M1K K3B13TUI5m'il33 7 I 11 111 13 Kit? aTJaW H Third Avenue ARTT LIMITED SHOE Canada's Finest Shoes For Men MEN Weather the Showery Days "HARTT'S DRI-SOX" Protection is built in these Shoes! Dii-Sox Sole Leather is unconditionally guaranteed to he waterproof & to outwear any other Canadian sole leather. See this Shoe in Black Calf Oxford, full double sole, js with "guaranteed wear in every pair" Q00 2 The Family Shoe Store Advertislne and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations TIMBER FOR EXPORT Phone 357 Q EvE.ii:imci i:ms:ri r . f ! nnn nrr rarit ran THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue ' H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES city delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week , , , ... By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year : .,, ,,i. By mail to all other countries, per year , -, ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion . . Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion. ..... Local readers, per insertion, per line SS IT $5.00 .10 L 3.SC 9.00 1.40 2i Tuesday. March -13. 1935 It is very satisfactory to know that Prince Rupert in terests have undertaken to get out logs under the provision of the permit granted by the provincial government allowing the export of hemlock from this district. It would have been calamitous if, after the necessarv nermis- sion had been secured and after the federal government had arranged for vessels to call at this port to pick up the cargoes, no logs had been available. This is one instance that proves that the prosperity of a community depends very largely on the energy and public spirit of its citizens. ALL EVES ON GERMANY All eyes are now turned to Germany in view of the recent utterances of Adolf Hitler, the stormy petrel of Europe. It is suggested that tendencies toward revolution at home have been the chief influence in causing the reichs-fuehrer to defy the neighboring nations in the hope of drawing the German people together in face of a common danger. While the situation is undoubtedly critical few people believe that war is imminent,.. . FIGHT COMMERCIAL INTERESTS . rowenui commercial interests have always been at work to frustrate the efforts of Canada to sell timber in the British markets. For years the British would buy nothing but United States lumber when they imported from this, continent. What we call Douglas fir was mar keted as Oregon Pine and the impression given that it cduld be obtained only in Oregon and neighboring states. ujiijunviuu tuinc iiuni usurers in purujiean um ber.. Gradually British Columbia timber has taken the place of other imnorted timbers for certain nurnnsps nm the trend of opinion is such that architects now provide umt m man vojuinoia iimoer ne useq on many contracts. An effort wns made this vear bv dealers in Snviot- t?m ber to oust the B, C, product and only the timely action of ui 4ibou fcuvcjumcui uuujig unuer uie provisions OI tne Ottawa agreements has saved the day for the Canadian timber, the market in which now seems likely to be main- vanicu uunug inv coming summer. BAPC0 FLOOR ENAMEL For brightening old or new floors, linoleum or oil cloth, Banco Floor Enamel isrfpecially made. It dries in four hours with a hleh gloss and wears like a pig's nose. pt. 50c; pt. 85c; quart $1,15; gal. $2.55; gal. $4.85 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Ave. Phone m 5Twr3 nmxxi juk w btbxbs u rnxmsmi mrmmr vmimiwaus nuiiiiii rvaturraV't.n t aa SPORT NEWS BRIDGE SCORING (leotce IIohp of (Initio Individual Players High tuson Leads individual score for the in the DrMge League were uh follows: O. Howe 'Clrottot 44963 W- Gordon iMuaktieeiai 43617 I. . Hichtmlson Miukteerat 43374 II. KtniM-dy tQrolto) 42G52 F. Davis C. N. R. A 41254 a Gulirk (Swift m . 41000 G. Riuldt Hiam Gi rtto) 40993 II. Wannumaker C. N. R. A. 40C89 O. Lyon 'Musketaor ... 40005 1 J. Jack 'ItamMem' 40055 A. McEwen (Musketeers) . 39553 J. Cobb 'Grottoi 39193 A. Miiean 'Ramblers) 38903 J. McLcgd iSwIft'ai 38280 G. Johnstone (Swift's) 37480 . Wormtg tMuakeloera) .37418 L. Holtby C. N. It. A. 39018 J. Judge i Can Legloni ' 35492 D. Laraen Ramblrs 35263 S, Jurmain C. N. R. A. 34630 II. Love (Ramblers t 34602 G. Anderson (Swift's) 33132 II. Menzle SwUt's 30154 W. Vance (Swift's) 29900 E. Anderson (Can. Legion t 29764 H: Breen (Can. Leelon) 28886 R. Anderson (Can. Legion) 28280 G: Dawes iCan. Lew mi 26744 WOLF CUBS ORGANIZED Under the auspices of the local Toe H group, a new pack of Wolf Cubs, has been organized. N. L. Jones Is in charge and some flf. teen lads have already been enrol led. ENTERTAINED AT IlltlDtiE VANARSDOL. March 19 Mr. ana Mrs. Somerville entsrtained a' bridge recently. There were thn?! tables and a most enjoyable Urn waspcrU. by.alL Tlia prize-winner ware Mr. and Mre. II. W. Clark oi Copper River, first awards, and Mrs. Somerville and Mr. Gladstone of Vanarsdol, consolation. TERRACE GAME CASES In a session of provincial police court at Terrace last Thursday with Stipendiary Magistrate O. T. Sun-dal presiding. Mark MacKay. Simon Lockcrby and Robert Bryant were each fined $50 under the Game Act for having In their possession beaver and muskrat skins taken during the close season. The cases were prosecuted by Game Warden Ed. Martin and T. W. Brown Wins Again Sam Ferris, the wonderful R.A. F. runner, again won the Polytechnic Marathon race from Windsor Castle to the White City, London. Ferris, the holder of the title, has won this event eight times In the last nine years. Photo shows Sam Ferris entering the 'White City stadium at the conclusion of his grea.$ run, Winnipeg Youth Defeats Pearson Dne of the greatest upsets in the tanauan rack and field world last year was the defeat In the trark and field championships at Fort William of Ber Pearson, generally considered Cnnadas outstanding sprinter A hitherto comparatively unknown sprinter. Harry Coleman of Winnipeg, did the trick in 9 4-5 seconds. Above shows the finish of 'he 100-yard dash, with Pearson Just a step behind Coleman. s . i Si GROTTO AND Ladies' Bowling KNOX EVEN League Results Deadlock Now For Leadership Ten Pin Bcnling League games to one in an aggregate score? March 21 C N. R. A. vs Grotto, oquettes vs. Strikers. March 25 Bluebrds vs. Carna-,lon Girls, Doodads vs. Annettes. March 28- -C. N. R. A. vs. Strikers ''oquettes vs. Grotto. April 1 Blurbirds vs. Orotto, Doodads vl Strikers. April 4 C. N. R. A. vs. Annettes, Coquettes v? Carnation Girls April 8 Bluebirds vs. Strikers, Doodads vs. Grotto. April 11 c. N. R. A. vs. Carnation Girls, Coquettes vs. Annettes. STUDENT BOWLING The leaguo stantfjngs to date arc as follows: Girls' League Twirlers .?. 14C3 Lucky Strikes 1423 Gadgets 1261 Aces 1233 Co-Eds -g .,-,...,1218 Kippers ,,........1200 King Eds ; 1159 J- M.'s 1089 Play Maids .4.:.......... 1034 Bowler Bears x............ 1052 Roys' League Buckaroos Punks Giants Champs .. Cubs Tigers 4...; M hi. . , Annette's and Doodads Winner In of Last Ni'ht's Game j Annette's won over Blue Birds ' In the Ten Pin Bowling League 1601 to 1316 In the Ladles" Bowling fixtures on Sunday Canadian Le-j League last night while Doodads gion won over. Elks two games to. defeated Carnation Girls 1213 to one with an aggregate score of 209911184. High average score of 210 was to 1975 while Knox Hotel was vie-made by Mrs. Owens, lorious over Moose also by two! Ladies' League standing to date: of 2223 to 2085. Todd made the high ! Annette's average score ,oi 179. C. N. R. A. Tonight's ganjes will be: Rose,, Blue-Birds Jowan it Latta vs. Nelson's; Power ! Doedada Corporation vs. Grotto. , Carnation Girls The league standing to date Is as : Strikers follows: j Coquettes W. L.: Grotto Grotto r 9 3; Knox Hotel , .9 3 Moose 7 5 Rose. Cowan ti Latta 0 6 Canadian Legion 6 6 Power Corporation. 5 7 Elks 4 8 Nelson's 2 10 TIME TABLE OF BOWLING ..1C07 .1548 .1477 '..1305 1327 ,..1277 O. 3 3 Ttl. 504 1 4032 5047 4858 4791 3546 3510 3020 Ladies' Bowling Ave. 1410 1344 1262 1215 1198 1182 1180 1007 Ladle' League standing to date: j a. Ttl. Ave C. N. R. A. 3 4032 1344 Annette's 2 2584 1292 Blue Birds 3 3731 1244 Doodad 3 3C45 1215 CarnaUon Girls 2 2374 1187 Coquettes 3 3540 1180 Strikers 2 2295 1148 iOroUo 2 2172 1080 WHIST I.KA(iui; STANDING Sons of Norway I. O. O. F. Canadian Legion St. Andrew's Grotto W. 7 .4 3 3 2 L. 1 3 4 4 6 Steamship Sailings 'or Vancouvei TuesdayCardena 1:30 pm Thurs. ss. p. Rupert 10:30 pm. Friday ss. prln. Adelaide 10 p.m 8s. Venture midnight March 14, 25 ss. p. Norah. 5 p.m,. 1 rom Vanrouvet- Sunday ss. Cardena 4 p.m. I wed. ss. Pr. George 10 a.m. Friday ss. Prin. Adelaide 4 pm 8s. Venture p.m. Mar. 10, 21, 31 ss P. Norah a.m. I'or Anyox and Stewart-Sunday ss. Cardena 8 p.m. Wednesday ss. P. Ororge 4 p.m From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday ss. Cardena 11:30 a.m. Thursday ss. Pr. George 8 pm cor Naas River JnO Port Simpson-Sunday ss, Cardena 8 p.m. from Naas River St Port Simpson Tuesday ss, Cardena 11 30 a.m. lor Queen Charlotte Islands-Mar. 1, 15, 20 ss. Pr. John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands Feb. 13 and 27 ss.sPr. John a.m or Ocean Falls Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m. Frlday-as. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. i THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday t, ST. PATRICK IS HONORED Mail Scheduli For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days - 4:50 pm From the Fait Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur 6ay . 10:15 pjn. For Vancouver- Mondays (train) Tuesday ,. Wednesdays (train) Thursdays Friday March 14 and 25 From Vancouver Sunday Tuesday (train) Wednesday .... Thursday (train) . Friday . 4:30 pjn.j 12:30 pm.! ' . 4:3C p m. ...9:20 p m I 11 PU1.I ' 1 pm.l f-i j 4 pm,, 10:15 pm. 10 ajn.j 10:15 p.m.! 4 PT4 Saturday (train) 10:15 pjr March 10, 21 and 31 . a m For Anyox and Stewart aunaay 7 pm.; Wednesday 3 pm. ram Anyox and .Stewart Tuesday 11:30 a rn Thursday 8 pm. For Naa Rlrrr and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 pj Krom Naa River and Fort Slmpnoa Tuesday, 11:30 aja for Queen Charlotte. Island March 1, 15 and 29 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Inlands-March 13 and 27 a.m. tip top en pi.w Playing bridge, Orotto eliminated; Canadian National Recreation Association from the Tip Top Tailors' Cup competition last .night. Oddfellows eliminated Elevator In crib-1 bage. I Today's Weathw Dead Tret Poln- v. 'ealm; barometer ! line Supptr. Concert and Dance' ,ur 3'. m tfc ! IjxA Nitht at I'arUh Hall With Triple IsUwi 0.x..,, Irte Crowd rTeent flunlea, cahn. A. st -ii St. Patrlek Dav was celebrated northerly wind ; ; . at the Partfh Hall of AnnuneaUon 1 vWblUty Church taK ubW with a highly' Tftrw ci.Mdy. . tuaeeaaful upper. concert and Aoyox CMu, ea'r-! danc wHh do' on to three hun- awwarv- iMrt ek , drtd pmens in at'endance at the HawHUm -OVar. r affair, general arrangement for SmiUjeftPart which were In Uie honda of Charles iroety P. Balagno. The crowd was about twice as large as had bern expected and all had a very enjoyable time. The hall had been Attractively de. jcoratrd appropriate to the occasion, i After full Justice had ben done 1 to the i)end!d .aupper spread pro-, vtded by the ladles under the dirt c-lion of Mrt. M. P. McCaffery. the program eommencrd with Father Smith nraaldlng. SiHkr Ineluded Bishop Fw M. Bunok. Father E Alia rd, Mr. J. T. Mandy. City Commissioner W. J. Alder and O. E. PhlIltpon. The prorara Included a demonstration 0! sard tricks by M. J. Dougherty, voral solos by Dr. It O. Large and Mrs J. II. McLeod ,and a one-act sketch "The Bed : Room Suite" by tlie Prince Rupert Players' Guild, the east corvUtln of Mlaa Helen McCaffery. Johnny Cornadina and Jack Dougherty Music for dancing was furnished by Oeorge Rorle and Charles Ba-lagno with Walter Smith acting as master of eervmonlec The proceedings came to a conclusion at Dnma Lake- Brli ) C N, R. Trains For the Hail Mtmdaya, WedneMi.-iv daya from the Eatt Keep on the 1 w. :j rra. Twesdayt, Thuradny ar.1 Fits. . 1 1 Have you found the , SUNNY PACKAGE on your peer's shell? Il'i ilrllrlool rri,,ri" 1 MillUlM ( (jiuwl.ai, ti 1 Krliefg' All..lix a .,f. , tamiw f frrrt1in oiiiir : llllon tb linj urn J . of 1uIIl" in tL nmiu. IjilwriUry Kfi'ir-mi KjI AltllltH rali !) tliinltMiWn. Au lit. Mt4 tiftmin II inA iron. Th' "Ml" In thl- t. u i ml i tr (frrn,.' 1 fouml in fruil. mil ... iMTanx il dir-ti ; 1 Villi in ih ImmIj. Il jIi-..!! Inrr, nl farm. t4i m lllil tlMO Mil lit int. 1. I in'l ll.I njlurtl fooj l ' llln( wlrnl mrtlM-iiw-' T (Mn(ali ( An-111 J. u.turii tuDirirnl. Cbrnntr rh mraL If iIm. fail, to 1 liff, tft: your Jwrtar. Fnjoy AU'IUii as 1 rr rtml. into apirtiiing l - lofl'a AlL-lla4l ronUlu ci . nrr.lr.l "lialk linn ruH-iran Jat. In bf rrl-aml (rrrn pLir. MaU lijr Krllois in Iimlan, Ontario. 1 1 jAUBBAr Sunny Side of Life Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE RECORD will show complete rer rd cf all repairs made and .1;. 1 ..f replaced A copy of this ?r : returned with all sets ;-. hy- SUPKRIOR RADIO-EIiECTIMC Phone lllue 330 " r BTtU utm lltll Mi II 1 B.1 It 5 " " aft ' a -k. COME ANM) SEE OVll NEW WALLI'Al'EHS "AL ft. F A D K A hrr.A .UlnmAnt nt h T7 ""-w" -t iuiru (Mil ijisai-is'- va est patterns of 8UNWOI T 1Y WA'LLPAPERR has 1C rlvcd, Drop In and see them. You vwi) be surprised at wtu' cost you can. buy these beautiful modern papers for vour GORDON'S HARDWARE rhone 311 Mrltrlde St. iCKitsiz tm m umimi omv rsj mm m ru m rm -r::B! av--w" -aT 1 II r 0 .1 OurcoAl'3 delivervtfcn. tAe minute - We Mint your Yfwillwirxt,' RAPID-FIRE DELIVERIES COAL! We have the best in Pi e Rupert. Its a dirty bu - -but we treat you will'1' ULMRER & SHINGLES Why not do that repair ob now. so that you can paint in the summer. Phone u: I'ir prices. We will surprise i'-'u- BUILDING SUPPLIES Brick cement and Tile We have what you want at the right pr Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phones 651-652 1 I 1 5