Buy Salada Orange t pekoe Blend and enjoy new ATA nun delight in tea. OA TEA Dr. Carson's liknf I war Capsules HIGHEST POTENCY r 1 1 ' 1 1 IIMI box of 50 Capsules $ 1 MWucl ot Prince Rupert Ghucs Ltd. 37ja Pioneer Drvtq&ists lit KtuU Slot Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p-m. ndijtand UoJidays From 12 noon till Z p.m, 1 p.m. mi 9 p.m. r" i i in n Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By r n 1 o n 1 1 Pi P I iJ annn men Ar i nin .inraun 1.11 i.ii . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STOVES & RANGES HEATERS, from $3.00 up rs, Hods. Pinps. FJbnws. Screens. Collars, Shovels PtfrnaL-- . i tnr winter -"t as arrived to check, over your requneincuw We can supply your needs THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. hi iv h FURNITURE KSH SHIPMENT ,VUU1 ongolcum sterns. FreshPn m,ir home now I Phone 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Waer Prince Rupert, B.Q. Phnnfi 281 P-O. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED l ,l ll ArrWlnrvH TUESDAY, W . L I v lK lg Vancouver nUlY Monrinv ,F,AV a MlbNIGUT. m Vancouver- P!iU. k., P00 Anjox. Btewart and. NaA iutw Prince Riit,.m o ' Information reffarHin n -m hvpL at. VIIPERT m - ... LOCAL NEWS NOTES Be warm and comfortable by rid- You can rent a cat at Walker tag In 32 Taxi It costs the same. as low as $1.50 a day., plus 7c. z imesaay afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. ' ! O. EL Norrls, assistant Inspector of customs, is a visitor in the city ion official duties, having arrived , ;from Victoria on the Prkvje. i George yesterday. Charles Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. c. Stuarl, who has been 1U. at his home for the past two or three months, will be leaving on Thursday night of next week for Tranqullle Sanitarium, DOCTOR SAID SHE NEEDED "BULK" FOR HER CONSTIPATION Kellogg's All-Bran Brings Relief to Mrs. Maneely Read the following unsolicited letter: "Up to five years ago. I knew no end of suffering caused by constipation. I used all kind of laxatives but only found relief till I got used to them. Mv physician told me to get some Kellogg's All-Bran, and Instructed me how to use it "I djd just as I was told by my doctor, and today I send my high est Dra.Ua for what voup All-Bran has done for me. "Mrs. Jas. 1 Maneely, Jr. Address upon request. Due to insufficient "cult" tn meal. All-Bran provides gentle "bulk" to help overcome common constipation. It is also a good source of vitamin B and iron. The "bulk" of All-Bran is often more effective than the "bulk" in fruits and vegetables, as it does not break down within the- body. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usually sufficient. If not corrected this way, see your doctor. Isn't this food much pleasanter and safer than risking patent medicines? Get the red-and-green package at your grocer's. Mad by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on th Sunny Side of Uf Dan Campbell, Metlakatla; Rich- Clymont In city police court yesterday for drunkenness. Dr. ' a P. Klncade, travelling health officer for the province, af Announcements Canadian. Legion Bazaar Oct, 17. Anglican tea Mrs.' W. J. Nelson's; October 22. Ilygga's Bazaar October 25. Junior Chamber Hallowe'en dance Moose Hall October 30. 31. Hill 60 Hallowe'en Tea, October Presbvteriau Bazaar. Novembei Daughters of Norway Nov. 8. Moose Hall. St. Andrew's Nov. 21. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10:20, was reported thlr morning tq be on time. Lecture on, "Christian Ethics" by Prof. J. King Gordon, BA., Fridaj 8 p.m. United Church. Collection. Bazaar, Cathedral Bazaa. Orange Ladles' maar. Nov. 28 United Bazaar, December 5- Moose Hall Basketball Games Start MONDAY NIGHT (242) Walter Cross returned to the city on the Prince George yester day from, a trip to Vancouver. Misses Elsie Finley and Helen Walker are sailing this afternoon on the Princess Lsulse for a vacation trip to Vancouver: Mrs. Benwell and child and Miss Doris BenweH are sailing tonight on the Prince George for a trip to Victoria. Mr. Benwell, who is in the Forest Branch service here, will be going south shortly. 1 Bert Phillips of Ocean Falls Is paying a brief; visit to the city. He arrived yesterday on the Prince Icfcorge from the papesr town whence, he erpacts to, return, on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night. i I William D. Smith, manager at Stewart for the Northern B. C. Power Co., was a. passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday re turning north after a vacation trip (to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Miss Lucille Andrews and Miss Anna Johnson will sail tonight !on the Prince George for the south, the former going to Van couver and the latter to Belling- ham where she will visit with Mr. ' and Mrs. Oliver Haveland, formerly of this city. Mrs. Cliff Rogers of Seattle ar rrvsdln the city from, the south on, the Prince George yesterday, being h?re to meet and return south with her. husband, comp troller of the White Pass & Yukon Route, who is here this afternoon aboard the, Princess Louise bound from Skagway to Seattle. Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe. President W. M. Blackstock Was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. ter conducting a tuberculosis ciunc i T. j. shenton, who arrived In the here for the past week, left.on last j city on the Prince George yester-evening's train for Hazelton, ac-jday following a business trip to companled by Miss J. B. Peters Seattle, proceeded on last eve- R.N.,. the clinic nurse. Tne cnnic rning's train to Usk where he is was kept busy while here, no less than seventeen cases being examined on the final day yesterday. superintendent of the Nicholson Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert C. P. Ashmore, Anyox; Lyon Llght3tone, R. M. Oardner and C. H. Hoskln. Vancouver; M. Dahl-qulst, city; A, L, Ward and Mrs. C J. Rogers, Seattle; T. McGregor, Winnipeg; A. R. Mosher, Ottawa; Mrs. c. Sawyer, Rose Lake; G'. & Norrls, Victoria. Royal Claud HeUand. Dlgby Island; O-F. Leigh, K. Yoshlzawa. and Satake and Slgmund SchzisvQld, city. Savoy A. Anderson, L, Batt and J. Gro-din, city; Mrs. H. Valpy, Inverness Cannery; Mrs. Johnson, city; C B. Letnes, Digby; M, H. Lawrence, Kitkatlaj E. M. Letnes, Port Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Office safe, extra thick walls, giving perfect protection against fire. Daily News. (tfX FOR RENT MODERN FLAT For rent, 1215 Se cond Ave. Phone 644. (245) MODERN House Atlin Avenue for rent, excellent harbor view, good basement, glassed In porch. Phone Blue 812. (tf) BOARD AND ROOM LADY With large, comfortable, fur nished and warm home In West End would give room and best home cooked food to congenial person or couple. Mrs. Dewar, Creek mine. Buckley Shannon, who ! vai of timber. is' prominently interested in the development of the Nicholson Creek property, also proceeded to the interior after arriving from Seattle by the steamer. Phone 765 NABOB COFFEE per lb " SUGAR 10 lbs KING OSCAR SARDINES PRUNES 60-70's per lb MAZOLA OIL l's per tin PEANUT BUTTER per lb. , 37c 58c 12c 8c 29c Please bring container LILY WHITE SYRUP 5'S CORN STARCH a pkgs. for CHRISTIE'S RITZ .BISCUIT SALT Plain or Iodized - .... BLACK LABEL PINEAPPLES, 2 for ... ROYAL OLIVE PALM SOAP. 6. bars COLUMBIA PEAS (Ungra), 2 for 11c 38c 35c 19c 9c 25c 19c 25c Free Samples, of Vick Aids to Better Control of Colds Offered by Local Druggists Trial Packages Contain Vicks Va-troc aol Vicks YapoRub And a Home Guide to Fewer and bhorter cows Druggists Also Have Fret Sawpies of Vicks Medicated Cough Drop Thousands of Canadian families! Family Stanly for Relieving Colds have already gained greater free-?, If a developed, or strike dom from colds with, the help of thou warning, Vicks VapoRub the famous Vicks Plan for Better janjjy standby for relieving Control of Colds. Scolds helps to end It quicker. Developed by the makers of Vicks ' Simply, tubbed, on throat and chest - VapoRub, this home guide to fewer at bedtime. YapoKtth acis two ways and shorter colds is commonsense at once: l y smnujaiwn uuuuS and medically sound. It Is based on the skin, like a. poultlse or plaster; 30 year or practical experience and 3 By Inhalation ot Its. penetrating research by Vicks Chemists, spe- medicated vapors aucc w cializlng In the study of colds. Its flamed; air-passages, worth has been demonstrated not Through the night, this com-pnly in everyday home use. but also blne'd vapor-pbultice action loosens in extensive clinical tests under phlegm, soothes; Irritated mem-medlcal supervision. branes, helps , break congestion. Often by mornh,gKthe worst of the Vicks -And 'now - to introduce Plan to' more, families In this sec- CQld w oxee- it . . , ,. . , UbnMocS deists are distribute - . ling free trial packages containing rrSld complete details ot the Plan and " C" 7 samples of the Vlck C.olds,Control "uT vicJ Medicated Cough Aid in Preventing Many Colds dient of VapoRub are available in Discovery of Vicks. Va-tro-nol,. convenient candy form a really unUnie aid in preventing colas, mpaicaiea uuitiicuc 5 made, Vicks Plan possible, Esper drop.) flally designed for the nose and Get Your Free Samples Today upper throat-where most colds. Dont i0rgety0ur druggist has a start Va-tro-nol aids and stimu- t .... trlal nacka(res of these lates Nature's own functions to vfck Alds to Better Control of prevent many colds, and to throw CQlds him todayi beforc they're Off head colds In the early stages. aJj one Va-tr.o-nol Is easy and conven.- The free packages contam au tno Phone Doug 198&-X. (242) eot 10 use any tune or piace- jniormawon yuu uccu iui '"""u1B la few drops up each nostril afthe Vipks Plan. Test the samples . . . - . . Ifirst nasal Irritation, sniffle or thpn prove what Vicks Plan can d . IN THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA - IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" AND IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OT GEORGE BROWNELL WHITE, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE th&t bj otier ot Hn Hono. W. E. Fisher the tod dy ol October, A. . 1835. I vw. appolnUvi Administrator of the estate ol Gorg Brc-wneil White, deceased, and nil I parties ""having claims, against the said Describing In an interesting wayieate are nereoy required to. lurnisa . ..7 . .n. ji4if hame, prcperly verified to me on or be- Atlin district recent trip to the Xor 5th dav of November. All ard Innes, Port Essington, and 0f Northern British Columbia, A. E. i 1935. and all parties indebted t the Leslie Woods, Alyansh, all Indians, parlow, district forester, was. the were each fined $10 and costs, speaker today at the regular weekly with option of seven days' Im- j luncheon of the Prince Rupert prisonnient, by Magistrate Mc- tswii uu e nijuimi u pay I4ie amount of their Indebtedness to jue forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 2nd day of October, A.D. 1935. Al'CHON SALE TIMBER SALE X18988. There will be offered for sale' at Public Auction, aA noon on, toe Twenty-fifth day of October, 19.3.5.; 1ft the office ot the District Forester. Prtoca Rupert. B.C. .the Licence X18988- to cut 2,571.,-000 feet, board measure, of Spruce-' .Cedar and Hemlock on an area adjoining Lots CS2 and 653, LjeU, Island Q,ueen Charlotte Islands Land District. One year will be allowed for rerad- "Provided any one unable to attend Uie . auction In person may submit tender to be opened at tiie hour ot auction and treated as one bid," Further particulars may be obtained from the Chief Forester, Victoria, B.C rr District; Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C Phone 765 SELVIG'S SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday ROUND STEAK 3 lbs. T-BONE ROAST per lb SPARE RIBS 2 lbs PORK CHOPS per lb , CORN BEEF 3 lbs. ... BRISKET OF BEEF 3 lbs BEEF LIVER per lb POT ROAST per lb VEAL CHOPS per lb. LEG OF VEAL per lb . - EGGS Grade C 2 doz LEMONS per doz. KIPPER SNACKS 4 tins NABOB CATSUP per bottle FKEE DELIVERY 50c 20c 25c 25c 25c 20c 15c 10c 20c 20c 55c 29c 25c 16c sneeze, used in time, avoid many colds. it helps to for you and your family. You'll find It easy to tollqw In your own home. PLAY ... Badminton The Ideal Winter Recreation IT PAYS TO PLAY with Wright and Ditson Fine Quality Rackets Star :-. '.-$3.75 Premier $4.50 Flash $6.00 Challenge SG.50 W.&D. Special $10.00 "AMCQ" Association Guaranteed Shuttles Best British Manufacture v a"' 16-Feather, 35c each; 3 for 1.00 MoSm.Jk CANADIAN PACIFIC Xp Vancouver tia Ocean Falls and way ports PRINCESS ADELAIDE, FRIDAYS, 10 P,MS T Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 4th, 16th. PRINCESS. NORAH, Oct. 25th, Nov. 3rd,' 21st, To Ketchikan, WrangelL Juneau and Skarai PRINCESS LOUISE, Oct. 12th. PRINCESS! NORAII, Oct. 21st, 30th, Nov. 17th. For, information and reservations call or writ W. L, COATES General Agent, Prince. Rupert, B.C. V . If you have something to sell, a classified advetiseraenl in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city; ... 2 3 5 n mm u a ii im -3 M MM. It r r I i I