page roux EASIER Washdays are here , .... : ". i If you own an ELECTRIC CLOTHES End wash-tub tyranny and f f t fc riTF!T toil with an Electric Wash- W AVULU er, the easy way to pleasant f 1 "liJil EliV washdays. You simply put the clothes in; snap the switch and let the washer wash, cleaner, quicker and with less wear and tear on fabrics than you ever thought possible. Electric washdays conserve your health and strength and make home a happier place to live in. Start then in YOUR home with a Northern'EIectric ABC Washer. Pay only $5 down; the balance on easy terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited MsiziixisiiKmmEsms g' g m rrtiiri n t i iv lAnnnn nfiAtvn v int rALiu lurrtt mm Offers You 2 WHITE HELP COURTEOUS SERVICE I SUPERIOR MEALS LOWER PRICES And a clean, convenient place to dine Call around and let us prove it Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. U TIHUD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT 5 D. ELIO Furniture Exchange Kox 50 WE BUY and WE SELL -Kitchen Range, Beds, Table, Etc Phone Green 421 110 Third Ave. til Schedule For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Frl days 5 p.m. From the East Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:20 p.m. Saturdays 2:15 ,pjn. For Vancouver-Mondays 2 p.m. Tuesday J2;30 p.rn Wednesdays (train) .... 4:30 pjn Friday n pjn Saturdays 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. From Vancouver " 1 - sourmay - , 4 pjn- Monday ajn. "Wednesday . , )n am (Thursday (train) 10: 15 p.m jruuay .10 ajn. Saturday (train) 2:15 pjn. SEARCHING FOR BODY No Success Yet in Efforts to Re-cover Body of George Elliott From Bulkley River The provincial police stretched a net across the BulkJey River at the head of Hagwllget Canvon near Haze!ton In the ef fort to recover the body of 11-year old Oeorge Elliott, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott of Smlthers, who was drowned at 11:30 last Saturday morning in -the falls of the river at Moricetown while fishing. According to latest reports, the body had not yet been recovered and It was rather doubtful that it ever would be. Oeorgte was visiting with a playmate. Oeorge Grant, also of Smlthers. They were staying with the tatter's father. William Grant, who Is fishery Inspector at the Moricetown Indian village while the salmon are running and the Indians are catching and smoking the fish. The boys were to have cone ihome that evening and wanted to take along a salmon caught by r themselves. They were fishing a couple of hundred yards below the mignway Dnage wnen ueorgie hooked a big salmon. He was standing on the rock at the edee of the river and the tugging of the salmon on his line caused him to lose his footing and he slipped In. The river is a racing torrent at this point and up to the falls and the lad made a game fight against the swift water of the canyon but it was too much for his strength and he was taken down In one of the many whirlpools and not seen again. At one point his young play mate managed to get his fish hook and line caught in Oeontie's cloth ing but It tore loose as he tried to pull him to the shore. Mr. Orant was notified In a few minutes and a search to find the body was started. The Indians Im mediately stopped their fishing and. taking their gaffing poles, started down the river, dragging in an me notes and eddies. Qeorgie Elliott was born In Sml thers 12 years ago and Is survived by his parents, a sister having pre- aeceased him several years ago. He excelled in all athletic sports, but for him fishing was more than all the others. His father is a veteran of the Oreat War and a Dromlnent member nf thp Rmiihor. branch of the Canadian Lesion.' He conducts' a boot and shoe store i in Smlthers and runs a repair shop. Fishing In the Moricetown Canyon Is at best a dangerous SDort and there have been several near accidents of a similar nature, even with the older people. More than one man has had to abandon his fishing rod and tackle to the rixh to keep from losing his balance and; toppling Into the river. FLEET LEAVES 'FRISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20: A United States Navy battle fleet, with 30.000 men, steamed out of the Golden Gate Monday on Its return to headquarters at San Pedro after a week's visit here. "TILL1E THE T01LER,, Electric Steam Massage Treatments Mrs. Gammon 424 8th Ave. E Ph Green 219 FRESII M.LK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MAC. VJHEKES fDue. COVvlBOY c "SJ zJvKZ mou, 1 e.'Tf lrMsni nv .Jtime to V.SET AMY lbs'. . Hhbss "X " T t t t1 1 11 TBI DAILT R1WI Wednesday a DAN BEATON IS HONORED Presentation Made to Retiring Employee of Canadian National Hallways Dan Beaton, who retired from have 1 the Canadian National Railways service in the bridge and building department recently, was honored last night by his associates and fellow workers at an Informal gatering .held in the D. & D. master's office. Mr. Deaton was presented with a purse of gold as a mark of esteem from his fellow workers. The presentation was made by IL E. Alton, n: & B. master. In making the presentation. Mr. Alton referred to Mr. Beaton's sterling qualities of character and wished him many years of health and happiness to come. R. E. James. II. Long and John Leon also' paid their tribute to Mr. Beaton and spoke very hlchlv i oi mm. Mr. Beaton. In a few well chosen words, thanked the friends for this remembrance and their kind words. COUPLE FIND PEAR! LADYSMITH. B.C . Au. 21: (CP) While cleaning oysters recently! Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Smith dls-' covered a perfectly shaped pearl! about one-eighth inch in diameter. The oyster, taken In local; waters, was about three inche' across and of the Pacific specie which was Introduced here some years ago from Japan. FOUR RESCUES IN .MONTH VANCOUVER. Aug. 19. (CPC Five years ago doctors told William Campbell he had only six months to live. He took physical culture lessons, won his battle with death and now Is making a habit of saving others from the same fate. During the last month he has li.nMUIlt . . . cu luar iKrsons irom In VartCodver watcTS. Mr. and Mrs. John Dybhavn and son. Oeorge. and daughter. Alma, returned Jiome on last evenlne's train from Lake Kathlyn where j they have been spending the season at their summer home Visitors! WE WELCOME YOU! We extend to you an invitation to call and see us. specials are for your convenience as well as our regular customers. MUSSALLEMS BUTTER First Grade, per lb, GREEN PEPPERS per lb. 25c PURE LARD I' OC 2 lbs 401 ELBERT A PEACHES per crate APRICOTS No. 1 ' quality. 16-Ib. crate TOMATOES Hothouse per basket RUBBER RINGS per doz. .. .... CERTO per bottle NEW APPLES parent. 4 lbs S1.75 $1.45 29c 5c 29c 25c 20c Ask For Our Special Sale Sheets! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 1 msnz BrB?su BCTsTffr?.rssrcr.iBTm! cf the J;tTKW : r irr WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Making her fina' voyage of the season on the Alaska route, C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived In port at 9:30 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Fall with a good-sized list of passengers, In cluding over 100 round trippers, and sailed at 1 o'eioek. this after noon for Anyox and Stewart whence she will return here next Monday southbound. On the way south following a leisurely cruise in Northern British Columbia and Alaska waters, the Vancouver power yacht Taeonlte. with Its owner. W. E. Boeing of Seattle, and Mr. Hoeing on board, sailed from here about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon fallowing a day's stay In port. Aieo in port with the yacht was Mr. Boeing's big twin-motored flying boat, piloted by Clayton I, Scott. A radio broadcast from Vancouver last night announced tliat Mr. Boeing's mother had successfully undergone an operation In the south. Northland Transportation Co. motorshlp Northland, Copt. Len Williams, is due In port this after noon from Ketchikan with a cargo of fish for trans-shipment east over Canadian National Railway. After discharging, the vessel will sail In continuation of her voyage to SeatUe. Boats going out today arc Ca-pella. Kalen. Margallce. AU1 Margaret No. 1. Clipper and Oem. Bringing In four car loud of fish for trans-shipment east over Canadian National Railway, rnotor-ship Belllngham arrived In port at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from Ketchikan and. after discharging, sailed on her return nofth. FLASH The Price of Knowledge VHS' .Y.'1. UlUCoe hSxLV- Hotel Arrivals Koyil B, Stevens and A. Zorotovich, city; Harry Attree, Terrace. R. M. Stephen .eltjr; C. Evans and J. Black, Vancouver Prince Rupert William A. Hesse Ketchikan: T. B. Haliiwell, Premier; C. Kerr and J. A. Mitchell, Premier Mine; Arthur Peake. Nanalmo; S. McNeil, C. II. Scott and R. S. Moffatt. Vancouver; C. L. Scott. Seattle; Pansy Johnson. Santa Crue Cal; Mr. and Mrs. Llckel. St. Louis. Mo.; 8. HautonSan Francisco L. O. West and Pat Mcllroy. i Vancouver; C. V. Hope. Edmonton; Carmen Smith. Terrace; MUse Eileen and Teddy Hope, Edmonton, O. B. Reece, Toronto: Mr R. H Ourd and Master Billy Ourd, Cas-siar Cannery. Central T. Anderson. F. Daniels. B. H "Oolnlck, M. J. Trotman C. J. McDonald. Arthur Ftagtats. J. M Oraham and J. Lttrh. C. N. R.; II Anderson. II. Edlund. J. McDorwW. ;H. McKemlc, A. McPhearon and C. IChrtstopherson, city; E. B. Ertck-son. Smlthers. I Knox i M. L. Clark. Georgetown: John iKnowles. S. D. Anderson and M iDolan. city; Augustus Crlpps. Bun-jnyelde; E. Mark and O. Sloan i Edmonton: J. Morgan. Ksmloop Savoy Mr. and Mrs. D. Steoavlff. Albert Brown and Mrs. Garner city; Mr and Mr. D. A. McKlnnon, V. Sou-cle. Mr. H. Mist and daughter Mrs. T. Turner. Mr 8waln and Bob Hamer. Terrace: W. Thompson. Cedarvale: Mr. W. W. Duncan. Usk; R. O. Cunningham. C. D. Poason, L. H. Swapson p c Btur-ltt. Charlie Richmond. Mr. and Mr. L. O. Perkin and Mr. O. Davis, Port Bstington: Mr. J. Hudson and son and daughter. Vanars-dol; S. Zutawinski. city. VANCOUVER. Aw 21- (mi Wheat was quoted at 83 c on the .ocai exenange today. To all Radio Users of Prince Rupert and District Announcing the Opening of Our New LAST T1.MPS r I B E -m D U N N E v r h r ASTAIRElfi c t M o r H U u t R S BAKDOlfK SCOTT HELEN WESTIEY VICTOR VASCOKI CLAIIE DODD 4 Maddening Modsl In Casolna GownsI At ? T: it it Sr. I On Our StaxT;r? I llll. II. .k.i. Vancouver T , 1ionit ffiUUt.: , logur (. "itontM News Si Silly h r;kt- VTAIfTV T-ltlllt,i...r . ........ . '....bL,fl SIATINEi: AT J "LKS MISEU MUJ There b a MILK Prove It tu Prince Rupert Da'tj Phone 287 v ireati a satisfaction . r gilarun Try a Dally New ' uj.x. 1 1 w LtrPttr B Radio Service Department Servicing done on ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. Our new service is I n-to Date, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT. Fully equipped with the intent neri instruments for servicing your radio. The best of materials only used. FpfH service man in charge. All work guaranteed and charges fair and reasonahfc See our new Cathode-Ray Oscillorap . latest development of thb R. C. A. Victor Luir tories. A truly magic marvel. Now in oporatmnat the Exhibition. See it make a picture of your oi voice. eMaeMv5.JM Mail orders especially attended to ),ronn By Westover iuu oar thk mi y r me vjith -this oxjtfit foicteachim L m s 1 m 4 J 1 V i 1 1 r v 1.