Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides ,ff nupert-Part cloudy, "-'irast , wind; barometer, v pcraturc 50; sea smooth. 0he WMEST Vernier Mussolini Half b.MM REPRESENTATION OF ENTIRE iCOVEUNMKNT, INCLUDING SENATORS AND DEiTTIKS, IN .MILITARY rUKCK-ISIU IK- CHE ASK IN AIR FORCE. . ...... HOME, Aur. 20: (LI'J is called oul five hundred mitm to he held alone the fext Saturday. In addition, II Ducc has commanded re-fomentation of the entire Rovcrnmcnt involving some . . . , B, i i ..i? rri t I ircc hundred wnators ami ii strength to 10,000. WW IS EXPLODED Ourlfi Canmll Kindt There It lTrpkI Vslley In Northern Brithh Columbia A-ig M - Dr.' deputy minister of ( back here after! P lot c I! Punch r Hiiadian Alrwaya t( rrttory in Hot- r-oiumbla and tne t'lrlea for mapping fum-ell found md that r : 1,! nlam had a great f the Llard River, i' d he theory of a in Northern Brttlh lather Townsend 1c IS Plncn LIOSC fn 10 lino UeatUL f hi ltnlr of Famous Han Nearly A I JliauMIIC illllUdll I Nrar Oakland pAKLM.'D Aug 20:-Dr. F. E. rrrS'Radio Exposition in he . h of an airplane near - taking off. As It was he ' scratched and shaken r.ane was wrecked. pancouver Wheat UcoUVER,' Aug. 20. (CP) fil quoted at 80.c on the ext. nie yesterday, advanc- a IN CVNAIIA rtlLIHNCi SIIOWINT, INCIIKASE OTTAWA, Aue. 20:-nulld- iiihu m vanaaa flunng month of July this year 'presented an atsrpmt. value of $4,206,000 being an I'nrrrase of 21 over the same nwnth last year Building In y in Urltl&h Columbia was a at $1.504 823 as com- wrcd with $137,815 In the wme month last year. These o-.u uuve Deen laxiiM h a t!omln,cn of Sta- 'sties sti I MD OTHER MINISTERS HURRY TO LONDON Million of His Troops To Austrian Border . m s a. ma rrcnucr Hcnilo .Mussolini thousand troops lor ma- Austrian frontier startinp uepuues. inc air iorce ua HALIBUT AREA NO. 2 CLOSING SEITEMBER n Jams H. McLeod, collector of customs, was advised this morning that fishing for halibut in Area No. 2, in which most of the Canadian vessels operate, would bo closed on September 6. The closing time is sct by the International 4 fisheries Commission which anticipates that the season's quota will have been reached by the date set for opera- tions to ceas. No date has yet been set for the closing of fishing in the 10re remote Area No. 3 but it is exl,ected it will continue open until ... .t ,, fnll Bui dine Burned nvrnm. Aua. 20: The huge rrio exDOsltlon bi tiding was de afternoon by a .iPn. visterday ""V" ' - . .. .... I-V, .nwuruiar f re. uy iaie v wt. the conflagration had been brought ... .trni hut there was no nn casualUes. Thirty thou- had visited the . SilUU l' HiiHnir the day. Consld pmbio difficulty was experienced in rescuing three men from the 400-foot tower. Indian Garrisons Are Strengthened Imminence of Outbreak of War In East Africa Causrs Itrltaln To Take Action trNT)ON Auc 20 As a pre ..Mnn oirainst riowlble native un of the rest In India as a result seemingly inevitable war In East Africa, the British governm - 1U Indian strengthen moving to In well garrisons, It was Intimated I Informed quarters here yesterday. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, AUGUST CRISIS Calls Out EMERGENCY SESSION HELD TOMORROW TO ICY FOR MEETING OF COUNCIL SOON. LONDON, Aug. 20: (CP) Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin returned to Imdon today, cutting short his vacation. From other points British ministers are hurrying to London to face the gravest international crisis since the World War. At an emergency meeting of the cabinet tomorrow British policy will presumably be established for a meeting of the league of Nations council on September 4. Today's Stocks (OourUAf 8. U. toavtMra Co.) ""-(.-,- VancbtitfF,.. B. C. Nlckei J21. Big MlsKHirl. .60 Bratoroe. 4 80. B. R. Oon .03. B. II. X., Xti. Cariboo OoW Qtnrtz. 1.12. DentotJla, Georgia River. .00 Vi. Gokenda, .18. Orange, .Oltfc. Minlo. .0CV4 Indian. .01. Meridian, .04. Morning Star, .04. National Silver, J03V Noble FlvewW. Pend Oreille. .70. Porter Idaho. M Premier. 1.4 J. Queene4 Quartz. 10 Reward. .02. Reno, 1.00. Stiver Crest, .00. Salmon Oold. .10. Taylor Bridge. .17. WaysWe. .12Vi-Whitewater, .04 Waverly Tangier. .00 i United Empire, .05 (ask). Toronto Central Patricia, 1.66. Chibougamau, .1414 Lee Oold, .03V. Oranada, 2iV. InUr. Nickel. 28.50. Macassa, U8. Noranda, 380. SherrtU-Oordon, .80. SLsco, 2.60. Ventures, .98. Lake Maron, .024. Teck Hughes, Z&2. Sudbury Basin, 1.60. Smelter Oold, .07. Can. Malartic. .57 Little Long Lac, 4.90 Astoria Rouyn. .04. Stadacpna, .22. Maple Leaf. .031i. x Pickle Crow. 2.61. McKenzle Red Lake, 120. God's Lake, 1.52. Sturgeon River Oold. .90. Red Lake Oold Shore, .29i. San Antonio, 3.40. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 50. Anyox Raining, calm, 55. Stewartf-CIoudy. calm. 48. Hazelton-Cloudy, calm, 50. Smltherl-Part cloudy, calm, warm. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 43. SINCE WORLD Saturday ! OF CABINET TO BE SETTLE BRITISH POL- LEAGUE OF NATIONS New York Stock Prices Go Down Ware of Liquidation Forces Entirr List Down From One To Two Points NEW YORK. Aug 20 - A heavy wave or iKjuraaucn sent pnees from one to. two points lower al! along the line on the New York Stock Exchan?e yesterday as a to-1 of 2,070,000 fhares changed "lands. Closing average were: in- nstrlals. 126.33. of 163: raUs. 35.03, ff 1.42: utilities. 271.01. off 1.17; nds. 96.14. off .17. Fnter Today Flower Show Evervone -Invited to Take llower To Exhibition IUU Entries for the Flower Show at the SUver Jubilee Carnival" may be made this evening from 4 to 8 o' clock at the Junior Chamber of Commerce office at the City Hall Exhibitors would be well advised to make their entries tonight Instead of leaving this to the last minute Exhibits should be in position to morrow momlng a, the Exhibition Hall by 11 o'clock so that every thing will be in readiness for judg lng. Notwithstanding last week's rains and the lateness of the sea son, there are few ;,ardens In town that are unable to make some entries and thus putting up compe tition In all the c'asses for which prizes are offered. COrrER MARKET STRONG ON ACCOUNT OF UPTURN IN INDUSTRY AND AVAR 4- NEW YORK, Aug. 20' (CP) Copper sales are being made In domestic markets at 8V2C an advance of half a cent, while abroad sales are repor- ted at 8I4C. Oreitly Improved demand has followed the sus- 4- talned upturn In Industrial 4 4 activity. The prospect of war- fare abroad has also had an affect In stiffening the copper market. 20, 1935 In Limelight 1 j , x " i mm i j ! ; I Poses of Premier Benito Mussolini who holds peace of Europe in his hands. Puyallup Farmer Enjoying Life Man Who Returned Weyerhauser Boy to His Home Reaps Beneit From Act TACOMA. Aug. 20: The Puyallup Valley farmer who returned young George Weyerhauser to his home several weeks ago following his kidnapping. In addition to having been rewarded in. a substantial way financially, was given a good Job by the abducted boy's father. J. P. Weyerhauser Jr.. lumber magnate. The farmer has built himself a fine home and he and his family are now epjoying life In a way they never knew before. LEWIS STONE HERE The sailing schooner La Serena 'with Lewis Stone, moving picture star and party on board, arrived in nort this afternoon, after an Al - aska cruise- and is tied up at the Imperial Oil Company wharf. High Low Big Claims Made As Outcome of Loss 0 Denali on Zayas Id. Government of United States is Chief Claimant in List Of Actions Totalling $168,018 in All Road Machinery Principal Ix)ss SEATTLE, Aug. 20: (Cp) The federal government and seventy-seven business firms and individuals have filed libels totalling $368,048 against the Alaska Steam-! ship Co. in federal court as a result of the stranding of the freighter Denali on May 19 at Zayas Island in Chatham Sound between Prince Rupert and Ketchikan. The government's claim is the largest amounting to $324,648 for oad machinery being shipped to Alaska. Alaska Salmon Pack is Lower Cannerymen Should Benefit By Improved Prices In Spite Of Lower Production KETCHIKAN. Aug. 20: (CP) Approximately two million fish under normal production, the Al-a-ia salmcn pack for the season is estimated by Frank T. Bell. United States commissioner of fisheries at 4,500.000 cases. Mr. Bell said that the canrerymen should benefit, however, by Improved prices. Funeral of Richard Louis Edgar Today Many Attended at Chapel of B. C. Undertakers to Pay Final Tributes to Local Man Many friends assembled this afternoon at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers for the funeral of the! late Richard LouU Edgar, who passed away suddenly last week. Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First 1 United Church, officiated and Miss Swanna Oiafson presided at the organ to accompany the hymns i which were "Rock of Ages" and "Lead Kindly Light." Capt. Thler - stein of the Salvation Army sang as a solo "The City Four Square." Following the service. Interment was made In Falrvlew Cemetery. Pallbearers were Richard Woods, Fred Edgar, Alfred Adams, B. J. Bacon, H. R. Love and Douglas tiiaiKer. There were numerous floral of - ferlngs. Halibut Arrivals American Alki. 12,000. 8.7c and 5 5c. Pacific. Canadian Relief. 15,000. 6fc and 5c. Cold Storage. Teeny Mllly, 13,000. 6.5c and 5c, Atlln. 1 Oklahoma where Interment Wave, 9,500. 6.5c arid 5c, Pacific. will also be made Thursday. ' Annabelle, 9.000, 63c and 5cJ Cold Immediately after the arrival Storage. j of the plane a wild and riotous i scene occurred at the hangar RESERVE BANK AT DURBAN ! when a photographer was dls- DURBAN. South Africa, Aug. 20: covered concealed In the raf- The South African Reserve Bank ters above the ship. The police has paid $175,000 for a corner site arrested him and smashed his here. The building to be used ex- camera and engaged In hand jcluslvely for the bark's use. will be to hand fights with other pho- : five storeys hlsh. A rarace to hold toeraDhcrs and onlookers. 1,000 cars will be erwted behind 'building. 6:37 ajn. 153 ft. 18:40 p.m. 133 ft 0:19 am. 53 ft 12:08 pm 8.8 ft PRICE: 5 CENTS WAR BOOK BY LOCAL MAN D'Arcy larshv Formerly Member Of IIih Schoof Stall Writes .- - Of Sir Henry, Thornton ( A biography of the late Sir Henry Thornton has been written by D'Arcy Marsh, former member of the high school staff at Prince Rupert Published reviews ir-dlcate that the book is cleverly written. It to some extent is a defence o the great railwayman bat it points out many of his weaknesses It is suggested that Mr. Marsh's findings will be jsed in the coming elecUon by liberals who have always defended he National Railways. The jeviews suggest that the 'look is a record of great human interest and that it is an excellent jiece of Journalistic craftsmanship. Columbia River Fishermen Idle ASTORIA, Ore. Aug. 20: Eighteen hundred Columbia gillnet and seine fishermen are tied up as a result of the calling of the se cond strike of the season. The strike earlier in the season lasted ionly tn days. POST AND ROGERS BODIES LANDED AT LOS ANGELES BURBANK. Cal., Aug. 20: i. Pilot Joe Crosson completed 1. his long aerial Journey from Point Barrow with the bodies of Wiley Post and Will Rogers. killed In an airplane crash last Thursday night, by arrlv- lng here late yesterday after- noon, covering the 1100 miles from Vancouver during the day in a transport plane. Rogers' funeral will take place at Olendale Thursday while Post's body goes on to the 17. m 5 ft