ctober 5, IMS HI DULY KIWI JUST ARRIVED A Fresh Shipment of ley's Toffee i L. Rum & Butter, Fig and Date Gfln lAssorted; price-per pound .., bags ; . Jubilee tins Jubilee tins .. 25c 60c $1.00 IlIHY'S DAIRY MILK CHOCOLATE HUDS i-lb. OCp. brmes Ltd. ! "Jfifi Pioneer Urttqej tats at UiU Btors Phones: II & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pm. i and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pjn., ? pjn. till 9 p-m. Are You Ready For Winter? Ws have a fine selection of heaters lr types and - assure the warmth and comfort of any home Heaters for wood, coal or oil burner installs. on in attractive finishes. Drop In and Inspect -ur selection. You will find that our price1, are right. PON'S HARDWARE McBrlde 8t Phone 311 HUNTERS' REQUISITES Rifles - Gun Oil - , Gun Grease Knives - Lanterns - Flashlights ShCj and Cartridges In all gauges and calibres HOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ilTII To Oeean Falls, Powell Hirer and VANCOUVER RINCE GEORGE every THURSDAY 10.30 r.M. V-l-M tan National Steanislilps UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamsis leava Prince Rupert for CATALA evfiiv TiiF.snAV. li30 P.Rl Arriving Vancouver Thursday 4 CARDENA FVPnv nillUV MIDNIGUT. arriving Vancouver Monday am. MUlng, to Port BUnpeoa Anyox. Stewart and Naf Rr ueaye rrince Kupen nunaaj. v-" mformaUon regarding all sailings and tickets at "'NCE KI'PERT AGKNCYl Third Ane CANADIAN PACIFIC jVancouver via Ocean Falls and way potts JKINCEaa ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P-M. Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd, 21st. jKetchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagwas- IWCESS LOUISE. Oct. 12th. 1 n-iiNLtss NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 17th. vFir rnitlon and Jeservatlons call or write COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, BC fehave something to sell, a classified advertisement I a paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer In LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Buyers. Be warm .JidwmrortaW landing .In 32 Taxi H wsta th amt You can ren,t, a. eat at Walker's as low as $150 a day. plus T a mile. Baptist Chureh Bazaar and Car nival Saturday, Oct. 5, 2:30 to 10 pm., next ThomDSQn Hardware. (231) J:A". Ulnton returned to the cljy on the Princess Adelaide last nlsht from, a trip to Vancouver and Vic. toria, ! : .: . C. C. F. meeting Moose Hall, Sa turday, Oct. 5, 8 pm, Speakers, P. Roberts, Vancouver and J. E. Pan-ter, candidate. (231) ON.R.A. Badminton Club Amer- ican Tournament. Sunday, 2 pin. sharp. AJ1 members and prospective members welcome. An enjoyable dance was held Thursday night m. the Eagle's Hall by the Strollers Orchestra of Vancouver; There was a good-sized cVowd m attendance. C. Johnston, CNR. rightot-way official from Winnipeg, who has been on a visit here on official business, sailed by the Princess Louise this morning for F. A. MacCallum, manager of the local branch of the Bank pf Mon treal, sailed this morning on the. Princess Louise for Vancouver j where he will meet Jackson Dodds, j general manager of the bank from Montreal, who Is on an Inspection; tour to the coast and in connec-i tjon with whose visit a banquet: Will be held next Tuesday in the ! Hotel Vancouver. Mr. MacCallum! will return to the city on the, PTlncess Lquise next Saturday rooming. . RALLY TONIGHT : All interested In the re- 1 election of Olof Hanson, the U Liberal candidate, are Invited i to attend a Rally tonight in j rvimlttee Rooms at 8 o'clock. Announcements Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 3. United Annual Supper October 8. Lutheran Church Bazaar Oct. 10, Metropole Hall, 7, Gyro mlnlstrel showUUS p.m, October 14, Capitol Theatre. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17. Hygga's Bazaar, October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. 31. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, Octflbef Hugh Martyr vocal recital, Noy ember 1. , Presbyterian Bazaar. Novembei Daughters ot Norway Nov. 8. Moose Hall. Concerts pances Bazaar, st, Andrew's .Cathedral Bazaa NoV. 21, Orange Ladles' oasqar, No?. 28 St. Peter's Bazaar December 5. United Bazaar, December 5. MOOSE IIALL RENTAL KATES ..$25.00 ..- 20.00 Publto Meetings ...... lw A room sultame ior m?etlnw M now avaUable on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the: Club Steward, 040 or Red 412. British Israel Assn. meeting Too H Rooms, Oct. 7. 8 pm, free Capitol Theatre tickets, col lect our cash register, receipts. Bul ger's Jewellery Store, Canadian Legion, 8. E. 8. L. exe cutiVe meeting .Monday; half-yearly meeting Wednesday. (231) -t -- Football team fromi II. M. p. S. Skeeha will play R. C. X V. 'it. Prince Rupert tomorrow at 4 o'clock. . (231) ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER Before You Give Your Child an Unknown Remedy to Take Every day, unthinkingly, mothers take the advice of unqualified persons i-instead of their doctors' on remedies for their children. If they knew what the scientists know, they would neper lake this chance. Doctors Say PHILLIPS' For Your Child When it comes to the. frequently-used "milk of magnesia,! doctors, for over 50 years, have said "PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia the safe remedy for your child." Remember this - And Iways Say "PhUtiis1 ' When You Buy. Your child deserves it; for your oun peace of mind, see that you cet it Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Also in. Tablet Form i Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab lets are now cx saw at all drug stores everyhre, tadUwy tap-; lM:nnnnf)il ni Ctim nine Phillips Mdk of fcjS' PlULUPSv MAPI X CANADA 0m BW3I1 1 Speaker, Arthur F. Macdonald , - - pf Vancouver. ti Provmciai conswDie vicior G. W. NIckerson, ;Rond, transferred from here to d. nnmna tn Manaeer; T UC?an runs, an ivua.. outju anu family sailed last night on the Princess. Adelaide tor the paper town. Patrick s. Atkinson lefj. Terrace on last nignt's tram 'ior ew York where he will embark October 19 aboard the steamer Brltan- nio for a visit to his native home at Lower Weedon North " Hants England. . Mr. and 'Mrs. , Fred; Benson, wno haye been visiting, here with Mr. Benson's brother and ;'sister-ln-law Mr. and Mrs, R. .E. Benson, will sail by the CaUda. Tuesday after noon for Vancquver' enroute back to their home In Hamilton, On tario. ' R, G. Cunningham of Port Es slngton was a passenger aboard the Cardena this, morning on his way back to the Sk?ena after ; month's visit in Victoria. lie re ported remarkabjy warm weather in the south for this time of year. it being to htm, Indeed, almost uncomfortable. An upturn Iri busl ness conditions generally . in the south is seen by 'Mr. Cunningham Bishop Thurber, who has been spending the summer in the Yuk on with a federal geological sur vey party, was a passenger aboard the Princes touise this morning going through to VancouyeT where he will resume his studies at the University pf British Columbia. There were a numoer or omer University students returning to Vancouver on- the same 4?oat after havine spent' the hummer with geological survfey partica in the Yukon and Northern British Col umbia. i mill J . r CLEANS KHf f0SHES Bathtub, WaihbajiM, VVindow iO$ Mirrort. Hotel Arrivals Koyal Ruddy Smith, Victoria; Fred Corral ajid G. Martlnsen. city; K. F. MeCusher, Fort St. John; S. Nlghboro, Jasper. Mx, and Mrs. Sid Hopkins, and daughter, Anyox; Wah Soon, city; A. Barkley, Victoria; J. Lewis, Port Haney. Prince Rupert NoDman Boyd, W. B. Wetmore, H. P. CahlU, T. Kaye and E. Red path, Vancouver; Mrs. A, Stewart, Fort Yukon, Alaska; William A. Hesse, Juneau; Mr. and Mrs. Leo McCormack, Wrjuigell; Stanley Bishopric JrH Portland, Ore;; Ken Matheson, Prince Gedrge. .-'M Savoy .Arthur Ft Macdonald, Vancoii,-vet; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hadland'Jr:, Oona River. Mr. and Mrs. R. Llghton, J. "McDonald, G. L. Rochester and A. Anderson, city; F. T. Patterson, Surf Point; E. M. Letnes,. Port jEssington; Mr. and Mrs. Foster, S A. Anderson and G. Karkan, An yoK; Mr and Mrs. A. Main, Sun nyslde Cannery; George Etudoward. Port Simpsorr, J. L. McCrea, Ar-randale. Central John Hammeda. R. Thlnn. O. iGllllndn, J. Jorgenseiv R. Nelson land Einar Metz, city, R. Lahlff, Icioyah Bay;. H. Melby, Port Ed ward; J. A, PhUlp, Kamloops; p. J. Rolls and J. Litch, Qqna River; J. Flo.bra.ten, Dawson. Knox E. Bedford, J. H, Studdy, L. End reeon. T. Barkiej, R. w. Mac Leod, George Flynn. and O. Timms. city; Mr. and Mrs. Farmer and R Mann. Vancouver; J. Nord, Wales Island; M! Burton, Winnipeg. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver- Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m Thursday ss. Prince George 10:30 p.m. ijyMivss P Adelaide....l0 rim. Ss. Cardena midnight October 4 ss. Prln. Louise 5 p.m. October 16 ss. Pr. Louise 5 pm 'October 25 ss. pr. Norah 5 p.m THRIFT SPECIALS ON QUALITY FOQP For the Week Monday to .Saturday BLUE RIBBON TEA per lb SUGAR Finest Yellow ' 4 lbs. .: JEWEL SHORTENING per lb LUX SOAP tier bar . U;. - MOLASSES-tDomlnlon per No; 1 tin CLEANED CURRANTS Australian. 2 lbs CUT PEEL 1-lb. pkg. IDEAL JELLY' POWDERS per pkg PUMPKIN Royal City per No., 2 tin ' PINEAFPLESipgapore Cubes. 2 tins Mcintosh Apple s Bulk; 5 lbs. Okahagan Onions 10 lbs. FRESH PEANUTS per lb. BLUEBERRIES Eagle Brand; per tin VEGETABLE SOUP Campbell's, 2 tins GRAPENUT FLAKES per Pkg, , 8 tins LIBBY'S SPINACH per No. 2 tin CUT BEAN8 RoyaJ City 2 tins CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Red Arrow, Fresh, per lb CHURCH NOTICES 46c 22c lie 6c 8c 25C 23C 4c lie 23c 25C 25 c 10c 14c 21c 11c BAKING POWDER Braid's 97 EGGS Brookfleld "A" large, doz BR-UNSWICK SARDINES 39c 15C 25c 26c Thrift Cash & Carry , WtPeUvrr Phont 179 tPl Third Avt, JCAR8Y AN SAVE" Mall Orders Qaye Our Prompt Attention forthwith FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher Rev. W. D. Urant Holllngworth, BA. Organist: Mrs. E. J. Smith 11 Al., Guest Preacher, Heutenast HUda Bridge ,12:15, Sunday School 12:30, Wesview School 7:30 P.M., Guest Speaker,. Inspector' T. WvHa11, Subject: "LTTERATURE IN RELATION TO LIFE"' Special Music at poth.8.e.tYtce.s , All Visitors Welcoxrie PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Fifth Avenue East Rev. E. J. North,. Pastor, Sunday, U A M., Missionary and Communion Service - 2, pjtf., Sunday School anoV Bible Class, . , 7:30 P.M., Gospel Message Dave Sadler from H. M. C. S. Skeeoa. well knQwp rdVp singer, will sing. Mr. Sadler has-sung in some of the largest Churches on the Pacific Coast Don't miss this. Week day services Tuesday and Friday. 8 p.m. .j .' ' MEETING POSTPONED The annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Badminton Associa tion has been further postponed until next. week. JiERBfclVt r. uuasoc i Official Administrator. ! AUln, B.C. Datd the U dav of September. 193S. HIGHL1TES SATURDAY, OCT, 5 7:30 p.m. Symphonists, KOMO. 8:00 Hollywood Barn Dance, KNX. ' 9:00 Faucit Theatre Air Players, KLX. 10:30 Henri Damski's Orchestra, KJR. 10:30 Carefree Capers, KLX. SUNDAY, QCT. 6 Short Wave 10:30 a.m. Swanee Singers, 19 M. W8XK. 2:00 p.m. Roses and Drums, 25 M. W8XK. I 2:30 Boh Becker's Dog Stones, i Pittsburg. 1 3:00 BBQ Orchestra, GSD. 31 M. 4:45 Weekly Newsletter and Sport, Summary, GSB. 31 M. 7:00 Sunday Nite at Seth Parker's, KDKA. Standard 7:30 World Revue, KJR. 8:00 Public Opinion, KOIN. 9;00-flUken Strings, KQL. SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, banquets, lunchponSi dances, dinners and bridge parties. . Made to Yolr Qrde Nothing too large or too small, LUNCHES P.UT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone, us any time, Give Us a Trial Phone Black 62$ Want FOR RENT Ads FOR RENT Six-room modern . ., house with furnace. Apply 1851 in the supreme court op British . Graham Ave? Phone Red 104. COLUMBEIA, IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINH-1 " " ' TRATION ACT" " and MODERN Hoase Atlin Avenue for IK THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE Wr pYPP11pnt harbor View. BOOd CHARLES KAHStt.13. uecftsea. I vi-... -t-i-.. , - - take notice that by order of hi basement, glassed In porch. Honour Judge W. E. PUhr the 10th da,?1 f phone Blue " 812. ' (tf) OX September AD. 1935 I 'was appointed Administrator oi tne kbuii oi nar . ii'ow.ki. ta.t of auih. British Columbia, PAR C ( p deceased, and all parties having claims' ; . ,...... -'- atralnst the said listate are nereDy rer TnrPTJTTITnr Vnr Rale Mrs "am flam, quired to furnish same properly verified. IWTr.Ef,0r .Hate' t m rm or before the 20th day of Oc tobar AD. 1935 and aU persons Indeb d to' the EsUte are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness w n a . . t 1 mon, 424 8th Avenue E.. Phone Green 219. (232) run oxxJcr-v4iivt yaivi v.vx walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Dally News. (tf) PERSONA WOMEN Wanted to start private Kindergarten Schoots in. their own homes this Fall. Pre book let on request. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. Established 1?37. tf. MALE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression-Be a Civil Servant- Postman, Customs Examiner, Ciefk, Stenographer, etc. Free Bbok! "How to get a Government Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Wanted tQ ?eU leather neckties or silk neckties for us. We sell you at a price that allocs you to' maHe 100 cpmissipn. Write today for f ree; sa.mples .ahd particulars. Ontario, Neckwear t Company, Dept. 605, Toronto 8, I bnt: j ' , : . 1 ', 1 ! IN THE.'BTJPREMS COUBT OP. BRITISH COLUVlBIA . , ; ' I IM PPflRATP. 6:00 p,m. Manhattan Merry-go- j in the matter, op. THS .minIk VDn TRATION ACT" '-S. VVWH. ANU 6; 30 Album of Familiar KPO. MusiC.J.Ili. THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE; OF Vi!Kntn:!i!W:iiBi!!iira ! 1935. DECEASED, INTE3TATK' ' u . TAKE NOTICE that by isrdpr of. Hl Hoot. W. E. Flslu the iaU Mj ot October, A.D. 1935. I was appointed ActirUnlstrator of t)ie estaU 9! peorg Browiell White; deceased, .and all partes having claims aglnt ' the. eald eatte are hereby requirenj ,19 InTnlaft puna. DrooerlT 'verlXletl to" me 'n'-or '.be- lore the 5th day of NoWmtier, AJ1. 1I83S, and aU' parties Indebted , to the efitate are Tequred to'pay the ahjount Oj weir inoeoietwiess ne jyttuwuu. NOIU1AN A: WATt QKlcVftJ Administrator, Prtace Rupert,. B.C. Hated' the tod day al October, A D. .U'GTION PAIE TIMBER SALE ,X1$S83 There VlU be offered Ior sale at..Pub-IXs Auction, at Bocm 60 the. Twenty fifth' day of October, 1935, In the offie of the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. .the Licence X18989 to cut a,574,-OOOi board measure, of Spruce Ce da And namtaclE on an area adolnln LaU 653 and 653, Lyell Island, Queen Charlqt( llapd. Land picric, One year wRl be allowed for rema. val bf timber. , "Provided any one unable to attend the auction, in person may wbml j tegtder. to be opened at the hour of j auction and treated a one WdT . Further particular T ba obtained from, the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., rr nvrtrlerf Forexter. Prince Rupert B.C. TIMBER SALS X1887V Sealed tenders will t wcalved by tha MlnUter of Land pot late r than noon on. the fth day of Pdobar. 1933, for the purchase of Wcenoe X18874, to cut a.241,000 feet of Spruce, Cedar and Hemlock or an area situated on the south side of Louise farrows Cunt shewa Inlet, Queen. Charlotte Islands Land Dlstrlot. Two Jr l P allcrl for the removal of 41mber. . , Further particulars t the ChieX Wr eeter, VKtorla. B. c, or, DtatTlct For eater, Prince Rupert, B. C. 5 s 2 e as as a r.