:i 19. 1M3 r Come in and Inspect Our Stock of Easter Novelties M'V. Red Now on Display Prices From 5c to $1.25 , not required to buy now. We will holtl any I ill Easter. Don't qe disappointed, OKDhK The valuot this year are bigger and better than ever, the prices lower. Ormes Ltd. Jjte. Piontcr Drtuzgists Mir Krtall 8tor Fhonrs: 81 It n Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays anil Holidays I'rom 13 noon till Z p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave., Phone 580 Garden Soil For Sale Cedar Fence Posts, 8 ft. long, 15c each UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamm leave prluc Rupert for Vancouver T-SS. CATALA KVI.UV TUESDAY. I:M lM. A: ;vlng Vancouver Thursday T.S.S, f AHDCNA r.VKKY FRIDAY MIDNKillT. t ;i Vancouver Monday am. t sailings to Port Simp.. Alice Ann. Anjoi. 8tw and Km liver point. Uv Prince Rupert Sundav. 8 pjn. r-r r information regarding all sailings and tlekets at-raises Kt'prnr Afir.cv tm4 tme. ne m SOITII To Ocean Fall. Fox tit Kl.er and s. s. VAXCOUVEK PRINCE RUPERT every THURSDAY 10.30 p.m. u ' ' ' M TERMS l Jj. Third Ave. ' - - K V 44 Ua 11 a (I la 11 Xatioiinl St on m ships ELIO ITUNITUHF. DF.AI.F.It Exchanging and Aurlionerr USED FURNITURE! Dressers, Dining Doom Suite, Battery Radio, Machine, i.ic. Bicycle. Sewing Fl: inn Orpn rnrner Third Ave & First St MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Uie terfield and C hair . Hie iterf jeld only $72-50 I NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll, Proprietor A IIOMi: AWAY FROM iiomi:" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot t Cold Waler Prince Rupert, B.C. Phono 281 r.O. Box 180 yur paper does not arrive, telephone the office for a trip duties LOCAL NEWS NOTES to Smlthers on official The fire department had a call at 0:15 Sunday night to the Regent Rooms, Second Avenue and Sixth Street. There was a chimney fire which occasioned no damage. Indian Agent W. E. Colllson and Dominion Constable A. J. Watkin,-t.n left on last evening's train far a nip to Terrace on official business They expect return to the city on :i)iiiuht s trtn. fhildren's.Colds a Checked without OVtH MlttlOW JABS USED VE ARC Tlif Rupert Trading Co. has tak-n the store premises in the Smith Block at present occupied by the Hudson Bay Co. and will move i there at the first of next month. The Hudson Bay Co has been released from Its lease and will be moving elsewhere. Harry Bowman, representative of the Canadian NaUonal Railways industrial and colonization department with headquarters at Prince i George, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train from the In-iterlor and sailed Sunday evening ion the Catala for Anyox on official I business. Mr Bowman, who re cently returned from a trip to! Announcements Anglican March 19. Tea, Mrs. Arnold's, Presbyterian Sunday School Con-ert, March 22. Boys' Band Parents' Association ridge, whtet and dance. Eaglet hill, March 26. Daffodil March Wl, Tor, United Churcn Children's dancing display. Odd-fellows' Hall, March 29. Salvation Army Sale of Work. Home Cooking, April 3. Pre&byterlan Church Choir Con c;rt, April 5. "Chloe," United Church, April IX, and 12. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Daffodil dance Easter Monday. Anglican Spring Pale. April 25. Cambral Tlllie's Treat. May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May .0. Catholic spring sale. May 16. Moose Hall RENTAL RATES Concerts $25.00 Dances 20.00 Puhllc Meetings .' 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the ground floor, rental rate. $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, C40 or Red 412. PERMANENT WAVES During the monUi of March the New Thennlque Guaranteed Permanent Waves complete, at La Parisiennc Reauty Parlor 210 Fourth St. rhone 947 4 TTLM DAILY IfKWV PAOE THRJU Be warm and comfortable by rid- Large thipment of new sprint tng in 32 TaxiIt costs the same, hats Just arrived. Annette's. M ! Mrs. D. M. Hickey returned to the You can rent a car at Walker's city on the Catala thu morning as low as $150 a day, plus 7c. a ! from 8tewart. mile. , I George Dlbb returned to the city Charles Oraham. inspector o!;on the Catala this mornlne from a mines, left on last evening's train week's trtu to Stewart Al Small left on last evening's train for a business trip to Ilazelton and other interior polnU. John Skri of AHco Arm Li a visitor In the city. He arrived in the city from the north on the Catala this momlng and Is a guest at the Royal Hotel. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. Louden and fam- llly. who are leaving Anyox where ,they have resided for years, were j passengers aboard the Catfila to day going through to Vancouver. I I The current influenza epidemic has now struck at he ranks of the , provincial police, both Inspector I John A- Fraser and Constable Dan- l lets being confined to bed with the 'malady. J. W. Reld, official of the Board of Railway Commissioners, left by last evening's train on his return to his headquarters at Calgary af ter a brief visit here on official business. Wisconsin and other drought areas )0ther buslness i in tne Mioaie we' 01 uie uniiea .j 'states, will be here Thursday night i I way to Vancouver J. I Osborne, who arrived in the city oq the Catala Sunday evening after receiving, treatment at the Shaughnessy Military Hospital in Vancouver, proceeded on last ev ening's train to his home -at Ter race. There was a further brganlzatlon meeting Saturday night of the proposed Junior Moose Lodge here Arrival of a charter Is being awaited after which election of officers and will be proceeded Charles Fyfe. accountant in the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is confined to his bed at his quarters in tlie Commerce Mess. Recently he underwent a foot operation from which he is recovering. Leroy Rowfi appeared in city po lice court yesterday arternoon on a charge of assaulting A. Baxen- dale. gardener at the Court House grounds, and was fined $5 with op tlon of five days' Imprisonment Rowe was alleged to have struck Baxendale on the face with his fist, breaking 'the laUer's teeth He Is serving the five days. Provincial court of revision ad journed Its deliberations this morning. John Dybhavn is presiding Judge. The sole remaining appeal Is that of the Canadian Fishlnp Co. against the valuation placed on Porcher Island Cannery. T. V. Brown is appearing on behalf of the company. Today it was decided to have another appraisal made by the assessor. SPRING SUIT or TOP COAT Samples just arrived. Prices reasonable. Come In and get the first choice. M. T. LEE-Third Ave. II. J. ZUMKEIIR Fully Equipped ind Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorised certificates Issued with each chlmuey cleaned. Call or Telephone Thqmpson Hardware FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Adwtiit in th Dally Nevi, Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:1$, was reported this morning to be on t'me. John Ersklne and Charles Bap-tie returned to the city on he Catala this morning from Anyox Judge W. E. Flalier left on l ist evening's train for Smith? lierf he will preside over a session of County Court T. W. Kail, Inspector of schools. returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Anyox and other northern points on official duties. Hotel Arrivals Central Ted Erichlk, CUR.; Mike Ka sum, city. Knox D. Roche, Salvus; J. Marshall! and E. Hudson, Vancouver. Uoyal J. Skri, Alice Arm; Henry Smith. Stewart. Want Ads WANTED GARDENING or Phone Red 113. other odd FOR SALE Jobs. 70 ROUND Table, library table, wash- stand, crib mattress, high chair Phone 132. K FOUND FOUND Pair lined leather gloves. Daily News. FOR RENT 4-ROOMED furnished apartment; Phone 132 JO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1418 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf BEDROOM or single housekeeping room. Phone Red 444. 60 R PERSONAL MEN! Buy your Sanitary Supplies direct and save 75. Standard Lines. Send $1.00 tor 15 assorted. Imperial Importers, 211 Lumberman's Bldg. 509 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C." li MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR V. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS We buy all dates regardless oi con dition. Up to $1.00 each paid for VS. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid for Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections, Medals. Books, Paper Currency eU. send 25c. Coln) for large illustrated price list and instruc tions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c refunded. HUB COIN SHOP, 113-10 North FORSYTHE. SAR-NIA, ONT. PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. -CiOVEKNMKST I.IQIOK ACT" Vol Ire of Application for IWr IJeenre, NOTICE U hereby given that on tb Tenth day of April. nxt. th Wilder. signed Intends to apply w uqwr Control Board for a tlrnc tn reepeft of the premlcm. being part of the building known M Queens MOiei, mmau on Mala Street. New Massett. B.C-upon uu land described as Lot No. 5. in Block No. 14. Mp MS. uatferil lowo' site. In the Prince Rupert Land Regis tration District in tne province r tuh rvd-imbia for tlw sale 01 Deer hi theglasrt or the bottle for consumption on the premises or eiewnere. DATED this 1st day or Msrcu, 1833. CARL MKM13. Applicant I.AMI RKOISTRV ACT NOTICE Certificate of Title No. 8S-1. cot-erlng the Westerly SllJ t9' tM mnrM nr iaas cu lam o. wivtm v Casslar District. In tht Province oi RrltUh CVdunibLa. as ref Plan. bor. dered orans. attached to ded de. WHKHEAS utlsiactorv wool Of lOM nf th ilnw nertlflcat at Tltl. Issuea In the name ol Ercoie wmswjiwno been filed In this olflce. notice Is hereby glwi that I shall, at the expiration of una miMitJi (nun the data Of We nrtl nnWImtlnn htwf. lsU Provisional crtlflcst of Title in lieu of the antcl rrtif ir-.t unlres In the mn Ukm valid oblectlon Is made to me In nATrn .t th Ind Registry Office, Prince RunerL B.C.. this S5U day of February, ' 1S3S. A THDUPSON. Deputy Riistxar ot TtUm, Serve the Best Tea "SALADA TEA BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES British Columbia has produced over $U7.,000,000.00 worth of minerals. Improved base metal price, the Increased value in Opldj and, the general trend toward recovery, are bringing about steadily an increasing activity in mining throughout British Columbia, : NOTE: re "Mines Development Act" ' In future, applications for assistance in construction or reconstruction of trails to mining properties, pursuant to the above Act, must be made on printed forms provided for the purpose, These forms may be obtained from Uie Department of MineV, Victoria, B.C., or from any Resident Mining Engineer or Mining Recorder. Annual Reports of the Honourable the Minister of Mines, and special reports on lode and placer-mining, etc., may be obtained upon application, to THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES. VICTORIA, B.C. We Have Installed a Hoffman Hat Blocking Machine and are now in a position to clean and block your hats and make them look like new. Our price is-75c per hat We do dry cleaning and carpet cleaning. Have you tried our Family Wash by the pound? Pioneer Laundry (1921) Limited and Canadian Laundry Limited Phones 8 and 118 ACID IS USUALLY FIXTURES F0RJALE Shelving, Counters Silent Salesman Show Case Electric Coffee Mill Bread Case. Show Cases Biscuit Case. Meat Slicer 300 -Found Toledo Scale ,t Candy Scale, Cheese Cutter . Safe, Typewriter Fapercutters 2 Sets Vacuum Jars Marble Slab Ford Delivery Car MUNR0 BROS. Third Avenue TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. PRESENTf MM WITH some people the digestion of certain foods is difficult. More acid is formed than the stomach requires. This causes "repeats" or eructations. Sometimes these "risings" are extremely sour with add. If neglected, over-acidity can lead to more serious result- Either omit the foods which "repeat", or neutralise the acid with Bisurated Magnesia. This will immediately give you relief and with no bad after-effects, tor this preparation is harmless. (himxcdjul MAGNESIA. IS BISMUTH IN MAGNESIA. ..NOT A IAXATIVE