.1 DAILY )SW5 TPOPULAR I Festive !! PAIR WED We Buy For Less THE I EVENING SHOES 'For Your Hallowe'en Party or other wear Smartly strled and raosf fashionable footwear will make this occasion a success Bemnl nev Mae at fatte. etnx. al Mhr me maar. sad tfce Hvv Dnee 8tre. muI m aarl vnU Ma LI . fr IMmi Th- gaiety of the dance depends n jr ftvear The Family Shoe Store Ltd. f Third Avenue Phone 357 I THE DAILY NEWS. miSCK RUPERT - E22T1SH COLUMBIA Pshinhtd Eitrj AKtrzxxm, Except ezaizj, by Prince Bapert Dally Ken, Lhnhed, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Maria gtrig-Edtor BL'cscttrno.t rates Ctty dtlirerj, by mail or earner, yearly period, paid la adranet tii fcr lta-r perialx, paid la id ranee, per wetk , By ciB to aS partt d Brttiih Colnatla. the Erftiih Eptre and Crited States, paid la advance, per year U daily minos 11 Friday. Kveiab?r 1. im ITALY'S REASON FOR WAR Signer Rosso, Italian ambassador to the United States, in an address at Boston, plaeed before the people 0f the Ugfc Stat the ease for Itahr in craned km with the war against Etirfopfe. Jle denied that Italy was engaging h war im wzfs s&he or for hist of power or raiHtarv . -J TI ! I' jpwry. ine young iLauan sokuere were sent to Africa because ItaJy had there a problem of Hfeand security w hich nt be solved All other method having failed, no othei sekatim presented itoelf. The whole Italian nation felt that the vital interest of the country needed the defence of Italy righte in Northeastern Africa. The speaker declared that Ethiopia wa3 admitted U the League of Nations only after she had pledged tt atify certain condition which were deemed essential to any member of a family of civilized nations. That wat torelve years ago and yet the conditions had never been fulfilled. The country was still under feudal law and the central government did not control or administer most of the territory but the League of Nations evidently was more concerned with preventing war than with removing the cause. Italy, the ambassador said, tried her utmost to pursue a policy of friendly relations with Abyssinia but Ethiopia increased her armaments and carried out a series of act of violence against Italian people that ended in the bloody clath of Ualual in December of last year. This clash was not of Italy's making She did not start the row. The de-ipatch of troops to Africa was necessary to afford a measure of protection and security against a constant and nearhy source of danger. Italy was unable to accept the proposals of the League of Nations because it was considered they would only have aggravated the difficulties and perpetuated the troubles which have existed for the past forty years. On i October 3 Ethiopia ordered a general mobilization which was really the start of the war. Signor Ilosso went on to tell of the Italian need of ex-pansion. The country had a population of forty-four millions compressed within a territory less than half the size w Ivtt Texaa ExPanson was not an invention of Mussolini hut an-actual need and a need that Mussolini "was trying to satisfy in order to prevent the restless forces of anarchy and Bolshevism exploiting the hardships of an economic life which only the sound discipline ol I ascism had been able to make endurable. Almost all mS,1C,0Se,1 again8.1 ian immigtion and com-mercial policies were so' militant in nature that they c osed a substantial proportion of the outlets in both hemispheres 1,C,IU to the nrm unfa nf Tf o1o lv , hia u i II , . irtuui. me neea ior mar-i Ktts had m the past driven countries to press forward I witn nroirrams of inlnnfai influence r Concluding, the ambassador. said: "We tried for more than fortv vears tn ttat Mlnnrr uu x?iuti- t j V. . the Ethiopian hinterland and our coastal colonies might ; " " "" uuuu roaua wnicn WOUld provide avenues of commerce and communication: to era-dicate tropical diseases; to cultivate fields which now lie !? r S1!?? Vse riches of the undersoil that W if He buried Ir all i that time we have met only enmity and distrust. Without making any attempt to understand our aims and collective purposes, Ethiopia has refused again and again to co-operate for the common good " jMHs Aaiirj Parfcui and Wafcia ZrvnAotoxX, Eth Bern Bet. The VaiUi la Mrrix 4 A quae, bat aseresnc nrtijr took piace iMt alrti: a rxxlc -B Use tttvjrt Vx Brr ia-sfs B Otbaoc. oean of St Aatfrrrs Ao?-licji! Cathedral UiaaQxe. Ybrr Mat Auc-TT Beryl P&rkfe. . dug2r of Mr and Mrs. A. T Pi-'-kas t ifeu 1'wmr lb- bride of vrmiarc Baaert Brook&arJc pocnger snc of Mr uk! iln Ar-Omt Bgyatobsak The bnde who -vmi giver: in ajar-rtare by aer SaVr. tu arHt x- d ic bee i i taTai im f white mpe ifik wita eaarccttoB: eL ?ht by a hibin of orar.g e ttaanau Her hfct m .f pbeitt rases. Srtet wore a aae green taffeta , sateh and carried Vnnam P. Ufc Visa ELietr vtth bat to and while acted 3ll ftnaiaatan 4 FailDwnr tK mil im urn M.nmnr t- the bridal party repaired to he 'xst of the brtei parentt or Bor 4en Street vbere naateroas fiiesc gathered aaexpeetedly to offer tlMfr eonrratalatloas and bex xietea. Aa artfa of -rtJte bells acd Areaaers -ih aateao fknren and falage had beea arrared and en- ier XbU the hap yov&r cospls reeeiTed the feUettaUoeu of Uj-ir f rksdx. T&asta vere proposed by ittt father f the bride asd O P Iteker tth the grtynn rapoadinr, rhe bride eat a beaatif al three-tier veddfee cake -chleh centred a jiaaSefatiy cere red table irith pink Upers to alter sconces. The bride' rsother vore an attractiTe black lace eoetssie irtth picture hat Later to the erentez. Mr. and lira Brookffaaak sailed aboard the Iteaser Prtrjee Gtorgt lor a three braeyaoon trip to Vanew-rr, Vtetoria. Seattle and Portland ixfter which ther -sin retara here 'to take ap residence fa the Earth such a manner at this time. POLICE COURT FINES THIS OCTOBER HIGHER first ten months of 1934. NEW ROYAL HOTEL . ZarellL Proprietor "A IIOMB AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 Dp SO Rooms Hot it CnM wai.r . Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 231 p.n nn iq RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 3Jefc trarelling. the bride wore Iuly w un.e lo the i nary bhse eoatome vkh direr for ! . . , a de- JZZ fna mamre WhBe he dM not teaxaer to the pier, vas cauzht bv , Mrt O. P. Tinker. Many friend v. .i... ' L!dtoTeanrato;taplieable r.- definitely anU- Both bride and eroom are mem-' r . . .. Kr, v : , . . . . ' iptwn ioncwea . - "M. " "a m mother confermce earlier In the 6 Mr, trnr rn he rand Hr1 n ' r D". Bri-iT.Jln'ny FHfler, KOMO ty aUuTerreMr Broo9 ! .1' ef" j815 Male ChoruiKOL. Local Option Is Suggested PIUS BACKS MfSSOLIXI 'Ccatintred mm wxe onei 18 to char f,. ....TT" "CUraS Wtll"n Were ."raP0 8anrt Itly were the "P -most despicable In MaUiry." They woura meet wkh rverv restatance on the Dart of Italv and ch thht i Horace Heidt KOI LTD. HIGHLITES WTDXESDAV, OCT. 30 pm. John Cnaries Theraaa. KOMO. THURSDAY. OCT 31 j 30 Peafp Pmrram VrT country's "supreme contempt. jl: 15 Standard Symphony. KOMO. Geneva Amazed GENEVA. Not. . . . 1. Amazement!, c expresied In League of Nations quarters lait night at the nro- ncuncement nf Pnno Pin ai hin. Handling of Beer and Wines hjln accord rith an lullan mandate Restaurants and Hotels May lor Ethiopia. It was considered Be Handled in This Way j hardly In line with previously ex- j pressed news of the Pontiff In re gird to the connict. . iwuin, uv. i: (c:pittii ... British Columbia Liben.1 M:;;.ra"Hmc' tneague ""on during the next session of " l." Lezislaturp -aAW k i w-ilJitl aiiaiigrmcnw ior i.ne action penalties local ontinn in r... - : lgamsi Italy and the date on which XrP and" ?I th?. into effect will prob- anu and stlndard l.u 1 ",y ? Fortynlne na- meals, it wa, iniimoM .,17-J" . aBreea uIn an arms .7 . .. 6-.vwci.fc w per-nunnlv arm tn fifhr riw mjfc me aispens ng " of beveraeen in . ' ... ... m 6 O w ucyerages lkta in , iopla. FortV-sevpn nnllnnt ready to impose financial sanctions and forty-six economic sanctions. British Attitude LONDON. Nov. 1:-The position joi me urnuh government towards rtlirlnrr V. a . 1 L . . !tfl- Vfln-VUll ... n,c iiiuuid oi uctober 3G, --tuujan cruis win re-cases were dealt with in city polict ma,n unchan?l 'n spite of the court here. f!np fntoinn .letand taken hv th tmw i . - comnared with ti: in Ian Italian manri-ita in . month last year. So far this year waa rePrtd here, however, that fine. novo n . . ... . the rtritlch t . ..-.w .ssicgaicu Z4Z8 in 1 : uciiuiiciv migni con- comparison with $2536.S0 In h slder reducing the Dresent narai concentration in the Mediterranean j najy would cease its press attacks against Great Britain and its generally antl-Britlsh atUtude. Lloyds odds on a European conflict Involving Great Britain have fallen from 11 to 7 to 11 lo 1 and business Is ciaotr Tt, . . - jjicuuum on j Mediterranean shipping has been .cuucea irom 15 percent to 10 per. C. P. R. steamer Prlncesj Adelaide, Captnderson. I rfn n port at 3:45 'this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnto FRIDAY, NOV. 1 7 First Nighter. KOMO. 8:30 Beauty Box Theatre. KOMO, riPO. V-Richard Hlmbers Orch.. KOL. 0 Harmony Violins. CRCV. SATURDAY, NOV. 2 6 pm. Rublnoff, KPO. 7:30 Carefree Carnival. KOMO. 8 Bam Dance. KOMO. KPO. KFI. 9:00 Strange Cases, KOMO. KPO 10 Waltz Time. KOMO SUPERIOR RADIO ELECTRIC Phone Bine 3tC I ft r ! v CUSTOMS REVENUE SHOWS BIO CiAIN Customs and excise revenue ? at this port for the current ! year continues to show heavy increase over last year. In Oc- lober this year the revenue to- 4 tolled S27.070.03. as compared with SS.S52.5Q , in the same month last vear. hrlnvinir lh 1 1935 revenue to date up to 3190,632.94 as against $155,- 942.05 in the first ten months of 1934. ""tc ""P" ''g"H. Third . Ave. .... Phone M mtc. 1 none 568 oa LUMBER Haysport. ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it win pay you to examlne our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY "aysport. laysport, B.C. B.C. I Twm mii We Sell For iJ BUY YOUR : Winter Underwear, Sweaters Overcoats, Zipper Coats In fact anything you may require at THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE You can buy with confidence as you are covered by our Guarantee-MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Dresses, Fur-Trimmed Coats, Lingerie of all kinds, etc REDUCED WINTER FARE $32 KCTVK.N PRINCE To VANCOUVER S. S. 4 Ev.jybod rads the Dallv New- UNION STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED STpebru STlS efMUve r . 5 Prince $32W RuPerl 10 Vancouver and. return tlliTpvr fvtT r,nce Ruptrt for Vancouver: T TJ.S. s c CATALA EERY TUESDAY, l.-JO I'M Due Vancouver. Thursday pm. T-S, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDMriti MI,)N,G,,r Due Vancouver, Monday a m Weekly saHlng, to Port flgpya, Stewart, Ahyox and Naas River. Sunday, 8 p.m. u .x,;"!! reKardln8 and tickets from GEORCJI THURSDAV Thw rit effi cut u nrtwni limit Mi' Ft i CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Grotto Tai 456 r.if AT VOI K Stt ivonrlf ton nnn'f tare hewM J5G skate: SHARPENED Hollow Grom& We have make a 35c the equipm'j first cU Kaien Hardware A satisfactory vUtt Tube Skating Outfits $4.75 Hoys' Sizes UP lo 5! aaaaaaaaiBararaaaTaaraai' Try a Dally NewJ c