1 - ... II.- X - - .1 f r ft . ?! 1933 SPECIAL ehold Size Bottle Italian Balm, reg. COc a Dispenser 05c $1.25 Special Price, 59 cents ,re ;i Mi 31 Tooth Powder and One Klenzo Tooth Brush, Value GOc Both for 39 cents CHILDREN'S SPECIAL Orn ( HW's Tooth Jlrush and Sponge Ball Both for 19 cents Ormes Ltd. Jiic. Pioneer Druqgists lt RU Bt Phones: SI K non IIIt From I rn-m. till 10 f.m. ... . nil a 4 (III .yt-rU)T Of .'y on !rm a r, rrieui Kenneth Brown Indian, for drunkenness, was fined 10. with a. L...a.Bim,M a . a. m m l "vers, doi r . v. Quarts, doz. E ii Jrs Pints, do. ) Ci doz izx lungx. doz Pirir 1 rickets lor Aijn. n Preserving KetUes. each " - i Pw ks, for 8 quart jars, each ORDON'S HARDWARE 15c .51.15 . 5US c 7c . J5c 35c 50c McHiWe St. I'hone 311 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8teamm leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver-S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1120 Jt. Arrjv :r.j Vancouver Thursday CARIIKNA EVi;it FRIDAY MIONIOI1T. ArrlT ng Vancouver Monday ajn. mi m to Port Btmtol Miyoi, o"n u. Uat Prtltc Rupert Bunoaj, p taer mformatlon regarding all sailings and tickets at ralNCE ktrfKT (JfNCV IhM tnne tl" CANADIAN PACIFIC PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS. 10 P.M. PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 17th. 28th, Sept. 6tn. PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 10th, 24th. v iiihjiii. ii rnnrrii. jnnraii ansa tina PRINCESS LOUISE, Aug. 12th, 231d, SOpt 1st PRINCESS ALICE, Aug. 19th. For information and reservations call or write W, I- COATES. General Asent, Prlncs Rupert, pr'icn inninh mnritt fn4) ffimfn ii muuo uiiiikii iiiuui. a i 1 1 1 v - "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. jlNQ. SEE SIMPSON, FIFTH AND McBRIDE. (tf) &Um D-rothy Mardmsld. ha has been on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elseu-here In the south, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. Canadian Legion. B. E. S. L, monthly meeting tonight, 8 pjn. Report ol Provincial Convention. (193) Mrs W R. Overend arrived ro the dty on the Catala jwsterday from Anyox. She and her hatband are leaving the smelter town. Don t let the weather man worry you. It cosy and warm at the Carnival Show. So let's pluck up Norman L. Freeman and his hririe the former Mls KatUten option of seven days' Imprisonment , k arHvM . tn, Htv n the by Magistrate Mcdyment In dty., 0w,rte morning fromj" police court yesienay morning . , Vancouver, where they were mar-1 i ried last Saturday, and will take up ; . ........a.MnwMrTW .Baia 'ns.wwwaa mww - - 1 ' i SIX US Wit YOL'U residence on Fifth f venue West at ; Tatlow Street. Thr are receiving! the hearty congratulation and! beat wish of many friends. , C D. Held of Montreal president of the Concrete Reoairs of Canada limited, ts a visitor in the ctty today and this morning was at the Alberta Wheat Pool's elevator on which his company is carrying out a resurfacing contract. Mr. Reid arrived on the Prince George this imornln from Vancouver and will proceed east on this evenina's train. i PUBLIC 1IIUHINC.S ON PROPOS ED imiTlSlI COLUMBIA UE.LT1I INSURANCE BILL Public meetings nf the hearings commiuee on the proposed British Columbia Health Insurance BUI, will be held as hereunder indicated. The purpose of the hearings is to obtain from Interested organizations their criticisms and suggestions regarding the proposed bill as outlined In "A plan of Health Insurance for British Columbia." ! Those wishing tr appear before l the committee are requested to communicate with the Government Aoent at the centre mentioned be low. They are also requested to bring their suggestions in written form to the hearing Prince Rupert, August 22 at 10 am. Smlthers, August 23 at 10 am Prince George, August 24 -at 7:30 p.m. Williams Lake, August 27 at 10 am. ALTON PEEBLES? Chairman 7. Announcements Catholic August 29. tea. Mrs Burbank's Catholic Church ber 2 and 3. Bazaar Octo- Baptist Bazaar, Oct. 5. Canadian Legion Bazaar Oct. 17 Presbyterian Bazaar, November Orange Ladles' ntzaar. Nov. 28. Moose Hall Moose Lodge moets at 8 p.m. Tonight THE DAILY NEWS , Mllll I III .i. J " LOCAL NEWS NOTES Bargain shop opens next door to C P R oiftce-Demers. FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIR- Bo warm and comrortable by In 32 Taxi It costs the same. Yon can rent a car at Walker as low as $1.50 a day. plus 7c t mile. James Alexander Fjfe appeard In city police eoart M (today afternoon on a chare el ragrancy which was dtantssed. Mrs. Steen, who has. been visiting here as the guest of .Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Kergtn. leaves on this evening's train for Saskatoon. Strollers' Carnlvil Week dances Wed., Than, and Friday. Aug. 21, 22, 23, featuring Elimination Walte Competition, Ten Dollar first prize. Oddfellows' Hall, 10 pjn. Oents 50c ladles 2&c. (193) Corp. Robert OHjson. provincial couruK? and still well all go at police, returned to the' city on the thouRh the old sun were still shin- Prince George this morning from lag through. j a brief trip to Vancouver on escort 'duty, being soowrs parried by Mrs. Mrs L Jeanen of Vancouver, who Qibaon has been visiting here for the past week or so as the guest of Mr. and D MeCorklndale of the Daily Mrs Samuel Maasey. win sail by the Newi typographical staff, who has Prince Rupert Saturday evening btn .pen a month's vacation tor tne soutn. jat hi home In Fort William. OnL, I will be returning to" the city on The Prince Rupert Gyro Club! the Princess Adelaide Friday af- I was entertained at Its regular I weekly luncheon today with a display of talking picture supplied I by the General Mo'ors Corporation I through 8. J. .labour, president of the club, who was in the chair. ternoon. Buckley Shannon of Seattle, who is conducting extensive mining operations near Utfc, arrived in the city from the sotrth on the Prince Oeorge this morning and win pro- ntng s train . Want Ads FOR -SALE HOUSEHOLD Furri'ure; for sale. 9 pteee mahogany dining room i mtte, kitchen eab'net double bed. compete, curtain sfretchers. wsh tub stand, misceilaneous article. Mrs. Thomson. 736 Taylor Street (196) ! FOR RENT TWO Remodelled 5-roomed flats and well furnished apartment with chesterfield etc. Phone 543. tf FOUND FOUND Signet ring owner may have same by calling at Daily News Office and paying for this advertisement. AGENTS WANTED BIO Monty-Mekcr. Specially constructed shoes. Patented features. No other shoes like it Free shoe bonuses. Big profits. Dont miss. Write now lor our free selling kit. Box 1602. Montreal PAINTERS PAINTING na Papertanglng Moller. Phone Red 802. NOTirE TAKE NOTICE that t A. it. HowU, of Vancouver, B.C. -brc ker. Intend to ap ply to tbe CfemmtB&lortrr of Lands at Prince Rujxrt tor a license u prospect for cot J. petroleum, and natural gas over the following described lands- Lot 3435, Queen CharfciUe talanCa Dlatrlct, Prince Rupert Land Recording DWtrtct. Dated this 10th day of July. 1935. 7119-lvll A, M. HOWELL. NOTRE TAKE NOTICE that I. A. M. Howll, of Vancouver, B.C. tbrotter. Intend to ap ply to the Commissioner or Lands at Prince Rupert lor a license to prospect for coal, petroleum, and natural gas over the following described lands: Lot aiso, Queen Charlotte Islands District, Prince Rupert Land Recordln District, Dated this 10th day or July 183S. 7319-Tll K M HOWELL. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that t A IX. Hcra-e ol Vancouver. B.C. broker. Intend to ap ply to the Commissioner or Lands at Prince Rupert Xor a license to prospect for coal, petroleum, and natural gas over the following described lands- Lot 3137, Queen Charlotte LJanvts Dlrtrtct, Prince Rupert Land Recording District. Dated this 10th day ol July, 1035, 7319-JVll A M. HOWELL. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT I, A M. Howell, of Vancouver, B.C.. broker, intend to apply to the Commissioner or Lands, at Prince Rupert for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gns orar the following described lands: Lot 2133. Queen Charlotte Islands District, Prince Rupert Land Recording District. Dted this 10th day Ol July 1935. 73.Jy.U A. H, ROWKLU Mr. and Mrs. C. F. depanahl of New York, who have been In the city for the past couple of weeks, will leave on Friday evening's train for Vanderhoof. Norman Fraser returned to the city on the Catala yesterday from Alice Ann where he has been for some time In conntctlon with the Esperanza Mine. Bert F. Smith, eeneral manager of the Premier add Mining Co., passed through the city aboard the Catala yesterday on his way to Vancouver on business. Although still in hospital, George J. Dawes Is now able to be put and walk around. It will be the end of the month, however, betore he will be able to return home. E. W. NeeL representing the; provincial health insurance com- mlttee, arrived in the city on the Prince George thl morning from Victoria to conduct a public hearing here with a viw to hearing local views on the subject of state twalth insurance. He will be In touch with representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, women's organizations, service clubs, hos pital board and other interested bodies. a a a a a a a a LAND ACT Notlcc of Intention ts apply to Lease Land Is Land Recording District of Print Rupert, Range 8. Coast DUtrlot and situate about one-quarter of a zaUe south of Lot 8710, Range 5, Coast DU-Iriet. Porcber Island. Take notice that Clarence Edgar Bai ter, of Hayiport, B.C, occupation can-.leryman. Intends to apply for a lease ot .tie following described land: Coaunettctng at a pom planted on tmaU Utaad about Uiree-quartera of ceed to the interior on this eve- SoSlaTTcS! arose vest by bortli 13 cbalna, theste outn aoutb-aen S0.5 chalna; tbeoce uthatt by tootti 17 JS ehalnj to tkt point or ttmnaencrmmt. and oontaimmj. i3.i ac HaOre or less. CLARXfrCK CDOAB 8ALTEX. "Mted Jus .Kb. 19SS. :-; Ii L Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace, who has been on a brief trip to Vancouver, arrived In the city from the .south on the Prlncej Telegraphs here. Oeorge this morning and will proceed to the interior on this evening's train. Steve King returned to the city ion the Prince George this -morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Mrs. King and son and daughter. tflbtutf Bach. CfunAOnlu, of printed on evvry package QUAKER CORN FLAKES Prince Ruperts Silver Jubilee CARNIVAL Organized by thOunior Chamber of Commerce - Guest of Honor Mr. P. W. Anderson, President Old Pioneer's Association. Grand Opening Tonight Exhibition With FLOWER SHOW at 7 p.m. Talkin? Pictures at 7:30 GRAND REVUE AT 8:15 A Sparkling Musical Comedy with a Beauty Chorus of 40 Filled with Lilting Tunes, Snappy Dances, - Gorgeous Costumes Dancing at 10:30 Tomorrow Night Talking Pictures at 7:30 GRAND PAGEANT OF THE NATIONS AT 8:15-Packed with programmes and artists brought from all parts of the world overseas. A magnificent repertoire of International talent. Programme includes the .thrilling NISHGA INDIAN WAR DANCE Don't fail to see this wonderful display of the Nishga Indians' Tribal War Dance 'K w Friday Night Children's Masquerade at 8:30 Grand Carnival Ball at 10:30 Admission each evening, 50c; Children, 25c SPORTS BASEBALL Tonight at, 6:15 Ocean Falls All Stab vs Prince Rupert All Stars. Admission, 35c; Children free. Thursday Afternoon at 2:30 Baseball, Ocean Falls vs. Prince Rupert. Admission, 50c; Children free. Greenville Concert Band and Prince Rupert Boys' Band In Attendance Extra Seating Installed For Carnival Sports PAOl THRJH Angus MacPhee, formerly a delivery boy for the Dally News, hail Joined the staff of the Government Joseph Wickett of the C. N, Jfc city Jacket office staff made z brief trip last evening to Inverness can- nery. - Mrs. James Brough of Smlthers arrived In the dty on last night s who have been spending the sum-'train from the Interior and Is the mer vacation in the south, will be guest ox Mr. and Mrs J. S. Irvh c home In about two weeks' time, I Borden Street. GIRLS WANTED TO LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE Provides steady employment, easy hours, good pay, as well as opportunity for independence by opening your own shop. For Illustrated Information on halrdresslng and beauty culture Phone Scy. 77S9 or Write MOLER HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 303 West Hastings St, Vancouver, B.C. 1 "tr I 1 ?? . 1 y if. ' I I 5 I