rAQH TOTTK We Sell Everything. the PEOPLES STORE ltd. Hudson's Bay Co. Store, 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 907 We Sell the Best For Less A Complete Line of Mens Furnishings including everything for Fishermen, Miners, Loggers and Prospectors Month-End Specials What you can buy for less here! Dress Shirts Work Shirts Underwear Pyjamas Dressing Gowns Soclts Dress .and Work Gloves Ties Overalls Hone Dry Suits Rubber Suits Rubber Coats Haversacks Leather Coats Dunnage Bags Work Pants Dress Pants Suits Overcoats Hats and Caps Trunks and Valises Handkerchiefs Suspenders Belts Scarves Semi-Ready Clothes In short, everything that real men wear. Semi-Ready Suits and Semi-Ready Top Coats Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention 35 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat. Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. ' 58 Phones SSI Save on Men's UNDERWEAR Turoibull's S u p r p in e Combinations Q4 OQ on sale ?Ou St. George's Drawers from98Cup St. George's Buttonless from S1.59 1.49 up St. George Combinations from 3 23 9 up Caribou Yellow Label Shirts QOp to clear JOV Men's Work Pants Tweeds Whipcords Moleskins Worsteds All at reduced prices Tooke's and Stewart's Shirts, finest qualities in broadcloth materials from up Save on Men's SUITS Worsteds Tweeds Blue Serges Flannels from $9.95 up Spring Hats Men's Spring Hats, fur felts and wool felts from 1.95 up Work Shirls Men's Work Shirts, Do-met Flannel and Qs Blue Drill ov" Men's Khaki Drill Work Shirts 1.59 up Men's Work Socks 12c, 23c, 29c and 3(Jc MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Extra Special Just arrived Men's Spring and Fall Top Coats, the last word in style and tailored to suit the inost exacting, at half their regular selling price, ranging from Gets your's now! SALE IS SUCCESS Enchanted Garden is Attractive Event at Cathedral The Easter sale held in. St. An drew's Anglican Cathedral Hall on Thursday alternoon took the form ol an Enchanted Garden, the var ious stalls being decorated with spring flowers, birds and butter flies. On the stage was a rustic bower covered withrct;es. The sale was a great success and well attended, being opened by Mrs. G. A. Uix. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. J. B. Gibson and Mrs. Thomas Andrew. The tea room wat in charge of Mrs. A. L. Holtby and Mrs. A. H. Waddington. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. C. H. Orme. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh, Mrs. F. A. MacCallum and Miss R. M. Davlcs O.B.E. Those assisting in serving were Mrs. J. A. Hlnton, Mrs. II. O. Kennedy, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls, Mrs. J. S. Wilson, Mrs. William Cruickshank and Mrs. F. N, Good. Mrs. Charles Ellison acted a cashier. Mrs. A. R, Nichols and Mrs. E. W. Tucker were in charge of the sew ing; Mrs. H. S. Meadows and Mrs. S. V. Cox, home cooking; Mrs. W. C. Asplnall and Miss Noreen Gibson, plants; Mrs. J. G. Johns, ice cream; Mrs. G. P. Tinker and senior girls, candy; Miss M. Anderson and Junior girls, bulbs. A musical program, arranged by Mrs. C. E. Cul-lln, was greatly enjoyed. Those taking part were Mrs. A, J. Webber, vocal solos; Miss M. Kirkpatrick, piano solos, and junior girls, THE DAILT K1WS lar Aprs :j !Ja Save on Men's RAINCOATS 25 Miners and Towers Rubber Coats 3.98 up Full Length Serviceable Raincoats up English Trench Coats, in natural and navy 5.95 up Should it not rain for 7 days we will refund you 75' i of your purchase price on these coats. Gamble now with us. 50 English Cravanettes from ' 5.95 up Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention $9.95 The People's Store Ltd. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 THIRD AVENUE SEES GOOII TIMES AHEAD I (Continued from Page 1 Hons was explained they became doubly interesting. Picture galler- school as represented by Rem- m-andt and the English by Constable predominating. Colonel Nlcholls described the flower show put on by professional gardeners in a large building adjoining the Grand Central Station in New York. There were spring gardens, summer gardens and autumn gardens all in bloom at the same time and the orchid collection he was told was valued at a quarter of a million dollars. Roses were all in bloom. The speaker said he attended several movies in. New York but was not enthused with nnv exeenf. "uss' tmm nca uap, in wiucil Charles Laughton took the leadlngj WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C P R steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. S. K, Gray, is due In port at 4 30 this alternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and There was still no change this morning as regards the dispute between boat owners and union fishermen of this port In regard to the sharing of proceeds of halibut livers. Capt George Fritz, president of the Canadian Halibut Vessel OwneiV Association. advised George Anderson, secretary of the local Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, today that an endeavor would be made to have a meeting of boat owners next Monday evening 'o discuss the dispute Meantime a meeting of tin- fishermen is to be held tonight. It i.s hoped that, as a result of these meetings, some basis of settlement of the present impaste may be rear-bed Major J. A. Motherwell chief supervisor of fisheries, who in a u.Mtor in Uie city, conferred yesterday afternoon with represen tatives of the two sldw of the du- , pute j There were but eighteen passen iters aboard the stemr Princess Norah which was in port yesterday ; afternoon southbound from Skag- ay to Vancouver. There were non- disembarklnc from the vessel here white but one went south i aboard her. 1 1 Doais Deinff in wun eaicnes. I there was no sale of halibut on the I local fusii exchange yestcrday j Mrs' j h Carson and son Pat whii have been visiting for the past three weeks at Premier, returned to jthr r.t:v from the north on he Prir.rc Rupert last evening Confectionery Specials FRY'S MAPLE BUDS per lb. FRY'S CHOCOLATE TOPS per ib, BATOERS ALL-SORTS Licorice, per lb ..... SPECIAL MIXTURE CREAMS, per lb. . 25c 25c1 29c 30c CHOCOLATES )LATES 40c EZZYS SELECTED High Class. Vancouver Product, per lb. SHARP'S SUPERB TOFFEE FRESH JELLIES per lb, C HOCOLATE CREAMS it JELLY MIXTURE per lb. CHOCOLATE BARS Ail makes. 6 for 35c Qgp 35c 40c 25c EASTER STOCK Reduced to Cost j Try our Tea and Coffee, the j Sandwich Shop Don't forget Klnt's Silver Jubilee Anniversary Celebration, May Cth MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have Mor Cents" P. O. Ilox 575 Phone 18 par It wa wonderful acting and a picture to be seen, He strongly ree.ommended it. not for the story, but for the wonderful acting of the leading man. The speaker also discussed the labor situation and various topics of Interest, all of which proved very interesting. Taking south three Massett natives, who have been sentenced to prison terms fof breaking and entering, Provincial Constable Victor Bond sailed on the Prince Rupert last night for Vancouver. Mrs. R. J. D. Smith and daughter. Miss Florence Smith, sailed last night on. the prince Rupert for Victoria where they will attend the graduation of Miss Margaret Smith from the Royal Jubilee Hospital training school for nurses. Miss Florence Smith will then nroceed to Edinburgh, Scotland, where she will be married to Stanley Wilson, a former member of the Royal Bank of Canada staff here. FILM HAS MUCH FUN Latest Will Kojers Comedy, 'Life Resins at Forty," at Capitol Will Rogers' latest comedy. "Life Begins at 40," opening tonight at the Capitol Theatre, contains a bundle of hilarious situations. This breezy comety is described as a fun fet that works Into a pandemonium of mirth. Will Is cast as a country editor who proves that the way to get a kick out of life Is to put a double kick Into It. Rogers stampedes excitement Into his small town, tries his hand at match-making, leads an army of veteran hill-billy hog-eallers into battle, fights a frolicsome duel using wisecracks for ev ery pistol bullet of his adversary The comedy Is doubled with a tender romance. As the editor Ro gers clears the reputation of a youth "railroaded" to penitentiary and so stirs up a hornet's nest of hlUlltty The fine supporUrg east include Rochelle Hudson. Richard C'rom well. George Barbler. Jane Darwrl! 811m Summervllle. Sterllne Hollo - way. Thomas Beck. Roger Imlv f Carles Sellon. Jphn Bradford and Ruth Olllette. SCIATICA f yeiIUeol bettor I KIHG DF PA! i . nanas io.su.iir ad a-m-iilT ROCHEUE HUDSON RICHARD CROMWai GEORGE BARBIER JoneOorwell SlimSummterify At 7 37 it 0 ADDED OI K (JAM. In "Anniversary Troubles Top Eje Cartoon and Notrlt; Doit Forxe' K.i . C'eiebr utoi. M r '' Spying Reading Some new Iwoks for you to read. Recent additions to our popular rental library 75c PER MONTH and read as many hooks as your time nllows. No charge for membership. THE GREEN LIOHT" . Lkiyd Jj m. 4 Note The serial form of this novel in Cosmopolite. . 66.000 word. In book form It U 106,000 wont' DEATH IN THE AIR" "SINBAD THE SOLDIER" EUROPEAN JOURNEY" BLACK GOD" "AMERICAN FAMILY" ... THE FLYING CARPET ... .A. AFFAIR" ' THE ABBEY OF AVOLAINIT "JOHN O' THE OREEN" CLAUDIUS THE GOD" '., LIOHT FROM ARCTURU8" .... "DR. MALLORY" . "SOLOMON LEVI" THIS WANDERER" "SON OF RICHARD CARDEN" "THE BIRTHDAY" "THE WHITE OATE" , "THE TINKLINO SYMBOL" .... "FOLLOW THE FURRIES" "TIME OUT OF MIND" GARDENING HOOKS We have a complete rancr of book U meet every requirement of the amateur or professional trower Special, "COMPLETE GUIDE TO GARDENING," 2C0 paxes, 10c , eMacM Aga'ha t l,:. P c V, . ..Phillip O ' ... :...r-'..... sf .'... . Biilo. Halllbu.' .....L...... ii. ... .;J- .Rew..,: .J...T.... On' H-' '.i' ..'.'i.. 1.1.....1A. VW TV . Cb:.-' :..... iv VS. Ml' TheFxsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepartd LUIIj l!y Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.