PA02 FOUR I'llMI At this time of the year we want to take this opportunity to wish our customers and friends A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We thank you for your patronage and support in the past and hope we may continue to serve you in the New Year, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE I. Don't Put a Dollar On Any New Car Until You See the . . . New Chevrolet Solid Steel Turret Top Perfected Hydraulic Brakes Improved Six Clyinder Motor Fisher No Draft Ventilation Knee Action Front Wheels Kaien Motors ! Limited CHEVROLET DEALERS Third Ave. ANNOUNCING: 65 Phone 52 , . Rex BOWLING CLUB ' i LIMITED FOUR1 GOOD ALLEYS Weekly Prizes ', For High Scores Taxi and Messenger Service Bill Stuart Phone: 65 Standi Sixth Street A complete Taxi and Delivery Service Day and Night FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. HONOKLD BY STAFF (Continued horn pace one) Packers' Union, to present to Mr. Johnson a beautiful silver cocktail set on behalf of the entire staff of the company. Mr. Watson expressed the sincere hope that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson would be spared many years to use the gift. Mr. Johnson, with visible feeling, acknowledged the gift and the many kind remarks that had been made. He wished to say that any success of the company was due In large measure to the loyalty of Its employees. He hoped that this loyalty would be extended to the new manager. Col. Nicholls. As for the gift, he would treasure It as long as he lived and, when he had occasion to use It, he would Indeed remember the "boys" here. He was proud, he said, to think that his associates thought so much of him. On behalf of Mrs. Johnson and himself he could only say "thank you." No. 1 No. 2-i No. 3 50c Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver-Tuesday 12:30 pin Thursday 9:30 pjn. Friday 11 pjn December 5 and 19 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday , 4 pjn Wednesday 10 a.m. COMMODORE CAFE New Year Special Dinner JANUARY 1, 1936 11 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Soup " Cream of Tomato or Mock Turtle Choice of: " . Roast Milk Fed Chicken, Currant Jelly Roast Prime Rib of Beef au jus and Horseradish Baked Premium Ham, Yorkshire Sauce Mash or O'Brien Gratin Potato Cauliflower In Cream ' Choice of Dessert: English Plum Puddine, Klrsch Sauce Orange Jelly and Whipped Cream Apple Charlotte and Whipped Cream. Pineapple Cream Pic Hot Mince Pie Ice Cream Fruit Cake Coffee Tea -: Milk 65c Soup Cream of Tomato or Mock Turtle New York Cut Sirloin Steak Smothered with Mushrooms' Mash or O'Brien Gratin Potato Cauliflower ln Cream Choice of Dessert: i, English Plum Pudding, Klrsch Sauce Orange Jelly and Whipped Cream Apple Charlotte and Whipped Cream " Pineapple Cream Pie Hot Mince Pie Ice Cream Fruit Cake Coffee Tea Milk 75( Soup . V j,. Cream of Tomato or Mock Turtle Hearts of Celery Green and Ripe Olives ' , Fresh Crab Meat Cocktail Roast Oregon Young Turkey with Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Mash or O'Brien Gratin Potato Cauliflower ln Cream Choice of Dessert: English Plum Pudding, Klrsch Sauce Orange Jelly and Whipped Cream Apple Charlotte and Whipped Cream Pineapple Cream Pie Hot Mince Pie Ice Cream Fruit Cake Coffee - Tea Milk Keep the Glow of Christmas and New Year for every day in the year with a ilent-Glo" OIL BURNER The "Silent Glow" is made for a lifetime of satisfaction guaranteed when using Diesel Fuel Oil -the cheaper and hotter oil. Save money, make your home more comfortable and cleaner, save time and enjoy perfect cooking with a de lux "Silent Glow' Oil Burner in your kitchen. Prices From $30.50 Installed Authorized Dealer for Northern B.C. eMaMvs.Md DA1LTNEWH HIGHEST OF HONORS HIS Lord Reading Forged to Front Through Changing World Conditions Had Ke7n Mind This, Together With Capacity For Work, Made Him Great Statesman LONDON, Dec. 31: APt Rufus t wITt'Ijiir I Daniel Isaacs, first uccciiiuci u auu auti.i For An j ox and Stewart Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m Marquess of Reading, who died yesterday, ended his career in possession of the highest honors .that his government could give him. He forged to From Anyox and Stewart the front through the changing Tuesday ...... 11:30 ajn conditions of the late Victorian era Thursday 8 pjn. and was stm ln hs prime wnen the For Naas River and Tort Simpson j world war started. With one of the Sunday ..7 pjn ! keenest minds of his genreation, J ' and almost prodigious capacity for hard work, he left his mark upon world affairs and held many of the irjh positions of the British Empire. , He was viceroy of India, a regal ipost second in importance to that I of the king only. He was lord chief 'justice, solicitor-general,1 attorney Iceneral and secretary of state for foreign affairs. I Hp hpndprf thp Anelo-French loan He was born October 10, 1860, the son of a well-to-do London mer chant. He was given a good edu cation in England and on the continent but ran away to sea. He spent two years before the mast, and as a boy standing ln the bow of the vessel, first saw the low learned a lot and went broke under the "hammering" ibers. of other mem- promised that he would be permitted to study law. COOPER AND BEERY FILM Two Topular Stars Featured In -O'Shaughnessy's Boy" Midnight Frolic For New Year's Eve Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in "O'Shaugh are co-starred again npssv S Bov." which is the New Year holiday mid-week feature of fering Wednesday and Thursday on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. A vivid story of circus life, It is a dramatic, human picture of father love, replete with pathos, humor and spectacle and abun Hnntlv nunctuatcd with thrills. There is a triumphant, smashing climax as the son, realizing the sacrifices of his father, in turn sacrifices himself. Circus spectacle Is one of the features of the picture including menagerie tent with elephants, tigers, Hons, monkeys, camels, water buffalo, llamas jis well as a circus parade. The action Is very thrilling. Midnight Frolic Following the second show tonight, the annual New Year's Eve Frolic will get under way. A special variety program of screen and -,tage presentations has been arranged. Highlights will be the Caoltollans concert party on the days, and' borrowed halt a billion "tage and on the screen will be of- dollars at a time when the cause fcred the musical comedy picture of the allies hung ln the balance. "Here Comes the Band" featuring Ted Lewis. Virginia Bruce. Nat Later he was special envoy and high commissioner and special am- Pendleton and ?ed Healy. The bassador to the United States. A Prince Rupert Boys' Band is also crateful Government made him a on the program and other attrac- vlscount for these labors. !tIon' include a cash drawing . Son of Merchant jand fufl and favors for all. I - WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront ! I ik shores of India. Fifty years later! The 25-foot two-masted auxiliary he saw them for the second time . gaum boat Marie, on the way from when he went there as viceroy. Seattle to Ketchikan with Frank-Back in England young Isaacs )Dona and companion on board, tackled the Stock exchange. He rnif.H in nnrt- vKlnrriv mnrnlnir left about 12:30 noon in continua tion of the vovacfe north. Comlnc He wanted to law then, but study . up tne coast the Marie was beset his father nsisted that he should th contInual bad weather. she go into business. The son announ ced Instead that he intended to had left Victoria on December 6 and had made a call at Nanalmo! stand his and that feet, upon own cnroute. lt Js rather ,ate ln the h ne couiqni oo n in tngiana nei0n for veS5cls f thL, t t fae wuum Bu mj Amenta. abroad. So firm was his resolve that only the pleading of his mother as he J Unlon steamer Cata, stood on the gangplank at Liver- James nnd, returned tQ t-rOl oool HI dissuaded ecu Off ATI him. h m TIlo His tnrtlViAf mother ' r 9:15 this morning from Stewart, i Anyox and other nortittrr. points with a light list of passengers and tZ 7, lSallcd at 1:30 thls afternoon for! Liberal candidate he stood for . VfltirnvlP ,,.. Parliament and was defeated. But four years later he won a seat at. hna,, Mn . ... Reading, which he held untU lVto i 2 u"tice aPP lomcWcrj local fish exchange this morning. He cotninued as lord chief justice , Trv nol. of England until 1921. meanwhile: ' ' mm" becoming a baron. The outstanding - - incident of this tenure was his sen-' ajw. encins to death of Sir Roger Case- Jfy2?f3l ment, the Irish patriot, for treason. Steamship Sailings "or Vancouver Tuesdaj-Catala ...1:30 p.m. Thursday--ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. Friday ss.. P. Adelaide .10 pjn. Ss. Cardena 10:30 p.m.'1 Dec. 5 ss. Prin. Norah 5 p.m.j Dec. 19 ss. Prin. Norah . ..5 p.rri. rom Vancouver ' Sunday ss. Catala 4 pjn. I Wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m . Friday ss, Prin. Adelaide 4 p.m.l Ss, Cardena pm Dec. 15 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. Dec. 29 ss. Prin. Norah a.m. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday ss. Catala 8 p.m. 1 Wednesday ss. Pr. George 4 p.m. 1 From Stewart and Anyox Tuesday ss. Catola .... 11:30 a.m. Thursday Prince George 8 p.m. FURS FURS We have orders for Mink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES PRINCE GEORGE, B.C. Mackenzie's Furniture Start the New Year Right With a Good i Simmons Bed i You will congratulate yourself on having it and wJ sell them. Phone 775 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Waier Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 Christmas Music It arrived early ln the morning and i By Philharmonic Fortnightly Broadcast Dedicated To One of Active Members Who Is III at Present Christmas music was featured Sunday' night on the fortnightly broadcast program of the Prince Rupert Philharmonic Society from First United Church. The only vocal soloist of the evening was Mrs. A. J. Webber. Charles P. Balagno was a plno soloist as well as accom panist. Dn H. N. Brocklesby was, as usual, conductor and Lee Gordon was announcer. Miss Swanna Olaf-son assisted at the pipe organ. The. program was dedicated to S. J. Hunter, one of the active members of the society, who Is at present a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Monday, peceabtr LAST SUQmXr-t 30, tat Shows at7:00&7iljr I'AIL MUNI "Black Fury" v : KAREN MOItLEY (At 7:23 Si a v NEW YEAirSEYE TONITE. 11 is Special St;u c Tickets fiOr , r Hlgv km v vu j . m t ui j. a i a "The Capitolians" Concert Party In a Mirthful and Musical SongfcU ON THE SCREEN TBI) LEWIS in "HERE COMES THE BAND" With Vireinia Ilmrc. Ted llcaly, Nat rendleton Prince Rupert Hoys' Hand Novelties and Favors $25 Cash Prizes $25 Given Away Tickets 50c Now Sellm? Hegins Tomorrow New Year's Day SPECIAL HOLIDAY .MATINEE, 2: THETREATof the NEW SEASON Drama to live long in the heart laughs and tears unforgettable as Beery of "China Seas" his .pal of "The" Champ" .and 'Treasure Island": are re-united in thttk g.eatest acren hitl ADDED FEATURETTES The Dionne Quintuplets in "GOING ON TWO" Thclma Todd, Patsy Kelly in "Hot Aloncy" Cartoon "Opera Niht 11 Daily News Want Ads Bring Res