—_—_——_ THE DAILY NEWS — ao4& ee ie i General Merc sellin é | | | | | Lowest Prices in | acess et Ged emer rere eterna a : , ~ meee me ee teers rtrmermsrmcommermae (eS In Cheng Tu and the fate pean i shea AAE ena sien peieneremssisentgaiie -~ a a et BROS. i Largest Stock Northern B. C. { | REBELLION IN CHINA RAGES Fate of White Residents Un- known. Many Rebels Killed. Foreigners Holding Canadian Methodist Home Against At- | tack. Communication Cut Off. } iinet (Canadian Press Despatch) Pekin, Sept. 15.—Rebellion rag- of foreigners there is unknown. On | September 12th troc gaMUBL HAS NOTARY F amuel Harrison Real Estate and Stock Brokers VED AGREEMENTS FOR, SALE PURCHASED APPR Prince Rupert — and - Vv. F. G. GAMBLE " 0. Stewart ps were firing on the rebels many of whom were | kille od. The C; Methodist | compound city nadiar within the hes open spaces around its walls and | it is believed thet the foreighers jmay have taken refuge within the |compound which is considered the | strongest and most e sily de- fended place in the city. No ) communications seem possible with nile ite Service $ For ancouver Victoria AND Seattle —?—-+-@-0- 9 — © © 4-04-60 FRED. STORK { ~General Hardware 4 ree | ¢ ‘ . ° Builders’ Hardware | Valves & Pifes Oxford Stoves 4 Graniteware Tinware + b ‘heng Tu Reciprocity is not but a a perty bat- to | tle meesure designed incrcase trade and reduce taxation: and I am not prepared, through it, io strike down any legitimate Cenadian interest. We must be guided by the interests of Canada 1s @ whole.—Fieldirg | SEEKS BENEFIT — OF FREER TRADE: Stewart, Thursdays at 5 a.m, Prince John sa for Port Simp- | Naas ’ Masset, Naden Harbor, Wedne 1.00 p.m. for points, Sat- e Island roays 1 Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Office: 3rd Ave Phone 174 SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE Sheet Metal Work Workshop 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and &th Sts If Reciprocity Passes Newfound- land will Start Movement for a Union with the Dominion. crm - THE COSY CORNER = DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN 7 ~~ This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisme are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The Cosy Corner” will fill a social need. ———= ae STRIPES AND CHECKS EASILY READ, ALL HANDY The cushion back of the Morris cheir has been found valuable |in the sick room to place at the back of an invalid in bed. -o 0 9 Soft soap made from hali a jpound of shaved dawn soap end |two quarts of water will save the |soap bill at cleaning time. \ ooo If when frying onions a plate is kept over the pan, the steam will cook them quicker and the flavor will be much improved. ooo For a tired head after a trying |day nothing is more helpful than a cloth saturated in toilet water and laid across the temples. ooo In toasting biscuit they are much nicer if cut in slices across the grain instead of being sliced in the usual manner. Reciprocity is not so much a matter of getting higher prices from the U.S. for natural products; but, of giving the people the| | priv lege to buy and sell there when | Ottawa, Sep 18.—-Word has Raley Service to Copper River xed trains from Prince Rupert Mon- ays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 1 | dededpdpdpdeh htt th4bobtdotttee g , Thursdays | ¢ + ‘ nf : + + sisi ¢ W. J. McCUTCHEON 3 he Grand Trunk Railway System + + cling with tr from the Pacific z Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special : quent and conven-|@ attention paid to filling prescriptions 4 p jus trains over its z Theatre Block Puone No. 79 § ij Ave. 3 1 between ( hicago, + * ron i, Quebec, Halifax, | $¢66¢44444444444¢444¢4¢44444 rtlar 1, New York and Phila- Bphia antic Steamship bookings | nge Full informa- | n and tickets obtained from the | ct Row Boats ; A. E. MCMASTER FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT and Canoes Gasoline Launches, For Hire by Hour or Day BOATS BUILT AND REPAIRED Cow Creek PHONE 259 GREEN H. Johnston P.O. Bex 187 a nian Pacitic Railway Famous Princess LINDSAY Orders promptly filled CARTAGE and STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Prices reasonable. Princess Royal londay, September 18th, at 9 a.m Seattle . McNab “Ganga Agent ‘B.Rochester - CC® OFFICE~—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68 ASK ME sic If you want to buy, sel! or rent property buyers on hand for prop- ° 5. IN LANDER I Have erties at right prices. -FO . , FOR... Fire, Life and Accident Insurance HAZELTON ke the fast } « Furnished apart- of Me fast light-draught steam- For Rent: aie t. 20 month. t Ink r Hazelton, | | ee 5-room house with For Lease bath, close in. $28 Agent | a month JOHN DYBHAVN Pattullo Block. mce Rupert Lodge, 10.0... NO 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening ll me embers of the order in the city ) visit the lodge, are requested { Little’s NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P. WHARF J. P. CADE, N. G, \ JACKSON, Sac. EE QO RENT Infortely| 5 omed house with th Ave, » near McBrica , $85.00 bath, on Six P Oomed cal Mn, Offic ear Government 10.00 KNADEN COMPANY Limited, oud A ve, Prince Rupert, B.C, | Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST OLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS W. H. Wright, Prop P.O, BOX 37 eh Ot et Pt BOYS! Two Five Dollar bills to be given away to bright boys, See Mr. Munroe at the News office. he et Pt tt if Canada } egreement ched Ottewe. thet ratifies the reciprocity will be lk movement unched in| Newfoundlard for 2 union with the Dominion. Newfoundland has sev- | eral times sought better trading | erms with the United States without success. The proposed reciprocity agree- would give free entry United States, has} New- share ges ates market. ment, which to fish into the aroused great interest in dland with Canada in any of the ited St 1our ard a desire to advant: great U;: banker New terest who can loan his York, at than at The money in 1 higher ate of in home, is celled sells, farmer who| | steers, | financier or wants to sell his his wheat, or his hay there, is alled nm annexationist, a traitor, ther nice fancy pet names FARMERS BANKS Latest ie from London, Paris | an the 26h and 36th of Septem- ih o6. oe. liber, and will continue them | FRRUDS AGAIN spy ene } throughout the province. Mem-} : Hat crowns may be high | bers of the Board are the Hor. low; the majority of hats based | Price Ellison, Minister of Finance, | Clarke H. Smith of Vancouver, high crowns are narrow of brim,|the Hon. A. E. McPhillips, Presi- Arrested—-Leading Member ja feature which emphasizes the | dent of Council, Mr. W. H. Malkin, | of Financial Firm There. | height. | Vancouver, and Mr. C. H. Lugrin. | | There is a great ‘feeling’ os] ————— Canadian Press Despatch) jhaving all dress ac cessories to | This is the position of thousands Vancouver, Sept. 18.—Clarke H. | match, even the handbags follow-|of Tories who are now waving the Smith, prominent member “"ling the fashion end the uppers| flag and shouting ‘Beware of an- ore of the large financial firms| of shoes as well as the stoc kings. |nexation.’’ Theyare burning Amer- here, has been arrested by the| For elegant day dresses i coal, sleeping in Americar police in connection with th} embroidered nets are fashionable, |cotton sheets, wearing American failure of the Farmers Bank, On-| the skirts being very chic when|clothes and underclothes, smoking tario. The bank failed last ye: " | finished with a band ‘of black net, | cigars made of American tobacco. ind the manager was sentenced to six years penal servitude, while | Dr. Bea Nesbit, a director, is at present a ttie prominent fugitive trom justice. WHY HE SWITCHED Prominent aa Gives | } skirt, while the checked silk forms | soutached in white lare in vogue. |seen in lace or presented to them, and is to their! jadvantage only.—Premier Sifton. | ‘SIT IN RUPERT IN OCTOBE A rather striking model in black 4 “ ee erie: “gs oo By = Royal Colada Appointed and white stripes and- checks. ; va : Se ee to Go into Matters of As- The former is used for bodice and sessment and Taxation in Province Fixes First Dates. the deep foot abrd of skirt and makes cuffs on short kimono ¥ " a (Canadian Press Despatch) sleeves. The only other decora- st sory : ee ; : Victoria, Sept. 16.—Although no tion is a white lace collar. Sash ‘ a ; date das as yet been definitely ends are also finished with the checked material. Reciprocity should help the man- | | ufacturers by making their custo- ; of assessment and taxation through } out the province will sit in Prince | Rupert about the end of October. The Commission, the appointment 'of which was announced at the} NOTELETS OF FASHION [last sittings of the legislature will ; commence mers more prosperous. The reason for opposition lies in the motto— to beat Sir inything Laurier. Wilfrid Lz 1urier. its sittings at THAT LOYALTY CRY For children little coats of taffeta announced regarding this partic- ular point there is practical cer- | tainty that the Royal Commission chains, thence south 40 chains more or appointed to investigate conditions le less to shore line of river, thence east Victoria | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V aa oo ~_ 1, Fees on of Prines upert, rer, intend to apply for pernaaien gine the following Geanrioed lands W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. cing at a post planted on the north bank of Williams Creek where the railway right- of-way crosses and 8 chains back from the creek bank, thence south 30 chains, thence east 40 chains, thenee north 40 chains, tence west 40 chains to int of rommencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PETER PnrexsoN Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—-District of Coast pase Vv Roper — that 1, te Evenson Prince pert, rer, intend to apply for ission Pa the following deserted lam perm mencing at a post planted * z= south- east corner of Lot 4415, thence north h 80 chains, thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 —— thence a eat 60 chains to point of commencemen: Dated July 13, 1911, JOHN EVENSON Pub. Say O6. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Benjamin A. Fish of Towner, N. D., occupation merchant, intend sy for ission to purchase the following Commencing at a planted on the east boundary and about five tins from the south- east corner of Lot 4484, pane es 2 thence east 30 chains, oe chains, MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -: AUDITORS law-Butler Building Phone No, 280 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 C. V. BENNETT, B.A. ALFRED CARSS, of B.C., ee berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT Barristers, Notaries, Etc. Office— block, corner Third avenue and 8 street. Prince Ruvert. 8 thence west 30 chains to point Dated June 24, 1911. aa ae A. PIs Fred E. Cowell, Agent Pub. July 25. keena Land District—District “cs Coast 5 Take — that Stanley oo for in to purchase the iollowing Commence: cing at ph a, ted 40 chains south and 40 Ae ee northwest corner of ay s dateten ¥i Dist of Coast ao = ve 40 cl thence south 80 0 eat, north 80 ¢hains to pew co foth, 1911 STANLEY GREEN Pub duly 15. Skeena Land District— Coast Range 6 District of Take notice that Percy M. Miller of Prince Ru- B.C., occupation Civil Engineer, intends to apply for bermission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the left bank of McNeil Rivarat north west corner of lot 4409 R.V., thence east 20 chains more or less to west- erly boundary of timber limit 545 a number 40616) ly following said westeriy boundary of timber limit 60 chains more or to north west corner of said timber limit, thence 20 chains more or to left bank of M southerly following icNeil River, thence ieft bank of McNeil River 6) chains more or less to point of commencement, containing 100 acres more or less. PERCY M. MILLER, E, Flexman, Agent Date June 19, 1911 Pub. July 19, 1911 : Skeena Land District—District »! Siivia: Take notice that 1, Thomas Carter, of Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, intend to apply for eee to purchase the following describ- ed land. Commencing at a ape planted about one mile south from the mouth of Falls creek and about 10 Se ie a ae ee areeen oo eee thence 40 chains west, thence 8) chains a thence east 40 chains to point of commence- | ment, containing 820 acres more or less. THOMAS CARTER, Dated July 7th, 1911. Charles Webster Calhoun, | Pub. Aug. 5th. Agent. of | Ri , laborer, intend to permission to purchase the following $ commencing at a post ted on the north bank of Williams Creek about > chains south | east from R. R., thenee south 40 chains, | east 40 chains, “thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains to point of commencement. | wens July 7, 1911. PAUL HAGEN | Pub. Pub. July 2 Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District. District of Coast, Range 5. Take notice that Wm. Pome Nichol- | Son, of Prince Rupert, B.©., occupation locomotive fireman, intend to apply for ames to purchase the following | described lands: Commencing at et planted on the | north bank of the Zim-o-got-itz river, about two miles up stream in a wester- iy direction from the junction of the ttle Zim-o-got-itz river and the main WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge ay rd Gan a loz! anantheticyadminintored for the palniaas ex traction of teeth. Consultation free. Heigerson Block, Prince Rapert. = Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.E.Williams,8.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M.,_1.0N., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE RUPERT A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Grders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and lith Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Adyanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. eee river, and marked Wm. Francis Nicholson’s south-east corner, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 (0 chains more or less along shore line of river to post of commencement, con- taining 160 acres more or less, Wm. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Geo. R. Putman, agent. Dated July 17, 1911. i Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs =—E. EBY @®& Co== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - B. C. S. O. E. B.S. COAL NOTICE pine Frince Rupert Lodge, No. 818, Sons of” wh ed ee ree Ave. | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte | ** 5 P4™- Tak : es ee in M. Bro of Prince | . ¥ Rupert ‘ake notice that Austin wr i Prince Rupert, saddier, intends to to the Chief ERNEST A. woops. President, cea of Lands and for a li } | oe 7 cmp for coal, oil ~~ E Petroleum on and under | t described t Coast (Graham aor a MISS ELSIE FROUD ommencing at a post three miles east of tha northeast entues of G.L. Dio, 440 tammes Ae Ci ete | east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence Teacher of Piano, Violin and | west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains to point of Voice Culture. commencement. Miman oe 2nd Ave Prin is : Pub. Aug. 19. Between 7th & 8th Sts. ce Rupert Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte Islands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddler, intends to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Wor is f for a licence to pros for coal, oil and jeum on and under the following described ds on the West Coast of Gra! Island: Commencing at a post three miles east of the northeast corner om ° No, 4469 thoate south 80 chains, thence 80 ae west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east to point of commencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator Located August ist, 1911. Puh. Aug. 19. ‘Skeena Land Distriet—Disies of Queen Charlotte Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince A pretty little mode! of dark navy blue silk has collar iand cuffs of brighter blue, edged Reciprocity |with silver buttons ‘ “The policy of the Governmert | Pale-colored paresols are much/is to give every facility to Sir | plaited mousseline | Wilfrid Laurier and the people of | |de soie, edged with a wide silk|Canada to do the best they can Reasons for Conversion lborder or with one of flowered|for themselves, to enter into this qi . | pompadour ribbon, or of black|agreement, and, as they think At a pt mates gt in velvet. and we believe, to take thereby Vanoouver Robert f-nssidy, 5. nae senses ATR ee the best step they can for the a prominent Conservative well} EVERY ONE A SAVER development *. cae (Hear, |known in Victoria, occupied . : ,~ ,{hear). We hold that it is not a | seat on the platform. Mr. Cassidy Wet shoes “should be stuffed Siandvantane: teak Wauk Canada aanounced that it was the first time | with paper before they are put] a ould develop by the growth of| lhe had ever occupied such a away. The paper will absorb the tradi: seletiane “Giioiin Sink | position, giving the reasons for moisture and keep the shoes from Stebes. We held Wiel am entaceed | his conversion. He said: ‘With| becoming hard, Canade—a Canale with a sheet | many Conservatives I have looked lforws urd to the day when reci- | procity should come about and | leave my party today because or jof the trunk, If packed solidly market for our goods, and which this question the Conservative in this way they will carry around will do-more trade with ourselves. |party departed from the prin-|the world, Therefore, from every point of ( s of Sir John A, Macdonald Oo: @ OC view, we look upon the step which Sir John Thompson, Sir} Cold water, with but little soap, Canada has taken ac being prob- und John Macdonald's national policy included a bid for reciprocity of | ere ide with the United States and | intend to maintain the principles | which have always been advocated | nd maintained by my party until rec ently » | ‘The obstructionists are weak on j argument but strong on lip-loyalty. and put the bottles in the middle should be used for washing colored silks, Hf should until the color sets. in errr brought into the room in paper bags, which should be laid gently on the fire to prevent noise, °o°9 When packing, tie of this kind—cannot fail Canada, better | trade to be a more prosperous a Canada which will be a boitle corks, ably a very good step in our own interests, aS well as in the interests of Canade.’’—Lord Haldale, Brit- ish Secretary of State for War. runs vinegar in the water the color be stirred °oo°o When coal is needed on the fire the sick room, it should be A workingman in favor o! that everything but labor—is hard to pro- tection—-a_ system protects What British Secretary Says of rind” under the following described | of Rupert, occupation saddier, intends 1 pply to | the Chief Commissioner of ‘Lands and Works for a licence to prospect for coal, oil and pang Coast of Gra’ ees at @ post ranted iles east the southeast corner o! L. sot 4475 bh {sere 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com- mencement. AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | | honest Ay Ange lst, 1911, | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte | Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, occupation saddler, intends to oo the Chief Commissioner of Lands and for a iicence to and oil and petro- to | | Phone 178 ‘E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS and EMBALMERS Funera! Directors 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 .Grand_ Hotel. Workingman’s Home Frce Labor Bureau in Connection 1st Ave, and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor prospect for coal leum on and wee the following described lands | on the West Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a fod cad oa three miles east < the southwest C. L. No. 4477 thence 80 chains east, thence 80 chains north, thence 80_ chains west, thence 80 chains south to point of | commencement, AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | Date of Losation, Sist July 1911. Pub. Aug. 1 Skwens Land Distviet-Distriet of Queen Charlotte na Take notice ‘on a % Bae ay Ay of wyines | occupation the’ Chia!" Comminto Comadnnone of Lands and Works lor's ~s the following oil and petroleum on an: ny a? described Coast ili dee lands on the West Commencing at a post three miles east 1, Seimmenelng a oat planted No. 4472 thence perth 80 abate, thenee east 80 chains, thence south Rees ens cast 3S chee te teehee seanaaen’, | AUS’ au M, BROWN, Jacator | Located Angust lst, 1911 Pub, Aug. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY, CvEs that Duncan Ros of Hazelton, B. money 4 contractor, nor \inated as a andaldats for the E of Com- mois of Canada at the forthcoming election, has ape. tated as his official agent, C. Ne Bennett of Prinee Ru: B. C., barrister-at- DATED ai Prince, Buvert, B.C. this 6th day of Simtepber, A hah 911. . G. DAWSON, Returning NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Herbert S. Clements of 535 Pender St. Went, Vancouver, B. C., broker, nominated as a candidate for the House of Commons of Canada at the forthcoming election, has appointed as his official egant, George R.'T. Sawle of Prince Rupert, B. C., pub . DATED at Prince Rupert, B. G,, this oth day of September, A. D, 1911. PF. G, DAWSON, find, Don't be found easy. . First Ave. 7th Street Hotel Central °s; heated, modern $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Peter Black -