rtherly Wina; Daromuier, " ' IU nnerature, ; sea smuuuu X!V No. 241. llisls Revolt Convention Of Icy war urged. ui Meeker Laid at Rest fuml of Well Known Citiitn Conducted This Afternoon p re many floral offerings. fig Flying Boat j Back at Midway! SUjt of Return Flight lKt 1SUND, Oct. 17 EDI flvn i i AMAlqn I" H50-mlle hon and Hhe big ?ne kept at an altitude of about P leet. Funeral Notice Fte funeral of the late Mrs. An 1 PhllllPson will take Dlace Frl IBB kl m r v i.j0 p.m from the Flrst pea Church nclalng. I JAPAN EXPECTS TRADE u...L,UT WT" CANADA "' IfcltMlNATE SOON i Great Britain Asks Trance For Definite Answer as To j What She Would do if Mediterranean Fleet Were ' Attacked Eden's Life Threatened Labor Federation ZEILA, British Somaliland, Oct. 17: (CP) Tribesmen - ; reported today to the district commissioner here that the C.. 1 a1 i 1 r- i .i n ii 1 p E' kWT,r rrrY Oct 17'. At a Jtvm.tciii,ji vumci vuijjs, giuuuuig uie ouiucuuaiiu iiuii- tic session 01 the convention 01 , uci, nuu suiiei eu casualties uunng an iiaiiau auvance 111 V - . -r f i - f 1 T" A Tl 1? 1 I 1 1 A 11 - . I American rcaeraiiun u , ine ugaaen ueseri.. uanan troops nave oeen ciose 10 mej t, there was a u' V of , the h ; por(ler there following the occupation of Ethiopian ter- lohn L Lewis, president Winkers' Union of America, In. t the conservative element of Federation The antl-commun- novemcnl in the Federation was Ited and a more aggressive DINNER OF GYRO CLUB Minstrel Show Tarty Honored At Founders' Day Gathering Founders' Day was observed b" the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at a special dinner meeting last night ponfer 'when occasion was taken-to enter Uir.j cM fronds gathered at lijMt Bros, chapel this afternoon i ifirr.l the funeral of the late A. Meeker P. C. Miller conduc- :taln the outside men who hai participated and assisted In con-jnectlon, with the recent minstrel (show. A program appropriate to the occasion was arranged and the attendance was large including a full turn-out of Gyro members as 'well as numerous guests President id the Christian Science service S. J. Jabour and Past President Id Mr E B. Rochester presided ,W. II. Tobey shared duties In the ! UK 'fljan. Hymns were "Lead chair. fr-i Light" and "Abide With The Founders' Day message was Irtanent was made In Fair- delivered try William uruicKsnan 1 . .11.1 11 m ft Cemetery Pallbearers were wno 101a someming 01 me iurma- W. Anderson, A. J. Prudhomme, 1 "on or me ciud m oieveiana in M. Stephens, George Eckerman. 1912. briefly tracing its develop-Lauren nrt aw Mckenzie. , ment and expansion and touching TOKY0( Oct. 17: (CP)-Of- I in? tPan halls SWP- Carn.Hi victory Vlctory m the thUS i. cne lection I earlu i v" . as Presaging """s"K the ine t - . Ll"mlnan of the Ja- met aan trade con- hopes to ,.ihC-.!overnmcnt I tlons. y ne8tla- the minstrel show, an nouncing that the highly satisfac tory sum of $130. had been realized towards the objective of equipping 'a ward in the Prince Rupert Gen- -The eral Hospital ana manning in BW.CB1U wav back to Ala- uutw" "' V.' " Kdaifinr. v.! those wno naa assisiea in any way f iiier til lllcht the m Fa- a across . ... ... ,,i ii-ft.... , . , . i in connecuon wiw inc enuif. iio uuam, lanaea neic M. J nhPrt.v entertained the ... PWflay from flnnm. Poor shrou- the ocean for a cood.Dart of irntherlntr with Interesting and clever card tricks. C V Evltt, who was the Inter locutor of the minstrel show, told amusing stories. During the evening two pres entations were made. To Norman L. Freeman, in view of his recent marriage, was presented I a (fc beauti- our's challenge attenaance cup, having been awarded the handsome trophy for the period of six months after a drawing with William Cruickshank and Dr, R. G. Large with whom he had been tied. n,,c.s Included C. V. avut, eg Blake, Mike Budlnlch, Jack Cobb, T ponnrH CriDDS. M. J. Dougherty, ows. A J. Webber, J. T.nlfU nr H. It. ounce '.on today, S. Wilson, reter Alexander, S. C. Thomson, C. R. Auum. Kaye and B. R. Tupper. BAR SILVER rnp) Bar the rltory and it is believed that, it such an incident actually occurred, ; the Italians unintentionally ran. over the boundary or mistook the! -1-lil.L. " ..I A tHklnnlnn ' 01 mail isaurci uuipo iui ctiiiuiiait 1 forces trying to get around their rank. Report Unconfirmed LONDON, Oct. 17: (CP) The; British Colonial Office stated today j that It was unable to confirm r.'j deny the Zeila report of a brush between Italian and British forces on the Libyan frontier. j France On Spot LONDON., Oct. 17: (CP) Great j Britain has- requeftedrrance,. to: jay definitely "yes" or "no" whether, in the event of an Italian at-: tack on the British fleet in the Mediterranean, the French fleet ( would give assistance. It was learned today that Premier Pierre' Laval had asked for time to consider. Guarding Eden GENEVA, Oct. 17: (CP) Extra- ordinary police precautions werei taken today to guard Capt. An- Bride of Webster Pierce Pretty Ceremony lng new Yurv , Ave Maria was sung, 65 Per a silver was unchanged afc th the local meuu ' ---- n .. at Church of the Annunciation, itev, Father Maurice Smith O. M. I. officiating, when Miss Agnes Coma- . fnl silver cake plate D. G. Borland aina, yuumjci U4UB iS with President Jab-lMrs. A. Comadina, 715 Fifth Avenue WOO Jivavttvvu West, became the bride o1 Webster Pierce, well known local haiioui fisherman. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was pretty in her wedding dress of white taffeta with veil and wreath of blossoms, carrying a bouquet of white chrysanthemums and white nnH nlnk carnations. The brides- r-nnAnn s j Hunter, tam duy.. m!,i(i was me bride's sister, Miss Lawrence Lambly, Richard Mcad-)Mary comadina, who was charm- J II. MCClinion. j. il-"i:"nng in powaer muc wu. to match, her bouquet also being of white chrysanthemums and wnite and pink carnations. The groomsman was Percy Pierce, brother cf the groom. The service was choral and, dur- the signing organ. Following the ceremony, some Mi Today's Weather o Tomorrow's Tides I She RupertRaining, ll' . Prince i . i nn High 6:03 a.m. 16.9 ft. on the alms and aspirations of the:resuit 0f threatening letters he has!1-'1 vo "5 organization. G. A Hunter and C i received for his attitude towards. C. Mills, who, with William Crulck-!tn6 italo-Ethloplan war. shank and C. P. Balaeno are the! inct romtiinlnv phnrter mpmbers of i Would Stop Arms Supply I . . U W ,.iiiwtni(ig - , iu. i..k 1. nnrn I -ir - 1T- ITDI Tfaltan UUt Dr. R 0. Large sang acceptable! forces In Southern Ethiopia are t 1 nnnnmnnnl Viu n T 1.1 1 1 Tll .Inn the I vutai auiua, aLuuiiiaiiii.u wj v. 'pU5IllIlK vuwaiuo uujiga lvj owi w iBalagno, who was accompanist f or j movement of arms and munitions n-Amtrir... vn,.mtri me evening, ana aiso prescni.eu ii)mt0 Ethiopia from unusn oomau C0Uidrr.hU Pn. nr. Flmt repuib vu land, It was announced today. MARRIAGE IN CHURCH . .muss Agnes Comadina MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 17: (CP)-It's clothes that make colleg3 girls' expenses heavier while eats bring up the cost to the men students, according to a recent i survey by an insurance company. Apparel costs, a "family econ-'omics" study among 362 Univer sity of Minnesota students dis closed, make "co-ed" expenses lar .1 -1 1 1. IPkn .per tnan me maie smueuis mc iirromes averages are $77.97 a month t i jhrn mt? - -1. ex- pense, against d.o, exclusive tuition fees. One suspicion about "co-ed" inclinations suffered a ..tun ViAii-over fihp snpnris nnlv A nrettv and interesting wedding mnrp , h t took place at 8:30 last night in the than men dQ ,n barber shops. She spends Just a fraction of the amount men do oh tobacco. The average fraternity man's expenses monthly are $96.90, compared with $47.21 for the non-fraternity man. fifty friends attended a reception at the home of the bride's parents where the happy couple stood un orange ! der an arch of rosebuds and pink and white crepe trimmings to receive congratulations and best wishes. The bride cut a three-tier wedding cake on a table prettily decorated In pink and white. Father Smith proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom responded. Many beautiful gifts were on display, testifying to the esteem In which the couple are held by many friends. The bride was born In Prince Rupert and has lived of the register, nere au nei mc. nw giuum naa Charles P., been here for a numoer or. years. Mr. and Mrs.,Plerce will reside at the Levin Apartments". ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1935 Completely remodelled and mod rnlzed, the Queen Elizabeth (above) one of the largest of Brl.ish war ships, has steamed to the Mediterranean, there to Join the Hood and Renown, world's mightiest naval vessels. thony Eden, British minister for' . n, the League of Nations affairs, as a Mfncc Kinr If Am In Co-ed Costs The Boys' Appetites In Col lege Run Up Expenses Of Term MRS. DAF0E IS SPEAKER Youth Movement is Subject Discourse Medal and Certificates Presented Of In connection with the presentation of High School entrance certificates last evening at the Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' Association monthly meeting at Booth Memorial School, an address of in- lnsplratlon and challenge to the Grade Nine pupils of King Edward High School was given by Mrs. F. W. Dafoe: A feature of post-war develop ments In various European coun tries was the youth movement, said Mrs. Dafoe. The youth had not been responsible for the war but! were the victims of it. They set out I q . 1 to accomplish the imoossible. Rus-( UDStantiai baHIS sian youth strove for education, food, clothing and places to live. They accomplished wonders. Their partial failure was the result of the omission of God from their program. The German army had been defeated. Youth was not. They planned for physical fitness and clean liness and were on the way to sue ism and hate, ruined their hopes of success. A distorted vision In Italy spoiled a glorious youth movement. There was no place for the Individual. China, Japan, India were all permeated with a youth move ment. They needed guidance. Christianity would solve the In this land, with Its unrecog nized advantages, a youth move-i ment would have splendid chances ! of success. Freedom was a prlvlr j leged possession and to keep it BRITISH ELECTION Expected to be Held Around Mid-November Liberals Prepare Snowden Critical LONDON, Oct. 17: (CP) Sir Herbert Samuel, Liberal leader, met former Liberal cabinet members and others prominent in the party to discuss the general election forecast for November, forecasts of the date varying from November 11 to 21. Conservatives will lose two hundred seats in the coming general election through a "spurious appeal to patriotism which is a mean partizan act," Viscount Philip Snowden, former Chancellor of the Exchequer and one time prominent Labor leader, told the National) Liberal Club yesterday. The country will face a whirlwind election campaign on the twin program of rearmament and social reform. In Stock Market! the New York Stock Exchange although late profit-taking cut into the general gains. The day's trad-lug totalled 2.570,000 shares and closing averages were as follows: industrials. 136.26, up 1.23; rails, 37.99, up .81; utilities, 26.03, up .09; bonds, 95.62, up .06. Vancouver Wheal VANCOUVER, Oct. 17: (CP)- there must be law and order. Wheat dropped to 858c on the lo- Continued on Page 4) (cal exchange yesterday. 17:40 p.m. 17.6 ft Low 11:36 a.m. 105 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS TALO - BRITISH CLASH IS REPORTED IClOeiii im vguuen irumier Believed fo be Unintentional; umciai wnnrmanon Lactung BURRARD SEAT STILL IN DOUBT BRITISH WARSHIPS IN MEDITERRANEAN McGeer and Webster Tied and Recount Is Necessary to Decide Result of Hot Federal Election Contest in Vancouver Will Not be Known Until Next Week Turgeon Wins in Cariboo VANCOUVER, Oct. 17: (CP) After a careful re-check of the polls in Vancouver-Burrard following Monday's federal election it was found today that Mayor G. G. McGeer, Liberal, and his C. C. F. opponent, Arnold Webster, were practically tied, Returning Offiqer Phipps reporting receipt of a number of absentee ballots which could not be counted before Oc-K tober 25. leaving the decision until nrfniTr If that date when it is likely are- l KKh IN pnunt will be made. i " Turgeon Carries Cariboo Election of J. G. Turgeon, Liberal, Is conceded in Cariboo. With 25 polls still to be heard from, he has a majority of 369 over John Mclnnis, C. C. F. 'A telegram received today at Liberal headquarters here an nounced that O. G. McGeer was leading In Vancouver-Burrard. SPREADING Possibility of General Tie-Up Or Coal Mine Workers in Great Britain LONDON, Oct. 17: (CP) The strike of coal miners spread yesterday In South Wales when two thousand men In the Swansea dis trict joined two thousand strikers in Monmouthshire who had stayed underground since Saturday while six thousand men left the pits In other mines nearby In protest against the employment of 88 non union men. There Is possibility of a general strike being called. Many Lost Their Deposits in B.C. Ten Reconstructionists Among 22 Who Will Forfeit Election Entry Fees VANCOUVER, Oct. 17: (CP) Twenty-two candidates lost their deposits in British Columbia as a result of Monday's general election. Among these were ten Reconstructionists. No Liberals lost their Anaconda Copper Re-opening Mine ! Improved Condition of Metal Mar-j ket Results in Activity At Butte BUTTE, Mon., Oct. 17: Owing to the improved condition of the copper market, the Anaconda Co- has commenced n,i. nf Per prepara- I lUllV-lMMIIK 411111110-1 V fm , Early Trading With Large Turn-Over For Day NEW YORK, Oct. 17:-T-Substan-j fc lial gains were recoraea oy inaus- until Hitler with his national-1 cess ,rlals ,n ft g0Qd day,s tradlng on . tlons to re-open the St. Lawrence I mine here which has been closed Idown for some time. WILLIAM IIERRIDGE RESIGNS HIS POST OTTAWA, Oct. 17: (CP) Hon. William D. Herridge. Ca- nadlan minister to Washing- ton, yesterday tendered his resignation, effective when the new Mackenzie King govern- ment takes office. Mr. Her- ridge Is a brother-in-law of Premier R. B. Bennett by whom he was appointed to the Washington Dost.