paqe rous TZw Morning THE DIONNE 'QUINTS' HAD QUAKER OATS 83i. NX.A. B ytoa. I no. For a few cents, your children my bive the very same brand of oatmeal elected by the experts in charge of the Dionne 'Quints .They got Quaker Oati even before their first birthday, because it does children such a world of good. Quaker Oats is the only oatmeal which has SUNSHINE VITAMIN D, the vitamin that makes strong bones. And. . . Quick Quaker Oats as the daily selected by experts 81 cereal for the Dionne Quintuplet'! Auction Sale At Cow Bay on Saturday, October 19, at 2:15 P.M. Instructed by the owner I will sell by auction the shack and contents of the late Ross McKay's carpenter shop at Cow Bay, consisting of tools, saws, post drill, Dodge car engine, machine saw, 1 greenhouse (unfinished), quantity of glass and lumber, 3 screw Jacks, etc. No reserve, terms cash. G. J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER PHONE: BLUE 471 FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Hyde Transfer i PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Queen Charlotte Island No. 1 Shin 3X, $3.50 per M. 5X, $4.50 per M. Everybody reads the Dally News There's 'a reason. MRS. DAFOE IS SPEAKER (Continued trom page one) Righteousness, justice, peace and a squaie deal for the other fellow were an Inherent part of British Ideals. Youths of today must recognize the necessity of preparing themselves for the future. True sportsmanship, playing fair with themselves, their bodies, minds and spirit and a high objective would help youth to "accomplish the The presentation of the medal for the lead ing pupil In this district, which includes different Inspectorates, was made to Alf Wlkdal, formerly of Booth Memorial School. City Commissioner W. J. Alder congratulated the recipient on his success which could only have been achieved at considerable effort. He congratulated the other pupils who were there to receive their entrance certificates which he then presented. He paid a tribute to the splendid, work of. the teaching staffs. Very enjoyable vocal selections t V Way and Mrs. E, ccompanlsts. SPECIALS AT MUSSALLEM'S MUSSALLEM'S BUTTER First grade, 3 lbs. MUSSALLEM'S EGGS A Medium cartons, doz. . MUSSALLEM'S EGGS A Pullet cartons, doz. ... DIAMOND "A" BACON per lb SUNKIST ORANGES Family size, 3 doz SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT Good size, 4 for NAAS RIVER POTATOES, per sack OKANAGAN ONIONS 8 lbs PANADIAN CHEESE per lb SPLIT LENTILS Good for soups, 2 lbs SAIR DATES 4 lbs. SWEET POTATOES 4 lbs. We Deliver 85c 42c 32c 30c 73c 25c $1.50 25c 19c 17c 25c 25c MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" P.O. Box 575 Phone 18 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Frank. Waterhouse freighter Northholm. which has been under-1 going extensive hull repairs at the local dry dock following her stranding a few weeks ago in Gren-! vllle Channel south of here, is expected to be taken off the pontoons by Saturday of this week. Early, next week the vessel should be ready to resume service. The volume of halibut landings at this port during the present week has been quite substantial considering the fact that all the fish Is now coming from the remote banks of Area No. 3 and, further, that the weather has been none too favorable. There has been fish in eyery day since last Saturday except on Tuesday. Today the Northern (American) is In with 38,000 pounds but is holding over until tomorrow. by Mrs. A. J. Webber and Miss Lois; , udge and a splendidly rendered It is now expected that Capt. Pianoforte duet by Mrs. A. L, James Fmdlay will be assigned to Stamford and Mrs. E. J. Smith, were (permanent command of the steam-'eatures of tire program. Miss Mll er' Catala which was In port from J. Smith were.jlfo5 Tuesday morning to 1:30 In ;the afternoon southbound from Miss E. A. Mercer thanked the? J Stewart and Anyox to Vancouver. "eakers and artistes for their, con-'Like Capt, A. E. Dickson, who has rlbutlonS to the program. Mrs. D. C. Stuart presided. A. Darkes, stores inspectob of the Canadian National Railways from ort Mann, after a brief visit here. hi official business, will sail on he Prince George tonight jrelurn-ng south. Mr. and Mrs. Riphard K. Oiske. virs. inge Oiske, Harry Hansen and lans Busch left on last evening's '.rain for New York where they will 'mbark October 23 aboard the teamer Bergensfjord for Norway o spend the winter. WeekEnd been stricken with paralysis in Vancouver and who is hardly ex pected to be able to return to sea again Capt. Findlay is a well known and highly esteemed veteran shipmaster of this coast. Making her final call of the sea- winter; Taking up the run for the winter, the steamer Princess Norah will be here next Monday morning northbound. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorship Northland, Capt. Len Williams, arrived in port at 9 o'clock Tuesday night from Ketchikan and, after discharging three cars of frozen and fresh fish for coast of England, big game hunt tbi duly inrwi The Body-Building Qualities of COD LIVER OIL PLUS Additional Bone-Building Miner! Strong bodies, straight bones and sound teeth are built from the mineral salts and vitamins in Scott's Emulsion. Scott's Emulsion is vitamin rich Cod Liver Oil emulsified for quick easy digestion and combined with the bone and body building mineral salts Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. PLUS VALUES you et ONLY in SCOTT'S' EMULSION. SCOTT'S EMULSION THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUES FOR SALE BY YOUR DRUGGIST nil Timely Recipes BAKING WHOLE FISH Baking a fish whole takes a little more time than cookintr fil- son. ai uus port, c. p. R. steamer, lets, and means a little bit mor rnnce&s ixnuse, uapt. s. K. Gray, arrived in port at 2:30 this afternoon from Skagway and other Alaska points and will sail at 3:30 p.m. for Vancouver. The vessel has on board a good sized list of passengers including a large number of northerners going south for the trans-shipment over Canadian Na tional Railways, sailed for Seattle. The movement of 1935 wheat from the northern prairies to the Alberta Wheat Pool's elevator Is now In steady swing. Today some 200 cars were reported on the way here, seventy-two having already irrlved. Each train from the East is. now bringing in grain. Joseph Wickett of the Canadian National Railways city ticket office on Tuesday night showed at a meeting of Oddfellows an Interesting display of scenic pictures of scenes In London, along the south work, but the resultant dish is fish food In one of its tastiest forms. And, In reality, the dish is quite easily prepared. If thr housewife follows these instruc tions, which are quoted from the booklet, Fish and How to Cook It, which was prepared by Mrs. Evc-lene Spencer, late cookery special ist of the Dominion Department of Fisheries: "Clean and scale the fish; cut off the fins with a pair of scissors. Leave on the head and tall. Rub the fish with salt Inside. Stuff the belly cavity with any preferred stuffing, and 'sew it up Secure tne nsn, u a long one, witn a skewer in the: shape of the letter 'S or, If too large, in a seml-clrcle, tying it with a string from head to tail .to hold it in shape. Brush the fish all over with oil from a pastry brush and place it on its belly In an oiled dripping pan. Put it in a very hot oven for the first 10 to 15 minutes until it has be gun to brown, then reduce the heat and bake from 30 to 45 min utes, according to the thickness, allowing 10 minutes for each pound up to four pounds and then five minutes for each additional pound Lift out, place on a hot platter, remove the string, and garnish in any preferred way. A potato ball or a sprig of parsley may be placed In the fish's mouth and the space within the seml-clrcle filled with ng in the Canadian Rockies and I potato balls In a cream sauoe with scenes around Maliene Lake in Jasper Park. There were about thirty-five members of the lodge present and. the display was much appreciated. We sell circulation. We have It. minced parsley.' C.N.R. TRAINS For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days ... 6 p.m DO IT TODAY Not Wait For Tomorrow Again go over your unused furniture or other articles and discard what you do not need. Then phone us, Green 421. We have dally inquiries for the things you do not need In your home. D. ELIO EXCHANGE FURNITURE GOING IN FOR SEED PRINCE GEORGE, Oct. 16: The Prince George farmers have ship- ped the first carload of alslke seed raised in the district and there are at least two more to follow. During the past several years government officials, representing the Dominion and provincial de partments of agriculture, have consistently year after year recom mended alslke seed production. Clover grows like a weed but the settlers were not familiar with handling the crop for seed and were reluctant to give up the re munerative market for hay which existed during construction of highways and railroad. The lumber camps required a certain amount of this food and were willing to pay a good price. Conditions have changed. Railway and highway construction is completed, lumber camps have introduced machinery where horses were used previously and the remunerative market for hay gradually diminished. Several farmers in the Prince" George and Woodpecker districts! iwere producing small quantities for local consumption but insufficient to be a factor on the open market. The condition has changed vlth this year's crop and settlers havp demonstrated to their own I satisfaction that they can produce j the finest quality alslke seed in! paying quantities and that they enjoy a ready market for their; B-BTB crop. Tne yield this year ranges!? from 200 to 500 pounds to the acre and total production in the district approximates ninety tons. William Rennte and Co. Ltd., Vancouver, purchased the entire out put. I MSS TOME? . OK OF THE HY- ER.-AH-1 f" BETTErt HOUSiWtf COMMISSION. . W? J I'VE SOT TO This cash croo is a boost for the farmers and will tend to make the v nnce ueorgc area one or tne sar- est districts in Canada in which to practice mixed farming. Mail Schedule For Vancouver-Monday (train) 5 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 pji Wednesdays (train) 5 p.m. Thursday ... ... 9:30 p.m. Friday .. '," j... ,. 11 pjn Oct. 4. 15 ad 24 From Vancouver - I 'IB IS Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pearcey, who w were recently married in Vanccu-," ver, were passengers aboard the H Prince George yesterday bound for , l! Premier where they will take up residence. Mr. Pearcey being mine superintendent for the Premier U Co. ......... pjn. Sunday 4 p.m Wednesday 10 a.m Thursday (train) 10:20 pjn. Friday 4 p.m, Saturday (train) 10:20 p.m. Oct. 12, 21 and 30 a.m. For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fn days 5 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m, For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyox and Stewart Tuesday 11:30 a.rr nnr SPECIAL These Suits are the very latest style. 22-inch bottoms on Pants. Silk lined. LOOK THESE SUITS OVER We are open till 10 p.m. Saturday VMHAT 'TO SAY f LAST TIMES KATHARivp HEPBURN "ALICE ADAMS' At 7:13 & io;, PLUS win? .Mountain Mm I At 8:52 Onw g With Kandolph st orm News Ent, BOVRIU McCLARY RANGES Ideal for any home. Spkl did cooking ranges, ail marvellous bakers. Mods for coal, wood or oil. Prices range fron $')0M Prince Hupert Agents: GORDON'S HARDWARE The Sale Ends on Saturday 22 SUITS at $ 16 K52fk5 0mKLMr wjnT7 A m I . ' CVCT?-. yl 1'ZA I I was." II I I I " II -JF r. V .95 Acme Importers II id "TILL1E THE TOILER" The Missing Word MAC, i TUST DOM'T By Westover M "TU.UE, YOU CA 2q MR.S.MAJCDOU6A-,j Tod caUisa:-t xxiv '0 1EN' cmier i Elect'K ENE' 1 1 e oi j orcen he ag rPie ly to Fed CAR'. v'! ove ai jmanj? at Imtade ; Thf ex t Fed lut all pmber lot; felt Ihn 31 AM ll B fcttlt 1U