PAGE fOCK MUSSALLEM'S HAVE IT ETerythinr Yoa Require to Efct at Prices to Suit Your Purse. We deliver all orders over $1.00 GIVE US A TRIAL Beekist Honey 2 Vi Q7p 0C per tin Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter-Bulk. Please bring your 99c containers, 2 lbs. for Pride of Canada Maple Qp Ui'' Syrup, 2Y2, per tin Lilly White Corn Syrup Oftp U 2 s, per tin Libby's Pork and Beans 2's Qp squat, per tin Bartlett Pears 2's 1 4 C per tin - Aylmer Tomatoes Choice ftp 2's, per tin Rollo Cream Health Oats U 7C per pkg. Shredded Wheat ' IflC ' per pkg. .:.... - Dried Peaches Fancy Qo 6 2 lbs. for - Lee and Perrins Sauce fiftn 'Urge bottle, each UVl Book your order with us for Apricots. The season Is short. Other Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Bate More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 319 Third Avenue i.mi.M.iKim ib TBJgJBHB ira Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements .with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults, $3.50; each additional adult, $1.50. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. There Is a Difference In MILK Prove It to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction ur money back guarantee. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood . Furniture Moving High Hat This prize great dane 'Vanity" who lives in London, Eng.. is too "high hat' for the average car so he had a special roof built for his limousine AIRPLANES VISIT HERE Three Flyinr Machines in Port Within Twenty-Four Hours, Engaged in Various Missions Three airplanes were In port within a few hourr. after Sunday afternoon. The first was a low-winged Junkers monoplane -of the Pacific Airways piloted by Charles Elliott which paused briefly for refuelling late Sunday afternoon on the way from Vancouver to Stewart whence it will freight sup plies Into the Unuk River district for the Premier Gold Mining Co. At 9:30 yesterdiy morning a twin-motored Boeing flying boat, piloted by Clayton L. Scott, dropped in, being here to await the arrival later In the morning of the yacht Taconite having on board the owner, W. E. Boeing, Seattle aircraft and ship builder, who Is making a cruise to Alaska with party. The Taconite left Vancouver ten days ago and Mr. and Mrs. Hunt of California who came north as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Boeing left the yacht here and sailed by the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon on their mum south. The Taconite, of which Capt W. R. Stacey is skipper, left at noon today in continuation, of a trip to Alaska which will occupy another week. The seaplane will be here for a couple of days longer before proceeding to Alaska to rejoin the yacht At 10 o'clock yesterday morning a Super-Fokker monoplane, piloted by Major D. R. McLaren D. S. O., western manager of the Canadian Airways, and with Gordon Bulger aboard as air engineer, arrived. It left Vancouver Saturday morning with H. R. MacMil'an, president of the B. C. Packers, W. J. Van Dusen. tnem back to Vancouver. UNANIMOUS CONVENTION Continued irom Page 1 to Join the association, the next convention to be held there. Delegates visited Barkerville and Wells and inspected the mines and the newly formed Wells Board of Trade announced It would Join the Central British Columbia Association. Most of the delegates returned to Prince George yesterday after a round of entertainments in the Cariboo. Ole Malstead, charged with vag rancy by begging, was sentenced to five days' imprisonment by Magistrate McClymont In city pol ice court yesterday afternoon. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 60 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Armour Salvage Co. speedJy raised the well known Juneau halibut boat Addlngton which stranded and sank in MeUakatla Passage late Sunday night while bound here with a catch of 9000 pounds of halibut The sunken ves sel was lashed to the derrick scow and brought Into the McLean ways where she will be repaired, Her forefoot was crushed and seams sprung but damage was not, as extensive as might have been at first anticipated. The Addington had the misfortune to strike a rock and sink a couple of years ago off Dundas Island. Skipper Harry Ward left Sunday morning with the local power cruiser Bonanza for a trip to Vancouver. Accompanying him were Misses Lorna MacLarcn and Blanche Curtin. 'They are on a holiday jaunt and will be away for a few weeks. i News from the north tells of Capt. John Macdonald, well known master of the steamer TutshL plying from Carcross n Taglsh Lake, slipping recently on a sidewalk at Atlln and breaking his leg not far below the hip. He is in hospital at Atlln. Boats leaving today for the fishing grounds are the Toodie. Morris i H, Teeny Mllly and Cape Spencer, j Border Line Transportation Co.'s freighter Border Prince, Capt. i Gosse. arrived In port at 9 o'clock last night from Vancouver via Skeena River cannery points and Is today leading fish meal from the Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. reduction plant at Tucks Inlet for. delivery to Vancouver Southbound after a specially scheduled Alaska cruise with a capacity list of passengers. C. P. R. ! teamer Princess Charlotte. CaDt. W. Q. Palmer, is due here at 9:30 Thursday morning from the north and will sail at 1 p.m. for Vancouver and' waypolnts. Delayed again Dy having heavy freights to handle at waypolnts. Union steamer Catila, Capt. A. E. Dickson, is due in port at 5:30 this afternoon from Anyox Stewart and other northern points and will sail soon thereafter on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. The vessel Is bringing south another large party of Anyox people, the most of whom will be proceeding through to Vancouver. A FRANK ANSWER The Bishop of London tells a story about a visit he made to i home in his parish. A little girl well known Vancouver lumberman. ' came to the door. Then a voice and Jack Buchanan, chief accoun tant for the B. C. Packers, on board. The night had been spent at Sunnyslde and the visitors were touring Skeena River cannery points yesterday morning. The plane left at noon for Sunnyside to pick up the passengers and fly irom we wasntuo m the rear Inquired: "Well Sally, who Is it?" The answer was "Its religion, mother". REX BEACH COMING Rex Beach, famous- American novelist, is expected to be a visitor In Prince Rupert tomorrow going north aboard the steamer Prince Oeorge to Alaska. He Is also visiting Jasper Park in the course of his present tour. THE DAILY Tuesday Atm.. . . ur FllX your cereal bowl with Kel-Josp'i Rice Kriin- ies. A great luncheon dih. Jutt the thing before bedtime. Rice Kriipies crackle in milk or cream a found that children can't reit. Fine for the nursery supper. They promote restful lcep. Nour ahing and easy to digest. At grocers everywhere in the Mother Goose tory pack age that children love. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont Listen!- get hungry RICE KR1SPJESI District News SMITHERS Mr. and Mrs. F. H. L'Orsa, who came to Canada from Berne. Switzerland, after a land-seeking tour throughout the Dominion, have decided to settle in the Bulkley Valley. They have purchased the D. McRae farm at Driftwood and have already taken up residence there. Phillip Oriffln, a student of Prince of Wales High School In Vancouver and a brother of H. H. Griffin, local barrister, won th? Governor General's silver medal and the Royal Institute scholar ship of $150 In the Junior matricu lation examinations, results of which were recently announced, F. M. Dockrlll and H, H. Oriffln represented the Smithers and District Board of Trade at the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of British Col umbia- at Prince George last weekend. A number of resolutions were sponsored by the local board at the .convention. Misses Eva Dimock and Sylvia Mayer took honors at the recent Junior matriculation examinations. Other successful local students were June Carpenter, Pat Carr. Pat Downey. Evelyn Oiraud, Olive Stephens and Wilfred Watson. Smithers municipality has received from the provincial govern- Faster Way Now to Relieve Neuralgia - DISCOVERY ALSO EASES BAD HEADACHES -MUSCULAR PAIN OFTEN IN FEW MINUTES Remember the pictures below when you want fast relief from pain. Atpirin eases even a bad headache or neuralgia often in a few minutest An Atpirin tablet begins "taking hold" oi your pain practically as soon as you swallow it. And Atpirin ii toft. For Atpirin does not harm the heart. Remember these two points: Atpirin Speed and Atpirin Safety. And, sec that you et ASPIRIN, the tmtlmd doctors prescribe. It is made in Canada, and all druggists have it. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Atpirin tablet. Get tin of 12 tablets or economical bottle of 21 or 100 tablets. Why Aspirin Works So Fast Drop in Atpirin UMet in 1 cltsi of water. Note that DC-FORE it touchet tht bottom, it is djinU grating. IN 2 SICONDS IT STOP WATCH An Atpirin tablet ttiftt to (rate and (Q to work. What i I happrnt in the! happmi in your ttoraach ASPIKIN fi' taWett ltart "taking .hW of pain ' m nw nwiuiei aiier gaiting. When in I'ainjtcmcmbcr These Pictures. PICTURE ' BOOKINGS Outstanding Films Secured During Autust For Capitol Theatre Feature picture bookings for the Capitol Theatre during August show many outs'sndtng attraction? to be seen here during the month. The list is as follows: August 7-& "Devil Dogs of the Air," with James Cagney and Mar garct Lindsay. August 9-10 "Lei 'Em Have It.' with Richard Arlen and Virginia Bruce. August 12-13 Double feature program, "Casino Murder Case, with Paul Lukas, ard "Lemon Drop Kid." with Lee Tracy. t ; August 14-15 "Cardinal Rl chelieu," with Oeorge Arllss. j August 16-17 "Scarlet Pimpernel.- with Leslie Howard and Merle ! Oberon. August 19-20-21 "Roberta," with Ginger Rogers, Fred Atalre and Irene Dunne. August 22-23-24 "Les Miserable," with Frcdric March and Charles Laughton. August 26-27 "Coin g to Town," with Mae West. t August 23-29 Double feature i program, "Mark of the Vampire," with Lionel Barrymore. and "Mary 'Jane's Pa," with Guy Klbbee and ! llln. Il.ll.k.. HIS FIRST CAMPAIGN (Continued from Page II depression was at the province's financial helm. Fifty-seven years old today. Premier Reld has a knowledge of peace time and war problems, and as a youth was a soldier. He served In the South African campaign, which ended two years before he left his Glasgow home to come to Canada. He was decorated for his war services, and Is the holder of the Queen's and King's medals. He married Marlon Stuart, a! farmer's daughter of Manvllle. Alta., In 1919. There are four children. George, Flora, James and Richard. ment a check for $1100, being its share of the distribution of motor licence fees. Misses Margaret Johnson of Evelyn and Nora Bowland of Smithers have succesfully completed their second semester at Vancouver Bible 8chool, both having attained very high averages In their examinations. If you wish to swap something- Try a classified. FUBSn MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 New Assays Give Owners of Mine Fresh Confidence 8MITHERS, August 6: Assay of several samples sent out durtnt the past week or two suggest to 8. F. Campbell. G rover Loveless and Wesley Banta of Smithers. owners of the Olacler Oulch mine. that the R. Wi Wilson Interests may not have been right after all In relinquishing their option on he property after havlnn carried out considerable work. From the old workings they shipped a car load of ore which realized $100' Per ton. Lovelwu and Banta have been recently taking out some nlccj looking ore. Three sample were sent out for assay, one showing $271 In gold, another $322 in gold and the third, taken right off the dump, giving a content of $28 in gold. Free gold is sAld to show prominently in the new ore and the owners are confident that a shipment which is now about completed will avenue $100 to the ton In gold or better. Rent your rooms toy putting ar id. In this paper. LAST TIMES TONIGHT ATTRACTION' 1 uroauwar uwen mr a Milli TIMRR SniMlm LADY" A race track' A -night club? A hork Tills was the strar tance of 'King' R; Iowa daughter r thrills as she wan glorious empire - with vikoimv imrn: HELEN TWrXVKTIir.LS i At 8 13 it 10 s PLU8 ATTRACTION & ' 'I tuns; wci an rauui OI ( "LADIES SHOlU) LISTEN" The hilarious affair- . f ; . sieged bachelor who head and his freedom r i same time - with CARV GRANT FRANCKS DRAKE Edward Everett Norton At 7 T! it 9 21 World Newt A Washer For Every Purse EASY usher. We are now offerinn an EASY Washer at a specul price ol $74 .50 Terms may be arranged This model will he on display in our window for the following week. ArraiiKC for a demonstration at once. BUY IN PRINCE RUPERT Because: 1. Local stores give good value for the money ex pended. 2. You can inspect the goods before buying. 3. Many stores' allow returns if not satisfactory. 4. Local stores have a reputation to maintain. 5. Pictures are deceiving and mail order goods are seldom what they are expected to be. C. 1y buying at home you arc helping Prince Rupert. 7. By buying at home you are providing bread for local people. 8. By buying at home every dollar circulates and will return to you. i 9. Discourage the sweatshop labor that supplies the mail order houses. 10. By buying at home your purchases circulate; Think what this means to your own little family. Make Your Dollars Talk by Buying in Prince Rupert 5 It is a Good Habit to Acquire 5 Be a Sport and Help Your Own Home Town iu M miximriiHii ii minim ctuani niati ram n? kbthkiii tniu tmmxwzus r B " r