V- !l!!:lg3i. DAILY PAOS " Bt.J LUWMlli IWJXlUlJJllJiiim W I IIUIJOJ L'l - -X JJ MillJIliJJ I II IB I If Ve Buy For Less PEOPLES STORE LTD. We Sell For Less AKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY'S SELLING ONLY DRESSY STOCKINGS Priced Low REPES, Priced low fl9C up emi service 59c uP eavy Service $1.00 UP OUR GUARANTEED SPECIAL Gun Metal, Bark. London "r n i J n w r r n v t-k i- 11 r 1 ea Lance, Drown wooa, 39c LADIES' WOOL UNDERWEAR From 69c up SILK AND COTTON UNDERWEAR Vests and Panties. Saturday Only 49C Per set 75 MEN'S RAINCOATS At S6.95 7.95 Values as High as $12.00 and $15.00. ROYS' PANTS From 89c up in the development of tne Nicn-olson- Creek property, arrived from the Interior on last night's train and sailed aboard the prince George for Seattle. Mrs. Wa Hawthorne Dunn, who for thP oast three montns nas been visaing here with her par-ont! MrV and Mrs. James Ktlk- evsk'y, Is leaving on tonight's train for Ontario, to join her husband who is in charge of the assay office at Cordova Mines for Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on pin gone. Get the new Urge econ. omy siie Also tvil-able in smallerregular tlxe. DRESSES 75 Dresses in Wool, Crepes, Bunny Cloths, Etc., Etc. At $1.98, $2.95, $3.49, $4.50, $5.75, $6.95, Etc. Some of these Dresses would sell as high as $15.00. Get yours now! Best Quality Fur Trimmed Coats In All Colors and best of Wool Fabrics. From $15.00 to $35.00 Some of these Coats would sell regular as high as $75.00. Get yours now for Christmas Rev. E N. Chapman of the Church of Latter Day Saints, after a visit of a week or so In the city, sailed "by' the Prince George last night on his return to Vancouver Mrs. Evelyn Bagshaw Hewson, i-who gave a dramatic recital in First United Church last night, re turns bv this evening's train to Vanarsdol where her husband is engaged In teaching school. J. Connolly or Seattle, who is looking Into the possibilities of exporting timber from this district, is back in the 'city after a brief "visit to Terrace, having ar rived from the Interior on this morning's train. The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Shrine Club was held In the Masonic Temple :last night, the proceedings being entirely of a routine character, J. S. Nelson, vice-president, oc cupied the chair in , the absence of President S. C. Thomson and there was a fair attendance of I members. . Men's High Grade MEN'S PANTS Wool Underwear Sw&E-to elect f rom In Popular makes, Light 98C, $1.25, $1.95, weight and heavy ribbed- $2.25, $2.50, $2.95, $1.49. p $3.00 and $3.95 See these values to appre- WORK SHIRTS ciatethem . rom 59cup Boys' and Men's Winter m wool ZIPPER COATS MEN'S HOSE From 83.49 "P FronSC Per Pair up ReaVy Wool WORK HOSE SWEATERS From 12c Per Pan UP From- $1,69 UP You can buy with confidence as you are covered by Our Guarantee Merchandise Satisfactory or Money Refunded NEW CALENDA RS . ., . . . . . i nr. i - whmp tn so pet. trip wst ones is now; ve imve un snav n w u p rnnrrp nt heautirui caienaars. ms- . . i r'i,..:w,r.n OTIVft rr I nut 1 1 1 nilfl VOl'V Hi'l'MIll ;l III, I i 1L an . i i. i 1 ci nn ceungs ior yuui menus, ias w - i Vm..v Fancy Christmas Wrappings 1 11UV 1XA a. i.a rlinflMirilTn Hl'l ITIMU I : I I 1 1 I I ll'il II 1.1 1 IIK l'l' film t n L, I nnn In rnYP VI nilIll I 'I' I I I I I I I I .1 III .11111 -- VttUlUD--OtCiiO "Kf 4 ii ii ii. many novelty auracuuns. T - 4 . as taras m ooxea jtwm imuiuo SPLENDID VALUES 1 Cards .. $1.50 16 Cards 85c 2 Cards ... 65c 12 Cards $1.25 ir ... t r.nmp iii and see them. hi A. A 111V AH.ilWA v vv"- : Lowest prices. Ucto la Hi W 7 n f Tim JJl LOCAL NEWS NOTES You can rent a cat at Walker's is low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mile. E. Sylverness sailed last nigh' on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Tranqullle Christmas cards, exceptionally fine assortment. Special discounts on orders placed at store. Max Hcilbroner. (Dec. 4) Mrs. Robert McCarthy sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver, Seattle and Vancouver Island. O Henson. W Henson and Miss Orr arrived In the city from Burns Lake on last night's train and sailed aboard the Prince George for Vancouver. Buckley Shannon, well known j Jsk mlnlne man, who ls Interested Just received a shipment of Trench coats. Annette's. (263) Be warm and comrortable by rld-ing In 32 Taxi It costs the same. Mrs. C. H. Sawle of New Hazel-ton, who Ls. visiting here as the guest of Mrs. D. McD. Hunter, will return to her home in the Interior on Monday evening's train. Mr. and Mrs. David Scott and daughter, Betty, are sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide for a two weeks' vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Medicated with ingredients of Vicks VapoRub Kenneth Powell, Indian, charged with drunkenness, appeared before Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning and was remanded until this A. V. Klghtly, who has been standing by the steamer Prlnri Charles at the local dry dock as watch officer, sailed last night on the Prince George for Announcements Masonic Dance, Moose Hall, No-embcr 15. St. Andrew's Cathedral Bazaa. Nov. 21. Gyro Hoedown, Moose Hall, No vember 22. " Toe H Bridge, November 27, 8:30. Orange Ladies' nazaar. Nov. 28 Christmas tree social, Catholic Hall, November 28. Lecture Recital, Mrs. Mandy, Baptist Church November 29. United Bazaar, December 5. . Comedy "Bunty Pulls the Strings", Presbyterian Church Dec. 5 and 6. Toe H Christmas Cheer Noveltv Dance, Moose Hall, December 6. Hogmanay Dance, Oddfellows' Hall MOOSE ITALL RENTAL RATES Concerts : $25.00 Dances 20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings ls now available on the ground floor, rental rate. ' $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red" 412. Canadian Club On Visit to Orient Miss E. M. Earle Tells In Interest ting Manner Of Trip Across Pacific Yesterday afternoon members of the Women's Canaman Club felt themselves transported temporarily to the Orient as they listened with keen attention and evident enjoyment to Miss E. M. Earle as she gave verbal .pictures of some of the high lights of her recent visit to China, Japan and the Philllplne Islands. Miss Earle took her hearers with her on auto rides In which they sat with bated breath, hoping al most against hope that they might reach the end of their journey successfullq. They also ambled in a leisurely manner in lazy rickshaws as the coolies haul ed them hour after hour uphill and down, showing them the beau ties of ancient temples and sacred mountain They saw the old home and garden of Madame Butterfly, the original carving of three wise monkeys and the wonderful memorial to Sun Yat Sen, first nresldent of the Chinese Republic They went without cost on a shopping expedition to purchase silks and linens and. other beautiful nroducts of China and Japan. They attended a fifty-two course Chinese luncheon without the attendant after effects. They spent a lav with Lady Marler at the Can adian Legation in Tokio just after they had received word of her husband being knighted and they returned home by way of Hon olulu. It was' an interesting story told well by Miss Earle, who deserved the hearty vote of thanks moved by Mrs. D. McD. .Hunter and seconded by .Mrs. J D. jFraseri.The, president, Miss Lillian Halliwell, oreslded. , Mrs. George McAfee, who has been visiting here for the past ! Eric Thurber, well known local halibut fisherman, left on .ite; Prince George last night for' Van-; couver whence he will proceedjtp: St. John, New Brunswick, He ylil-spend the winter in the Marltlmi's. ffiBtieaiiniiun RUPERT BUTCHERS 707 Third Avenue Phone 21 Phone 21 Quality and Service J ' Unsurpassed ,;v Saturday Specials! NO. 1 STEER BEEF T-Bone Roasts 20C Rump Roasts per lb Prime Rib per lb Pot Roasts per lb Boll Beef per lb few weeks, sailed" by the Prince; George last , night on her return! to Vancouver, accompanied by her I daughter,' Miss Jean McAfee, who! . will' pay a visit In1 the 'south. 'fE Leg Roast Veal -per lb '. Loin Roast Veal per lb Shoulder Roast .Veal per lb Veal Stew 3 lbs Leg Roast Pork per lb. Shoulder Roast Pork per lb Pork Chops per lb Fowl per lb. Sausages per lb.' EGGS Brookfleld Grade B Large, per doz 15c 15c 10c 8c- 20c ..... 18 , c jfY 12Ac 25c 25 c 20c 25 c 23 c 15c 35 c Quality and Satisfaction h Guaranteed ;fi GIVE US A TRIAL Mill lit IIIMMMWlllMgro - .11