,sber 16, 935. TH1 DAILY NZW8 .St- DuBARRV acial Kits For Dry and Oily Skins. Containing f oundation Cream, Tissue Cream, Cleansing Cream, Hand Beauty, Skin Tonic, .and a box of Face Powder. Price $1.10 Ormes Zfite Pioneer Drut&ists Fhones: 81 & 82 nKexsUSton iwn Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 pjn. 1111 9. n m . 1 ri m. till II n.m. 'trnxm: i vzkxui v?. wsmzmx my. rvKiwisis mam msm s . mm t-imtii-i nvvriTiTi ti T w w i a. nra mm Hb rALM lurrtL dnurrr. i Offers You TOTE HELP - COURTEOUS SERVICE SUPERIOR MEALS - LOWER TRICES g And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it g . m mm A -fl MM JlOUrS S t.ov a.m. lO i a.m. j; .. MIIIM K Kl IT.IL1 vtt I11KU AltJXLI. m i ..immi irara ei'Rimi iMfMjnir . -. ....TTXTl 1 L' 1 1 L' I 'II rV I mi iiiii.ii . i ... r.i.i.. i . . . a -. m .i . : . i . . i . . lift LUA&ULlLIAirilJ iuiinivj .,,T,V COMPANY OFCAiNAlM, lhihuu TRAIL BKITISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium ri.ospl.atfs, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fcrtiliiers Producers <cfTncrs of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, SUver, Flertrolvtlc Jad, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. Drop In and See Our Complete Stock of Hunting Equipment Rifles, Shotguns, Shells, Hunting Knives, Cleaning Koas, Uun Grease and uii, roenct "uu"'!-SPECIAL: 6.5 Mannlicher. rebuilt army SI 7.50 with of shells, only guns, WHll one UIIC box UUA Ul Client, GORDON'S HARDWARE - - aj. ,., Bl.B!:.Bn1iHiL.B.Iii.Ji ." Uj wuilngs to Port Btmpwu -An 701, Btewrt -ttO V Irtcnrlde St Phone 311 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED TCP.. 8teamtrs leave Prhice Rupert for . Vancouver- i "iiiiiK VHiiri uvpr i niirKnuv r5S. CAKDENA EVERY FKIDAV.MIDNIOUT; nujving Vancouver Monaay ajn. RlYt r ajckfv riiuuv nuynt uw" - - ner mformatlon reeardlnir all sailings and tickets at fRINCR MPrDT .mw.. ...nn fhOIlt US nunnv A t a 111 U CANADIAN PACIFIC lo Vancouver via Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. T Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Sept. 6th, 15th, 25th, Oct. 4th. 16th. PRINCESS NORAIi; Oct. 25th, Nov. 3. To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway- PRINCESS .LOUISE, Sept. 11th, 21st, 30th, Ort. 12th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th. FYir IrifnuiMftil . . 1 w.m nrrffj) v i A. "Irt"011 ana reservations can ui i uviivihi rrui. 'a LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be Warm and crmrnrta.tale hv rid ing In 32 Taxi It cost the same. Donald Alllstone. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. 6 AlliKtrmp returned to the city ou the Princess Louise yester day aiiernoon from the Yukon. 1 George Maddrill or the northern British Columbia Power Co. staff returned to the city on the Catala lost evening from a brief trip to Vancouver. O. E. Guliek. loml manager of the Swirt-CanarUan Co., sailed on the Catala last night to make ths round trip to Stewart and Anyoa: on business. W. E. Walker, manager of Arran- dale Cannery on the Naas Rivsr will be here aboard the Catala tomorrow going through to Vancouver for the winter. Special meeting of Prince Ruprt Ledge No 63. I.O.O.F. at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Sept 17. An open meeting at 7 30 psn. same date. All Oddfellows and Rebekahs invited. Ra-dio program on "Oddfellowshlp," I also annual corn feed. "Kuild B.C. Payrolls" A Husband Tries IPacitic Milk pleased. Many thanks Pacific Milk gers aboard the Princes Louise yesterday afternoon going uiruugu for a trip to Santa Barbara. Cali fornia. Dr. J. H. Carson sailed Saturday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver enroute to Baltimore, Morvinnri where he will talie up medical postgraduate work at John ! Hopkins University. lie was accompanied by Mrs. Careon and son, Pat, who will visit m wanivooa. v v. nrpff. district forester nt Prince George and formerly in tae fnrpatrv service in Prince Rupert, You can rent as low as $1-50 mile. has oeen blowing uiuvi.iS v1""'" q lp . . , .uiu rn r f nimcnfi to ine scnuui ouutu and other places depicting the methods of forest conservation, fishing scenes at the mouth or tne Skeena River and the propogauon of salmon at the Lakelse hatchery. to the are mo. 00 AND IP May Wc Explein Them To You? Agent for ALL Transatlantic Lines; Passports Secured For Information, call or write: CITY TICKET OFFICE ' 628 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL; a ear at Walker's a day, plus 7c. a i J. J. Little, general manager o! the Northern B. C, Power Co.. and Mrs. iLittle sailed .yesterday after noon on the Princess Louise lor a trip to Vancouver. Miss Marie Cowan arrivedin the city on the Princess Louise yester day afternoon to pay a three- weeks' visit here with her aunt Mrs. Peter Black. Just received 300 fftn scow of coal in tow of Armour Salvage new boat Ulgie. Call Albert .fe McCaffery for our winter' supply of coal. Phone 116 or 117. (tf) Ernest Love Jr. of Stewart was a nassenoer aboard the Prince Ru pert Saturday evsnlng going souti enroute to Pullman where he wi'l attend Washington State College Mrs. Georee Woodruff, wife of a well known Ketchikan customs of- icer, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon Eoink through for a trip to Seattle. I Mrs. R. J. Cromie, wife of the publisher of the Vancouver Sun', was A passsnger aboard the Prin-,cess Louise yesterday afternoon turning south after making the round trip to Skagway. Mrs. E. Wheatley, whose husband .and son were here aboard an airplane last week bound from Atlln to Vancouver, was a passenger on .board the Princess -Louise -yesterday afternoon going' .south. His wire in the hospital, ai v Or. Gordon James who has husband turns to Pacific Milk j medicine at An-chlWren. beon practising in preparing food for his five " He cooks with 'JtP. f a Panger. aboard ! hmm the Catala tomorrow going through with success so oM gratifylag tlvB ,w, that he hasrltten us a long : j cam letter detailing his exper-. ienoe. We ore exceedmsly ; n .. p,is,tn .rnffio. nssistint .of the .tlnlon Steamship Co. at i Vancouver, and Mrs. Rushton were I passengers aboard the Catala last ! night bound, north, -'the y are mak-jing the round trip on the vessel land will -be here again tomorrow on Hieir -way south. Rev. Father Edward J. Cunning- Dr. Harry c. .gnne. a m . flf the medical fraternity at Juneau. , the Roman nnfhA- Cathoflc rh,irrh Church, was was a a and Mrs. DeVighse were passen passenger aboard the ss. Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bound south after a brief trip o Juneau to confer with Bishop R. Crimont. head of the diocese. Father Cunningham will proceed from Seattle to Nome enroute to his post at Holy Cross fission, Announcements Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Mr. and Mrs.Wllliam Held, sailed Saturday night on the ss. Prince Charles tor Tkli, Queen Cbnrlotte Islands, en a holiday trip. Mrs. F. fi. Walton and little daughter, -Ruth, who have been snendlne the -summer In England. returned to the xlty om Saturday night's train. "1 Prince Rupert Tennis Club Annual Dafice Friday, September 20 Oddfellow's Hall. Salvatron Army Harvest Festlvrl September 23. Rebekah Bridge and Crib, Odd fellows' Hall, -Sept. ?5 Anglican Tea at Mrs, C. V. Evltt's Sept. 2G. Terrace Concert September 28. Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo United Annual Supper -October 3. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Hugh Martyn, vocal recital, Nov ember 1. Presbyterian Bazaar, November St. Andrew's Tov. 21. Cathedral Bazaai. Orange Ladies nazaar. Nov. 28. St. Peters Bazaar' December 5. MOOSE HALL i RENTAL KATES Concerts ..$25.00 Dances . . '20.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A iroom suitable tor smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For .engagements .phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. J. steen was a uasseneer aboard the.Catala last- evening going north from Vancouver to Wales island to take over his duties as cannery watchman ior toe winter. News. m Miss M. Laughlln, Seattle news paper woman, is among the pas-' senders making the Tound trip north aboard the .steamer Catala which was in port last evening bound for Stewart .and Anyox. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Shocklejr anil family, formerly or this city and for the past several years Jiving ir. Vancouver, left the southern city recentlv for Eneland where it is ihelr intention to take up future residence. Th marriage s announced of Maude, second daughter -of Mr.:and Mrs. "Samuel "Mathews "Magulre, formerly of . Salmon Arm, to William Murray Adams of! Anyox. The ceremony took place on June 26. Vancouver Province. Mrs. John Barnsley .arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Victoria and is the guest of Mrs. M. M. Stephens "until tomor row afternoon -when she will sail by the same vessel on! her reu.u south. Years ago Mrs. Barnsley re sided In Prince Rupert, Want Ads FOR RENT HOUSE For rent, 1807 Seventh AV- enue East. Apply Mrs. Vic "Men zles 211 TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE j BICYCLE in excellent condition I Phone 384 or .call 315, Third Av enue. LOST $5.00 REWARD. Gold pencil en graved H ST, on train between Fort George .and .Jasper, Aug. 24; C.N.R. office. HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced help tot general housework. "Permanent position. Apply box uauy. COLUMBIA IN PROBATE tl IN THE SUPREME COURT -OF BRITI6H IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP WILLIAM STEWART, .PttCKAHKU TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. -Fisher the fSth day ':t AdmtnUtritcr oX the estate of WlUiam Stewart, deceased, and -U Twrties hav ing claims -against the M estate are hereby required to rurntsh jame. (Properly verified, to me on or JWore the 10th day of October. A. D. '1935, -and. all parties Indebted to uie enuiie oulred to ry the amount Of , their In-. debtodnesa to me forthwttU. NORMAN A. WATT rvrtrTi-TAT. AMTNTSTRATOR Prince Rupt-t B. 'C. Dated the 7th day of September, A. D. 1935. TIMBER .SALE X16874 Qnni iiHra win tap received bv ivim vi vuttuv ' the Minister of Lands not later -than for the purchase of Licence TC18874, to cut 2.241.000 feet of Spruce, Oedar -and Hemlock on an area situated on the south side of Louise Narrows ium- Ehewa Inlet, Queen Chanoue isiancs Land District. Two years will be allowed for the removal of timber. iFurlher particulars of tho Chief Por ester. Victoria, B. C. or JjUtrlct Por-eater, Prince Jlupert, B. C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBEIA, UN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" a wn IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF, CHARLES KARSKI3, ,ueceaea. rkw MVTIW that Vvr nrdoT 'Of -HIS of September AX). 1935 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate d! Charles Karekls late of Atlln, British CoJuirtWa, deceased, and all parties mvb umo aealrust ie .said Estate are to me on or before the 20th day .of Oc tober A.D. 1935 and aU persona utd- tod to the Estate are require w K the amount ox tneir inaioitum w i forthwith . ' . ., HERBERT T. OLASSEY , off ltoi Administrator. AUln, B.C. Dated the 11th day of September, 1885 Ithis week Thursday Friday Saturday I McCUTCHEON'S DRUG STOKE fed Continuing Our Policy as In tile past To Offer You the Best in Service, With the Latest Equipment, Complete Service Data, Reliable Experience and Careful Workmanship We wish to announce that we have opened up for business again, two doors down from the Tower. We have just installed the following instruments to give you better "service. THE CLOUGII BRENGLE LABORATORY TYPE OSCILLOGRAPH (Cathode Ray Type) This-instrument has features unobtainable in other types. The companion instrument to above THE LOUGH BRENGLE LABORATORY TYPE SIGNAL GENERATOR With beat note frequency modulation as well as the conventional amplitude moauiauon. nus insiruinwiv ims '"w half of one percent. - . These two instruments are developments of the Clough Brengie laDoraiones, manuiaciuus i iusu giauc ov..... ...w . Also the Latest Supreme Deluxe Tube Checker and Analyzer This instrument will check all types and makes -of tufces includ-ins the ,NEW ALL METAL and METAL spray eight prong tubes. Every part In your receiver can be checked, and the condition of them determined, also. Superior Radio Electric Phone: Blue 320 msstn Have You Furniture for Sale? We BUY. We SELL. We EXCHANGE. D.ELIO FURNITURE Auctioneer. EXCHANGE PHONE GREEN 421 HUNTERS' SUPPLIES The Season is Here For Game Shells, Rifles, -Gun Oil, Lanterns, Shot Guns, Gun Grease, Cartridges. Match Sales, Hunters' Axes, Flash Lights, Cleaning Rods Hunters' Vests, Hunting Knives, Slicker Dressing. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. ' " it - ' .. . -- --- - - -i fjg mmmt flMHM WmmmmmmmmmmmmmTm The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED . . BUCKCOD Prepared Daily By fish & Cold Storage 9., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C 1 ansa J.T53 1 i a k 9 9 5 a X S 3 X t S s 3 i t ,j r t i aim If you lose anything, try a classified arL