Pat bcr 15. 1835 Koven: -PAQE FIVE DAILY NEWS 1 lLIfnV Officiated At Funeral Rites . c" of Oyama. Orand ..u- rwMfellows' Lodne for cter oi uc Lvin-e of British Columbia. ' .fd the ritualistic service at Cemetery when Inter. Me Wl,,lam stnllh t of place Previously there had wrvlce in the cha- "1,1 Oie B. C Undertakers with C D- Clark?, pastor, of First Itrf Cnurcii, uu.w"6. . Shan Pavlei presiding at the m ti) accompany iik uyiiuis th were Lead, mnaiy uigni i "Nearer " " ... . i-..: i rt was a targe avwuuuim; m funeral service and pallbearers t John Morrison, John Oahl, D. jjifPhee Ocnrge Howe, William and W S Hammniiu. late Mr Smith had been a it of Prince Rupert, since rcbl 1911 when he came to the yfrora the Klondyke where he d bffn encaged In mining for an. hafin Pone nortn In th- Id Bush of 1898 He was born C8 am ago at New Glasgow, Quebec. .sides Itirold Smith here, there Is other brother Robert Bmith, and sister Mba Mury Smith, both at r-kAi..njl j ay gi Tuc y morning In the In: ' General Hospital here h t.,1 brrn a patient for ant Ads FORSAKE OR SALE OR RENT Cottage, ! Main Artsue Ofnclal Admlnls- ' trator. (tf) OR SAL& -Office safe, t&tra thick walls, giving perfect protection igafiut fire Dally News. rtf ) IV THE M l-KKMK (OIKT Or BRITIVM C'DM MIIIA III I'riiliale And Mailer of hr "Ailniliil-f rnt Ion Af Mattrr of thi rXute of Samuel "tli'livon Moore. Iirrnivrd. U0 NOTICE Mint by order of His :e FlsJier the 6th clay ol .,35 I was apcjlntrd Admin it A vie ut Samuel Btp)i. I. late f Anyox. B. C IX'-. all txirUen hauliur claim? c j ejialf are hereby required me properly verified to me ' t- December 15th H35 niul ndebled to the estate aro : y the amount at ttwlr 3 m forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT .. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C ' '( .1 day of November 1935 I.AM) ACT ' Intent Inn tn aiiplv Itolm . West COO to I jiikI HUNC3 RUPERT I-and Itecordlr.fc " - rk::e 6 Qaa.. oaid situate iwL r ' o' lh w A M( '-t Iise on SKteki Bay. Btm h"1 William Anthony ki Bly- Stephetuj IM. (nflT. '-merman and Trapper In- lanZ: '..'-ahor laniU:- toisli i " a pant planted on a iti ' nn on Iniet of 81:1- KoaUm.,1 -, 20 FVct west of my lef iT' wealed approxun- Broia J, m!h outh of the W. A. UOQ theju Wet Viu S lliice North 900 Feet 0 tw ..'800 Pwvt: Uienro South ARMISTICE TeH to Tlilrw ' k irWMlfnnt and containing nwre or less. Dated WlLLtAM ANTHONY BROWN Novem-K-r 4t.h loss MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT wnolcum & ConKoleum Vpn, lawerns. Freshen home nowl Vhone 775 your NEW ROYAL HUTEL Zafein. Proprietor "A "OMR AWAY FKOIVI UOMK" ?" Hot & cola Waer OBSERVED Church Service, Remembrance Day Ceremonies and Tag Day At Smithrra SMITHERS. Nov. 15:-On Sunday evening returned soldiers throughout the Valley gathered at I the Legion Hall and paraded to Uv' United Church where Armistice I ujniie service was held by Rev. L J- Hales of the Anglican Church and Rev. David Donaldson of. the United Church. The combined choirs of both churches rendered exellent musk and the church was filled to the doors for the occasion. Monday's Parade On Monday morning, the returned men again met at the Legion nan unaer command of Lt. Co'. uaie ana, neaded by pines and drums and also by the Smlthera Brass Band, they marched to the cemetery where services were i- galn held at 11 o'clock in the soldiers' plot. The weather was very fine and. as the snow plow had been over the road ahead of the iwrade. the road was In good condition for the manhlng which was much appreciated by the veterans as thev wun? along singing their old, marhlng songs of the Great War. ' The parade was dismissed at the legion Hall upon Its return from the service at the cemetery and the men entertained at the hall throughout the day ' The Armistice dance, which tool: place In the evening In the Smithers Hall, was a very sue-cesful occasion. The dancing floor was crowded and the mu.ic sup-olled by Oazeley's eight I'iecs orchestra, left nothing Xo be de sired. I The hall had been suitably de-orated for the event by the dance committee of the Legion. ' The Armistice dance at Smlthers always brings out a large attend-! Doodads-Grads ! 1 Win in Bowling! "TILLIE THE TOILER" ,MAC TOST : 'WON ED AMD ivv'S Hfe CAN'T CCME OVET2. f3CU5E HE HAS, TQ CVEAH UH THE This is the impressive scene as Canada thrown Prime Minister W L. Mackenzie come, while the famed author. John Buchan, now Lord Tweedsmuh. sit. on th Lord Tweedsmuir and Lady throne. The federal, cabinet Is seated around the labia In th foreground. Lady KliiK officially welcomed her new governor-general, iwee'dsmulr Premier King Is seen In the foreground uadinj, his address of wel- Tweedsmuir, holding a magnificent bouquet, Bits. to the right cn the thronf ance and this year's dance was no . exception. i 216; ' Garnet. 241; Colussl. 150;, Sale Of Poppies I Johnstone, 202. i The sale of Popples carried out Doodads McKeown. 288; Ing-. by a committee of young ladies ram, 214; Colussl, 272; Parent, 237; on Saturday proved to be one pf Jonasson, 180. the most successful sales of these Rangers Montgomery, 208; Jo-! emblems that the local branch nasson, 159; Malberg, 253; Armour has experienced and proceeds 274; Raybone. 283. were a great deal in excess 11 iasi year. AS CANADA'S NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL RECEIVED OFFICIAL WELCOME FROM PRIME MINISTER Annette's 10 7540 P. R. Grads 10' CG81 Defeated llrunettes and Hangers In nnnriirU m' rr.f Udies league rixiurcs Rangers 10 N,eht i Maccabees 10 T'a Klueblrds 10 t-j-j. .ir .-.c ,no, uuuuauo ucicdicu ui um. vvo a. N' A to 979 and Prince Rupert Grads won over Rangers 1403 to 1177 In the Ladles' Bowling League last night. High fcorer for the evening etle . J.. nnrnll,,, Dilllniii nf llm Rangers. Individual scoring was as follows: Brunettes-rMontesano, 170; Berg, 1 m T m- te'.v .10 Brunettes 10 (3.N.K. TKA1NS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays days (heavemlvI GO OMER AWOHEUR the pooh BO "'1 r csh ic'rM .ou pcocM Ha! Ha ! IT'S MICE A BOV- t-VT AAC'S HOME TO HAVE yVU COME CWEE.. AMD HELP ME 1 . ... i III IC WOO VlbWl TD HO'JSl- -TCiAc5HTEM 'lVJV: KCf' THIKlCiS UP ) . I I 111 fl 1 y.M I I 1 " . at w C075 6101 5919 5729 5233 and 666 608 610 573 528 WMFFLETS From the Waterfront t lo jv ,tofl Ihrif fnrtv or SO m TIME TABLE OF BOWLING Five Pins November 15 Pioneer Laundry Post Office; Old Empress vs. Z TiT r , carloads oi grain will have arrived Gamble & Stone. oon Woodslde o Nelsor m . oCn 289; 247; 260; p fQt AlbsrU Nwemjer 22post offlM vS 0M Mcrauoen, Js; iiamng.r. ui. i wheat Pooi'S iOCai.elevator by Mon- Empress; Lambie & Stone vs. Pio- ' , iday morning, a couple of wheat neer Laundry. LADIES' IIDU'LINC LEAGUE trains being dut In over the week- November 29 Pioneer Laundry r Tti au end- Owing to the condition of the vs. Old Empress; Lambie & Stone 75 railway line at present, oniy ugnt vs. uuire. . y. rf. trains are being bandied. December G-Pioneer Laundry vs. , C. P. R. steamer Princess Adc- bie & Stone. laide, Capt. S. Kt Gray. Is duo in December 13 Post Office vs. Old port at 3:15 this afternoon from the Empress; Lambie & Stone vs. Pio- sou in ana win uu at iu uu icc uuuuui;. her return to Vancouver and way- . jxjlpts. ington which moved from the dry If- doak down to the Canadian Na- ' .Albert Farrow, sleamboat inspec- tional wharf yesterday afternoon lor, sailed by the Prince George to be re-outfltted for resumption last night on hi return to Van- of her lighthouse work after hav-coliver after a vlilt to the city to Ing been at the dock for the. past Inspect the lighthouse tender New- few weeks for annual overhaul. It's "Dust Too Much" CUlimAGE LEAGUE STANDING j The league standing to date. ! For Ai'st' 1 s-' :- C.'N. R. A.,'... 47' ('34 : j Canadian Legion I...62 46 Grotto .1. 58 50 I Moose .52 56 j Elevator. .....50 58 I Meat Packers 4C 62 J Sons of Norway. ,.,44 37 j Oddfellows,...-. - -.-....20 34 FURS FURS We have orders, for 31 ink, Marten, Lynx, Foxes, Weasels, and we are prepared to pay you highest cash prices. Also all -your other furs at full market value. Trial shipment will convince you. Ship now to J. CLONES . PRINCE GEORGE, I1.C. Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Rod Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL 1 I najEILL. THE W FfPI" fTJ . THIS DUST j-m SfrK bOORiS . Jpft HE'S EX- tSt-J: U s : SO THICK. 0trf '-3! ' ' It's a Gift T"T55T feu (yes, this is vviose lorj .. JCMSij THAN A. BIG DAV ISI V--r- 1 I THAT'S tH A ROMAN'S With Mac! I VAJWE-Tirr ARt OU Li? MAC "T4tMK?3 H.'S A TV KSOiMd, MAC' THIS LA! AT CXM- K C v,i,l HntlSE JtrrfK ; . , u j.j 1 1 1 iTHATS IT' THIS S 111; Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. ll wiw Head t-ltc wnnt. nds. Bv Wstover ,) 1 .OUI HWUSflM tJlVIMU ' I IT TO MBS . 3"OME$ I t 1 1 1 1 I! I ti -1 A . I fc. I I I 1 C JjVlJi V .t-v-. MS 111 Rsai-j r- rFm& ) ' i