You'll enjoy the fresh, nch fragrance of Salada Orange ! Pekoe Blend. Try a package. RlifMJfi I LA SPECIALS - Line Shaving Cream arid Talcum Regular, 70c; Both for 50c Noxema Cream 25c Size for 15c Fitch's Shampoo and Scalp Massage Brush Regular, .$1.05; Both lor '69c Qrmes "Jim Pioneer Drttqrfists lit HtuU SUm Fhones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Indaysand Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pjn, 1 p.m. till 9 . p.m. Congoleum The Modern Rug For Modern Homes. Canada's Favorite Floor Covering. For sale by GORDON'S HARDWARE CANADIAN PACIFIC h Vancouver ,vta :Ocean .Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE. FRIDAYS, 10 P.M. f Vancouver Direct " TRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, lGth. ; PRINCESS' NORAII, Oct. 2SUNov. 3rd,'21stv v h KrtchiVan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skacway PRINCESS LOUISE,, Oct. 13th. PRINCESS NORAH, Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 17th. tV . . . . . . . . . , H.nn...Aw.MA .all Fit wrlt ff. L. COATES, General Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER l'ROM prtivrp niiii'i i.t. irxcin. tn RETURN. All Meals $3ZUU and FROM ini!T cinciA.T ABa np.Tiiu. Berth oi.ui iwi u cr w .-. $35,35 . Inciuded. deduced Rates to Vancouver also-arjoly from Intermediate .points. MS' Js n &telVSr 1st, 1935 and February i3". 193C, March 31, 193C. inclusive Good to Return up to ; ' Children Half Fare. Steamers : Leave Prince .Rupert : Ar. Vancouver S S. CATALA Thursday, (p.m. Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. b-S. CARDENA Monday, a.m. Friday, 12 Mdt. Prin ,. Tickets and All Information from ""cellupert Agent Third Ave., Phone 5G8 - R, M. SMITH - r Pursers S.S.. Catala and S.S. Cardcna. Bo warm teflfforWMrte riid-' tng In ttosto -.the aame. You can (rent &ar t WaJkerti is low ?as ilSO i d. ptua 7c a mile. E. Wlllnian rot ".Usk, who arrived 'from AtHn IasuWeefe, sailed -ittts afternoon on .the Catala tfor 'Van- jcouver. Gordon :H.. Jolliffe of iQne'eh Charlotte :Clty, who arrived n the city last week from the Jslands, sailed this .afternoon oh .the ica tala for a .trip to ".Vancouver. E. Wlllman of Usk, who has been spendlrig'the summer mining in the Atlin district, 'arrived an the .city On the Princess korah Friday afternoon on his way back to the in terior. Mrs. W.'H. Kergln, who has been on a trip to "Toronto and elsewhere In Ontario, .Is expected to return .to the city, on the Prince (George tomorrow rmornlng. ifer .daughter,' Mrs. Frank 'Hardy of Ocean ;Falls,- who went ;east with !her. Is coming north as far as the paper town. i H i Mrs. Olof .Hanson sailed this ;af-f ternoon oh the ;Catala for Wancou-, ver where.she will meet and return home with -Mr. .Hanson who, on ac-i count of the railway tie-up, has had to go iby way of Jasper Tark and Vancouver to ;get ,back here from a trip to .Smlthers. Mrs. Trarik Prudhomme ;and family, who have been visiting here for -the ;past few .months with Mrs. Prudhomme's parents, Captj and Mrs. J. M. Morrison, Borden Street, sailed this afternoon by the Catala on tthelr return 'Xo Van-1 couver. A meeting of theicity. council (W; J. Alder, city commissioner) will be held nem tomorrow tomorrow afternoon to recori- owned by the .provincial govern ment f6r new city refunding se curities. 31. 7. Notice Sealed tenders wlll .be received up until .Nov. 1st ifor the purchase ,of a 1930 ModellAJJ.tSedan. The high est ror .any tender not necessarily accepted. (248) Kaieh Motors Ltd. Announcements Junior . Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. Hill .60 Hallowe'en Tea, 'Octobef Presbyterian 'Bazaar, "Ndvembet I . Daughters of Norway tBazaarj Nov.8. "Moose "Hall. Elk's grand re-opening fdance; November 8. Masonic Dance; Moose 'Hall, No vember 15. ; St. Andrew's 'Cathedral Bazaai1 Nov. 21. Gyro iHoe'down, 'Moose 'Hall, 'N6- vember 22. Orange Ladles' bazaar. Nov, "28 Lecture :Recita'l, 'Mrs. Mandy, November 129. United Bazaar, December 5. Hogmanay Dance, Oddfellows'- Hall. MOOSE IIALL RENTAL KATES Concerts , ?5i00 Dance 20.00 Public Meetings .............. 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings is now available on the "ground floor, rental rate, .$4.00 For engagements -phone the 1 Club 'Steward, '640, or Red 412. m daily kiwi LOCAL jNEWS NOTES iBasketball meeting fonlghtj Moose Hall, 7 p.m. (249)', Annual meeting of J. R. Badmin-, ton Assn. and .presentation rof trouhles. C. N. R. A.'Hall, Wednes day, Oct. 30, 8 pm. (249) :A men's style ' sh6w displaying what the well dressed man will wear this fall and winter will be one of the attractions at the Ju nior .Chamber Novelty Hallowe'en dance in the Moose Hall, October '30. (249) alter the dame Ttlenihokim Ihe HedlnQ Cream Qv Bruises. Bites. Cuts' .TiredFetit Etc. M60E N CANADA . The case of a youth of Juvenile age, charged with driving to the, common danger on Park Avenue, has been adjourned until Friday in, city police court. Special winter excursion fares on coastal steamers anonunced yes terday will be effective on Union Steamship Co., Canadian .Pacific. and Canadian National boats. J. W. Strombeck, well known pio neer Alice Arm mining man, was. ti' passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon going through on a trip ai"".; to Vancouver and elsewhere In the slder a -bylaw providing .for the . borrowing .of $6O00 from the .pro vinclal government to finance un employment relief and to authorize, the exchange of .sundry debentures .George Maddrell, .who .has been at Stewart .for the past few weeks relieving the power manager there, W. D. Smith, who was soum on .va cation, returned to the city from the north on the catala tnis alter noon. -: Hotel Arrivals Central Mike Kassum. N. Carlson, T' RO'se, E. Clarkson, W. Kemp and T. Race, city. Knor iL. TurnbulL Vancouver; Ivan Gorman, Britannia Mine. TO BRITAIN ) v0f w Www ON ONE Of THEM K SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS from Montreal t ,Nov. 22 . - "ANTON I A! I to Cluftow, Belfut, LiTcxpool a 'No. 32 , "AURANIAt to Ptyrooath. nT, Loodon fartowfly condudtt ocurriM to Contirnntal Europ. from Quebec Nov. r- "LETITIA" J to BtUMt, Untvx, uutot I Not. - "AUSON1AT to Ptjmooth, Bam, London f fwtonaOy eonductml mramioa to Britain. Jrom Balifa pee. I MALAUNIA,, to ITymooth, Ban, London EPc t "LACONIA" to GutinJ, GUlow, Urarpool , 'OwciS ASCANIA" to nrmooth, IUtt, Londoa .Choose this famous Christmas Route to Europe. Thoughtful service, excellent food, comfortable accommodation, special attention paid to women and children; recreation and entertainment for all. Jbfufar utlrty totttntifrom Mcntnol to alt obm port) until So. U LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL CLASSES Apply to toot local aftent (no We caa I I er you better) or to l7fnTtlUSt.(Syraottr Hit) Vancom tc NbvelShoWTea ilrs. SF. sE. 'Robertson tHostess Wed - ,nVay!lt;ateMhtfolSM- j if air it'n aion6rbf .Tqpular iBrldeEIect i .Mrs. P K iHobertsoh .was hostess i on .Wednesday afternoon . last In '; her ihome at 'the waldron .Apartments at a idellghtiul shower tea ' n :horior of Miss iLaura -.Erizzell, i whose marriage 'to; Alex; iMlfchell will be fan Interesting November event. There Cwer'e 'thirty to Jroung ladles (present and the 'feature of the proceedings was, 'the ipresen-tation to Miss iFrlzzell (Of ,a 'beau tiful standard lamp.'Th'e-ipresenta- tlon was made iln a inovel ;manner with little Joyce Rice i'an'd iForbie j Lee rdressed ids 'a ibrfde and ;groom ' under an ;arch .whlle'tlny ;PattDaw-son was a bewitching llittle (flower i girl. Miss 'Margaret ;Kergln enter tained recently iln honor 'of Miss : ?rizzell with ;a idellghtful ibridge . "V. . - t sariy at nerinome. NoVielfyDalce Followlne are ;the committee chairmeh for ithe novelty tdatice to be iheld tomorrow nlght by the Junior fCtomber. of . Commerce '.for the purpose of Praising sfunds 'to iflnance the ;publlcati6n of fa tourist ('booklet descriptive of this city: General chairman, :Lee ;Gordon. 'Finance, tenll iEdgcumbe. Publicity, J. IE. Wlckett. ' rjJecorations, ;0.' iP. ;Lyons. Refreshments, R, (G. 'Van der Sluys. .Novelties, 'Lawrence ;Lambly. :servlng, Eric :Hart. Master of .Ceremonies, Sam Joy. !Fashion;Sh6w. .Leonard iCripps. Radio Announcer, R. ,G. Gordon. Want Ads FOR SALE Office saf e.iextra' thick "walls, 'giving perfect protection aealnst fire, Dally.News. (tf) .TOR SALE Two pure-bred Nfld. male pups, ,410 te"ach. .Apply Gordon Little, Terrace, B.C. (251) F(5r SALE 'House and two lots, '2 bedrooms; front room, -kitchen ahd-pantry, bathroom; also shack 6n other lot, l'0xl2 all fenced in. tl44 Seventh Ave. jftst. Chej for -cash. hone 'Black ;T89. (253) FOiiiiEi'jT FURNISHED House ?or rent. Apply 108 Eighth Ave. '.West. (251) FOR RENT Five-roomed house, ,furnlshed. JEighth Ave. .East, Phone 741. ,(253) HIGHUTES "FRIDAY, NOV. 1 6 ,p.'m. Souvenirs, ;KHQ, :-.T:r-, SfSOr-rBeauty Box Theatre; ,KOMO, KPO. .. 9 Richard .Hlmbejrs Qrch,, IKQLr 10 Harmony .Violins, CRCV. TUESDAY. 6CT.'29 6 .m.-iNTG farid His 'Girls, KJR. 7-stud b Tartv. KOMO. 7:30 Mobilization "For 'Human Needs, TCOMO. 8:30 Caravan, .KOL. s WEDNESDAY, OCT. .30 t 6 p.m. John Charles 'Thomas, KOMO. 6:30 Ray Noble, KOL. 7:30 Jinny 'Fidler, tKOMO. 8r.l5 Male iChorus, .KOL. THURSDAY. .OCT 31 6 p.m. Sh6w -Boat, KOMO. 6:30 Peace iProgram, KOL. -rllorace Heldt. KOL. 8:15 Standard Symphony, KOMO SUPERIOR teblO 'ELECTRIC Phone Blue 326 OM TaRil The Koyal ,CUy Dietitibn suggests P0AL CITY PUMPKilN PIE 1 bupTtoyal City Pumpkin, I cup milk. 2 eggs, beaten, Y2 cup sugar. 1 teaspoon ginger, 4 teaspoon cinnamon, V4 teaspoon mace, 2 teaspoon salt Lineiple plate with pastry. To ensure smoothness, .beat pumpkin and milk separately, remove from stove and combine. Stir iri the beaten eggs, then ithe tsugar In whith the spices have been thor-.o'ughly mixed. Pour mixture into pie shell and bake in hot oven (400 d. F.) for 15 minutes, then decrease heat to moderate (350 d. F.) for 30 minutes, or until custard is set. Cool, and serve with whipped' cream if desired. . SOME PEOPLE LEARN FROM EXPERIENCE -OTHERS STILL FREEZE W .1 V i e.4sHl , ' . The buildings which SSnrffiSS were warm during the Iff M5: i1nt few davs Were the our home iones umg coal supplicu Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. When disgusted with oil and electricity, Phone 651 or 652 for the best coal in town LUMBE ! WINTER WEATHER WANTS HEATING STOVES F0U COAL OR WOOD wfnM teiKn, nimncrs. Hods. Stove Shovels, Furnace Scoops, i I Fire Screens, Stove -Boards, Oil Burner Wl'cks for Stoves, Ranges ? and Furnaces t THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 258 Third Avenue " ' ' 1 - Phone 101 , We have ',a fairly complete stock of lumber ,at Mile 21, near ( HavsDort. ready for rail and water shipments. Ifbulldtng .or repairing, It wUl pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Hays.port,,'B.C. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous Rup ert Br.andi.w SMOKED BLACK COD 'Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PIUNCB RUPJERT, B.C. Tie Uniin oAmdt Viiurr trk spir a nl.issified advetisement :in thisr)aper will soon let you buyer iv".:-'