F1QE rous FOR Halloween We Have HALLOWE'EN CANDIES in an as- sortment PEANUTS and POPCORN FIRECRACKERS APPLES SOFT DRINKS of all kinds OLD ENGLISH GINGER WINE Drop In for Tea, Coffer, Sandwiches and Cakes serred In comfortable booths MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY 319 Third Avenne RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials,- clubs, banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners arid bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too. large or too small. ; LUNCHES P.UT UP TO. TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 lmirirJi:2ca.Ti;'il:S:i;B,lX'iT MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Congblcum; New patterns. Freshen your home nowl Phone 774. NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarem,. Proprietor -. "A HOME A WAT FROM HOME" Rates 11.01 0f M Rooms Hot $ Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.c; Phone 281 p.p. 'box' 1$? Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Heavy Hauling Light Delivery Quick Service STAGE HIT ON SCREEN Robert Montgomery, Joan Crawford and Other Favorites In "No More Ladies" At Capitol Co-starrins Joan Crawford and Robert Montgomery with a cast which also Includes such rxmular screen nbivers a Pranphot Tonp Charlie Ruggles, Edna May Oliver! and Oall Patrick, "No More Ladies"! based on the stage hit of the same name, was shown at the Capitol Theatre here last night and will be repeated tonight. Replete with sparkling romantic comedy situations and bright dialogue, the story is a sophisticated one with original settings and plenty of fine gowns worn by Miss Crawford. The picture opens with a whirlwind ro mance between Miss Crawford asa light-hearted but level-headed so-! clety girl, and Montgomery an inr, corrigible heart-breaker, and main-' tains a rapid moving tempo until the final fade-out, the story, being that of the problems which accu mulate behind the glamorous ex terior of a too-popular Park Avenue couple. Miss Oliver Is a salty maiden aunt, Franchot Tone Is the 'other man," Charlie Ruggles Is a mirth-provoking thorn in the side or organized society, and Miss Pat-1 rick Is a night club singer. "Mystery Woman," the other end of a double bill program. Is aj thrilling and colorful drama nf t.h lire or a young and beautiful wo man, out to clear her husband, a French armv officer. - " v o a u j sentenced to Devil's Island. The 'itle role Is played fay Mona Barrie nd others In the cast Include Oil- ert Roland, John Hallidav. Rod LaRoque. Mischa Auer and William Faversham. J Bride-Elect Is Given Surprise Delightful Miscellaneous Shower Is . Held in Honor of Miss Karina Peterson Mrs. Walter Howarth and Mrs. Peter L. Peterson were Joint hostesses Saturday nlsht at. thi hnmo of the former on Fifth Avenue East with a delightful surprise miscellaneous shdw'er in honor of Miss Karina Peterson whose inarrlage to A. Erlksen will take oTacc the latter part of November There After cuessln? ramps hnH hoon played, the winners, belne Mrs. R. Peterson, Mrs. M. B. Lemon, Miss H. Fredheim and Mrs. Oscar Pick, the bride-elect was seated at the head of the table and a wagon attractively decorated In blue and white was drawn in by little Miss Dor-reen Glover and Master Donald Casperson and placed before hr ' It was loaded with many beautiful ana useiui guts. Delicious refreshments were served, a "good luck"cake being cut by the bride-elect. Assisting In serving were Mrs. P. L. Peterson. Mrs. M. Clavring, Mrs. Fred Cameron and Mrs. E. L. W. J. Crawford nf Rtonro.f v. wvvnatt, was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon going through to the Cariboo district on a business trip. F.RESH M'.LK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 W. Birch, managing se cretary," will go to Victoria next month.-to attend the annual convention, of .the British Columbia Hospitals Association and also Interview, ;the provincial government in regard to the possibilities of financing a new hospital -building here. There -was a meeting last night of the special committee of the hospital board having the hew building project in hand. State, health insurance will be one of the Important matters to be dealt with at the convention . SALVATION ARMY COMMANDER HERE Major V. J. Carruthers. divisional commander of the Salvation Army for Northern- British Columbia and Alaska, arrived In the city on the Catala this" afternoon following a trip to Canyon City on the Naas River where Jie went to conduct a native "congress and will proceed aboard fhe Princess Norah tomor row morning to his headquarters at Wrangell. Mrs. Carruthes, who has been on. a trio to Toronto win be coming .north aboard the Princess Norah enroute. to Wrangell. "TIME THE TOILER" HERE, Uf (SOOCx; GPtEPl TILUE , I'VE &fr IT LO;w.'.S LIKE IT ALU FIGURED I N T-CNAL OUT 1 r: V 1 -.v I I . . I I I 'AT i.a'NZ MA f I I j oMMi 1 Tffli DAILY Nlffl Two Little Bridesmaids For Duke's Wedding EiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiVViiHbftfiiHMM0i,: HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiiiiiiisVQiliT ,H a PSB' m. KIBiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliHHBBHIiiiiiiiBi T-knfl',l411..- l -1 i 11. 1 ... ""u,v n snapsnot or the most famous children In Britain- -Princess Mar ket Rose and her "big" sister, Princess Elizabeth, daughters of the Duke and Duchess of York ;The-two princesses wUl.be bridesmaids at the forthcoming wedding of their uncle, the Duke 5 Gloucester and Lady Alice Montagu Douglas-Scott. Local Hospital Heads Go South President, Vice-President and .Man-aflnjr. Secretary of Local In-, .stltution Visit Victorja 8. p; Macdonald and W. M. were about thirty -nmRpnt. Thlftrnwn. nrp.lrfpnf an Hn.nMri y j irr., rvz . v ?wv-jjicoi- rooms were tastefullv decorated In fdentnft.hf. hM nt nit,,.., - I -Z-r V U LVkUlO Ul blue and whiter. , J the. -prince, Runert General Hnsnl. n taahd-H ahd-H. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With a tie-up" of at least three weeks on the Prince Rupert line of the Canadian National Railways owing to high water damage in prospect, movement of fresh Am erican halibut through the port may be virtually suspended. Thp larger American'halibut vessels will run right through to Seattle with their catches while the smaller will dispose of their fares in Alaska ports. Such Canadian fish as is landed will be shipped to Vancouver fresh or put In cold storage at Prince Rupert, Capt. Peter Byrne arrived in port today with a small catch of flatfish, the first of the winter season. It was taken by the Bacon Fisheries, re union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, returned to port at 1:15 this afternoon from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed an hour later for Vancouver and waypoints. She Is calling at Inverness Cannery this afternoon to pick up the crew and take it south. Manager R. G. Johnston left for Victoria last week. Mrs. Charles NcweH of Stewart was a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon going through on a trip to Vancouver. Who is Crazy Now! IM eOtM'TO VMIM THE MODEL HcME jPt-UC "TUG MuMBEIi 'ON-Tite Urt, v; 1 Heaven on Earth -Tt f-i n P&ja,i. nisy all Is His Subject Dr. W'. C. Aspinall Speaker Before British Israel Society At a well attended meeting if the British Israel Society last evening in the Toe H Rooms,' Dr. W.: jC. Aspinall was an interest I speaker on "The setting up of the j Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." I The talk was on the 13th chapter' I of St. Mathew which Is taken up by parables spoken by, Chrl?t from a boat to the people bn the shore and which begins with "The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like Unto," j The spread of the Kingdom was the cause of all kinds of mirtvr. doms which. Instead of preventing 'lis i. . ... w kiuwui. caused it iq grow 1 stronger. The speaker described the receiving of the message of the Kingdom in Britain from Joseph of Arimathea to 'the more recent times of Charles William Moody and John Wesley, showing the power of prayer. Extracts from British newspapers were also read In relation to Britain's efforts to maintain peace and the fight for the mom! uplift of man. The value of British " citizenship was also stressed. Before the address a short article from the "National Messacn" was read by President P. H. Lin-zey In regard to a series of maps 31 me Roman Empire now being shown on the wall of the Bas-Mlca of Constantlne to attract the attention of all who pass along' the Via del Impero. Thanksgiving Bridge Party An enjoyable bridge party, with a fair-sized crowd In attendance, was held Thanksgiving night by the Canadian Labor Defence League in the hall on Seventh Avenue East. Prize winners werer ladies first, Hugh Ferguson; second, Mrs. E. Hlllman; men's first, Albert Carlson; second, R. McCarthy. After cards, refreshments were served. Wrs. White and Mrs. Gomez comprised the committee In charge. L. W. Patmore. who hmmn up by the raUway trouble at Sml-thers while visiting there on legal duUes. has left the Interior town to return home by Way of Jasper Park and Vancouver. ON -IHtr OP TUP v7 t?r,-is .-?: ' ""VCU nuuit , t 1 r 1 ' t II TUttdi.; LAST r 0:1 JOAN CRAWFORD KOBEHT . lul momgomen TONE "NO Mnnv t wiiij 1 . 1 1 in Charlie Ku . fcdna May Olive, 'At 7:00 it 9:52, - ALSO MONA BARRiE (JILBEIIT noi.i 'n "Mystery Wo J New Books To Real DREAM WITHOUT ENDING nj BANQUET FOR FURIES Z ADAM .AND EVE vl thp nAPi: nr am tup n A ve nMMrwxm l(l '"U n.iij U!l-V 1UI IS KJ , n ry i y mr1 s-l v m v ul ovinia ur this WHITE LADY . hjd 11 UAiN 1 HAI'l'JiN HERE J-, jsvuixouinu Kifii inn riwuqCi ur toAlLVs ttu asylum oruiiNu-UAAib uiN rUKKVER Aldrid A SPY OF NAPOLEON . . .V. n J DEATHBLOW HILL . TayJ WUKUBK UN I HE APHRODITE Sanbcu FROM CROYDON Wills CraSi The latest and best honks nro hninrr ntinnoH.,A (led to the hundreds nf reronr - - wa,w li UUI V1 jL I life 1 llbrarV. For 75C VOU tan roar! ns mant- nc vm ile for one month. Two books to one home for 51.25 a inonin. xmo cnargq to join. Read or pleasure anil UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED Special Low Winter Excursion Rates effective November 1st, 19M to February 29th, 1036. Prince Rupert to Vancouver and return $32.00. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJV1. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and Naas River, Sunday, 8 p.m. Further information regarding sailings and tickets from It. M. SMITH, Prince Rupert Aeent, Third Ave. Thone S FURNITURE D. ELIO We Sell New Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs Size 6x9, $5.50; 7x9, $7.00; 9x9, $8.10 Dominion Linoleum Rugs Size 6x9, $7.00; 7x9, $8.75; 9x9, $10.7? Printed Linoleum by Square Yard PHONE: GREEN 121 If you loso nnythinir. try a classified ad A -By Wcstof mmmmm ' 11111 mpm