One Soldier Killed and Two Injured Today As Italian t Troops nuvanu unuii ivcai iiruucry riru ivs Mussolini's Demonstration Continues nnTV.ANO. Aucust 30 (Canadian Press) ALASKA ttlGHWAY BILL IS SIGNED : "Aohinuton D.C., Aug ''Wte Anthonv nimnnrt nt At. ' a has been notified that " rfPslrinnl t.nn1.ll r r a. TP If. Viqa I I .1 a 1 i. . ... nag OlftllCU MIC ttiaSKU T Highway bill which authorl- Jw construction o the Alaska wvu ot nie roaa. Aiier a conference with ihp PrMWnt. 4 ni . an GAME TO . i i nfior tiipir trnn Japan ts Lashed By Another Terrific Storm Which Injures Thousand And Does Exten- ... sive Damage TOKYO, August 30. (CP): Forty-two persons are dead, scon' were Injured and thousands of homes were Inundated as a result Make-be- of a typhoon which lashed Japan's u . i i i .1 A.. Inrirpst rlflp ftast.rnvln? hrldees Kpvpwasabanaoneu in war uiaiiueuvres tuuay on ine aus-r , "J" liee ouu"uu . ... the Kobe works. it j and harbor uwc was . qq Trnliiin nrtillerv and machine truns noured . inaiuiu"ic " .7 , i iT.V iet worst mi. olilk and bullets over me neaus oi mousanus oi auvani:- missues were sunsuiuieu ior nariu- lneiniamry, infantry. wawj Ueauiy ..w- .......v. ........ link up, with any political group but do all they can to encourage j any western federal constituency where the local committee has PRflVlftjf H Rd toP0 of wlnnln the seatl 1 lJ Till VA-i to place a Social Credit candidate in the field and that they lend Prince Rupert District P.ene fits Con- their support and co-operation to sidcrably From Trapping such candidate as Tar as 11 is Throughout District possible." I it is understood that the Social As a rough estimate the value of Credit Party will place candidates furs taken In the Prince Rupert m most of the seventeen ridings district Is $150,000 a year, out of the in Alberta and there Is a possl-total of $1,000,000 for the whole pro- blllty that it will invade Saskatch-vlnce but only part of the furs are ewan and Manitoba if requested. It ,t.'oto n thP rltv. Others are has been definitely decided that sent direct to Vancouver, to the Social Crdlt will enter a candidate United States, to Eastern Canada ?alnst Premier Bennett In Calgary or to Europe. Most of the royalties West. are paid In Vancouver, hence tnei statistics do not give a true record. T0 BIG MISS0URI of the catches made here. This was the gist of statements made to the ' s, o. Blaylock, general manager Rotary Club by Game Warden 0 the Consolidated Mining miopia. Plans ire being made Martin in an address given at the smelting Co., M. M. O'Brien, to have charcoal used in Italy order to conserve available supplies of other fuels such as coal and oil. gagea n ' lv VICTORIA m .egate uimonrt said there .,.., nf thP traD line. was little likelihood that con- , Turnlng to big game and its value, struction of the Alaska por- the SDeaker mentioned that British ada, TINKER RINK WINS chief luncheon yesterday, Lee Gordon field engineer for the company, and presiding. Capt. Duncan McVlchle of the Bu- Speaklng further of the value of ena ylsta Mining Co. from Tacoma trapping to this district, Oame War- were passengers aboard the Prince den Martin said it nroviaea neaun- oeorge today going inrougn w ful and gainful work at a time gtewart to make an inspection oi when there was little other em- the Big Missouri mine. On the basis nlovment. Fishermen often trapped oi their findings will be determined ... ... . r 1 At 141. Vn during the off season ana lnuiaus future polit y in connection wim mc used It as a winter occupation. In property. addition to that were the proies- -. slonal trappen . who 4ld nothing else, in ine umm u. ... sought IN 4 a NEWSPAPERS . line or taKing m aui-um-n. acted as game wardens and knew . ylQTORlA August 30:-Adver-just about what furhearing animals Usem(mts carried by ihpre were on the line and what to . .,arKanprs ralllne for ap- l expect the follow lng season. They llcaUon, from aviators and for- Dr,nrntrprt to conserve the ., , ,ur. a-nnlf. wcic ciu-o - , , ., mer air seryitc Imals in order to perpetuate tne AbySslnlan air force. Hon of the highway would be Columbia was one of the best areas Percy Taker's rink captured the undertaken untl Canada was 'tn ronnrfa This snort brought many cltv lawn bowling championship by feady Dimond added.however, ! wealthy men to British Columbia defeaUng Angus MacDonald's rink that It was proh.ble a survey !and they spent a good deal of mo- 29 to u iast ntght. Further league ould b- made to determine ney while In the province. The value gnmes are cancelled as they could. -e Dest locaUon for the high- :0f this game resburce was on ine pQt aiter the season's cnampion way within Alaska regardless ! increase because in other parts of shlp m Canadian attitude toward lthe continent they had not been as . I lne Proposal. He thought It '! careful in conserving as in this pro- junior ELKS GO AHEAD --. several months be- vlnce. Since 1905 we TimInr pTiast night took W4Ul can- T.mauc cui. r ptl!lminhin series when tney tnanKea ay ivu. w rt.f.nthv .-wore o 5 to 3. . VICTr4DlA Bereaved But Rich r 7 1 Today's Weather . 3 Today's Tides prince Rupert Figgy, calm; mum High 1:15 a.m. 20.3 barometer, 30.00; temperature, 53: Low 7:38 a.m. 3.4 High 13:40 pjfl. 20.1 smooth, sea Low 19:55 p.m. 5.1 NORTI1ERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER WIX. No. 201- PRINCE RUPERT, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1935. PKICE: 5 CENTS WAR GAMES HAVE BECOME REALISTIC RK.iiMiVj Ti4 JfUMAGfcAS BUUi lib Out EN A KKl VES HI imE ... ihiii ii 1 1.- HI! -V II IS I IIIUII1LLUIIU Utl n Manoeuvres Today On Austrian Frontier MANY DEAD IN TYPHOON . nTTf jr w Pxnlosives by leaders who reasoned that real artillery M A It I Y IS . m , 1I11U Wliltll &UIU1C13 nigut lau "Ui 1 4 f If III Wl TV IMPATIENT Younifr Qttirm Of Ethiopian Army Intin At Delay or Emptnt Halle Selassie ADDIS ABABA, August 30: ithey heard shells o their own guns 'whistling over them. One soldier i realistic war games of Premier Social Credit To Have Candidate' Mussolini tfhen the troops advanced under real artillery fire. Mussolini will complete the manoeuvres, which have been going on for almost a weeK. with a speech to the troops. jomiK-r u nicer a pi 'nr r iniopiHiu r 4 v T TT "VT itsome i the delay of Emperor I f i. s -i Halle Bessie In commencing act-Mi warfare ajalnst Italy. Thers talk of taking the law Into urnr own nanas and launenmg an attack before Premier Musso- ui una lunnsr 5irensu'ci his East A'rica forces. TO MEET BOYCOTT Mmsolinl Ptfpares To Make Italy Stlf-snMalnlna: In Event Of War With Ethiopia ROME. August 30: Premier Benito Mussolini continues to take steps to meet any boycott financial, economic, trade or other- wis, -which may be Imposed upon My in the event of war with In All Alberta Itldincs And May Also Invad Saskatchewan and Manitoba 1 PltnOV AiifTuef in 1f!P.-- The Social Credit Party, ata cau-! jcushert, passed a resolution stat-t , .lng that "we suggest to the Social ! Credit " LeafTue that 'they do not. The picture thows. the fa.aiiy .of h iute Wi'J JT r world-!-' mous cowboy philosopher and h morist who wa ki 'led two weeks ago durir.e an ai- tour of Alaska -vith Wiley Post. They are seen as they left the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel Jn New York to entrain for Los Angeles to attend the funeral. From left to right are: Will Rogers Jr.; Mrs. Rogers, the widow, James Rogers and Mary Rogers. The actor left an estate f $5,000,000 to the widow and $2,500,000 insurance of which Lloyds is'alrtady reported to have aid $2,500,000 in special avaiation policies. Halibut Marketing Destruction Of Being Backed Up Fishing Schooner police VICTORIA, August 30:-The British Columbia government Is now considering the ratifying of the ketchikan. auiusi 3u (uana- The Duke of Gloucester, third son of Kin? George and Queen Mary, who Is to marry Lady Alice Montagu Douglas Scott. Royal Funeral to Take Place in Brussels On Tuesday of Next Week Long Lines of Loyal Subjects Awaited Arrival of Remains and Crowded Into Royal Palace To Offer Their Tribute BRUSSELS, August 30 The body of Queen Astrid arrived here early today and arrangements for the funeral next Tuesday are being completed. Long lines of Belgians awaited the arrival of the special train from Switzerland and thousands entered the Royal Palace to pay lasthom-age. King Leopold left the train before it arrived in Brussels and drove to the Palace to await his Queen's body. Mouthful "Gang" In Police Court Five Boys and Girl Ordered Pun ished hy Parents and Other Restrictions Imposed for Burglary ; Six juveniles, f tve' bbys and'one glrf. appeared beforev Magistral? McClymont In city police court yes- Third Avenue and removing therefrom a considerable quantity of goods. They pleaded guilty and were allowed to go on suspended sentence with the requirement that corporal punishment be administered by the parents in the pre-'sence of police officers, that the I youthful offenders be Indoors by AAALf 11 1Mb 1.4. VJ l.pJI.V every Saturday for two n p months monms and ana that mat they ;ney should snouia not noi OenatOr LOinplete attend Pture shows during that time. The parents were also repri manded ... , , . . . . ' ' ' Ali HI nUO IIIUUV W V4JV ObUlV uv marketing board for the halibut rit.n Prpss)nant Marcus Ness and u nw l tu l 4 ..Korl, ' - tnSin ujr n.i.iuiiis w wic wui aim Vrul 3 Tom Anderson and Oscar 'Brevlg,; through an upper window', keting board Is also conter v related. members of the crew, have been ine iaea oi a aivenocx marireung M here by another schooner board will probably be abandoned following the destruction by fire of the well known American halibut the 'schooner Senator on Tuesday in Mrs. Dan McKinnon, wife of master of the steamer P lnce jHetta Inlet on the west coast. The Charles, and son and dauehter : crew was forced to abandon ship arrived in the city yesterday from alter names naa swept over me .t .u i . - j u u.tnA. rrnff an pvnlnlnn tpnrlnff t h P t lin 5UUUI ttuuatu uic riin.'- , Pishprlpt Charles on which they are .making planking from the vessel after ut-fl!ucnea' the round trip north via the which she sank in rne hundred feet Queen Charlotte Islands. of water. Engagement Announced Halibut Arrivals American Roosevelt, 4,500, fi.90 and 5.50, Pa cific Fisheries. Pierce. 10;000, 6.90 and 5.50, Pact Canadian P. Dorreen, 16,000, 5 and 5, Cold Storage. Johanna, 16,000, 5.60 and 5.30, Pa cific Fisheries. Cape Spencer, 8,000, 5 and 5, Cold Storage. Clipper, 9,000, 5.50 and 5, Atlin Fisheries. North Foreland, 5,000, 5 and 5, Cold Storage. GRAND MASTER HERE ( To pay an official visit to the i local lodges tonight, George C. i Derby. Grand Master of the Mas onic Lodge of British Columbia, arrived In the city on the Prlnca George this morning from Van-i couver and will return south on the same steamer tomorrow eve- ihlng. Mr. Derby Is well known to j ex-service men of this province I as district administrator with headquarters In Vancouver ot the Department of Soldiers' 'Civil Re-establlshment. Mrs. Derby Is accompanying her husband. PLANES AT PR. GEORGE Three Large Aircraft Rested There Last Night Enroute To Alaska PRINCE GEORROE, August 30: Three large American nlanos lariHH Viora of .fl terday on charges xf breaking and yester"d afternoon from Vancou. entering Tom Balllnger's ?tore on)' tu,. ai.,. tlnuing north today via Hazelton. Two of them at least will go as far as Nome. On board one is Al-red Lomen of the Lomen Trading Co. and his niece, Rosemary. Rival Gangsters Believed to Have Killed Hamilton; OSWEGO, August 30: Federal- "G"' Men, who discovered the body of John Hamilton, long sought member of the Dillinfjer gang on Wednesday in a shallow grave In a ravel pit near here, believe he may have been done to death by rival gangmen and hurriedly in- -r erred. Grass was growing over the crude grave and this, together with the condition of .the remains, suggested that it was well over a vear ago since the bandit was killed. Today's Weather Triple Island clear, moderate westerly wind; barometer, 30.10; sea choppy. Langara Island fine and clear, (moderate westerly wind; sea smooth. SIGHTING OF SMOKE RAISES HOPES AGAIN FOR MISSING FLIERS FAIRBANKS, August 30 . Careful search vas being con- centrated yesterday in the Dawson sector following the receipt of a report that four 'smudges had bern sighted on Wednesday which might have been distress signals of the fly- Mr. and Mrs. John Lonz and I lng party of Pilot Arthur Hlnes, ' Miss Joyce Edgcumbe returned Alton Nordale, all of Fairbanks, to the city on the Prince George this morning after spending the summer vacation in Vancouver and Victoria. who have been missing since a week ago Monday.