Today's Weather, Iclarei Dr. Townsend Of 111 t In Addrtssuu; Convention At Chiraro ICAOO. October 29; Dr. F. E. send, father of the Townscnd af a convention of supporters the plan here declared that I . Be sum seneme as nts, wmcn Indcs among other things the ment of a $200 pension to all sons over alxty years of age, l the sole hope qt a confused J dutracied nation By next kfmber the time of the presi ol .Winn n nrari lotoll that b percent of the voters of the i'jj toald be behind the plan. ULED IN COLLIERY It; Mineri Lose Their Lives Holocaust In Japanese Coal Mine In PKYO. Oct 29: (CP) More p explosion and fire In Akalke stance of 150 miles, to damage Muoka Prefecture. There about 170 men In the mine at I time Fortv-two bodies have recovered and forty-one menj pg are believed dead. ancouver Wheat &NC0J1jto 0cf 29: (CP) at was quoted at 83 'Ac on the exchange yesterday. I M01PHE MENJOU ILL PUWOOD, Oct. 29: Adolphe CAUSING TROUBLE 'iuuB govern- t i nPnf l. Farmers who have been hi fMVlly Uxed tot PutUng down of Commun- treoits in the west, have at J risen up and are march- fclaihoo . ". oeverai hla. """UJ lateen f - na itb feared the re- u'l may finrpnH 0j poublesome Vf . p uvc fcthpm 1C Jnove s a f ment for North China. wrought by last week's floods. Such points as Terrace, Usk, Pacific, etc. are entirely cut off from the outside world both east and west. It is the worst tie-up in the history of the line. Some Prince Rupert people .caught In the Bulkley Valley and elsewhere in the central Interior may' return home via Jasper Park and Vancouver. Mail and .other traffic to and from the east will be handled via Vancouver. P0". popular moving picture nI'll T II "seriously 111 with an old! I VI 1 inn llmmrS hank - . ! ! wmw w complaint. A blood trans p was given yesterday. Solution in NORTHERN CHINA LONDON. Oct. 29:-Word P ved here from China In- Ik SlTHERS, Oct. 29: (CP) Two Indians, Arthur lerland, aged 19, and Joe Isaac, 28, both from Fraser sentenced to penitentiary terms of sixteen and a Canadian National mixed train near Bulkley HE HOPE OF NATION Canyon on September 27 last. The police reported the men as aia n ior lun and wanted to see a wreck. Alertness of Engineer F. V. Foster of Smlthers prevented the train irora crashing into the precipitous Bulkley Canyon with possible heavy loss of life. The engineer noticed the open switch as it rounded a bend and managed to stop the train. Sutherland pleaded guilty and Isaac not guilty. L. W. Patmore of Prince Rupert acted as crown counsel and H. H. Griffin of Smlthers appeared for the two accused. TRAINS IN FORTNIGHT Will be November 9 Before Traffic is Restored on Local Line Prince Rupert will continue without train service until November 9 at the earliest. This daie was tentatively set today for a possible restoration of traffic on the local line of the Canadian National Railways follow-inr makinr of repairs between itighty miners lost their lives; inverncss and Bulkley Canyon, a country. Is Left by Sloan! Authorities Wife and Three Children of Alining Alan, Killed In Plane Crash, Well Provided For , and three children. rAVADIAN HANGED LONDON. Oct. 29: (CP)-Ray-l mond Henry Bousquet of Winnipeg, boxer, better known as " Del Fontaine, was hanged today for murder of Hilda Mceks last July. Sir John Rlmon. Home Secrptary, yes- prieve which was maae National Union of Boxers. by la Of t .- ... t - , , , , T , j luiufcc broke out uuv but oufc was was quickly quiQKiy put pui aowi down hteen years respectively with hard labor by Judge H. jby government troops, reinforce Rnhertson in County Court here for attemntintr to ! menta belna sent from the main 11 ATHENS, Greece, Oct. 29: A revolutionary movement In the Island of Crete, home of former Premier Ellptherlos Venlzelos and stronghold of Greek Republicanism, land to assist in preserving order. The outbreak was not unexpected following the recent coud statins after their arrest that they ! "etat hi favor of the re-establlsh- jment of the monarchy in this Local Broadcast Station on Air i CITR Makes Official Debut, and Reports Are it Was Received Very Well The new local broadcasting sta- j tlon CFPR was on the air at noon today with an hour's program and reports, as far as the telephone! reacnes at present, 'were tnat it cames ln tery-well-everywhere. The Norman Kinslor of the P. Burns Co. staff but it has been erected and is being operated by S. J. An derson, Clarence Insulander, A. O. Bartlett and S. P. Woodslde. Many local people heard the broadcast and it Is announced that it will be on the air again tonight from 10:30 to 12. Surf Point Mine Orme Stronghold Gave More Votes to Conservative Candidate Than to Liberal And C.C.F. Combined The only new federal election return available during the past Iweek is that from Surf Point mine which gave Olof Hanson, Liberal, seven votes; C. H. Orme, Conserva-Uve, 15, and J. E. Panter, C. C. F., seven. This makes the total to date as follows: Hanson; 3624; Orme, 1641; Panter, 2344. Twenty-six polls remain to be heard from and these will probably not be available until the official count on November 4. Ask Keliet rrom Canada's Tariff VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: (CP) The WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct. 29: will of the late David Sloan, min- High Japanese authorities are ask- ,mA in a nlane crash at! ins- the new Liberal regime to save ats a widest,! Q,,u Aita T.ake last August when Dean British Columbia business by revise luUoii tariff which in Northern China h m . from Can- land and Mrs. Mrs. R. R. W. W. Brock BrocK and ana Pilot rnoi, W. w.nng lng the uie present pncw, wim (, vrnrinsw also nit, incf lost fhptr their lives. lives, ' I rlndes eludes Japanese Japanese eoods goods was filed for probate .yesterday. Itjada, according to reports here. disposes of a net estate or si.iu,-1 ma shared eaually by the widow, WEBSTER LEADING- VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: (CP) Arnold Webster, C. C. F had a lead of two votes over G. G. McGeer.i Liberal, ,ln 'Vancouver-Burrard today fpllowHng the federal election when the count of absentee votes, was adjourned until Thursday with only, one more poll containing four, votes to hear from. Six absentee lilC I Ul tilCOC V-lb ivjvvww " I remaining three favoring Webster.' Sloughing the tares of his Important oificei, and all concern for the troublous international situation for the nonce. Sir Samuel Hoare. Britain's foreign . secretary, recently stole a few hours from his desk to glide over the ice at the Queen's Ice Club, in London. He Is an enthusiastic ngure SKater Being Alaska Product KETCHIKAN. October 29: Charged with violation of merch andising laws of the nation through obliterating trade marks on curids md selling" them as Alaskan-produced, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hall, proprietors of Hall's Trading Post, were yesterday bound over by Judge Austin In United States control, Tomorrow's Tides . .. Prince itupw--.. v " -o High 2:4? ajn. 18.8 ft. .j. wind; barometer. 14:29 pjn. 215 ft. mperature, 23; a wnooth. S Low . .. 8:36 &jn. 8.0 ft. 21:20 pjn. 3.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1935 PRICE: 5 CKNIS J Ik VY TERMS FOR THROWING SWITCH MM Indians Get Long Sentences in Pen For Near Train Wreck ur Sutherland to Do Sixteen Years at Penitentiary And Joe Isaac, bevcnleen Years, following Trial at.Smithers ENTIRE WEST IS GETTING EARLY WINTER REVOLT IS i PUT DOWN Outbreak In Crete in Favor Republicanism Short-Lived MAYBE THINGS ARENT SO SERIOUS? ml FRAUD IS LUCK WAS ALLEGED WITH THEM sUtlon is owned by Felix Batt at iKelchikan couple Charged With present at Lake Aathabaska andi Selllnr Foreirn Made Curios As How Longshoremen Got Out When Freighter Caught Fire VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: (CP) The longshoremen, who had a narrow escape yesterday morning when the freighter Frederika Lensen took fire, had left the hold a few minutes before when the lights, failed. Fire had been smouldering in reserve bunkers for several days but it was thought the blaze was under commissioner's court, for trial in; Relchine hlark smoke anri ease higher court, bail of $1500 each rolled throueh the hold. being allowed. Firemen donned gas masks be- In one case the complaint as-fore the flre was brought under serts that trade marks on a rnin-j,,! The bunkers are stm iature carved ivory dog were ob- smouiderine llterated and that the article was offered as an ivory curio with Its origin Indicated as Alaskan. The original markings designated japan as the country of origin and the piece Is .made of "pressed rice or bone," according to the In a second complaint marks; designating India as the country! ; of origin of a turquoise bracelet were removed. In the absence of W. C. Stuhp.j local assistant district attorney,! the prosecution is being handled! by Walter King, local attorney. j H. G. McCain Is attorney for ttw defense. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Oct. 29: (CP) Bar the local metal market today. Mrs. J. Ivarson and Mrs. H. Le-land sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. 4 GARDINER ENTERS FEDERAL CABINET REGINA, Oct 29: (CP) Premier James G. Gardiner has accepted the-federal port- folio of arglculture In Premier W: L. Mackenzie King's cabl- net. The Liberal council of the province will meet Thursday to. choose his successor as Premier. There Is no estimate of the I mage. Skeleton Dug Up During da- At Port Simpson Remains of Adult Person Found At Depth of Two Feet Identity Impossible digging on the Port Simpson townsite in connection with the putting down of a new water svstem there, the skeleton of an adult person was encountered att a depth or about two reet. it may have been there, It is believed, for i possibly one hundred years It was I silver was. unchanged at 65c on j impossible to establish any iden tity. The grim find was Interred in the village cemetery. Steam Plant Blows Up; Two Are Deacj Explosion in Alontreal When Wall Paper Being Removed Has Fatal Results MONTREAL, Oct. .29: (CP) Jean Emile Ayotte and Isidore Janvier are dead and Moise Janvier is critically injured as a result of the explosion of a steam gathering tapk which was being used to re- Alberta Thermometers Drop to Zero; Blizzard In North Saskatchewan Vancouver District Has C.qldest October Night in Sixteen Years Eight Degrees of Frost Recorded In High North Wind i WINNIPEG, Oct. 29: (CP)-The three prairie provinces are in the grip of King Winter today with temperatures around the zero mark in Alberta and heavy .snow falling in Calgary district. Northern Saskatchewan ! is in the grip of a real blizzard and from all parts of the wesi come reports oi unseasonable weather conditions. 1 - Today's Stocks (Courtesy 8. D. Joaaston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .25. Big Missouri, .66. Bralorne, 5.90. ' B. R. Cons., .03 ft. . . B. R. X., .09. . , -. Cariboo Quartz, 1.07. ' Dentonla, 2Z.. . -V . Dunw.elL ..p3Vi. Georgia Rlverr'-uOi aolconda, Af iT .f.i Glacier Creek, .01 '2. Orange, .02. Indian, .01. Minto, .05. Meridian New, .21.: Morning Star, .03.-' r National Silver, .022. Noble Five, .05. . .; Pend Oreille, .63. Porter Idaho. .05. Premier, 1.60. Quesnel Quartz, .054. Reno, .78. Silver Crest, .01. Salmon Gold, .062. Taylor Bridge, .17. -Wayside, .14. Whitewater, .06. C Waverly Tangier, .002. United Empire, .04 Toronto Central Patricia, 1.96. Chibougamau. .15Vi. Lee Gold, .02y8. Granada, .22 V2. Inter. Nickel, 31.75. Macassa, 2.82. " Noranda, 40.75. ' Sherrltt 'Gordon, .77. ' Siscoe, 2.60. ' Ventures, 1.00. Lake Maron, .02 'A. Teck Hughes, 4.14. Sudbury Basin, 1.80. Smelter Gold, .04j. Can. Malartic, .64. Little Long Lac, 5.40.. , Astoria Roiiyn, .02.,, ' . Stadacona, .20. Maple Leaf, .05 V2. ' Pickle Crow; 2.93. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.07. God's Lake, 1.51. Sturgeon River, .59. Red Lake "Gold Shore, .41. San Antonio, 2.85; Today's Weather Dead Tree Point Clear, light northerly wind; barometer, 30.38; temperature. 27; heavy chop. Triple Island Clear, northerly I Cold In Vancouver VANCOUVER, Oct. 29: j(CP) Vancouver and district experienced the coldest October night in sixteen years last night when the thermometer dropped to twenty-eight above at Chilllwack "while here the thermometer slipped to twenty-four above with a high north wind blowing. Auto radiators were irozen and fruit and vegetables were badly nipped. gale; barometer, 30.42; sea rough. I dal bv J- J- Warren, president Langara Island Part cloudy, light northerly, wind; light swell. Terrace Clear; north wind; 18. Aiyansh Clear, calm; 10. T. Cloke of AnyAx is a passenger move wallpaper in a privatehome aboard the Catala this afternoon yesterday. I going through to Victoria. IS BACKAGAIN Great Flying Boat Safely Completes Third Successful Trans-Pacific Hight ALAMEDA, Cal., Oct. 29: Following its third successful trans-Pacific flight, a three-weeks' trip as far out as Guam, the great fly- . lng boat Pan .American Clipper landed here from Honolulu with her commander, R. O. D. Sullivan, and crew of seven on board. The hop from Honolulu took seventeen hours. . It is expected the' Pan American Clipper will essay a .fourth flight across the Pacific about November 15 with Manila as its destination. TEN DEGREES OF FROST The early cold snap Is continuing with the prospect of lasting for a while longer, wind being in the north and barometer high. The minimum temperature reading at Digby Island meteorological station during last night was 22 above zero. - SALE OF ANYOX PLANT TO SMELTERS CONFIRM ED; WARREN REVEALS PLANS VANCOUVER. Oct, 29: (CP) Charles Bockine. Dresldeht and managing director of the Granbr Consolidated Mlnlnc. Smelting St Power Co., yester- day confirmed the sale of the company's entire plant and property at Anyox to the Con- solldated Mining & Smelting Coj which will take possession immediately. No mention was made of price nor did Mr. Bocklng know what use Con- solldated intended to make of the plant. From Torontq also came confirmation of the of Consolidated, who said the company would not operate the mine but that the smelt- f lng plant would be used to supplement other plants of Consolidated. t