pace rwc I I For Your H'atlowe'eh Parly or other wear r i Smartly styled :and Hiost fashionable tfoolwear will make this .occasion a success Severai hew lines la faille, crepe, all silver or silver trimmed sandals, pumps and the New Dance Strap, smarty trimmed with' silver and white suitable for tinting i. Jhe gaiety of the dance depends on your footwear The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRLNCE KUPEBT BRITISH COLUMBIA Pumubed jsvery Afternoon, Except 8nday. by -Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - . - Manigtng-Edtor ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per then, per insertion Classified advertising, per word..per Insertion uocai reauers. per insertion, per Tine .. 1.40 m 91 JB UBSCKIPTJOU RATE8 City-delivery, by mall farrier, yearly period, paid In advance "jst rcr.less-r-perlods, paid Indvahce,er week 1 By mau to all jjarta .of, British Columbia, the British Empire and United states, paid Jn advance, per " year - n, Hv mall n ad . - :T. - wci uuunuics, per year , Vews 'Department Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of Audit .Boreau of tabulations DAILY. EDITION 86 Tuesday, October 29, 1935 WHAT A TIME IT IS!, What a time they are having in Vancouver settling whether it is Gerry or Arnold who is to represent them for the nefcttfew years at Ottawa. Evidently the people in Vancouver do ?idt3mow3io,w j:o count. The condition in "Vanrnnvpr niirinrr f Vin .nnn4-l i marked contrast to thatTri the Skeena Riding. Theitype U4 lJWl ,CJC1 Aa anu uepUl.y returning officer must have been .veryipoor there or else the dld not properly instruct them. At any rate the election was badly muddled and the returning -officer, who is We responsible head, is Ihe man to blame! In fekeena the .returning officer is to be complimented on. the excellent arrangements made under great difficulties. Although inexperienced, in the work he managed to getall .the boxes to their destinations and had plans made for .the respective officers to handle the work expeditiously and welUccorxling to all the accounts received. Weiknow that at Prince Rupert everything went off with-out'a nitch. TAKING! NO CHANCES J?Teat - is, king no chances in connection with the jresent disturbed condition of Europe. While she evidently do'es not plan to resort to hostilities if it can be avoided she has Jearned .that leadership in disarmament may be construed as weakness. In :orderto ;test pubic opinion in the present crisis an election is heing held in order that the government knbw if the people lapprdve the government's action may ,and .v lauwuat .a sure mmg mat tne baldwm Govern ment will be returned Ayjth .a large majority. Many who . vm.u ,,,t ujpuscu me government unuer other qircum-stances will take no chances at a time when war clouds "ic over inem. The .health protection of COD LIVBR QL PLUS ADDITIONAL BONE-BUILDING MINERALS Vitamin, A and D, icoocentrated In Cod Liver Oil, build up -reserves of healuvprotecting strength and vitality. Quick, easily digestible SCOTTS EMULSION of Cod Jam OU , rich in .dieje vitamins PLUS additional bone- luoln6 Jpophosphites Of time A A, ruriTc, . SCOTT 'S EMULSION THfii D IGEST1 B li COD LWer o(L WfTH TM Ef P LU S V A LUES I It!s interesting ip Bow, when reading (the Daily News .that the people of the whole district -are doing' thesame. i get the lead, the Tobacconists be lng ahead .19-16 At the half way mark The Grotto stepped out In the second uau half and afiu broke Ui unc the iiic Cloth-? VynJtii standard of Ihe other two games that haVe 'been played by the senior teams. Some of the players were having an off night. :Lamble ti Stone--Vance, 'John son 10, Arnle (3), D. Morrison, Calderonl H2), Nakarhoto U). ,C. Smith, Naylor; toUl, 29, Grotto Ratchford (13), Murray: E. Smith 4), Stalker (5l, Gillls U2), Morgan 9),iL.1aillls, GHrvich,' Antonelll; .total, AZ. i rlntermedidte Xeagiie The 'Scythians lost their second Intermediate ;League start to the King Edward High squad. The: Scythians ;played a godd brand of ball in the first half and were leading till the last few Ininutes of the half. Then :the Students eot ahead and had .a' 14-13 lead at half time. 2t I'm in the second half that the Students' combination started to click with Campben on the coring end of most of the plays. The Scythians tried hard to break up the combination and had fouls sailed on .them and the Students missed very few. At no time in the second half -was the outcome ever fn doubt ,Final score was 43-26. Scythians Montesano f5), Murray U), Currie ih Dominato (7), Beynon 7,. Gillls, Letourneau (5);, lgn School-,Davis 2). Camn- bell (21), iHirano. Lindsav M4i Morgan -i6).:D. .O'Neill. Naylor, Mc- Meexin, ;Munro; total, 43. 'Ladies' League High School girls won over An nettes 17-7 with the :Student I'as- iies having a 6rl lead at .half time. The .final putconie was ,never in doubt: McLeod and LTewlvn hih most W the .'damage for the Co-eds. j fmucitca oione iz). Tureeon. THE DaILY news BASKETBALL Rangers-Doodads Three Senior League Teams on Results Even Terms as Result of Grotto ; Wn OveriLambie't Stone Morris (4,),- J,,;, WOOD' ,0ct- 29:-Won p.ettiplece m. Stamp . Vincent, Tia(cnf6rd: total. 7 ; Westcott. young , moving picture High School Blaine. Mussallpm 2)i-T; Davis 12). E. DavU Ul Mo. Lbd 6),,Liewelyni4);, .17. J unitlr league - ThV -Junior Illeh Schoo'l Was' LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior League ; ' "W. -L. Lambfe & Stone 1 l Moose -t,......l i Grotto :...'.....!l' 1 Intermediate 'League High .School ,2 0 Scythians 1 1 Canadian Legion ., .J) 2 Ladies' League tarpttettes 2 0 High School 1 1 Annettes . ...:.o 2 Boy .'Scouts. .....,..;.,2 Moose Hfgh'-acK66r'Cilj .21 0 .0 . a : .... . , . . 'Jr i i: mm -mm .mm III m HI . Bk. B " 1 r-. r P . .Rangers defeated Canadian Na- Jl falrlvlaree crowd of hoontfans tIoral Recreaon Association 1274 witnessed a series of free scoring toilWOAnd Doodads won over Blue basketball games last night Birds ,il355 to !1326 in the Ladies'. The Grotto tied ud the Senior Bowling League last night. High LeagW by defeating Lamble it Average score of the evening was Stone 43 to 29 in a rough game. 172 bv Mrs- George Ctecone of the The first half was close with LKXKiaas' both teams dolns a ;lot of fouline. Individual scores were as follows; Lamble & Stonefcetting most of the . Doadads-McKeown. 243.; Smith. free throws although not enough to 333: Ingram. 224:- Parent. 210: Cic cone, -345. Blue Birds Boulter. 266; Church, 3t8; Pierce. 237; JIartwig, 249; Heron, 266. J C. N. R. A. Teng. 201; Peterson, , iers plays while the Clear Store32M: Munr, 265; Vance. 287; Hor sharpshooters Oillls. Ratchford! ton 203- land Morgan continued to Increasd Rangers Macey. 42; Montgom- the lead, linal score belne 43-29. -"- nnour. z; eicniora, The 'game was hot up to the 308 ; Raybone. 257; Anderson. 124. League standings: 1 G. TU. Annette 4 2970 P. R. Gra'ds a 2738 Doodads .... : t6 950 Blue ;Birds v'6 ifoo Maccabees 44 r2379 Rangers .6 3491 C. N. ;R. 'A j6 .3190 Brunettes .4 '1963 Ave. 742 -684 658 617 595 598 '532 490 B0WLLNG SCHEDULE The following Ladles' Bowling League schedule Is announced: October 31 P. R. Grads vs. Annettes, Brunettes vs. Maccabees. November 4-Rangers vs. Bluebirds, C. N. -R. A. vs. Doodads. November 7 Annettes vs. Brunettes, Maccabees vs. P. R. Grads. November 11 C. N. R. A. vs: Annettes, Maccabees vs. Bluebirds. November 14 Rangers vs. P. R Grads, Brunettes vs. Doodads. November 18 Maccabees vs. Annettes, bluebirds .vs. C. N. R. A. November 21 Doodads vs. Rane- ers, P. R. Grads vs. BrnnettM November 25 Maccabees vs. c N. R. A- Bluebirds vs. Annettes. November 28 P. R. oraris v Doodads, ,Rangers vs. Brunettes. Young Movie Star Hurt in Polo Game Gordon Westcott in Critical Condi tion AIter.Horse, Him star is m .a .criUcal condltion,,in .a local hospital- with internal .injuries sustained ,when his horse feflT and rolled .on him while engaged In playing ,polo. swamped under a deluge of baskets! . ... -n with the 1 Boy .scouts ,doing an the maiviaual ocores ' a.uuiigj.iau ,nme score was m favor .of the Scouts and In the ise.'i I L7! V F 1 cond half they continued ringing 111 1,111 DO WIS them in with the final score being i . 30-4. "Brown had a large evening ,'Lambie & 'Stone and Old "Empress with 15 pdihts to his Credit. Tied For Leadership Now Boy 'Scouts LIndseth ('4), 'Brown j (15), Eastman f6), Hilsoy (3), Dyb-' Individual scores In last Friday's havn (I), Grimble, Erlckson (l),;Flve pin Bowling were as follows: total, 30, i Old Empress-Ross, 474;. Ciccone, High School Houston, Fitch. O'- 677; .Calderone. 517: Mcknv. 490- Nefll W). Bolton. .Tama'naka'Sshrla'berK. 514. Blaine (2); ;tota1, 4. j Lamble Stone Mcintosh. 5ia-: : jStlles, 563; Alexander, 577; John. json, 388; JScott, 487. ; Pioneer Laundry Houston, 589; lArrol, 464; Joy, 469; Wesc'h, 422; P. Aemissen, 342. Five Jok'prs 'nfnniiAii mc. -u.ftnvu, no, rve- tn A r.a n . n 1 ron, C8; Barton, .677; "2 547; Andrews, 594. ; The league standing: .4. 4 Pioneer :Laundry ' 2 0 Morrison; W. L. P. ....1 5 7 ....7 15 ,7 ...:5 7 - '5 ...3 1 5 CRIBBAGE RESULTS 4 ;ElevatoMi;'c. N, R.IA.,16.' , 2 Sops of Norway 17, 'Moose To. 0 .Grptto 17,'Meat Packer, in 0 1. 6. O. F. 8, Canadian Legion ,19 J SPORT CHAT Hleh.flttaeked at -the -start of last' SCHEDULE Saturday's Junior football game Flitute List but livbhavn saved.iAfterthlce for- M-ard nlav Ritchie hit the-iUDrleht OF BRIDGE For First Half Season Announced but the ball was cleared. Hollrestad The Bridge League fixtures for I. ' - . , . i . . .... V. n 1 u - . rauue a ciever run ana'ccuirca dui "lc iuui ui ure wuaun uic uii vs. C. H; IQ TJI7H TID 17 J? 1 'Anderson cleared. High forwards, nounced as-follows: 10 lliJLJ Ul .11 in in BOWiing combined romblned well well but but McKay McKay and and Mc- Mc- Octfiber October 31 31-Rambrers Ramblers fLean fLean cleared cleared and and then then Booth Booth took took R- R- A.. A.. Swift's Swift's vs. vs. Sons Sons of Last Night's Ladies' League Play of Norway. lQ up the attack and forced a c6rner 'Canadian Legion vs. Musketeers Barton .cleared and Dybhavn Jiad e.t Bowling Alley vs. Grotto, -to save. Holkestad to6k two tfine j November 7 ex '.Bowling 'Alley corners tind. after some trouble,. v. . . a., uanaaian Legion vs. McKay, theaded clear. iRitchle mit'pws. Sons of :Norway vs. Mus-the upright and Cameron ,caught keteers, Grotto vs. Ramblers. Ihe rebound and scored. IHgh nt-; November 14-3rotto vs. Cina- fnrVArl fiorxel- onH ntrhtViovn nil dlan Leelon. C. NR A V. fVlrii'nf ut the baU was returned and hit Norway. Musketeers vs. Swift's, the crossbar before it was finally "amoiers vs. Rex BowllngAIIey. Cleared. iGomez beat Parsons and November 21 Musketeers vs. Rex Centred for Rltchie to add m se- Bo'Hng Alley, Ramblers 'vs. Swift's. :':ond foriBooih. Knutson crossed a'arotto vs- 3ons Norway. (C. -.N. fine centre ahti TDyBhavli Wd A- Vi Canadian Legion. November 28-4Rex Rnwllnir aiiv Franks cleared. Holkestad shot orway vs- "ex Bowling Alley. past. Booth was lucky to keep the goal intact Ormiston kicked clear. McKay, Cameron and Ritchie got away but Ritchie shot past Dybhavn saved following Knutson's good comer. Smith shot over when 1 High attacked. McLean was play-1 lng a strong defensive game. Rlt-! :hie shot but Blaln saved. Holke with half a minute to go. Knutson scored f6r High. High School Blaln; Bolton, Parsons; Brown, Fitch, Barton; P. Knutson, Hbuston, R. Smith, Davie Holkestad. :BoQth Dybhavn; Anderson, Beynon; Ormiston. McLean. Franks; Cameron, McKay. Ritchie, Chan-Jler. Gomez. Jack Campbell jr. referee'd. Linesmen were Judge and Morin. Booth played splendidly a a team .wJUh every player doing very! wen. mgn was uneven, the bett players being Parsons. .Fitch, Bai- ion. Knutson, Houston and Hniki, stad. BRIDGE 'STANDING For Swift's .6902 .Musketeers .i...68re Canadian !Leg"iori .0158 C. N. R'A 7i Orotto 55oi Ramblers 15279 Rex Bowling Alley .4287 Sons of Norway 3544 1 Aget 4287 5279 3544 SiOl 5571 6810 6902 6158 iBAD.MlNTON OPENING Owing to the floor not being ready as yet, official play of the newly organized Canadian Legion Badminton; Club was postponed from last -evening until Friday. TIMETABLE OF BOWLING n-iL. BURNETT 1 Five ,Pian . 1 wwMri i-vrvak VJiliCC va, Will stad missed a chance and then,! Empress; tarnble & Stone vs. 'Pio-' neer Laundry. November 6 rFloneeriLaundrv s; Old Empress; Lanibie .& fStone vs. Post Of ttce. L.amDie 61 stone. November '20-;P6st .Office -.vs. Old Empress; Lamble A: Stone vs. !PIo- neer Laundry. November 27 Pibneer ;Laundry vs. Old Empress; Lamble & Stone vs. Post Office. December 4 PioneenLaundry -.vs; Post Office; Old Empress vs. Lam ble .-AnStcne. ) December 11 post Office vs. (Old l Empress; Lamble & Stone ws. Pio neer Laundry. December 18 -pioneer Laundry vs. Old Empress; Lamble St stone vs. Post Office. I r?Ten Pins -; ' October 22 Power 'CornnrntiAT, vs. Rose. Cowan It Latta; Moose 7s. arotto. October'27-Knok Hotel vs. Elks; Atlin FIshewes vs. Canadian Lesion. October. 29 Moose vs. ,Knnr el; Atlin Fisheries vs. Rose. Cowan St Latta. JUNIOR FOOTBALL 'STANDING W.;D.tL. F. A p uwm ;3 -1 1 14 7 7 t-. 1 'S is just that much BETTER 'lop coi:Kir 2 1 1 11 4 r, "craen .0 in .1 te m, BURNETT'S ESTABLISHED 1770 GIN Of I and heavy ra, ,. ' UCy teulkley vati - ;e if,; i SOOd ShaDe nm , a '. a H consequently, ha., w ,. Siderably. There bi'tSV aeai of frost and snow .Ji iOW .on thA -,.. mi u.vuii .a.IiK ..Timothy seed !C per pound vauev this Hall w4 Iw W 4 " ----O v. PnnoHlin T baIm I Mrs. Jnmoi r .... . Jrtngin .... . "wrw, jcar -rue muph u " croo nrnhVW extpnt fn t.. w H .11 wwei Heffernan's hlilldln- Wi. :. ' rl - ..v- ovuwtu coveruiy Blaln was called on to save from N- R- A . Scns of Norway vs.mdmbMy ifor Prince Qeorpe niicnie ana uomez aiso centred u. uiiu. i . . -kv..u u vuti;;,. jrell. Smith made a fine run and December 5-,Musk?teers ys. C.jw,tn her husband why crossed but Beynon cleared. ;Knut- N.. Ar Rambfers.'vs.pahaduin',Le-.SM,t stationed ther? inn --.. nnr! iVldiictnn uM,.o rm vi VilnoH i Kt eion. O rot to vs. h wilt's f Q.C ISLANDS Wjlllam Radke returned i. ley Bay on -the trip (1f iheh -onn last week after uuscwicK uay. A she bear .with Tourcubt en.,last week between rvw I and Dead Tree .Point Th, l of cubs is vouched for by res;! iuc cjre-wunsses, There -was a big celebnij, November 13-Ploneer Lnunrfrv ; Z JT. unQ vs. post ofrw- rrf r:?Kaie , w. nigni inenas comlni arid near tto 'attend Hit iLarge flocks uf geese tUtil tara.oucKS are showinu (rami Islands, there beiiie a hi i- tlon of the birds this waytlhj a .mourning dove very rare mi OllAPn .PKn.tAl. ... -.-.....wwiiUHt lianas iujk.1 recently. 1 Grotto Taxi 456 4 . . " Wlggirw and JaaeiK hblmefof Tie! wen- rp,.,.f ffl to Skldegate Mr Kinms i ntl the .best known oianeer nt islands. oapt. Oeoree Learv. who ll .been. on fisheries patrol during tl E . summer, :nas returned to his hosl at Miller Creek for the winter. Numerous deer may still be el pt any time now on th? OraJiail Island highway If you .wish to swap somethlm- irry.a classified. 3 CARS AT YOUR SERVICt Proprietors Bert Morgan Si Bud Barrt Don't forget the number 156 LIKE miCKSl Season Opens Today, The 10th. n Vniip hlrHe .With Malum long range waterproof Shells- Our 'price per 'box or Super X only 81.3(1 . mt0 .Smgle Barrel Two-Shot Gun $18.75 Everything For ihe HunVr Kaien Hardware A Satisfactory Place to SbP