PAGE TV7C rKuratanrwMJUK ma kikimx iiixuiikikiii biki mi vm msstftS ' B 6, ANNUAL '&t Continues ! OFFERING YOU Unparalleled Savings on All S Types of Dependable Footwear. Hundreds of satis- g fied customers will support this statement, and you, too, will think so. Come in and judge for yourself the first time you're in town. I FAIR VISITORS We Welcome Your Enquiries. Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 33? Punlisned Every Afternoon, Except 8unday. by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managlng-Edr;or SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid m advance . js w For les!r period, paid in advance. Der week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and' United 8tata, paid In advance, per year : ,-, By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per lncii. per insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . ; Local leaders, per Insertion, per line - , Advertising and CirculaUon Telephone JSews Department Telephone DAILY EDITION 98 86 ll a 00 900 1.10 m 25 Wednesday, August 21, 1935 ALBEKNI SITUATION An unfortunate situation seems to have arisen at Al-berni in connection with the federal electron. A. W. Neill has been representing the district as an independent for many .years and representing it well. Recently a Liberal convention was held which nominated a Liberal candidate in opposition to Mr. Neill. It was claimed that the convention did not represent the whole ridlne; so another was called which unanimously and enthusiastically endorsed Mr. NeiUt,The man who had seconded the nomination of Alexander McNeill, the Liberal at the previous convention, said he had done so through fal.e representations made to him and he was now prepared, to support Mr. Neill. The majority of the Liberals of the riding are now evidently supporting the independent candidate, Mr. Neill and will support and probably elect him. The C. C. F. party has already nominated two men and a third is said to be considering the possibility of becoming a candidate. QUESTION OF VALUES The editor of a newspaper published in New York State is said to have received the following letter: "Please send a few copies of the paper containing the obituary of my aunt. Also nublish the enclosed clinnincr on the marriage of my niece. And I wish you would mention in your local column, if it doesn't cost anything, that I have two nice puppies for sale. As my subscription is out, please stop the paper, as times are too hard to waste money on newspapers." TWO DOLLARS FOR ANY OLD LANTERN We will allow $2.00 for any old lantern (coal oil or gasoline) on the purchase of a New Coleman, priced sX $7.75, $7.95 & $8.25 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. - "- " I ; - I - I MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE CHESTER FIELD SUITE Covered In combination tapestry, reverse cushions QQQ BbecJal vOO 327 Third Ave., Prince Rupert . Phone 779 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY PROM HOME" . Rates 81.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 106 II Seattle swiming stT who set new record at Tokyo for 400-metre free style swim. LEGION CHAMPS Defeats Regiment 7 to I to Capture Mobley Cup For 1935 Season Canadian Legion won the Mob-ley Cup, emblematic of city league football championship, by defeating Regiment 7 to 1 Monday night in the last scheduled fixture. The veterans played circles around the standing army and was full value for the victory. The last remaining trophy of the season to be competed for is the Stuart Benefit Shield, play in which competition will probably get under way next week. The final league standing is as follows: W. D. L. F. A. P. Legion .... 2 S 1 28 20 3 Regiment .1 5 2 20 28 7 Football MASSKTT INDIANS vs. PRINCE RUPERT All Stars 6:30 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT TEAM The following al' star team rer presenting Prince Rupert has been selected for the Carnival Week football game aga'rut Massett tomorrow evening: goal. Pierce (Legion); right back. W. Murray (Regiment); left back, Moe (Young Liberals); right half Oreer, (Legion); centre half. McKay (Legion); left half. Wlngham (Regi ment); outside right Lindsay Young Liberals); inside right Bussanich rLegion?; centre field, Christison (Regiment); inside left, Dickens (Legion), outside left, Armstrong (Regiment); reserves, Morgan, Palmer, Carroll, Vance and Lokken. DUKE AT CRYSTAL PALACE LONDON, Aug. 21- (CP) The first fireworks display of the season at the restored Crystal Palace was witnessed by the Duke of Kent, who was interested in the halls of the famous old palace, especially the Pompeilan Court. represenUng a Roman villa. This had been closed for twenty-five years. IK GROTTO TAXI 456 You only live once. Why not ride in the best? Three Cars at your service. Bert Morgan Bud Barrie PROP. Tin: DAILY NEWS Wednesday A .7 SPORT' JACK MEOICA YANKS WIN ONCE MORE Scored Another Victory Over Detroit Tigers Yesterday Rattle For Third Place DETROIT. Aug 21: CP Hie New York Yankees made It two straight wms over the Detroit Ti-rers yesterday. thus ml urine Ute margin of the American League leaders to six fun games. The Chicago White Sox. playing at home, slugged out victories over the Philadelphia Athletics In both ends of a double-header o advance Into third place ahead of the Boston Red Sox who were dividing a double bill with the lowly Browns at St Louis. The Cleveland Indians won over the Washington Senators at Cleveland and are in fifth place but half a game behind the Red Sox. In the National league, the New York Giants won a 10-inning game from the Cincinnati Reds at the Polo Q rounds and are still three games ahead of the world champion St. Louis Cardinals who eked out a close victory over the Braves at Boston. Yesterday's Big League scores: National league St. Louis 6. Boston 5 Pittsburg 2, Brooklyn 0. Cinclnnatr5, New York 6 10 rulings). American League Philadelphia 4-4, Chicago 13-11 Boston 5-7. St. Louis 8-3. New York 6. Detroit 5. Washington 2, Cleveland 4. Baseball' Standings American League W. I Detroit 70 41 Vew York S3 46 Chicago .57 X Boston .59 54 Cleveland 58' 54 Philadelphia 48 59 Washington 47 66 3t Louis 40 70 NaUonal League W. L. Vew York 72 " 41 St Louis 68 43 Chicago .71 47 Pittsburg 64 54 Brooklyn . 53 60 Philadelphia L.....50 64 Cincinnati ....49 68 Boston 22 82 Pet .631 .578 .523 .522 .518 .449 .416 3G4 Pet .637 .613 .602 .542 .469 .43t .419 .281 LAWN BOWLING Dave Borland's rink defeated Jeorge Woodland's by a score of 13 to 19 In a City Lawn Bowling -eague fixture last night. BLOOD TRANSFUSION SERVICE BOLT ON, Aug. 21- To ensuro that no difficulty shall be experienced when calls for blood donors irise, the Bolton Royal Infirmary is making an urgent appeal for volunteers between the ages of 18 and 45 to help in the organization of an efficient blood transfusion service. BROTHERS KILLED SAME WEEK READING, Eng., .ug. 21: (CP) Percy Morrell, 29, and his brother. Peter, four years younger, of Moursford weie killed within a week. Percy died from Injuries suffered when he fell from a ladder and Peter lost his life In a motor accident. Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming' Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you, We meet all trains, picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults. $3.50; each additional adult, $1.50, Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lak,e. LEWIS STONE REAL GENTLE- MAN OF SCREEN, PRINCE RUPERT. VISITS (Continued Mom paw one) fee is so much like his picture although posslMy a little taller than one might expect. Mr. Stone has been on this cruise-since July 20 when the See- I lena left Los Angeles The northern. extremity of the erulse was Sitka with calls at some of the more Important points on the way up the coast. Aflfr leaving here this morning at 9:30, the Serena, which arrived at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Alaska, was to cruise by leisurely stages town the British; Columbia coast, visiting a number, of points of interest The famous1, setor is due home In Los Angeles i the second week in September. It; is planned to go ou-siae irom Seattle and sail home. Talks of Pictures Mr. Stone seemed almost sur-urised to hear that "David Copper-field." the last picture in hkh he was seen hre (as Mr. Wk-kfleld). tad proven so pooular In Prince Rupert. He quite frankly expressed the opinion that he bad not thoBtht "David Copperfleld" would be a picture of very wide appeal. Modest in regard to his own per formances. Mr. Stone disclosed that, since "David Oopjxrflekl," he! had appeared in "China Seas.' an adventure story of piracy on the China coast, in which Wallace Beery. Jean Harlow and Clarke Oable have prominent parts, as well as "Anchors Away." a story dealing with the training of United States Navy officers star tine from the rank of midshipman The latter. Mr. Stone remarked was an authentic record of the subject, most of It being actually filmed at Annapolis Academy. Dick Powell ind Ruby Keeler are the Juvenile! Interest. "Frankly. I don't know what my' next picture will be, said Mr j Stone. "I haven't heard what they ue lining up .for me," the M. a. M.I star added. 1 Mr. stone took occasion to recommend "Les Mlserables." coming L. ,LI. 1 . , , . mcic uiu wecK-ena, u wcai moviegoers. "Freddie March and Charles Laughtoo give wonderful portrayals." he remarked. Naturally, the conversation veered around to mention of the late lamented Will Rogers. "A wonderful person," remarked Mr. Stone simply, "one whom it will Just be Impossible to replace I do not mean merely as ar. actor or as a humorist but as a man and a clU- ten. Around Hollywood he will be; greaUy missed. The world can ill afford to kyw him." Mr. Stone learned at Juneau of Mr. Rogers' death. Accompanying Mr. Stone aboard j the yacht are Mrs. Stone, who in-1 cldentally has never had anything i to do with the moving pictures, Mr j and Mrs. Freddie Frallck and Mr i and Mrs. Cy Orant. all of Los Angeles. The Serena Is a fine 105-foot ( schooner, luxuriously appointed i and beautifully kept up. She is equipped with a 175 hp. Wlnton dlesel engine but Mr. Stone admits that sailing Is his favorite mode of propulsion. His skipper Is CapL Orimstead who has been with hlra for eleven years. Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood Furniture Moving THE ARISTOCRAT OF FINE LAGERS BLCAt Si: of it delightful, tungy llawir, its mellow KHi if flggHgEgEiAi Trite Per ffct, S1.50 with ttturn rilir. 3277 for prompt trrm ileiirery Muootlinrss the result of jirrcUr, orlriitlfir ettntrol . flit; Irrwiii and oaing prorr, rrrii IjIk-I i known oert. here m "The Aristocrat at Fine IflRers". Klcli, lieultliful, raiity aiml. latrtl, this fine beer has uoq fm or xlth errnnr. There 1 nothing more re-frothing than u Ixtttle of cool (.reen l.abcl Ijtcer, t ANUMi hnim; jvrA.Y ua This advcrtierr.ort not pv:K .3i .: d dT jyd by - T--f Centred Board oi by the Gcvor- :".t ul B: .sh G a. J BURNETTS lsjustiiiaiiijficii ypas!S I if1' tSTABLISHED 1770 V This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.