Chicago 62 59 Boston ..." RS 61. Philadelphia 68 Washington 50 V- 73' 48 . 74 National I.ragWe w: L. St. Louis 70 New York 15 47 Chicago .v 77 50 Pittsburg 72- 55 Brooklyn 56. 68 Philadelphia 53 70 Cincinnati 54 , 72 Boston : .:: " ;43. 69 Pet .650 574 525 .".512 .508 A2& .407 .393 Baseball Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE , Chicago 8; Boston '2:' Brooklyn 5; New Yor 7. St. Louis 1; Pittsburg. 5 American League Bostoii S; Philadelphia 2. , Detroit 13; St. Louis 3. To Try Again For Cup CAPT. AND MRS. T O. M. SOHVITII .PORTSMOUTH, England, August 30 (Canadbn Pfess) T. .0. M Sopwith hais decided to build a inwihal-lehger for tie America's Cup to be knowri-'as the Endeavour li. It is expected it will be ready to' launch in May of next year, (picture shows Capt. and Mrs;;Bop with at the helm of Endeavor I. which nearly 'lifted cup last year.) Pet .628 .615 .S04 .567 .452 .431 .429 .270 den Street School, returned to th(, city on the Prince Giorge th morning from Vlctrfw,erexsW; spent the summer, vacation. , ' v Miss E. A.; principal ol Booth Memorial School.' returned tc the city on the Flrlnce : George thli morning after., after having spent the summer vacation In Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thrupp and family, who have been: on a vaca Hon trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the ss Prince George this morning. government ! or JSiitish' Ciluiibia.; I f 'ng the cup. The remaining ladles o play are Miss Ralphena Wrlnch, trs. Anderson and Mrs. Turnbull, II others having been eliminated luring the past two'weeks. There lave been many surprises during he tournament and keen Interest as shown by all members. L, iinMiiitrinMiiniMMtii!junntiiTinfMiiiiinnHiiiiiMivLKJ Silver Fin j ; Makes the worlds DtST GIN FIZZ Try This Popular GIN FIZZ Rcip Juict of rttU.-f lemon, one binpoonfol of sijgar, one service SilverFlzt London Dry Gin. Shale, strain into fizz si" nd fill with typhon. QUALITY THE HIGHESTI CIN I7-5 IZOZ , i 40 OX I ill 1 1 it Cr'aSF S J5 DM !l "ll-''njent is not published or displayed by the Jjquor Control Board or by i Me FLAT 10 Package the TANGO Ribbon, EASY-OPENING DEVICE -for Tlemoving the Cellophane ' : tj ERE: is the new "TURRET "flat ten"- :. I I distinguished' in appcarance. compact and $o convenient t,hat,5you!ll always wantto keep few of-these "flatten'" at home ready to pop lnts"in'evning ba3 of:wiistcoat pocket. v- ?oker Hands, any nUirihers, rv now-accepted is-a, domplete set tmpmiil Telfccs CetnptBjr &U, llmbU SPORT CHAT Ernie Kershaw, fimlthers school teacher and possibly bette? known as a' baseball pitcher. n the Vancouver City League, arrived in the city, on the Prince George this morning after having spent the summer vacation In Vancouver where he hurled thl3 season if or the dome Oil team which ended up at he top of the league and Is now olaylqg In the post-season play- jffs. Ernie will stay over here until next Monday evening and will cap tain and hurl for the Smlthers ball team which will be here for the Labor Day series against the locals, Teams for the Junior ; Footbal' tame on Monday forenoon ir onneciion with Labor Day sportr. vlll be as follows: ' K Borden QuUck, Brown,; Perpich loma, Fitch, Alan Smith, Barton Smith, Currie, D. Houston, Bob Wllllscroft. Spares: Jim Schubert Tudee, Booth Krause, Finley,: Parson; L. Knutson, McKay, Bcherk, Came ron, P;. Knutson, Ritchie', Davie, ilolkestad. Spares; VYlkdal', Chris tan,- Wilding. , . . v ... The finals for .the- Kiyros & 7mlth handicap clip tbp xhen and tfeWHr' Malkirtcup1'' for-adies vlll be played at Hazeltpn next Sunday morning whon Andy Grant Walton Sharpe and W. W. Ander- on will decide between, themselves vho shall have the honor of fll Bert Chappell in (he"fitsf round, i still wondering whefev-Bert leaf-J nea his golf. Allen' Gray, for at while; looked like" a' sure winner' b'utcamrto grief l?.4t,Suhday when ' tie lost nis matcn to Mr. Sharpe, The'lowest gross score for 18 holes j to date Was 84 made by Andy Orarit arid lowest fo'f ladles 117 made by Mrs. Mdlllsoh. LABOR' DAY BO.YXIMO There Is to be sneelal rink bowling at the Canadian KatlonalRalU ways greens on Labor Day afternoon. Rinks 'Will M choseri frdra the players turning out- REGIMENT M wiN5EIl -.'Regimeill drew flift blood In the opening game ol the Stuart Benefit' Shield fodtball seS last night by defeating Canadiari Legiiin 3 to 2. T. W. Hall,, Insppctor 6f Schools'. rettirned to' the cltv .'on the; Prince peorge this- .morning 'after having spent the surrfmer vacation In Vic toria. Mrs.-Hall will hot be returrt- ihg to Prlrxe iRtipert ' ,. ; ' ' Mrs. Alex Mackenzie and atnlly, whd 'have beeh spertdlhg, the Summer vacation lri yahCbuyer, -returned home frdm ihe'sntfthi On the ss. 'jrlnce' Geor. this, mohiidg. r RHEUMATISM' - - - it . Pew. Wllirfl ttf t .vtnft 4uk.Kak Ifim fill ia tha mppij it wrordinc ! Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs ' Fishing,; Boating, iitintfriirv Swlnihilnif Malie arrangement! with SWAIN'S thansfrr Terraee lit. to greet you. We meet all .trains. Picnic parties every fiund&y, 7cV &te adultd, $3.50 each additional -adult, t.50. Hotel. Hot, Springs or anywnere on uie taie , ,UJ I J, And the Turret "flat ten" has the tango ribbon; easy-opening device for removing the Cellophane an ingenious invention that makes a hit with every smoker. Get a "flat ten" package today and see how smart it is! I GROTTO TTISTORY was'madc, , ' ' , T X VT rX iiearly 10 years afe0t I when the S.S. 'IslanderY '. - . .sailed from VictorlttV . AtC 1 : - - - , r i flfytmlA TSUUA lOO Ladies' Fur CkI ! CHfi w ujpnr to the ' ,dr2fl 1 f Hrf5IC M ver, Hudson Seal. Alwb&H ! f. I rcllftalllBrlir M Muskrat, Squirrel, unl FlS. I I'll Slftil tfM I other, to be sold for MM lSUwb ti I ilm ! tne Regu,ar PricfS ot Pi?: . FV mC JM 1 I dutiful Fur coaii - $kr J M X YB 1 Villi ', These Coats were purriiH ; i rPM 7 Jm. f ! for 50c. on the dollar f & tltl i &i llOS&b' L J ' ' WM ' 1 f,rm that rulrod mm lmJiiTh Ifittt' wYlrMJ..i - MBM 1 owing to backwardnnyc! 'VcyPifiiy :- V:1 Come Early and SelcrfB ..- . liK WiS . .. 'anil Cooil hper iinrlii.'" f ' I I. . . .. . tiTMlH m W --n i "onnd ir for .1 the rrii. , you only live once- M W, ilk- gold flclils' i Hp h ' I I 0fU'0YMk- : ThreeTarlVtUl 1 ?rt Morgan fB brewins of the ' rrie one r J world's bent beers. for' -mmmmmmm jm lm ,,carlv a larter of .V - ZZM fH J century before that. , : f ; ! There Is a Difference OnialeatallLtcensfJ' Jilt f I f I im. )1 11 Prove It to yourself. . mjj-f?z t! i...r Haiti I DuncniY PWn I I r 111 iX For the best and I II U Wi 911 Jrm lr evnnnv -s. cATuni MBTwMMn''-1i " ii in ' , Jhis advertisement is not publijhcdO'r-diSpfeyed by the quor" IT. ;pontrol;Boara pr by theviSqveTritjieftt oj British Columlji., ' ju. . ' : :: rV'' MACKENZIE! special FUKNITIW' CIlliSTEKFIlM) Covered In omm"tf(j estry, reverse cushl Pf'nf q-m fklwl -Ave..