Want Ads! Califor WANTED i 16 ft.xM ft , 10 (tt Umt illue 37. US) i k! woman or girl tor light i work, 1 month, 7 mites out; n Phone Red 403 ijllt i I-nitJULK ha IX ary 8afe $76. Apply v News Of r toe. tf sale IW davenport and and two chairs, very realty Phone Fed 832 iAlNTKItS PAIN TIN O na Paperhantfn f. 'Her. Phone Red BOX Farms For Sale Near Smithrrs f-oR HALE- 160 acres, part-mproved. loc cabin, creek, miv or wood. Uxes $5.00, $500X10. A'ljouiiRK 100 acre, four , liiiiKi, over 20 acrei clear mioiik fence creek, wood, minutes to school, taxes JO. price $900.00 Doth 9 )s to SoUlhera. Plenty of iite frw. Gm retted road. i'. too acres, 2 miles from : 7 from Smlthers, G iidlng. 30 acres plowed and crop. Lirze creek, price -10 0. Small taxts. Aioininfe 111 serea. 2 hay vnali burn, 42 acres In all plowed land, small V. -ravelled road, $290000. i.i taxes. Write Jueph Griffin, Glrn-laiina. via Smllhrr. n.C. t.OIKMi:T tlQI'OK ACT of .Iffllratlon "fi lirtntr !' U it irratf glwn that an th .'. of Mar nt, Ur undtttdfiMd .. apply to the Uqucr Ckjatrol ' x Ucacw In rcaprci at fin-- hi; imn Of a btUldlnc known MAIWI-rT HOTEL. Mtutt it ''r.-ri Nrt Umm. DC, upon i 'IwrrtUxJ m tU No M Dd i k 4. iUo No. M. Utmtii in the rrtnet Rup-n Land miti District in thr Prwlw ol v c:otumMa. for Uw. wit of bm .-'fu or by the botti for th :.,um on the prrml-t or etot- isth day of April 196 AD OBORnE SIUUONH BARKER. Appikwnt rri . nia inp Is Described In Talk to Veterans V'1 r the conclusion of the bust-session of Utc Canadian Le-last evening, an interesting ' was given by C V. Evflt on a ' ; trip through the coast states. 'he heln of n lane man of the followed, a clear conception mnveyed to the audience of ' journey and this, coupled wit h I ! descriptions of the scenery) ' enlivened with interesting; ' iotes. made the talk one of the 1 ! enjoyable heard by the mem- - Keen appreciation was ex-6 at the pi ram re afforded by 'ry of the trip. AltVANCE HALTS T 'NDON. May 10: (C!M-Bar sil-w is one-eighth of a cent higher M pence hare today. The ' York price was 'fcc lower at '3' -r VARNISH YOUR FLOORS The new easy way. Fin-a floor in about lfi minutes. Special Offer 1 Quart 01 Varnish and - HE applicator Applicator Keg. $2,313 "nly a few outfits at this price Kaien Hardware HONK 3 Today's Stocks (OrrUrtwj Q D Jstwrntr,, Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel. .42L Big Mlaforti2$ Bradian. 1JB3. V Braterne.'flaS' B. R. Oon., .05. B. R. X. OoM, Cariboo Quart, 1.20. Dentonla, .45. Dunne. .0814, Oolconda. i4. Otacier Creek, .03. Orange, .10. : Indian. .01 ft. Mirtto, .14 ft. Meridian, .08ft. Morning star, .07. National Silver, jMtf. Noble Five, .12. Ped Oreille, .68. Porter Idaho, .2 Premier. 1JJ0. Quesnrt Quarts, .15. Reeves McDonald. .13. Reward. .08. Reno. 1.50. Silver Crest, .01 H. Salmon Gold. .18. Taylor Bridge, .20. Wayside, .15. Whitewater. .10 Waverly Tanglef.OI. United Umpire. jMH. Toronto Central Patricia, 148. Chlbougamau, 224. Lee Gold. .05 ft. Oranada. .29. Inter. Nickel. 28.75. Macaaaa. 139. Noranda, 40.06. Sherrltt Gordon, 1. Stacoe. 2.77. Ventures, .87. Lake Maron, .05. Teck Hughes, 420. Sudbury Basin, 1.43. Columarto, .11. . Smelter OoM. .06. Can. Malartie, .62. Little Long Lac. 5.10. Astoria Rouyn. .01. Stadacona. 24ft. Maple Leaf, .07. Pkkle Crow, 2 20. McKenzle Red Lake. 117 Ood'i Lakn. 1.44 SfBreW River Gold, .7L Red Lake Gold Shore. 22. San Antonio, 3.68. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Matthew Youmans. with his boat Chief Weah. and Henry Edenshaw, ith tlw Edenshaw are visitors in rt. The former, with party Including Alfred Adams, arrived a couple of days ago from Massctt Capt Edenshaw, accompanied by" his wife and son, Is on his way back to Mtssett after a trip to Vancou ver. A M.n'f r . .r.uuor of the Bank oi Montreal here gress and the development then ! commencing has b?en well main Itained. 8lnce the Dank established i here in 1910 Prince Rupert has be 'come one nf the mast Important . I ports on the Pacific Coast with 'TweJeralpped shipyards and a not led floating dry dock. As the city ! grew and its Industries became more firmly established the Bank "TiLLIE THE TOILER" - L.OO ' AT th CMWO OF- APPLICANTS FOB MR. .j-iS 'VJE ?OT TO Ser v -v. i rvr-' . i i THE DAILY NEWS Canada's Oldest Bank In Prince Rupert Has 25th Birthday Today Great Canadian Financial Institution Has I'hyecl Its Parti V a t a m mi -aa- ti I in ueveiopinent oi mis uuy uuring rasi i Quarter of Century -j Twenty-five years ago today there was established in Prince ttupert a branch of the first permanent bank in Canada the Bank of Montreal. The anniversary of this event recalls earlier days in the life of this city and it 13 of interest to glance back on the progress of the past quarter-century. K' " '. Business was commenced by the Bank on May 10, 1910. In a modest1 frame butldlng near the present office on Third Avenue with J. M. Clancy as manager. This first small office was used for only a few months during the construction of the Bank's present substantial building which was completed and occupied in the -pring of 1911. When this banking office was opened 26 years ago the population of the city was about 5 nearly all of whom were transients with little means drifters who floated from one camp to another The towiulte was very rough, being on rock and muskeg, and stumps pro-traded averywhere. The only streets' worthy of the name were planked, as were also the sidewalks. 1 Considerable huildina was in pro- Nov in Charge First Manager 4g4g4f g4l g4g)S'r . IlWgml 4g4F - -. , IflggggH M. Clancy, who opnied Bank of Montreal in Prince Rupert. of Montreal was assisting In its progress with all the facilities and experience of a Bank that had been founded 50 years before Confedera tion. ' Important Factor In a city such, as this, the dis tributing centre of, a fabulously rich mineral belt, the largest fresh hali but market in the world and the centre of the largest salmon fish ing area In Canada, banking services take on an idded Importance compared with other cities of like or larger size but without the varied requirements that are met with here. In Its quarter-century of service in Prince Rupert the Bnk of Montreal has been an important factor In the commercial life of the city and at all times has worked for the permanent progress' of the entire district. The first manager of the Bank, J. M. Clancy, Is now manager at Guelph, Ontario. He was succeeded In 1918, when the Bank of British North America, which had commenced business here about the same time as the Bank of Montreal, was taken over by the latter institution and the manager of the Bank of British North America office, H. St. G. Lee, was placed in Self Appointed! VOW VMat?rfg2v I I ( COME OfJ. HAVE TO fASiSl MA-LETS VA1AIT - W! fwrw2l ECAT IT THE MW 7 IWCVOV . S iT''" 5- 3 C. N. R. Trains For the East luuuuuya, neuueawaja auu f' days s:30 p.m From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 pan. r r Drawing the Line ompleting 2 5 YEARS o f SOUND BANKING for the People and Business of PRINCE RUPERT The Bank of Montreal Can; . Ada's oldest bank today completes a quarter of a century of banking service in Prinee Rupert. During these 25, years Prince Rupert people have seen many ..far-reaching changes in their city. When the Bank established here, the community was composed largely of transient miners and the townstte itself - was but a crude settlement marking the terminus of a new transcontinental railway. To- v. w I III -Vvf' ; . day Prince Ruprt has a nation -wide reputation as a seaport aod-JB, enU of maritime, mlnlngnd 61hcr Important In-dflstrtei' ' v AS the Bank of Montreal now In it? 11 8th year of acUve and uninterrupted service has seen Oanada.rke from a few poor and struggling colonies to a place Of eminence among the nations of the world, so its local office has witnessed and aided In the growth of Prince Rupert from its earliest days. BANK OF MONTREAL IiublikhcJ 1817 MODERN. EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE . . . the outcome of 117 years' successful operation PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH: 516 Third Avenue F. A. SlacCALLIXM, Manager A Million Deposit Accounts Denote Confidence.' charge of the combine ' businesses , of the two banks. Mr. Lee remain-; ed In charge for seven years. He is now manager of the Stratford, On- tario, branch of the Bank of Mon- treal. He was succeeded by p. C. Patterson, now In charge of the ' Kelowna office; A. H. Carson; now ', manager at Trail, and the present manager, F. A. MacCallum, who was appointed In 1930. PAGE FTVB - - The Old Bank and the New One mi ' ly IBMiiJfsE!2lijHBBBtI5B!lBi This picture, taken many years ago shows the present Bank of Montreal building here and the original one. the vertical line points to the present bank and the slanting one to the first temporary structure which still stands on the same site! . ' JUST UOOK AT TMATI M A jgl I SftYjMRj It5St- TO SEH MR. COSH- V g , vh'i J( CAOsa'T r-J.S ItlL ib xLXml& . 5 w 1 1 W'fcf m ipi;ii -today J rTJ Wik jj' "4 nf THE APrUtWU &TS -TWfT - CETARtAV. TOS? Il l AMO All4n ACFH I :1 By WstoVer i 1 JTi T v. T,:5N KAWST IMFO&M YOO HE'S TOO BUSY to ste AMV- ONE i