i V 4 V - FAGE rOUX PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder and FihIixmh Iroa u4 Brmaa rria, BeetrU and Atetjl Welding. SpcdalUu SawmtH and Minlnf Maehlaery. AH Type W Cm EnytiMa Repaired and Orerhanled. Our Confectionery Store is Always Ready 16 Serve You jChallfoux,. No. 485. .1. Second Prize, rugs, Mrs. J. Frost GRAPES Red Malaga and li Thompson Seedless, 2 lbs. - ' WATERMELON 6c per lb , PEACHES fl J Qff per crate VloD OKANAGAN PRUNES $1.25 per crate Just Received a Large Shipment of Okanagan Apples Selling at Low Prices. See us First. Try Our SODA FOUNTAIN For Milk Shakes, Sodas, Sundaes, Tea, Coffee, Sandwiches MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL . HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME A WAT FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waer Prince Rupert, B.C; Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE PILLOWS BY 'SIMMONS 45 Pairs Pillows fij-f en from, per pair VOU 327 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 775 I Hyde I Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Queen Charlotte Island No. 1 Shin 3X, $3.50 per M. 5X, $4.50 per M. PRIZES ARE DRAWN FOR Making of Drawings Featured So cial livening on Closing Night Of Catholic Bazaar The annual Catholic bazaar came to a close Thursday hleht with a sbcial gathering, the feature of the proceedings being the making oi drawings for the many raffles There was a large crowd lh atteri dance and the evening was mucr enjoyed. On Wednesday night there wal also a dance for which music wat furnished by Miss Blanche Curtin and Billy Bacon. The bazaar, as usual, enjoyed wide patronage and was very suc cessful financially. The winners of the raffles were! Grand Drawing ITIref Prl-ro tW In nieh T V T city, No. 350. Third prize, year's pass to thea tre, Joseph Robinson, Premier, No 1525. Fourth prize, $10 In cash, Mrs. E. Anderson, No. 859. Fifth prize, $5 in cash, O. Martin. No. 766. Other Raffles Winners of other raffles were is follows: Silk bedspread, won by Mrs. pj P. Stork, No. 101. Men's sweater, Mrs. McArthur, No. 40. Doll, Sister Docithea,. No. 33. Chest, Mrs. Rlf fou. No. 106. ' ; Shoe, Charlotte Balagno. No. 56.' Train, Thos. Trotier, .No. 68. Dionne sulky, Mrs. Charles Ba; lagno. Jar of candy, Mrs. Charles: Ba lagno, No. 6. Basket of candy, V. Lewis. No. 398. Kitchen set, Maureen Patmore. No. 3. Pearl necklet, Margaret Smith, No. 13. Hyacinth bulbs, Mrs. P. M. Ray-ner, No. 74. Cake plate, Mrs. J. Watson, No.' Basket of flowers, Miss- Blanche Curtin, No. 9. 1 Box of handkerchiefs, Nora Mc- Caffery, No. 20. Doll, Suzanne Ward, No. 75. Dad's cookies, Mrs. P. M. Ravner. No, 4. Box of apples, Mrs. A. D. Gillies. No. 14. Cut work, Mrs. A. Joy, No. 9. Coffee, E. Garofanl, No. 22., iour, Mrs. Campagnola, No. 10, Purse, G. Finn, No. 82. Pillow slips, Mrs. P. Byrne, No. 71. Seven pounds butter. P. hvmi No. 90. ' Tricycle, Mrs..R. E. Moore, No., 71 Towels, Mrs. Jack Joy. Apples, Miss Blanche Curtin. Ladles' sweater. Mrs. Fit7nat.ri.v No. 17. Men's, sweater, Margarel Stalker. No. 12. Ham, Mr. Owen, No. 64. VISITOR HEARD David Sadler, Vancouver radio entertainer, who is here with H, M. C. S. Skeena, was heard in a special address dealing with missionary work in the British West Indies and the Canal Zone and also in songs at a meeting of the local Pentecostal Assembly last night Rev. E. J. North, the pastor, was' In the chair and there was a good attendance. Mr. Sadler will be heard again tomorrow evening. FRESH 1WLK AND CKEAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 "T1LLIE THE TOILER" I hEN -Va y&kiti. j I SAW VA -LETT5N. THINK. THOJB FROM MB THi duly mrri WATERFRONT WHIFFS Trolling Season is Now Ended Only Five I Catches This Week Another Seining , Area Closed Except for the odd scattered boats, the salmon trolling reason in Prince Rupert district is now over with practically the entire fleet back in port. The last camp to be orought back to port for the winter was that from Vic-:ory Cove in Warke Canal. With fishia good deal scarcer :han the year previous, the 1935 trolling season could by success. One fisherman this week estimated the average earning for the- season at about $400. Salmon trolling on Skidegate Bar Is reported to have been very poor to date. The Chief Legale, Capt. Harold Casperson. is packing from Skidegate to Prince Rupert for the Cinadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. . During the past week only five calchesxof halibut were handled at the' port of Prince Rupert, these catches totalling 112.000 pounds to bring the grand' total of landings at the port for the season to date I up i-'n-AAAarst to 9,923,150 pounds i 1 as compared with, 13,025,865 pounds at a corresponding date last year. So far th.13.year Canadian landings have aggregated 4,685,350 pounds in comparison with last .year's 5,723,-765 pounds at, a similar date while Amerjcan.. landings now stand at 5,237,800 pounds- as. against last year's;- 7,3p2,100 pounds. The lone Canadian' boat in during the week was the Johanna which disposed of Jl'iOOO" pounds at. lie. and 7c while the American boats were: Fore most,, 40.000. 13.1c and 8c: Hazel H.. I0;op0t.13.3c; and 8c; Oceanic, 16,000, 12c and 8c: Attu, 40,000. 12.7c and 8c, The prices were the hiehest which "have been paid for the past iew years. The area on the east coast of the Queen , Charlotte Islands from Vertical Point, Louise Island, to Capt, St. James has been closed to isalmoh .seining as from yesterday pwmg to. streams being nearly dry matting escapement 01 chum sal mpn to the spawning grounds dlf flcult. Cumshewa and Skidegate jniet areas are still ooen to selnine Lagoon Bay on Queen Charlotte Islands and Namu on the mainland are still the only two salmon can neries in Prlnee Rupert district still In operation. Seining is re ported to have fallen off during the past week in Skidegate Inlet. Feature of the observance of Na- THE REAL lyauaaa Liimiiea, a Momreat con- " auauau iiavm vuiun- cerri. " teer Reserve to Commander J. E. . . W. Oland D. S. C, commanding of- Haylng been delayed by fog down flcer- and oicers of the H. M. C S. the coast, C. P. R. steamer Prln- skeena. There were about forty cess Adelaide,. Capt. Anderson, did c0UPles present and excellent mu-not arrive in port until 8:30 last slc was furnlshed by Charlie Ba- evening. sailing at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and way- points. Shef Thompson, former care . taker of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club floats here, returned Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl-at the first of the week after hav-j days q p.m uig spent, me summer down the coast engaged In fish packing andf plans on residing In town for the winter. Having been delayed by fog and also by loading salmon at cannery points, Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Oeorgeson, arrived in port at 10:45 this morning from the south and sailed at noon -on her return to,. Vancouver and way-points. The Cardena had finished her calls In the Skeena Sloueh on arriving here but still had her calls In the main river to make. Having on board a laree list of passengers, including many Yukon and Northern British rviinmhii REASON Today Hanson's Campaign Committee are- concentrating their attack on the C. C. F. party. For this naturally there is a reason. They say that a vote for Orme may help to elect Panter and this from a- party who must know that when the votes are .counted Hanson will be last. The C. C. F. have made great Inroads into the Liberal ranks, especially in the outlying districts. Remember Jap Inlet which used to be a Liberal stronghold at the last provincial election re-turned.seven votes for the C. C. F. and seven votes for the United Front and no votes for the Liberal party and so on in many different places. The one time solid Liberal vote Is now badly split and our Liberal friends are at their wits end as to what to do. They are resorting to the same kind of propaganda that they used in the provincial election and It will be a boomerang on them. It Is logical reasoning that If the Liberal vote is split then Orme must necessarily be elected, it looks as If the defec-Uori from the ranks will be such that Hanson will be last. Reports from the Skeena and Bulkiey Valleys Indicate that Orme Is gaining votes at every turn and he has sheaves of letters of individual support from all over the district. The -real reason Is they know DEFEAT Is staring them in the face. Orme's Campaign Committee. .' Watch this space all next week i Inov mac:? AN VA PCA JET ME CO! A . v YCrTeD-n FROM TIlLIE. I Halibut to Fishing tlonal Fish"Week In Prince Rupert this year was a special fish lun-i Club on Thursday when R. M. Win-slow, assistant manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., gave an appropriate address on the Industry. At the annual dinner of the Junior section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday night, T. H. Johnson, general .manager of the same company, gave a Fish Week address. The Job of resurfacing the Al- berta Wheat Pool's local elevator, TI'Vl fV Vl4C. nMimlA1 rt W-w. months' time, giving work during that time to about ten men, was completed this week. The work was carried out by Concrete Repairs oi ftleniholaiiM Hhe Htdty Cream Qv Bruises. Bites. Cuts,TiredPee.t Etc. MADE N CANADA people going south for the winter, C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, was in port from 7:45 to 9:30 this morning.- Visiting Officers Honored at Dance Enjoyable Affair Thursday Night At R. C. X. V. R. Headquarters A hlcrhlv pnlnvahto rinnrp rn tendered Thursday night at naval headquarters by Lieut. Commander Walter Hume and officers of the wardroom mess of the local unit of ,dBno5 urcnesira. Delicious re freshments wem rpj-ipH I C. N. R. Trains For the East om the East Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- days 10:20 p.m. Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICE Proprietors Bert Morgan & Bud Barrl? Don't forget the number 156 IT'S HERE The New Spalding STEEL SHAFT BADMINTON RACKET The Better Players Will Appreciate This Racket Lamp Shades Make that Old Lamp look like new again with a New Parchment Shade. Large assort ment just in stock. from rnced 45c Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to Shop Returned With Thank 3'VPPfiD TAiE IT EASY A KISS NOWILL GNE IT BACK TO I rr S you.macH ' J atter Ihe dame ' Bridge Party By Toe H Enjoyable Light Tables In Play at Delightful Affair on Wednesday Evening An enjoyable bridge party was held Wednesday nlcht hv th 1.0 i 'Toe H Society. There were eight tables In play and prize winners were: men's first, Joseph Howe; second, H. S. Meadows; ladies' first, Mrs. W. H. Smeeton; second, Mrs. J. W. Pottinger. After playing of cards, delicious refreshments were 1 served. I A. J. Squires was master of cere. monies and other members of the committee were Arthur Evans, J. D. Allen and James Duff. J. D. Lawrence, formerly manager here for the Government Telegraphs and now located at Atlln in a similar capacity, was a passenger aDoara me Princess Louise thk morning bound for Seattle where he will join Mrs, Lawrence and son who have been In the south for some time. Everything with Use gets weak, wears out, needs the Doctor. "Even as you and I. The Fish which made Prince RuperlFamm "Rupert Brand SMOKED - BLACK CO Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Saturday LAST A "Strnl.l,. r. " "om thll MoryJ "G-1 With JAMES CAGM Iargaret Lini 'At 7 38 & g.J ADnm OUR GANG in -Spri 'MICKEY MOUSES r (In Technic 1 napifr 5 "TAWil ai 9:0Q On! Father Ouelk'te Okl "Jin ior Lejar lOWt rvaait too, at times needfj bervice Doctor best performance! equipment is the Is and best that rji can buy, include ft PA v; n scope. CoupJed with intell gence, technical trairj ing, experience and ir. tegrity we place at youj service. All makes c: radios. Charges far and reasonable. Al work guaranteed. Phone 6 V5.M Co., !i, s -By Weitoi BESIDES BESIDES it RArJiS ,r .h S. JlS Z-3 ill: jK limwJmmm ir -IW J fff ,W Jil