4 4 4 4 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides xStto High 8:57 a.m. 185 ft. prince Ruperts-Showery, llaht 21:57 pjn. 16.8 ft. u'hwest wind; barometer, 30.44; Low 2:45 a.m. 10.7 It. xpcraiure, 50; sea smooth. 15:17 pjn. 12 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV N Q,. v PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1935 PRICE: 5 CENTS FRAKE INCRIMINATING ADMISSIONS IN RATTEWURY MURDER CASE Important Conference of Three i Former Allied Powers Opens At Stresa; Treaty Sanctity Urged Is Married JjHp t ssssssHf JPsssHI f tlu UK IILUMAN GOIIUNC. 4 BU-X..Y Aptl It. Beri.n was 4- . tcrday fur tic mur-; Unman WUh On-r-l iiuuiy'& at: minuter and n aid man of Hcich (uehrei 4 , U.U-r. to a thirty-five ycai 1 a. ncM. H!ter. himself, was ! (or Ottering. A thousand I (U r attended a fay wed-p.irty ,4 in a Berlin hotel fol-the . marriage rite 4 4 4 PAY AND 4 4 4 NO MORE 4 4 i: Major League flayers Not Pcr- milled tn Take Outside Emoluments niK'AGO. April U: After hav-..ad the Dean Brothers, Dlisy Daffy of the St. Loul Cardln-1 the carpet yesterday, Judge Kr aw Mountain Lnndla, com-ifmn r. of organfted baseball, an- unr.d a ruling yesterday that, fut.urr no Major League players be permitted to accept outside ".pen atlon apart from their rc- '.'-ijr salaries as players for services fin ball field. It had been stated Uir Deans liad been In receipt cf wtain bonuses and payments Fr irom their regular salaries. 4 KAIMVAY SECURITIES 4 AND 1'UHLIC WOUKS I'LANNEI) AT OTTAWA 4 OTTAWA. April ll:-Guar- 4 nutor of equlpmcnJ and sccurl- Uc , of the Canadian National 4 ' ano Canadian Pacific Rail- 4 a.v.- to the extent of $15,000,- 4 W i.s the feature of govern- 4 T mom legislation of which no- 4 w-e was given today. The kov- 'rnment also hopes to create 4 employment by public works 4 wiMng mroughout can- 4 4 SET UPON LEAGUE APPEAL French Statesmen Insist That Parley Must Squarely Meet Crave Issue Caused hy Germany's Violation Of Treaty of Versailles- STRESA, Italy, April 11: (CP) French statesmen, filing for their views as to the sanctity of treaties, went x.o action at the conference today with Great Britain and I'ai;. , apparently determined to make France's appeal to ne League of Nations against Germany's action in violating the re-armament provisions of the Treaty of Versailles basis lor all action by the gov- . rrnment France inatrta that the . conference mint squarely meet the I wrnrfr If II 1 fl I flT I TT I grave Issue earned by Germany's ajIVv vlV vUl violation of the military clauses of Versailles pact. 4 I'MILU STATES GOVT. Tit I CHI OF 'SH.VF.lt t) IS BEING ItOOSTLII TO 71c 4 WASHINGTON. D.C.. April 1 1 1he Department of the Treasury announced yesterday 4 that, to keep abreast of the 4 rapidly advanclnt world price. 4 the United States government 4 was about to boost IU price for . the newty-mlned metal from , 84 4c to 71c per ounce which will be the highest figure in years. President rtooeevelt an- 1 nounced last night that the ; Increase would be effective on production dating from April 4 10 Further rtse of the world 4 silver price and acceleration of 4 production was seen today fol- 4 lowing the government ad- 4 vance. foreign bar silver in 4 New York Jumping lHrc to 66c. 4 the highest since 1026. 4 Another Ship Due Here Soon Steamer Paris City Expected Early In Slay to Load Full Cargo For U. K. or Continent Another Reardon Smith Line steamer. Paris City. 6343 tons gross register with home port at Bidde-ford England, Is expected in Prince Rupert early In May to load a full cargo of grain for United Kingdom or Continent from the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator. Seattle Boats At Ketchikan Halibut Vessels Take on Gear And Ice Enniule to Banks KETCHIKAN, April ll:-Puget Sound halibut vessels passing throuRh here yesterday enrpute to the fishing grounds Included the Llahona. Bonanza. Ivanhoe. Eslep, Dally. Altcn. Celtic. Kodlak and Constitution. Each loaded gear and Ice. Tonight's train, due from the cast at 10:15, was -reported this morning to be on time. MAY FIRST Reduction in l'rice to Come Into ; ; Effect Then Plebiscite On Beer and Wine.In I Restaurants 4 VICTORIA, April 11: (Cri Urltlsh' Columbia liquor prices will be reduced about 50c a quart on May 1 If present plans of the Liquor Control Board materialiie. There will be no reduction In the price of beer which is not affected by the reduction in federal prices. Although it is officially denied that the question has been considered, the possibility is being debated in various circles that the government, using power un der the Liquor Control Act, may hold a plebiscite this year on the proposal to allow eating houses to sell beer and wine. Report on Macon Disaster Turned Over to Swanson WASHINGTON. D.C., April 11:-Theireport of the official Inquiry! Into the crash at sea recently of the j huge United States Navy dirigible) Macon was placed In the hands of i Secretary of the Navy Swanson yesterday and will be made public In a few days. Hoover to Direct G.O.P. Campaign .Former President Will be .Man Be hind Republican Forces In 1936 NEW YORK. April II: It is Intimated in political circles here that Former President Herbert Hoover will have direction of the 1038 campaign of the Republican party from behind the lines. One Hundred Are Estimated Dead As Flood Result LOS ANGELES, April 11: It was estimated yesterday that at least one hundred person." had lost their lives either directly or Indirectly as a result of torrential rainstorms and gales which have raged In Southern California early this week. There was three Inches of rain within twenty four hours In Los Angeles district. Where European Peace Conference sBflr iifsjk ' JsBCBilBWMBl TflsW In i sgssssssssssjsl 9V9SbbbbbbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbW(s9 L (f pyPJg SslBagSSSBS New photo 'Top' of Stresa. plc .urerque Italian smail town where Sir John Simon (Top, British foreign minister. Benito Mussolini (Lefti, Italian premier, and Pljrre Laval (Centre), French foreign minister, meet today for conversations upon which peace of Europe may depend. In background is the historic Bella Island, fronting the town on Lak e Magglore. Mussolini arrived at Stresa last night, piloting his own seaplane from Rome. Premier J. Ramsay MacDonald and Foreign Secretary Simon of England, having Joined Premier Flan din and Foreign Minister Laval of France in Paris last night, reached Stresa this morning. The conference opened at 10:30 this morning. England hopes to act as mediator for Germany, .whose decision to re-arm in spite of the Versailles treaty, brought about the crisis. Italy and France demand realistic action in bringing Germany to account. Both Widow and Young Chauffeur Confess to Using Mallet, Alleged 'Hat' Has Lived Too Long," Woman is Said to Have Declared, Stating Later That "My Lover Did It" Hearing Adjourned Until Next Week BOURNEMOUTH, England, April 11: (CP) Alleged confessions of guilt were introduced today when Mrs. Alma Rattenbury and George Stoner, her young chauffeur, faced preliminary hearing on charges of murdering F. M. Rattenbury, former British Columbia architect and land speculator. Both admitted using a heavy mallet with which Rattenbury received headK . . . wounds, according sing to 10 the me police ponce. "I did It with i the maiiet Rat has lived too long," ," the the police police allege allege Mrs. Rattenbury stated. Later she was said to have added confusedly: "No my lover did lt.r The "hearing has been adjourned '. until next Tuesday, Norbert Vlncinton: of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, has written to the city expressing appreciation of the receipt of copies of the Dally News containing news of the doings of this town in which he resided In the earlr days, navlng owned real estate here. i Aquitania 1 yi lilown Ashore Yesterday Seventy-Mile Gale Forced Giant Trans-Atlantic Liner Aground Near Southampton SOUTHAMPTON. England. April 11: A seventy-mile gale forced the great trans-Atlantic liner Aquitania ashore near here yesterday. Despite efforts of seven tugs, the vessel was not refloated up to last night when It was net known if she was badly damaged. Passengers were removed. Is Being Held FLEE FROM I DUSTST0RM Situation Becoming Even More Acute in Southwestern States TOPEKA, Kansas, April II: Most severe duststorms of the recent series were raging yesterday In seven southwestern states Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Missouri and Iowa. Many schools were closed and In some of the more severely affected areas farmers were leaving their homes. STRIKE IS IMPENDING President Roosevelt Gives Personal Attention to Situation at Akron WASHINGTON, D.C.. AprU II: A threatened strike of rubber workers in Akron. Ohio, drew the personal attention yesterday of President Franklin b. Roosevelt who conferred with Secietary of Labor Perkins on the matter. Workers of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. have already voted to go on strike and it is feared that Goodrich and Firestone employees may follow suit. MANY P 4Y RESPECTS Masonic Honors Accorded Late George 31. Sutherland at Funeral Today Many members of the Masonic craft as well as pioneer friends generally paid their final tributes of respect to the memory of George M. Sutherland, esteemed resident of many years standing in Prince Rupert, whose funeral took place this afternoon. Following the opening of a Masonic service at the Masonic Temple at 2:30, a church service took place at 3 o'clock in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral with Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, officiating and Peter Lien presiding at the organ to accompany the hymns. Tsimpsean Lodge No. 58. A. F. & A. VL, then took charge and there was a Masonic committal service under the direction of the worshipful master, G. V. Wilkinson, Interment being made In the Masonic plot at Fairview Cemetery. I Pallbearers were Ex-Mayor C. H. Orme. R. E. Benson. J. J. Little, J. OSteen, J. H. Thompson and Thomas McClymont . . -: .riererejmjrryjjeiatUul.Iloral TrtbHTes. ' f " .Hk. " WORKERS' VICTORY Report of Mediation 'Board in Pacific Coast Marine Workers' Dispute of Last Year SAN FRANCISCO, April 11: A substantial increase in wages for ' several thousand longshoremen and 'marine workers on the Pacific Coast as well as a reduction in working hours is recommended by i the federal mediation board on last ! year's shipping strike. The report was made public yesterday. Tanker seamen at present on strike are not included In the report. Five marine workers' unions have asked for mediation of the presest strike dispute between seamen and oil companies. Unless there is an immediate settlement of this strike, it is suggested that there may be another general strike of marine workers. Big Radio Station In Fight on Crime Virginia City to Spend $60,000 On 1 Air Plant For Police LYNCHBURG, Va, April II: i The city, of Lynchburg has voted ; $60,000 for the erection of a new : radio station for the use of the i police department In stamping out -rime. 4 SENATE COMMITTEE . 4 APPROVES SILVER 4 j 4 INFLATION BILL 4 4 WASHINGTON, tD,C, April 4 4. 11: (CP) The Senate agricul- 4 4 ture committee today approv- 4 4 ed the Wheeler mandatory 16 to 1 silver purchase bill de- 4 signed to Inflate United States 4 currency and speed the attain- '4 ment of metallic currency re- 4 serve of one part silver and 4 three parts gold, 4 , 4 4