FOR SAIX-Monarch Range, good condition. Phone Green 284 after 5 p.m. (254i FOR SALEOltlce safe, extra thick nils, firing perfect protection iraiftstfir Dally News. (tf) FOR SALE-Two pure-bred Nfld. male pups, $10 each. Apply Gor-Jto Uttle.jrerrace, B.C. (251 FOR SALE House and two lots, 2 btdrooms, front room, kitchen and pantry, bathroom; also shack on other lot, 10x12 all fenced ln. 1H4 Seventh Vve: RaiC cheap tor cash. Phone Black 789. (253) FOR KENT FOR RENT Clean, well furnished two-room suite. Phone Red 444 (253) FURNISHED House for rent. Apnly 108 Eighth Ave. West Phone! Often 820. (254) FOR RENT Five-roomed house, furnished, Eighth Ave. East, Phone 741. (253) FISH PACKING TENDERS are requested for troll caught fish, on a price per pound basis, from points on the North and West fishing grounds ol Graham Irland, to Prince Rupert, Butedale, Vancouver-Victoria. New West minster, Settle and waypoints. Fof particulars and speclfi-Mtions please apply to the undesigned. Tenders must be re vived before December 1st, 1935. anl tht lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. North Island Trollers Co-operative Association, P. O. Box J87(. Vancouver B.C. (253 KXCHANCiE WOUld Exchange good winter wearing apparel tor a good stamp collec-on. Apply Peoples Store Ltd., Prince Rupert. (252) FRESH MT.LK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Victim & Congolcum irawerns. Freshen home now I your none 77S Paulino Uzcudun Arrives In New York For Fight NEW YORK, Nov. 1: Paulino Uzcudun arrived aboard the Laray-ette yesterday from France, being here to prepare for a bout against Joe Louis in Madison Square Gar den on December 13. The Bounding Basque, who has not been very active in the ring of late, has never been knocked out. Winners Wf ' November 1, 1935 ','-v- t'ji Friday. 4 at. DAILY NEWS PAOE FIVE nrsmicno of capital city nt MlMrt" PLETKI OS THURSDAY. Continued from y&ge well a m w ""j PP1 ln Buffal were here Jhrow-n from their beds. In Albany Sens rushed Into the streets in , .tUre. Furniture was moved Sd dishes broken ln Pittsburg. No 1 .ttenslve damage was repor- li from any point. .The 'quake was jlSO felt in UniO, rtJUioi nuu m England sw. I swre In Eastern Canada TORONTO, Nov. 1: CP)An earthquake shock, described as the hearlest ever experienced over such . met part of the country and 1 B severe that it caused damage to i.-mnirranh instruments in the Dominion Observatory at Ottawa, ' rumbled across Canada from Fort William to the Bay of Fundy early today, causing little material damage, however. Tall buildings and homes alike were shaken by the trtmor which tasted for less than a minute. Thousands of persons in iar(!e centres fled from their homes. In Toronto a well known citizen said this morning that he thought his young son had crashed a new automftblle through the garage and was actually relieved to find that the rumble was "only an earth quake" Want Ads FOR SALE LEWIS IS PORT CHAMPION!: Negro film Olin Severe Heating To Capture Light Heavyweight Title ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1: (CP) John Henry Lewis Phoenix, Arizona, negro, outpointed Bob Olin 6f New York here last night to win the world's light heavyweight boxing championship. Lewis gave Olin a severe healing before a wild crowd of 10,000 fans In fifteen rounds. Olin, however, was game despite the fact that he was nearly out on his feet on more than one occasion and managed, through sheer pluck, to stay with it until the end. A of Lansdowne Park race course were burned early this morafng by a fire of unknown origin. The damage Is estl- j mated at $30,000. . Musketeers Lead; ' ' 4' LANSDOWNE PARK RACE STABLES AT .VANCOUVER BURNED , ' VANCOUVER, Nov. 1: (CP) : One racehorse, Gertrude M., owned by Bob Gelletly of Van- i couver, was destroyed and the complete' stables of 150 italls IwLWLmmmmLmmmaammBmmmmmmmLmmmmBm ileUownw and Rich Highland Holt CorfirmltGoodPiam4it NEW LOW PRICE $35 BKT PROCURABLE 'Si I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TILLIE THE TOILER" Mrs. Helen Wills Moody Will Spend Winter in Europe SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Nov. I: J iuiWx Mnndr- arrived .i - .j .,.-.V . , BrnwtV. -314 I NEW YORK, Nov. 1: Fourteen of the prlrtelpal prizes in th Irish, Hospltfjls. Sweepstake on the Cambridgeshire Stakes this week Tame to 'IhlPtfnlted States. Five ttitlcs tsw,VDjrpmmantter'lr5''4rrei 1 winner, were held in New Yorjc and pne in California. Tickets, on this "horse paid. J 47,000. , MOOSE WIN HOOP GAME ' Moose defeated Lambie & Stane by a score of 37 to 27 in last night's Senior League basketball game. Old Age Pension Plan In Effect Thirty Dollars Per Month to Be Paid Henceforth to Persons ! Over Sixty Years Old ,, I OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 1: An old age pension plan, providing for ; the payment"of $30 per month to Be wis. Read the want ads home- vmill Mii. Avj r SPST DUKE'S BRIDE IFire Department BUYS BRITISH! Had Busy Month' Scotland's Daughter Will Pick Responded to Fourteen Calls In Wedding Dress In Abbey's Light j October, More Than Half On ! One Night $200 Damage LONDON, Nov. 1; (CP) Lady ,crH-v fmm Kp iTnitrrt Alice Scott has decided to havej j write a book,- not jreveallng, haw; lever, "What ihe subject would' be. Annette's Defeat p 1 IP ;l 'Lady Alice has returned from , Pn , K.' ViraUS HaSliyjScptland and will spend severs, i - I days in London to attend to the Last Night' I ! r... r, . l. j mute nupcb iTiau;) nicAaiiuti, Swifts 5712, Sobs oNp'$wayA5578, BrUneitesGOmez, Canadian Legloti 5133, Wsket-' 245:' Domlnato.' 160: Rex Bowling Alley '270 13853 Sons of Notway . . 9122 . H870 Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sol. at Vendor, or direct from "Mil Onlcr Dept." Uuuur Control HI Dully Street. Vancouver. U.C. 231 Berg, Colussi, 238; -srs oaai. i Johnstone, 244. Ramblers 7191, C. N. R. A. 5049. j Maccabees Casey, 280; Pette-League Standing Mh'uzo, 28C; Beale, 239; Olsen, 96; . For Against j colussi, 21f Musketeers '10412- ; : Swifts 12614 9865,-- n , mbiers 12416 11868 ManvA jweenstake Grottn v 12452 10554 1 Canadian Legion" 11291 10095 C. N. R. A. v ; 1.QC20 . VJ2792, Prizes in Irish Jr. Pool For States i .business business of of tfousseau tfousseau buying Duyir and- - . l . . A Brunettes Score' Close Victory Over make flna-chMcs ttQm Maccabees, fn;Ladies Bowling ideslgns submitted to her i for the "" ' rTT 'wedding gowns. Annette's ; deteated Prince i t, Rupert) Varlous materials will be taken drads l5W5'to 1231 last night ln one, tQ tn. Abbtyi so that this most fixture of the. Ladies' Bowling ;,mn-rtnnt of atumw brldes.-.mav wa ' i i League while.: Brunettes won over 'V .i I ' 1 Maccabees the close score of: In Bridge Leagueii8 to man other High av- ' t?"' ,erage for thfc evening was 182 by . ? .. 'X ' i Miss Leah' Basso-Bert of Annettes. Urotlo, i.- Swift's and RamblerSi Also ; TH.,rt-,i . Qt fnllnw. see the lighting effects on satins of different shades.and choose ths one that harmonizes best with the mellowed stone walls and sombre light. There will probably bridesmaids, Including be" eight Princess -a 1 188; Stromdabl, 261; Woodside, 211; Elizabeth; Princess Margaret Ros; Brldga Leaguer&ults lsstnlght ; Nelson jcfTMcFadden. 310. ere as followsi , . - i AnnettesSkattebol, 255; Basso- r t.,,u , r,i..u Actor 1 , 1 1 ' ' ' . tvc. Duwm.Bgyi.uu .uw.jAjiyi.w Bert, 364',-Morse, 273; Owens, 300; whose first appearance this will be In a bridal procession; the Earl and Countess of Dalkeith's daughters, Lady Elizabeth and Lady Car oline Scott, nieces of .the- bride; i k a ....... T. --t. and the schoolgirl daugnters oi Lord and Lady Francis Scott,' cousins of the bride. For the wedding more than 2,000 invitations have been issued. OCTOBER WEATHER Precipitation, 12,6 inches; ing, 29.40 on October 13. ' sun shine, 57.4 hours; maximum tem perature, 58 on October 2 and" 5; minimum temperature, 22 oh Oc tober, 29; mean temperature, 44.1; highest barometer reading, 30.44 on October 31; lowest barometer read October Month Of Great Activityln"" New York Market; NEW YORK, Nov. 1: The great est month's activity on the New York Stock Exchange since Febru ary 1934 clossd yesterday with the;. list showing advances all around." i The turnover lor yesterday amoun-' ted to 1.815.000 shares, closine av-t j utilities, 27.07, ip .10, and bondsi ! 96.17. up .04. Pound Sterling And i Canadian Dollar Oh New York Exchange! NEW YORK, Nov. 1: The Bri persons oyerthe age oLsixty, came tlsh pound sterling Into effect in this state today. !I$4.91 on the "local Macs Down But Not Out closed . foreign ex ! change market yesterday. The Canadian dollar closed at 98 ,13 -16c. 0 StMCE MK. PAtZCHESSi lM'T HERE roue- eveptVBOtt Hoto -tHEKi sTuB Wac Wins a Game I 11 V ttt j flrsfrHenmonths . of 1934. There wajdamage in two of the month's 1 fires on October 8 when there was salvage boat Algie owing to a defective oil burner and on October 20 when a bed In the Savoy Hotel caught on -fire, doing some $20 damage to the bedding. i . i., . 'it-. The fire department responded to CALOARY, NovL 1 Mayor An- - ' " .. J . I. .. J.-.Jl u. .1 f J J. 4 .... States She intends to spend the unusn-aesignea aresacs iui jouneen cans uimjis wic uuumi v4 Urew uuyi&uh auuvmiccu ye:ruy winter In England and on the Con- Self and her bridesmaids- when j October this year, eight being on that he would be a candidate for iinnt and said she Intended to;she marries the Duke of Glouces-jone night alone a week ago this re-election as chief magistrate at ter November 6 at Westminster Tuesday during a ver ijaleSa jlhejdvelectlon here on November Abbey. ViT-'' ; 'far thjs year there', have been jB 2jwjj have facial Credit and Details of the gown are noVVet jn comparison ' with 52 in trie independent opponents, cettled as there are many points , consider consider when when the the setting setting Is is .to lto be ancient Westminster Abbey.! Bnthina Costumes have chQngedkt SILVER SFRINB refreshes the samE as ever li I 1 1' y i- - 1 i i i i mi i Tv r i i v " wmnrwi urn rf i r .q SPR lNfi FVERY ytar, it leenu, it iakei . . a I - iesi ind lets to make bathing suit. Not so with Silver Spring Laser Beer. It it made with the lame care and according to the same formula that has won (or this brand such unswerving loyalty on the part of those who . like its malty, full-bodied flavor. Silver LAtiEIl On Sale 'Everywhere This frdyetllseinenUs not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ''' 1 Bv W".stover v .-. l-THERC'S THE TICKET- HOPE T WlMSl J rST ! II AMD HEttH S 1 , . 1 IHEY C3 OCO QOSHy 77 - rjC V BECAOSB vB cONlG: OM, THE VMlMMEli W$? l .JJjZj HATS Jjg C3Ta DATgv 1 TtLUE-HORRv QF P ' J