p.,3T All?ust 30. 1933 Want Ads FOR RENT modern house with cty Room fur ire Apply 1851 Oraham Aw, 1200) Viro Remodelled 5-roomed flat end well furnished apartment w n chesterfield etc. Phone 543: (tri WANTED WANTED AT ONCE Competent gj5 for housework. State age. expcncnc" references and phone number Apply Box 248. 203 WORK WANTED HIGH School girl wishes to work lor board and room. Phone Black 5. uf AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Wanted to secure order.? fi;r authentic Uf of Will' Roger, Contain- hi.s humorous, sayings, and wi-e comments. Large book over 300 pages. Profusely lllus trated. Only $1.25. Enormous de mand. Liberal commission. 5 tq 10 dollars per aay easily maae: Credit given, freight paid. Bk no! delay Send at once 10c to' cover cost of mailing cloth-; bound sample book. Winston: Company Toronto. . 20l( a classified. FOUND FOUND---SIgT)et' rlr.j :owner may. Jiave same ty Ilfngva't 'Dally News Office and paVrng for thi jdvertteuient ... , - i MUSIC VIOULV Tuition, theory and har-' may. Miss N. Lawrence. Phbr.cJ. MO. Classes start Sept 2. 20 PAINTERS PAINTING na Paperhanglnv Moller, Phone Red B02. '', LAND ACT i NoMr of Intention to Apply to Leaned; , . una ; u Land Rnn DUtrlc of PrlBc4 Rupert, lou-e a, coast District and tut about one-quarter of 'inf. jouth of Lot 8710. Rang. 8. Ooaat DU trw Porcher Wand. TUtj notice that Clarence Edgar 8tU r. of Ilar.iport, D C, occupation eari-nfrjrnun. intend to apply for a leue of following described land:- ) .S?.m?1r,":ln M Pt planted on total .......... Island .w. v. Wt i south of Lot 8710. nange 5, Coadt UlKrlct, thoniv. Ts.t v. 4 1 a .h.ln.' wnce west by north 23.4 chain, thence wuth outh-et 80S chain:, tbenc wthwst by noutlv 17-5 chair to the D' commencement, and conUinliw " i crr more or lea. n.t.- , CLARENCE EDO Alt SALTER ttd June th, 1B34. If you wish to swap something! Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving ThS1?? 'reads Dny New DEATH WAS TERRIBLE Itoying Prospector From Deaie Lake Tells of Lne Trapper's Pawing Had Arduous Trip Northland Is Teeminf With Wild Ufe White IWm and Moose (By Anna May UUman) HAZ ELTON, August J0-A roving prospector from Dease Creek has told details of a lone trapper's death last winter up In the Hard country near the Yukon border He said that the trapper had run out of grub and war, on his way to look at rabbit snares when he died. His body, frozen and lifeless, was found about fifty yards from his cabin. He had cooked and eaten one of his dogs and gaunt skeletons of the other three vrere found Ued to his bed Inside the cabin. He had Just moved onto the trapllne a few months before. Perhaps lie went mad toward the last, from loneliness and hunger. In that country where the sncw Dlles deep and the eerie northern lights flame across the winter sky, and the ghostly hoots of ' big owls do not sound natural In the white stillnes oi me nonniana. Maybe he saw In the shadows !ihe slinking forms of hungry timber wolves that weren't there baleful animal eyes that watched him as he grew weaker. waiting, waiting. So he brought his dogs in from the Imaginary dan ger. The prospector, who reported the gruesome find, himself had quite an adventurous trin. Ho was fol lowing a mapwhlcti one of his dogs carried, and practically living off the country. This dog got away, so he Just had tp guess where he was. Lost for seven days, he finally reached Ninth Cabin on the tele graph line, alter losing his other dog, and nearly everything he owned Inthe treacherr-us Naas River. The lineman, at Eighth Cabin loaned him his own pack-dog and the, prospector proceeded on his way to Hazeltop. Much Wild Life ' He said that the country Into which George Beirnes often takes hunting parties was Just alive with wild goats and other game, and there were lots of well-beaten game-trails In; those woods. A traDDer once told me that he had seen a wHlte heaver, an albino, up In that country. An Indian Is reported to have l shot a white moose some years ago, I fleeing In terror from what he thought was a supernatural animal. When some one finally persuaded him to go back and skin the moq;, It was found that wolves and other animals had torn up the hide almost beyond, recognition, and had been eating the meat i Try a Dally News classified ad. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. ArthUr"' Brnnjr&9ri&-rtt!in9 ed to the city on "1he' PrinftJ? George this morning from, an ex? wnaeci vacation trip to Seattle: and Yakima. j1! 1-3 - City who to Victoria, returned to th .Clty.j -it Oeorge this morning. - ' - ...... . . lCiwa - v rAUg riVfi L if . I,. Commissioner W. J. Alder, ; ' : ; has is been on a vacation tripftl ;'r; Ttf i' Fred and Harry Emmerson. sons 'f ' of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. 'Emmerson, , wigby Island, returned to the city . on the Prince Charles yesterday uter spending the summer vaca- -' tion at Tlell. i I ' i Hon. Mrs. Bowen Colthurst of. ?ooke. Vancouver Island, who re-' cently returned from .a visit to Japan, arrived on the Prince Run-1 ert Wednesday and proceeded to! Tsrrace where she Joined her two' sons at their camp at Lakelsej take. Captain Colthurst Is re- mainlng In the south. K. Murate, Y. KRto, T. KatechLv S. Magato and S. Fukukawa, re-J. oresentatives of Japanese shid-V4';' oing and lumber Interests, wtiof.' have been on a two weeks trip" ' w uis wueen unarioiie lsiana, ' arrived In the city from the Is lands on the Print-e Charles yes- teraay and will sail on the Prince JOnes Family Market PHONE 957 "TILLIE THE TOILER" I " u v-1 .,i, i vyi, at couver. Some of the party cornel from Tokyo and others from Seat tle and Vancouver. They, have been visiting logging operations on the Islands. PHONE 057' LAIIOK DAY SPECIALS LeKtVcial S1.0U 6 lbs. Rump Roast of Beef QQ 6 lbs. Pot Roast of Beef for 6 lbs.' Shoulder cf Lamb for 2 lbs. Lamb Chops for 2 lbs. Veal Chops for 4 lbs. Prime Rib Roll and 2 bundles Carrots.... Cor Beef per lb 3 lbs. Boil Beef and 5 lbs. Spuds Hamberger, 3 lbs. for 2 lbs. Stew Lamb and 1 Tin Peas 2 lbs. Stew Veil and 1 Tin Peas Roasting Chicken per lb. .50 .75 .45 .35 .75 .05 .25 .25 .25 .25 .25 i' 4 . - - .- CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. To Vancouver Directs PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. HJh, 28th, Eepu 6tr.. PRINCESS ALICE. Aug. 10th, 21th. To Ketchikan, Wrangcll. .tt:ncau nnd Skagway PRiNCESS LOUISE, Aui;. 12th, 23rd, Sept. 1st PRINCESS ALICE, Aug 19th. For Information and reservations call or write W. L. COATES, General Ascnt. Prince Itupert, B. MO'vM LET'S CiSCUSS TU'D PVQCTHS OMpS A BVT HOPE A Choice of Color. QUE PLANS FOfi FAUL- DArJ3. VMHAT' DOft)0 THMK,Mac' OTrtEf2S PRERH?. "THE J FROM EVERY EOIMDF THE WORLD to the daily newspaper come flashing the engrossing incidents that are at this very moment making today's history. The whole atmosphere of the daily newspaper is comprehensive action dealing with things of the moment that have just happened, or are about to happen. When white paper leaves the printing presses in the daily newspaper office, it is no loncer some inert material. but an active powerful force reaching the thousands who thirst for its contents. - PracticaHy every Canadian family reads ,a daily ijewspaper. ' f It is an essential part of daily life and without it all would feel a distinct Iosst-nothing can take its place. On the newspaper's pages also are advertisements placed thereby thoughtful, energetic " and far-seeing merchanfs and producers. The best traders in Canada the firms which grow in strength and prestige year after year know that the daily newspaper. is as necessary to them as their SPONSORED BY THE raw material. When the fight is hardest they have often proved .. this it pays to strengthen their ' newspaper lists. , Follow their good example I ' ' CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION t Happy Days Are Hdre Again! ' School Boys aiid Girls school opens Sept. 3. So. oome ami see tin first to fill your list of School Books. Sold ,at half Price. WE BUY. WE SELL AND WE EXCIIANGEV Box 50 D. ELIO Phone Green 421 110 Third Aye. , metamtsvymmmmmtmtmmA tm f fou h. tmvthtni. Trv n M:iifioH f)rl 7i , imm mmA rM.i tm mn mm A Vacation Worry. " f'NAlWV MAC,I ( KMOVM IT. 1 1 BUT , MAC, AlHY VaJOCRV ABDUtI I IT'S AUQST; OVET2 ; AN; VOU'Icl( f- A. VI SOT BUS1MESS BUSlMSfrrXQU'EE VouyACrON ;i (30TTA ,ETfiACK yjPA.QuSmEJj -I fif; TV