PAGE srs WEEK-END BARGAINS! TO CLEAR THESE LINES, WE HAVE CUT THEM TO A FRACTION OF THEIR COST AND IT WILL PAY YOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE NEXT - TO - GIVE - AWAY PRICES Women's Saimles 46 Pairs Women's Samples & Broken Lines. All styles and kinds. Final $ 1,49 Fell Slippers Women's Felt Slippers. Plaids and checks. All sizes. Warm and comfy. 78c i Prepared Daily By Buy Your irs Early While Range Is Large REDUCED WINTER FARES per pkg $32 KKTUK.V Mure 75p Td VANCOUVER Mrali and Berth Included s. s. PRINCE GEORGE leaving TUMDCnAV 10:30 p.m. Prince Rupert I nUKOU Southbound These rates effective to February 29 Return limit March 31 CANADIAN NATIONAL' STEAMSHIPS SCO For Beautiful, Durable, Economical Decoration of Walls and Ceilings 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE HUCESCQ TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Fam ous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED If Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Boys' School Boots 18 Pairs Storey Hand Made Boys' School Boots. Guaranteed solid. $ 2.49 Men's Oxfords Men's Dress Oxfords. Up to date styles. All sizes in lot Final Clearance. 2.49 CUT RATE SHOE STORE Japanese Couple Wed at Essingtori Miss Utal Wakano Becomes Bride Of Yuji Shimasaki To Live At Balmoral . The marriage, took place at Port Esslngtdn on Sunday at the home of K. Uslii of Miss Utal Wakano and YuH Shimasaki, both of Balmoral Cannery. Rev. Frank Bush-field, pastor of the United Church at Port Esslngton, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Shimasaki will reside at Balmoral. Hotel Arrivals Savoy R. Aston, city; James Darby Tsk; Luke, Norman. Vanderhoof. 1. Roy Foote, Fraser Lake; A MfHVot1 r ' TT U4.II T.N.R. Royal H. Gordon, city. Prince Huprrt T. O Garrett and R. B. Walto ''ancouver; J. Connolly. Seattle. RUPERT DELICATESSEN , i Your Catering Needs ! Skilfully Fulfilled ; We cater to. socials, clubs, I banquets, luncheons, dances, ; I dinners and. bridge parties, i I Made to Your Order ! I Nothing too large or too ! .W ! LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. I Give Us a Trial I rhonr Black 625 I " I I tataririJjiirftt:ita;jiB turn DAILY N&TS RECITAL jOPERA STAR ENJOyEDj ONSCREEN Acceptable entertainment Last Nino Martini Makes Screen Debut Night by Mrs. Ercljn Bashaw j In Him at Capitol Theatre Hewson i This Week-End In a recital last evening at First' Nino Martini, idol of radio and Ln;:ed Church, under the auspices i opera, whose roice has thrilled rail- i Oio choir. Mrs. Erelyn Basshaw lions, makes his screen debut in i lewson A.T.OM. displayed talent; Here's to Romance." week-end ! f th? highest order in rendering featuie offering on the screen of , ,r. ambiUous and varied program. , the Capitol Theatre here. Martini j 'iibiy the dramatic numbers heads a cast composed of Madame vere the best. "A Minuet" and The Ernestine Shumann-Helnk, Oene-"! of the White Swan" gripping viete Tobin. Anita Louise. Reginald ho audience in no uncertain man- Denny. Mart Oambarelli, the .er The lighter numbers and those rorld's greatest ballerina, and Vln- dialect were splendidly given, cente Escudero. Spanish dancer. Dr R G. Large was in good voice "Here's to Romance" deals with n Sparish Gold" and. as an en- the private life and loves of a arc The Old Plaid Shawl." Bert world-famous tenor in love with It in his violin solos. The - -.merer, vhnm ta-n n-nmn n r iir a. ' ....... v.w " ... , . . u . v tuiivil. . ..7 Wu.;tz' ' Faust " and "The Love the action develops. Martini lings Song' 'F. Krelslert. delighted the the arias from "Tosca. "Cavalerria audience Miss Swanna Olafson. Ruttlcana." "Pallaec!.'' "Manon," A T.CAL accompanied Mr. Cam-' JMattlnata- and "Serenade " Melo-eron and C. P. Balagno played for dies of today are also offered by Dr Large. , , Martini as well as by other rnem- The program was as follows: ben of the cast. Child Impersonations "On the Mutlcally. the action of the plc-cshff and "Slang Phrases." ture thlfU from the Opera Comlrjue Little Man In' Green." In Pari to the Metropolitan Opera Irish Dialect 'Mrs. McOlaggerty Co. in New York. With a romantic on Roller Skates." love story, it brinss the drama and Solo "Spanish Gold." Dr. R. G. comedv attendant unon the henrt. iarge. DiamaUc "A Minuet." Scene aks place In a prison cell during Jb? time of the French Revolution. Characters, Marquis and Marchioness of Beauclere and the gaoler. Bestigia" Bliss Carmem and The Kingdom of God" (Francis Thompson . Humorour "Foxes Tails," or "A Scotch Sermon." Violin solos The Waltz" from' Faust Gounod). Bert Cameron. i Dramatic The Going of the White Swan" (Gilbert Parker). IEnvoi" 'Rudyard Kipling). God Save the King." Miss Frizzell Is Miss Miscellaneous Shower in Honor Of Bride-Elect cently have been Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Freeman, with a hrirfin and Mr. and MrsL C. W. Dawson with a dinner party. Mrs. J. A. Barry was hostess at a kitchen shower for Miss Frizzell. JONES Family 1'IIONE 957 Market PHONE 95. Saturday Specials Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & V lb. Bacon 75c Rump Roast Beef, 6 lbs. O-f fin & 1 lb. Bacon tJH.UU T-Bone Roast, 4 lbs. St Vz lb. Bacon Pot Roast of Beef, 4 lbs, & V2 lb. Bacon Shoulder of Lamb, 4 lbs. & V2 lb. Bacon .. Round Steak 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 3 lbs I Shoulder Roast of Veal- per lb .,,. Legs of Veal per lb . L... Legs of Pork , per lb L: Loins of Lamb per lb Sirloin Tip Roast " per lb Baby Beef Any cut per lb. 40c 50c 10c 15c 20c 20c 15c 15c coiuuming trials of a singer. Members of Eagles' Lodge Have Supper Hartr r.atherinr HtH Last Nitht Following Butinesj Session Organization Active Mmbrs of the Fraternal Ord- !o. Eaeles. after a well-attendpi j lodge meeting last nisht. entnv i a repast of chicken sandwiches jcake and coffee nmvWed hv a ;few of the officers of the lodge, labont fifty belns oresent. Worthv M..-L C l J President Peter Oamula was lr. Deing lTlUCn reted e chair and called upon several i of the brothers who gave talks "om. Lorna McLaren Hostess a, i lu was acciaen H) non surprise refreshment socials nnv a nvmth Th drive for the Chri'mas Tree ML T.n,.m rvioii i",,,u wc" "uerway. ine emer- rta i il Mitchell VV-t'i . . , ' "Inmfnt commits- rcnort-: a takes, place iftwppif yPry ?S eted local w5Steam bride-elect. -ri.h- Held during th- Last night Miss-' Lorna McLaren vas hostess atia miscellaneous ;hower in honor; pf Miss Frizzell bout twenty youngr ladles being resent. After playing of bridge, at 'hich the prize-winners were Miss . oyce Edgcumbe and Miss Margaret McCaffery. many lovely gifts were brought In on a tea wagon, prettily J mst three months. Free! Free! decorated in pink, and Dresented to 1 I nl, !d DEMONSTRATION OF BOHDE.VS the the euest guest of of hnnnr honor. Delicious re freshments were served. Others entertaining in honor of Mr. Mitchell and Miss Frizzell re ST. CHARLES MILK and MUS SALLEM'S FRESH GROUND COF FEE at our store Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15 and 16. Everyone is invited to visit our store. MUSS ALL EM'S COFFEE per lb. MUSSALLEMS TEA per lb. ST. CHARLES MILK 01 tails, per case tails, per doz. Baby size, per doz BORDEN'S MALTED MILK 1-lb. tin MAGIC BAKINO POWDER 12-oz. tin 2i-lb. tin PILOT BREAD 1-lb. cello MUSS ALL EM'S BUTTER First grade, per lb. SLICED BACON per lb P. O. Box 575 27c 39c These Specials For the Week-End only. Wm rtolit-o rrAmm CI AA r I ' i vi uiutia l.vv ur Liter 50c MUSS ALLEM'S 60c ECONOMY STORE i Where Dollars Have More Ont" Phone 18 $1.08 j I 58c f I 39cj ' 19c, LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it will pay you toexamine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. ' tml Mqil ILH U . I JL a. mi: m NbWkULURYTOTHESCREEN! b 4 r IN HIS . zensational SCREEN DEBUT Ft GENEVIEVE TOBIN V ANITA LOUISE iW MARIA GAMBARELLI IF; CrUllLlAMM UriMI tl REGINALD DENNY UirCMTt: rcrnnrrirt j>j Oircd by AUIEO L CIEtN (At 7 45 Si 10 15. Cm A MARTINA ADDED ATTRACTIONS "MAJOR BONES' AMATEUR THEATRE OF THE AIR .nicKey .Movie's Kangaroo" World News Tanan N. n Tonight & Saturday M:I-.IW.I1 SPECIAL Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paslt 50c size, for 23c Noxema Cream 25c size, for 15c Jasmine Shaving Cream and Talcum I Hoth for 50c We are showing CHRISTMAS CARDS now Come in and get first choice. Wc will put them away for you. Ormes Ltd. "Dlia Pioneer Druqrjists TLe Kul 8Ur Phones: 81 fc 8! Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.-n Sundays and HoIfdarJ From U noon till 2 p.m, 1 p.m. till i t" UVfKJ 3 doz. 95c B GRADE EGGS, LARGE 3 doz. 95c FRESH KILLED Turkeys, lb. 30c Ducks, lb. 25c Roast Chicken, lb. 28c Boilinp Fowl, lb. 23c STEER BEEF Rumps, lb Prime Rib, lb 15c Sirloin Tip, lb 18c Pot Roast, lb. . 10 3 lbs. 85c COMET BUTTER 3 Jbsjtfc Pork Butts lb Butt Chops lb 23c 25 c Ayrshire Bacon JSC Shoulder of Veal JJJq ,m";'' 18c Leg of Lamb 1h 25c Shoulder Lamb J( lb. Loins Roast 9flC rt lb Pork Sausage 25C Meat. 2 lbs. . -JLv Pork Tenders 28Cj lb FRESH WHIPPING CREAM, 20c