e i i I it k i PAGE fOUK We Buy for Less. The RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. We Sell For Less From Men's Underwear Men's Merino Combinations 7Qo Extra Special Men's Turnbull's Medium C-f OA Weight Combinations . ?-OU Men's Turnbull Q4 Q Combinations yw Men's Turnbull's Combinations Men's Turnbull's Supreme 1.59 $1.69 Men's Turnbull's Wool CO Off Mixed . Men's Turnbull's Heavy Q4 yf Q Ribbed, Extra Special VAilV Natural English Wool Q4 1Q Shirts . pA.ltJ Drawers : $1.49 A Complete line of Men's Trousers 98c t0 35.95 GET YOUR'S FROM THE We have given you our utmost in service and quality D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE. We BUY & we SELL USED FURNITURE Bring Your Old School Books ! Box 50 Phone Green 421 1 10 Third Avo Red "Label Underwear C0 QO for ?oOo Green Label Underwear O CQ for. ty&iOU Tiger Brand Underwear 2 69 Tiger Brand, double QO Off breasts and seats .... Penman's Heavy Ribbed Separate Shirts and Drawers jjj St George's Underwear Aristocrat Combinations, the finest of Pure Wool, long & short sleeve equal to any $7.50 suit QA Qff for ...),,.... tJt.iJD Natural English Wool 2 95 And .y.'.'.'.'.'v'.'.'.'.'.'..... $3.25 PEOPLES AND SAVE mine inow we otfer you CELLOPHANE PROTEC- I TION on milk also. j Further particulars about our new health protection ervlce In I I folder being distributed. ! VALENTIN DAIRY I Phone 657 ' ' . w A T r TlieFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT MUSSAILEM'S CONFECTIONERY & DELICATESSEN Where You May Enjoy the Comfort Of a Private Booth We specialize in fancy Ice Cream Dunes:- Sundaes. Sodas Milk Shakes, Buttermilk and Cream OUR DELICATESSEN Service offers light lunches, sandwiches, cakes, cookies, etc. We also carry a full assortment of choice fruit In season, English Toffees, Candies, Chocolate (boxcl . or loose) at reduced rrices. f For Your Convenience: . Tobaccos - Clears - Cigarettes At Your Service Day and Night Drop in to MUSSALLEM'S DELICATESSEN & Confectionery 319 Third Avenue Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue i COAL I Wood Furniture Moving TBI DULY KIWI Tuesday A;jv TRIBUTE IS PAID i Funeral Service IIe!d For Man lion Quen Trior to Sending Remains I To China For Rurial i A large congregation rcpresen-taUve of all section. of Prince Rupert community life gathered last night at First Unl'ed Church for the funeral service of the late Man Bon Quen, well known local merchant, who passed away last February. Notable among those present were many unemployed and former unemployed to whom deceased had , been a benefactor for years. The service was conducted by Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of the church, who paid tribute to. the worth of deceased. Miss Swanna Olafson presided at the pipe organ to accompany the hymns which were "Lead, Kindly Light" and Blest Be the Tie That Binds." During the service Miss Ola f son )layed Mendelssohn's Funeral March. For two hours prior to the service, the remains had lain in state n the church. This afternoon they vere placed aboard the steamer "atala and will be taken to Van-ouver whence they will go to Soisan Falye, China, where lnter-nent will be made in the family lot. Making the trip from Van- ouver aboard a Blue Funnel Line teamer. the widow and seven hlldren will accompany the re gains to the Old Country. Honorary pallbearers were J. H. McLeod. C. D. Fyfe. L. W. Patmorc. Mah Wing. Richard Long and W. D. Vance. Active pallbearers were S. C Thomson. M. M. Sterihen. A omez, M. T. Lee. R. E. Moore and Thomas McClymont. Numerous beautiful floral offer-. mgs also testified to the Keneral esteem in which deceased was held. B. C. Undertaker were in charge if funeral arrangements. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. D Stegavlg sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ritchie and ittle daughter have arrived here from Anyox and are the guests of Mrs. Ritchie parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lindsay, Park Avenue Staff Sergeant Alsx McNeill, nro-' vinclal police, sailed yesterday on I the Princess Alice for a trip to At-, !in to investigate recent robberies1 3f gold from sluice boxer there. i J.'W. Kerr of Ottawa official of' the Department of the Interior who is on a Pacific Coast tour, ar-! rived in the city on the Cardcna Saturday morning from Vancouver! ind sailed Sunday night on the Catala to make the round trip to Anyox and Stewart and thenre back to Vancouver, passing through the city again today. ' PURLin HF.,lilr. nv nnmwic ED BRITISH COLUMBIA HEALTH INSURANCE BILL Public mpptlnff nf thn cdmmittee on the rropoied British Columbia Health Insurance Bill, will be held as herpunrW inriipatH The purpose of the hearings is to uuum nom inieresiea organizations their criticisms and suggestions reeardinir thp nrmutuH khi outlined in "A plan of Health Insurance for British Columbia." Those Wishing lr . , 0 - W. p . . u . V. the Committee art rpnnixH tn communicate with the Government Agem ai tne centres mentioned below. They are also requested to oung meir suggestions in written form to the hearing, Prince Rupert, August 22 at 10 ajn. Smithers, August 23. at 10 a.m. Prtnee George, August 24 at 7:30 pjn. Williams Lake, August 27 at 10 am. ALTON PEEBLES, Chairman. There Is a Difference In MILK Prove 1( to yourself. Try Prince Rupert Dairy Phone 287 For the best and get entire satisfaction or money back guarantee. When you're feeling low. try a bowl of Kellopg't Kice Krupiet in milk or cream. Their criin crackle will cheer you.' Ricu in enerpy eaijr to digest. Children like Rice Kritnies liecaute they snap, crackle, ami jHjp in milk or cream. Fine for the nursery supper hecauMj they promote restful sleep. At all grocers in the Mother Cooms story package. Made by KellogR in London, Ont. Quality guaranteed. Listen!- M,fi . , rice t KRISPIES I hungry The fire department had a call, at 5:45 yesterday ulternoon to ex-tlnguish a chimney fire at the home of E. V. Tucker. 1426 Second J Avenue. Wetvlew. No damage was , done". I A. T. Parkin, wuo underwent a serious operation In the Prtnee Rupert General Hospital on Saturday, was reported this morning to be progressing as well as could be ex pected. RELIEVE PERIODIC PAIN TF youiuffrr pri-odic nln tod ncomiort, try I Lydia E Pinkfatrn'i ITlhlrri In mm "cues they bring welcome relief". Ai Mr. Caroline New. man njt, "They Mrs. Rsymood apu Route 4, Tilbury.Ont mts,"I tufftt ed ome-thing terrible. Hid uch bacUchei and headaches I was worn out. YourTablets helped me". Let tbem olp Tou, too. Aik jtur dngxut. FLASH I 14 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Work of cement resurfacing of the local elevator is proceeding s'.cad.Jy No word has yet been received as to when the first grain of the present season may be expected at the house in which about 25,000 bushels of wheat Is now in siorage Mr and Mrs. W. E. Boeing were m port overntaht aboard their yacht Taconttc on their way back to SeatUe after a ctuise to Alaskan waters. The Tacorit-e arrived last night and was to leave for the south early this afternoon Union steamer Catala rapt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 12:30 noon today from Anyox. Stewart and other northern potnU and sailed at 1:30 pm for Vancouver and waypolnts The vcel Is taking south a larfe list of passenger including about forty persons from Anyox. Halibut boats ptoirg out today are Johanna. Mother and Southend. Th Hawlton Hanoy Six Orchestra held a very successful dance last night tn the Uetropole Hall, there being a big crowd in Electric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave F Ph Oreen 219 TONIGHT and W art. UAL CAKMvu MATINEE.. WEI). Jon km'i mur-i Dunne' r r e ASTAIRE C l N G r ROGERS KANDOlfM ICOTT HELEN WCSTICT n a-1 A3k , VICTOR VABCONI CLAIRE DODD 4 Maddenln? Modtls la Gas Din a Cownsl At 21 I- n f Mm un our htaje -Tb:?? x Little llerbie W. ae Vancouver.- r v r dlonist fealu'.:..; logue to nom;nrv Abo New tc SHIt S -jj, Coming Thun Y s'-'- "I.KS MISER IH.E? FRKSII MM.K AND C'RKAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 TWO DOLLARS FOR ANY OLD LANTERN We wUl allow $2 00 for any oH lantern 'coai m . ,- ga the purchase of a New Cole ran pile j a' S7.75, $7.95 & $8.23 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. P SEE I S FOR VOIR rKLSLKVlNG SUPPLIES Jelly Jar-, and Covers, do. Perfect Seal Jars. Quarts, dot Perf. rt 8cai Jars. pinU. doz Economy Caps, doz Rubber Jar Rings, doz. Paruwax, 2 packets for Aluminum Preserving Kettles, each Canning Rack. for 8 quart Jars, each To all Radio Users of Prince Rupert and District Announcing the Opening of Our New it SI j si: j t:: GORDON'S HARDWARE srr Radio Service Department n f S?5r?infmf"0 on. ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Our new service is Vp-to-Date, KLLIABLL nnrl EFFICIENT. Fully equipped with the latest modern instruments for servicing your radio. The best of materials only used, t-xpert service man in charge. All work guaranteed and charges fair and reasonable See our new Cathode-Hay Oscillograph, the latest development of the H. C. A. Victor Laboratories. A truly magic marvel. Now in operation at the Exhibition. See it make a picture of vour own voice. Mail orders especially attended to promptly