At Shangal p Armour announces , that i has Jlxaed a contract to deliver ! Slunjai a million and a quarter ( of hemlock logs as a starter the c export business. They I be Thlpppd direct through the can Shipping Company". ISome considerable shipments of n are a!so expected to be shlp- 1 (rem Prince Rupert during the ted Deer Girl Is Exonerated ttti of Killing Charge in Con ation With Stabbing of Youth Who Attempted Assault IRED DEER, Alta Oct. 5: Six- en-year old Annie Ellen Klxton i been exonerated by a coroner's iry In connection with the fatal abbing a week ago of Leonard pekwire 17, who Is alleged to ve attempted to assault her and Bother girl, Margaret Gladys Ken 18, while they were alone in muse lourteen miles southwest of re the girl plunged a butcher pue into the attacker's chest be- tn the second and third ribs F. after staggering outside, he PPM dead. H Country Soccer ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Serial 5. Blarkhurn Rovers 1. plrmingham 2, Chelsea 1. Wton 3, Middlesbrough 1. ord 2. Sheffield Wednes fttn 3 WolverhamPton Wan lEvcrtoil 2. Astn Vllln 0 P'eeds United 2 iinHHorsfioiH 9 IJIanchester 1, Stoke City 2. l"Mwn wrthend 1, Portsmouth Sunderland 2 1 'ViUUI u, (- vt Bromwlch Albion. 4, Grim- w mwn 1 SCOTTISH LEAGUE First ItULI Aberdeen 4. Partis -ri,ien- n Albion Rovers 1, Dundee 1. ' iciyde 2, Avr n Hamilton Apnrtfmioni. Tiiu Ians Hearts 3. 2 Third Lanark 0 0. "lucr Kilmarnock 1, Celtic. 1 IL.1iiaam( ' liccjis Part q ii.j.i . n,,,0 u "uaneonians 2. R n ".?f8o"lh Motherwell L "sua n. 1 111 v f nk 11.. Ist- Johton 2, Arbroath' i: Sir Samuel Hoare, British foreign secretary, told the Italian minister plainly that, since Italy had taken military action, the British govern Ethiopia. Oldest Native Of Metlakatla Dies Mrs. Harriet Powell Passed Away This Week at Age of Eighty Years Is Seeking Information be setUed there. I Chamber of Commerce Hears Re Mussolini takes the stand that! port On Health insurance And he has not defied the League, his Wants To Hear Address Ethiopian-campaign "being of a r . - defensive nature, and that . he ' On motion of T. H. Johnson, would leave the League if its action the Prince Rupert Chamber of compelled him to do so. He expres-i Commerce last night decided to sed the desire to limit his military J request Dr. R, O. Large to admeasures to colonial activity in 'dress the next regular meeting on Ethionla. avoiding anv extension ' the subject of "Health Insurance" of Ihe conflict The matter came up through the reading of a brief presented by the Vancouver Board of Trade at the recent inquiry in which it was stressed that any form of metn viewed it as increasingly dif-j " i .Zl ...... 4 j . Dear a aisunci reiauun w uwi iicuii, tu mane jjiush wJwaiu a settlement of the dispute. From Geneva came announce ment that the League of Nations would be assembled next Wednesday to hear the fresh protest from contemplate In other provinces of the Dominion and that the plan finally adopted should be a very moderate one as being somewhat experimental and difficult to rescind. Attention was drawn to the fact that there was a Dominion unemployment insurance scheme and the government had appointed a commission to study unemployment and health insurance aiyl it might be desirable to await' the findings of this commission be fore taking action. Objection was taken to the additional tax of twoj percent on payrolls proposed to be i assessed against commerce ana industry and of three percent to be naid by the employees. It was Mrs. Harriett Powell, oldest in- pointed out that a person In re- habitant of the neighboring native j cejpt 0f $1,000 annually would village of Metlakatla, passed awayjhave to pay $30 a year for health there on Monday of this week ati insurance in addition to $iu in-, the age of eighty years. The f u- come tax and $13 for the new fed-1 neral took place on Wednesday eral unemployment service, hwmu with Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook'a total of $53 a year. It could not I officiating and the entire popula- be taken for granted mat empiuj- tion of the village turning out to ees desired this service, pay final respects to the memory of deceased. Widow of the late Charles Powell, who ded'years ago, Mrs. Powell is survived by a number of sons and daughters as well as grandchildren. Pound Sterling And Canadian Dollar On New York Exchange NEW YORK, Oct. 5: The British pound sterling closed at wwvt and the Canadian aonar at o u-32c The Montreal rate on the pound sterling was $4.97 3-16. NEWFOUNDLAND GOVERNOR ST. JOHN'S, Nfld., Oct. 5:-Vice-Admlral Sir Humphrey Wallwyn - To Take Trial On Gold Theft Charge Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill Re-turns to City With Prisoner From Atlin After having spent several weeks at Atlin in connection with prosecutions in alleged sluice box rob-! berles in that district, Staff Ser-j geant Alex McNeill, chief of the! city detachment of the provincial police, returned to the city from the north on the Princess Louise this morning, having in his custody; norirpr T.lnristrom wno lias uccii L 1- u .' : vj; t "T Today's Wes-Jj; Tomorrow's Tides Rupcrt-IIazy. aoMh. orinre High 8:16 a-m. 16.1 ft. six mes per hour; h wind, 19:59 pjn. 17.7 ft. meter 30.02; temperature, 52; ' Low .. 1:20 a.m. 6.6 ft. smooth. fc 13:36 pm 10.1 ft. - : , V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Ll. XXIV No. 231. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS RANCE IS SIDING IN WITH BRITAIN attain Conditions Are Made By Paris Gov't In According Its Support Lsolini Maintains That He Has Not Defied League of . 9 mt t if" n 1 x Nations, mat ms campaign is rurciy uciensivc i mi i IT- I XTi r ! It...i!l!i .. Anil inai lie imcs mm uisirc Hostilities To Extend Beyond Ethiopia LONDON. Oct. 5: (CP) France today told Great Bri- lin that she is ready to support the British fleet in the iediterranean but, at the same time, proposed several ; "l'tain pnnCll'lUS vmi.ii aujjjsuiu uremia. i nine elivered today to the British Foreign Office by the i rench ambassador was authoritatively said to include; :ontmcts FOR LOGS Armour .gnts To Deliver Million And (Juarter cet ?tnat tius guaranty or immediate assistance Is a reciprocal guaranty jthat mutual assistance should also include help in the air and on land. Authoritative sources disclosed today that Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy has bid for simultaneous cancellation of Anglo-Italian precautionary military measures in the Mediterranean but the proposal ! was greeted with silence by the j British government which insists; the whole dispute is in the hands of the League of Nations and must I Renown Makes Surprise Appearance at Gibraltar Ending the secrecy that had c ouded her movements for several days after she had left Eng land for an unannounced dest nation, the giant battle cruiser Re town sailed proudly into Gibraltar harbor together with th Hood and seven other British wrships. They stood ready to defend Britain's vital trade rou ss against potential Italian encro .chment. This Is a recent pic ture of the Renown under way. Today's Stocks ( Courtesy S. 1, Jaaii6Un Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .17. Big Missouri, .4UV2. Bralorne, 5.05i' -Bt R. .Cons.Oi'i B. R. X., .08i2. Cariboo Quartz, 1.06j Dentonia, .16. . Dun well, .03 2. ' Georgia River, .00?4-Indian, .01. Minto, .052. Meridian New, .19.-Morning Star, .023A- i National Silver, .02'2. Noble Five, .05 Vi. -Pend Oreille; .72. ; Potter Idaho, .05&.- Premier, 1.58. . '' Reeves Macdonaid, .10. Reward, .02. Reno, .75. Silver Crest, .008. Salmon Gold, .07141' Taylor Bridge, .16.-' Wayside, ,144. s : Whitewater, .051$ Toronto : Central Patricia,4.66. Qhibougamau, Il3. Lee Gold, .02?4. . Granada, .18V2. f Inter. Nickel, 31.85. Macassa, 2.44. Noranda, 400. ' Sherrltt Gordon, .88.' Slscoe, 2.50. . Ventures, .97. .'jue.,.Xi. . Lake Maron, .02" -Teck Hughes, 3.99." 1 Sudbury Basin, 157. Smelter Gold, .04 j , Can. Malartic, .59. Little Long Lac,j5.05. Stadacona, .20 Maple Leaf, .02. Pickle Crow, 2.75. ; McKenzie Red . Lake, 1.03. God's Lake, 1.50."-, Sturgeon River, .58.-Red Lake Gold Shore, .28. San Antonio, 2.50. Today's Weather Terrace Foggy, calm, 44. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 40. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 48. Hazelton Fog, calm, 40. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Fog, calm, 33. GOLD PRICES MONTREAL, Oct. 5:' fcP) Gold committed for trial on a charge of prices were up yesterday, the Mori-thpft nf tmld and who will appear tr'eal quotation being $35.44 while I . . . n ntun tn Pmm: thn Kpw Vnrlr nHnp woe 15 tm New Water System i For Port Simpson Replacement Work, Taking About A Month, to be Started Next ( ' Week at Village fc 1 - - -"TV - ' DETROIT IS NEAR CINCH Mickey Cochrane's Crew, Behind Crowder's Brilliant Pitching, Takes Stranglt,-Ilold On Series CHICAGO, Oct. 5: (CP)-Qeneral Alvin Crowder, . veteran right hander, hurled a brilliant two to one victory for the Detroit Tigers over the Chicago Cubs today in the fourth game of the world series as the American League champions hammered their way to within one ! victory of the 1935 world's baseball championship, the Tigers now hav ing a three to one "edge In games. Detroit again came up from behind to tie the score 'and then moved in front. ' Brilliant .fielding nipped' off threatening Chicago rallies after Cochrane' crew had taken the lead. Loose fielding again contributed much to Chicago's defeat. : The Scoring Plays Second inning, Chlcago--Hart- nett pounded a home run into the. right field' stands. Third inning, Detroit Crowder singled. White singled, sending Crowder to third but was out himself trying to stretch; It to second. Cochrane walked and Gehringer doubled, scoring Crowder. Sixth inning, Detroit Clifton was safe when Galan dropped his long fly. Crowder rolled to Jurges who let the ball go through for another Cub error, Clifton scoring on the play. .".V , ' . Fate of Aduwa is Still Uncertain; Conflicting Reports On Occupancy ! Addis Ababa Says it Has Been Evacuated by Defenders While Rome Declares. Ethiopians Are Still in Possession Under Heavy Siege Fighting On Three Fronts Now !. LONDON, Oct. 5: (CP) The fate of the town of ! Aduwa, focal point so far in the Italo-Ethiopian unofficial ; war, was still uncertain today. While Addis Ababa reported that Aduwa had already fallen to the Italian army i and was now without an Ethiopian soldier in its streets, ; only women, children and infirni men remaining, with the '. defending t'roops retiring to theK. . ..." hyis behind the town, a Rome of- ri f ff rtff T"l nciai statement saia tne city was nlr r IIVl i i still held by the Ethiopians but was in a virtual state of siege. 1 ! Fighting is continuing on three! i hroari frnnt5 In F.thlnnla. i HELD UP One report said the Ethiopians ; Crews 0( Australian Boats Refuse had re-taken Adlgrat which fell to! To Work With Non-Union the Italians on Friday. i Longshoremen Various reports said that seven hundred Italians and thirteen hun-i VANCOUVER. Oct. 5: (CP) The dred Ethiopians had been slain in fighting around Danakll. Work will be started next week o.N'E LIBERAL WITHDRAWS by the Department of Indian Af- LV yfjKO.V; STRAIGHT-fairs on the Installation of a new nfjiir rrtn otta iva sfat water system for the village of ; Port Simpspn, the need of replacement of the old system having , been felt for some time. The work, I which will take about a month, will be superintended by A. L. Mc-Na'ughton of the Dominion Water Branch, Vancouver, who is at pre-! sent In the city getting his equip-1 ment together and who will be' taken to Simpsofi .this w eek-end by j Dominion Constable A. J. Watkin-I son on the departmental cruiser Naskeena. DAWSON, Oct. 5: (CP) Charles Reid, straight Liberal candidate for the Yukon in the forthcoming federal elec- Ubn, has withdrawn from the contest at the request of the National Liberal Federation in Ottawa, permitting J. P. Smith, Independent Liberal, to contest the seat against Mrs. . George Black, Conservative. Union Steamships Co. of New Zea-. land liner MonawaL which arrived Wednesday from "down under" on the regular run o the Aorangl, was unable to djsfrharge cargo whenthe crew"refused to f urnisH' sleariTor the winches. The crew of the freighter Haur-aki also refused to work the ship with non-union longshoremen and the freighter Wairuna, tied up since a week ago Monday, was still Idle. The men are holding meetings to decide on further action. Vancouver Wheal VANCOUVER, Oct. 5: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 93c on the local exchange today as compared with 91sc yesterday. THE POLITICAL CORNER THE C. C. F. AND THE ORIENTAL The following questions and replies taken from Hansard of June 22nd, 1934, Page 4206, show the position of the C, C. F. party on the Oriental vote question. Ian Mackenzie, Liberal Member for. Vancouver, was questioning Mr. Woodsworth as to where the C. C. F. party stood on votes for Orientals. Mr. Mackenzie (Vancouver), "Is the Hon. member in favor of enfranchising -Orientals in British Columbia?" Mr. Woodsworth, "I am in favor of enfranchising Orientals In British Columbia." ; Mr. Mackenzie, "Is the C. C. F. in favor of it?M Mr. Woodsworth, "Yes; .there b no doubt about that. I will go into your riding and tell them so; there Is riooubt about it." This should silence any denials that the C.' c: F. party is In favor of giving the vote to Asiatics. 1 The question is, "Are the farmers and fishermen of Northern British Columbia going to. vote for a party committed to such a policy?" If a politician dared advocate such a policy in the Fraser River Valley he would be mobbed. The Oriental question Is not so acute in Northern B.C. but in the south the Asiatic farmers are rapidly pushing back the white farmer and the Oriental fisherman rapidly displacing the white. It is only a question of time until we have the same conditions in the north. Giving the vote to the Asiatic would be a very dangerous business. We all know the way the canneries exploit the Orientals in the matter of fishing and fishing licence's. Knowing nothing about our politics or system of government these Asiatic fishermen (all of whom are naturalized) could be herded In droves to vote as. the canneries wished. Every white fisherman knows this and will oppose to the last ditch the granting of such franchise. The Liberal party is absolutely opposed to giving the franchise to any Asiatic. Your vote for Olof Hanson will ensure that they do not get it. Liberal Campaign Committee.