m 5 s PAQE TWO SHOES That Spell I FINE TALK it; THESE DRESS SHOES ;are but well worth waiting for! Third Avenue Smartness We ordered these shoes from samples months . ago, and now they're pieasea vim mem. iney are awfuHy smart, but practical too. A semi-tesed Sandal type in trtacr. or a putty brown Piunp that is smartly trimmed. See These Please! Here you will find the model of your choice. Perfect fitting assured. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. THE DAILY NEWS. TKLNCE UUfEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVEKTISING KATES Transient display advertising, per incn, per insertion . Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per insertion, per line Phone 357 Puhllihed Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue U.T. POLLEN Managtng-Edtor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . Fot:ltsri periods, paid, in advance, per week By mau to all other countries, per year . By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the litiUsh Empire and News Department Telephone 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone SS Member of Audit Bureau tt Circulations DAILY EDITION CENTRE QPjySTURBANCE. Vancouver's mayor continues to be more or less a centre of disturbance although, on this occasion, it is not a disi turbance of his own making. When it was found by his opponents that in the judicial recount he was likely to be elected, they at once took step's to try to disqualify the judge on the ground that he was not the senior countv CORN 5YRLI "THE FAMOUS - ENERGY FOOD " , A pnuct ol The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement m this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in J the city. -' nr TTri TIP k T)P of the railway staff were engagefl BALDWIN admimmkaiiu SI I .1 J K liVj AKJ tor three years, one of wfeieh was! AGAIN GOVERNS BRITAIN . g VA-l JU M. JL XXXJ I irixu cl'rtvTAVTI AJ. LEAD ft m u s 1.11 sr. 2: 9 IK Friday, Nov. 15. 193b Colonel Nicholls Tells of Visit To Eastern Canada and United States Points Likes Social Credit On the whole, throughout six Canadian provinces, fourteen states and twenty-two cities he visited. Col. Nicholls formed the Impression that the whole country was in fori at least one good year. What would i come- after thaT, hfc could hot say. J Social Credit Turning to the subject of social , credit. Colonel Nicholls said he dis-1 cussed it a good deal with Calgary people hut there was a diversity of opinion in regard to IL No one seemed to worry but they expected court judge and, therefore, could not carry out the duties they would come through an right under the Elections Act. in any vent-He ako had red con- siderable but the most interesting t opinion he got was from a man in TRADE CHANGES east who the movement in The Mackenzie King government is planning a series of Albertahad ? considered in countries all with a view to increasing the exchange of ticai history. The first settlers goods between those countries to their mutual advantage, i went into the country around Ed-These will differ from the old agreements which were re-'monton and they hSid a 031x1 time peaieu oy the Bennett Government in that they will deal, 11 ana mis caused tnem 10 be ...ill. .. .1 . . . . pnmp come radical. partii!il The The cniittio southern -. un cumuuons as tney are today and not as they were ten years ago. These, following the reciprocal agreement with United States, will tend to make things move in this country as they have not moved for manv a vphv. One of the first things to be done, it is honed, will be to,ded to them 800141151 groups from vuonjiwo i cyuiui-iuiis mm, iiiiporiers win oe able ui to calculate in advance how much they must pay for goods. Today it is impossible to do that. CANADA'S WHEAT IN DEMAND United States is short of high grade wheat this yeai and has already made some purchases in Canada. She will need a good deal more Number One and Number Two Northern to produce marketable high grade flour. Thi? amount is variably estimated at from fifty to seventy-five million bushels. By the time they have finished their purchases and the United Kingdom and other countries have dug into our bins and taken their quota, there should not ue a very neavy carrv-over left. This is what trade means to Canada. Edwui'dsburej ' ROWN BRAND part of the province was populated largely by people from the state of Minnesota, mostly members of the old Populist narty. Then was ad- Some people thought Premier Aberhart would pay his first divi dend from the ten million dollars of back taxes he was now trying to collect. Others thought he would rake a real attempt to put his xheme Into practice and a third group fancied times would improve to such an extent that the people 'ould forget about the dividend. The Colonel said, if people forgot the word "national credit" and con-?ldered It simply as a sales tax of the old type, there was considerable i merit in the scheme of raising foreign money ln that way. The more he thought about the plan the more he liked it. He intended to study it further. - - Abyssinia I The final subject that Interested Colonel Nicholls while away was the question of the present trouble in Ethiopia. He said he went to the huge New York Radio City Music Hall seating 87.000 people and while there a news reel was shown on the screen. Pictures of the Ethiopian I Emperor reviewing his troops brought considerable applause. Italian troops shown' In similar manner brought cheers from one or two Italians but there was considerable booing and hissing throughout the hall. Then came the British fleet in the Mediterranean and this was received with long continued applause. The speaker said that he was at one time assistant secretary to the International Ethiopian Railway in England and at that time members v-r. ... t Uli UUI. Ui UWOC VM " ( - - - - only about one in four returned., , The reason Italy was so keen on '.Continued how page one ' conquering tnkjcauntry. was that. , . . , in doing . tfcrre Jutac MjfW1 Sjjfafey ftttoruslW MussolinPs ex!' defcrmma- Wo fcfettnoe the Ucn to control the MedUarranaan. eraraents program of gradual re-Ethiopia was a ede betwten the cimrtmeMon at home Italian African wjsflonx. In an ordinary election, the re- The reason EWtain took such a known- as a keen intend Uwre u f irsi a de- -weeping victory but so great was Side Glances at Ethio- ihe landslide in 1! that the gov- CiTes a Few are to prevent war and to protect nian Troubles and Their the weaker aatteis and .vcond be- iuaenia majorii) Itefles in U. S. cause eontral of Ethiopia meant i control of tac trrshed of Egypt In a travel talk of more Uian or-and tha Sudan. Jn those eowtrtea. S dlnary interest at the Rotary Club the flooding of tfe rfrers brought1 g j luncheon yesterday. Colonel J. W.'silt which spread over a part of the ' y Nkholls touched lightly on three desert and from which three crops fi! subjects business conditions, to- ecuM be taken each year, it the' ! ' cial credit and Abysclnta and. In: waters of the ftfo shdtotd be diver - touching, the soeaker Hlumlnated !ted, this land wild again become Peach, ja desert. Wtmt aggravated the, omen Laboritea. I Taking first the condition of floods was the tremendous growth! MacDonatd and Son Loe 1 hiin. the snaker said that in of a weedcaUed o&dvtul formerly Former Premier J. Ramsay Mac d riimrv h fmmrt the tvnnlp exren-lthe source of the imaer which the JonaM and his son . - r r i S tionallv ootimisUe. larcelv as a re- ancient used. This weed wa.; a big the people busier than ever before., Gibb of Anyox and B. T. Chappell narticularlv in Hamilton due. and (doubtless, to the Iron and steel de-iver. jmand. There was a feeling of In tense optimism In Ontario. In the United States people were jomewhat worried as to how they George MaNiehoIl of Vancou- Mail Scheduii were going to repay the huge ex-1 penditures which were being made. ; For Vancouver and East EvldenUy excessive taxaUon or re-j Tuesday J, ,. 12:30 prr radiation would be the only wayi Thursday 9:30 pjn out In spite of this there was great improvement evidenced everywhere. Much work was required to be done, especially on the railroads In restoring them to normal conditions. The price of everything was high, higher than in Canada. Friday .. 11 p.n November 3 arid 21 pm From Vancouver and Eat Sunday r 4 pm Wednesday L...,,.,.v , 10 a.m Friday 4 p.m. November 17 ajn For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 Dm weanesaay 3 p.m. baen g suit of the good crops of the past i factor in backing up the water and ary, season and the good good prices prices obtain- obtain-1 when when it It gave gave way way the the water water spread spread tome daeed from has actually 409 to about -08. It Is a spteodii'. result." Premier iaWwIn said as he left for Che-1 iters to spend a quiet week-end. Oliver Baldwin Socialist son of .'lime Minister Stanley Baldwin, as defeated as were Margaret ;ndfleld and Swan Lawrence, RL Hon. Malr olm MaeOonald. Colonial Secre- bnth lost their seats. There Is question as to wueuier me ed for the crops. In Saskatchewan 1 over large stretches of the desert iormer Premier wtu again be in the there was also a good deal of optl-Jand fertilised it. government. His defeat in Seaham mism but with little Justification. 1 Colonel Nknotls apologized for by Emmanuel Shinwell with a 20,-In that province three seasons of making his address so scrappy but 500 majority was the most .vnsa-poor crops had been followed by a the opinion of elpb members seem- ,Uonal Labor gain. : season in which rust had played ea to incncate inas h was unusually nmims irum havoc with the crops. Manitoba ! intereattoig. Seaham, Mr. MacDonald said: "I business conditions were not bad. Visitor? at the luncheon were W. have no wish to bicker but I Passing on to the east, he found O. Fulton of Prterp Rupert, William do feel thai I am justified In de- ; scribing the contest as a tremendously keen one and a filthy mi as ueil. The tactics used were absolutely reprehensible." He described himself frankly as "a done-in old man." Former Premier David Llnyd-leorge and daughter, Megan, were bolh elected but the Liberal forces were shattered. Two Social Credit candidates were defeated. Only about one-third of the re-i ults were available un to early his morning but, as later returns) loured In. the National government! continued to Increase Its command-' :ng lead over all opposition. Early j Labor gains from , Conservatives, rational Liberals and other gov-rnrrrent supporters were being' jmewhat offset. ' ' r- .. . , VroimMoMaiMati... flllililill wm SAME PRICE AS ORDINARY'BEERS because of IU ionic goodness ind freedom from excessive carbohydrttes. Also, I like its ntlural sprklc. It is soothing lo the nerves and eisy on ike digestion. Most .0 my friends prefer Lucky L jer. AGE AND PURITY GUARANTEED BY $10,000 BOND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 5i WITH THE AJJrtt. WV bciur. tl(trr hrti tnj roll wil&ouc LodJini or or-nifKt tctring.. Jt Quaker Hour nj lb Qatt McthoJ of Lary BAtaf . . . lK mtthod thar btca tried aaj proven fct tKonMinfa ol Wnura CiwxliM kmaralm. SkJ todr foe rour copy cl FREE twoUrl tcibag bow. Valuable Baking Book FREE Jh Qiltktf Ohi CoeaptBT. Der. 52 SaUuooa, SU. ritiu nd M coot of bootlx "Tk Qutict MetikoJ of Ui Bl Bku, ' any X, ,. cualzer emij method When Buying CoJ Why Not Purchase The Best? In our coal yoiill find thehfttt. 'ti i :il . ififtt win mane your home complete N'anaiino Vancouver Island ( oal Foothills Alljerti Smitless Coal Hulkley V alley f oal Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd, 051 Phones - - G52 STORM STRIP For doors and windows. Keeps in LJ.. Koeps 1 41 Quaker Flour iP Always Always the the Same Same 8 Alwav Alwav , . Uu UieEkt iw for Bread, Cakes and Pastry out the cold. Kelt Weather strip ww we b on your fuel bill. Only 2 cents; a foot, complete with tacks. Mail orders carefully filled, THOMPSON HARDWARE CO LTD US Third Avenue Phone IN Emu D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy - - We Se'l I'HONK: OKICKN 121 CANADIAN PACIFIC Th Vancouver via Orran Falls and way ports S.S. PRINCESS ADELAIDE. Fridays, 10 p.m To Vancouver Direct SJS. PRINCESS NO RAH, Nov. 3rd, 21st. Dec 5th, JS'.!i To Kciehfkan, Wraneclt. Juneau and .SkaVway S.S. PRINCESS NORAH, Nov. 17Ui. Dec. 1st lUh WINTER ROUND TRIP FARE TO VANCOI VKK M Tickets on sale Nov. 1st, 1935 to Feb. 29th. 1030. ' urn limit March 31st. 193G. rur miormauon ana reservations can m 'v"rir W. L. COATES, General Acent, Prince Rupert, Bt UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION KATKS TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT ,KTUKN" A" 00 HtOM PORT SIMPSON j)35 35 RETURN. B""1. included- ReducediRateslo. Vancouver also apply from Intermediate po Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1915 and few" 29th, 1936, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 3i. Chlldien Half Fare. Steamers : Leave Prince Rupert : Ar. Vancouver S.S. C ATA LA Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday, V S.S. CARDENA Friday, 12 Mdt. Monday, a-"1. Tickets and All Information from 5tf Prince Rupert Aeent - R. M. SMITH - Third Ave- rhon or Pursers S.S. Catala and S.S. Caruena.