IS PAOE FOUR Grotto Taxi 456 3 CAIW5 AT VOUU SERVICE Proprietors Urrt Morgan & Bud Harris Don't forget the number 45G Rex BOWLING CLUB I.IM1TEII FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Reserve your alley by phoning 658 All five pin games 12Vfcc ptr line. I I FRESH MTLK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 G0LDBL00M. The ni-i ndialilr. Wants 5,000 Martin Pelts 10,000 Minks & Other Furs He is in a position U. pay the highest price going. Debts trappers owe him will not be collected until after next fishing season Stove Pipes Now is the time to change wont out Stove Pipes with the new heavy li. C. Pipe We can supply all your needs Stove Cement Asliosfns ( TTnnfftra ntlfl Q4nirna Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shop Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Watch For BROADCAST Saturday Evening 6:45 to 7 o'colck Local Artists MOOSE IN LEAD NOW Lodge Men Assume tint Place tn Senior Basketball League Etching Ladles' (lame The Moose and the O rot to played another of their exciting Senior. League basketball games last night with the Moose edging out on top by two points, 35 to 33. 1 The first half saw the Orottoi leading tlje Moose by one point, i In the second half the Orotto in ' creased their lead to ten points but Ihi Moose sodH put bn the steam. : With three minutes to go the score j was tied. Then the Grotto took the i lead but the Moose once more tied the count. With one minute to goj J. Morrison made a personal shot, 1 putting the Moose one point in the lead. Stiles, soon after made & per-j sohat shot, putting the Moose two I points ahead to win the game. When the flpal.whlstW sourided the j fcore stood 35-33 in favor of thei Moose. " . Intermediate' League The experience of the Canadian Legion won' them the game against the Scythians in the Intermediate League 35 to 21. Many times the Scythians had the ball but, due to their inability to ' handle It, lost chances. The first half was fairly close with the Legion having 16 points to the Scythians' li, ' i In the second half the Legion, with Armstrong and McPhee shoot- ling, making 16 points out of 19, i ran away from their opponents. .jThe Scythians made vain attempts, but could not place the ball In the basket. The final score of the game was 35-21 in favor of the Legidn. Ladles' League The Orottettes,. in the Ladies' League game, defeated the High School Girls 12 to 10. With ten seconds to go Dickens, for the Orot- tettes, scored, Winning the game for her team. The student played good basketball and were leading in the first hair( 7 to 3. In the second half the students' shooting went wrong while the I Qrottettes Improved. Dickens was best for her team while the High School was served best by McLeodj Ellison and LleweJlyn, junior League The Moose took High School into camp in the Junior game' with a score bf 19-7. The students fought a hard battle but could not overcome the early read of the Moose. Cromp, for the Moose, was high scorer, makinj nine points. Frahkie Comadlna fefereed the Junior game, Sonny fitlles, the La dies' game. Carl Smith the Intermediate game and Johnny Comadlna handled the Senior gattie. League standings Senior League W. Moose .i . Grottd ........:......:..3 Lambie Si Stone v Intermediate League High School v.:...:...; ....i - Scythians '....:.-.l..-....-.2 .' Canadian Legion i;...i Moose Scythians .... High School Ladies'; League Orottettes! J-::;.;.i..:5- High School ':.:h..r::...l Annette's i&ldLii '' Boy Scouts L. 2 3 V Junior .'League-'.'-'-'W LEAFS IN 1 . 'i - :. WIN :3 ...o 0 1 3 4 Defeated New York Ranters In Thrilling Battle Black Hawks And Red Wings Drew NEW YORK, Nov. 15: (CP) Toronto Maple Leafs g6t into their i old time winning for here last night and defeated the New York daily mkwh -3- p. 8 6 2 8 4 4 10 4 1 Oxford Starts Training to Revenge Defeat in 1936 Boat Race Oxford rowers, smarting unde r the sting of successive defeats at the hands of Cambridge" in the classic boat races, are determined that lack of practice will not be responsible for another loss next year. Also that the very, best selection of oarsmen available will be found to man the racing shell. They are already training hard with a large squad of prospective rowing rnaterlal from which will be chosen the ciew to wear the Oxford Biue next year. Here Is an eight going through a practice row on the Thamss under the eye of a coach. They are only one Of several eights working out. BUCKS WIN PUGK GAME First Game At Portland Is Played With 3 to 1 Victory Over Vancouver Lions PORTLAND, Nov. 15: (CP)i-The Portland Buckafoos played their first game of the season in the Northwestern Hockey League here last night by defeating Vancouver Lions 3 to 1. In the previous two games, the Lions had scored victories over Seattle's Sea Hawks. The league standing to date. W D L P A P. Vancouver 2 0 1 8 5 1 Portland 1 0 0 3 1 2 Seattle 0 0 2 .2 7 0 BILL BRASS WINSAGAIN Local Marksman Made Great Showing in Capturing Shooting Trophy Word has just been received from Montreal that W. Brass has again won the Canadian National Recreation Association System championship for small bore rifle shooting. This Is for combined high total in the indoor and outdoor series on home ranges for season of 1935. For this he wins the gold, medal , and the Sir Henry Thornton Shield. This is the third successive year that he has won the trophy but, as this is a perpetual challenge shield,' it! cannot be won outright. Commenting on the matches, The Canadian National .Recreation Association News Bulletin, of Mon treal, has this to say: "Our congratulations to Bill Brass of Prince Rupert, for again winning the Railroad Individual championship with a wonderful score of 2390 out of a possible 2400 points. In other words, this means that, of twenty-four targets shot at twenty-five yards Indoors and fifty and one hundred yards out doors, he made fourteen perfect) scores ana on tne otner ten made nfriety-lnlnes, only dropping one polht on each card This, of course, is an all-time record which will Rangers by scoring the only goali probably stand for some time to In a thrilling contest. come unless he beats It himself The Chlcagd Blacks and Detroit next year." Red Wings played a scoreless draw ' in Detroit and the Hawks are. as ' ' a resulti brt eveh terms With the American section. The league standing: American Section W, D. L. F.A. P Rangers 1 1 1 3 Chicago i i 16 3 Detroit 0 . 2 b i Boston 6 0 .0 Canadian Section (Toronto 1 i 0 6 Americans 0 l i 8 Canadiens ...0; 0 1 1 p Montreal 0-0-0 0 3 1 i l o 0 5 3 8 i 2 0 Bridge Party Of Unemployed Was Enjoyable Event An enjoyable bridge party was held Wednesday night by the Prince Rupert Unemployed Asso ciation in the Canadian Labo Defence League Hall. There were eight tables of cards and Prize winners were: Ladies' first, ,Mrs. Charnaby; second, Mrs. R. Wag ner; men's first, J. Taylor; second, Mrs. Kdchah. There will be a grand prize at the end of the season for both ladles ahd meh. The affair was1 in charge of the unemployed entertainment corns. mlttee with Mrs. A. Gomez as con vener. BOWLING November 18 Maccabees vs. Annettes, Bluebirds vs. C. N. R. A. w:::!:::;n!::t: ilii:j::""'.!iF x 11! :: ::i 115 i;:is :r. : RAMBLERS ARE AHEAD Assumed Leadership of League Last Night Bridge! Bridge League results last night were as follows: Grotto 6102, Canadian Legion 6922. C. N. R. A. 5883, Sons of Norway 5453. Musketeers 5268, Swift's 5883. Ramblers 6991. Rex Bowling Al ley 4368. I For Ag'st Ramblers 24870 21980 Musketeers 24374 23121 Grotto 24298 22885 Swift's 24009 20470 Canadian Legion 23550 21709 C. N. R. A 22801 23051 Sons of Norway 21401 23489 Rex Bowling Alley 18544 27142 If i Hi 'II S-li i:::ji i; i: w ;. ::::::: :::::; iiii?ni!?Hiii!:i??;ii!i;i;i:i.! 3 :: : :: :i: :!; i::K:::!S::::i:f 8S K!::t!!::::::!!:::!i:i!!( A tare old Liqueut fhylwlkW whi.k'yv blended from J Mfjl thoroughly aged Scotch 1 0!$ffP'ffW$&i malts, rich In bouquet i $250.?360K 26 Ots. 40 Om, Teachers Aged, blended and bottled in Scotland. . . . Popular the i world over, because it is ALWAYS reliable. Whisky TXmJmm 1 MTOwggSTarror..CT-- I n I I aa ail , . . .. 1. This advertisement is not pub'Hshed or displayed by the Liquor Control board or by the Government of British Columbia. aw- aaai This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boatd or by the-" Government of BritUtt Columbia r IIIIIIIrF?- Dotttnl anil euarantmt hr William Grant & S.'iw limited, Ck-tiflddich and Palvcnio-Glpnlin-t Dimillrrica, Dull-town It Glasgow, Scotland. NEW LOW PRICE Has New beers are Introduced and have their day people grow tired of them or their quality of flavout varies. Not so with Silver Spring. After two decades it is still one of the most popular beer$ in .Western Canada. 3 1 $35 mmmmmmm mm MHE FINEST E in iMt WORLD 25-oz. 40-ot. $3.25 Tt.t. 4 :.. i ifi.- i . . t MADE BX A WORLD FAMOW - . . . DISTILLER ma auicui.HiiitLi i: hoi puDiiMicu or uispiaycU rv "-?, I Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Orirf.j For Sala ml Vrndor or direct from "Mall Ordrr IVnt 1 L. Control Hoard, 817 IWatlJ Slrwl, Vancouver, ll.C, rata) : fit. BE$T PROCLRABU , This advertisement Is not published or dlsplayrd by the Liquet Cci isoaru or tlio Uovernment of IJritUh Columua. v.-rt SILVj smut "nV'l"i fit . Silver Spbin LASER BEEU 1 11 alfe Everywhere this advertisement is not tuhlished br displayed by twjj Control Board or by the Government of British Col"' If you lose artything, try a classified aft