pjlg! rovs ML'J lilllL MUSSALLEM'S OFFER YOU j Real Bargains ! HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 4-f p LII1UY S SLICliU PINE- 39c APPLE. Ulls. 2 tins HILLS' ,f2ibs urOs. coffee 95c COKN FLAKES All brands 24c 3 ptegs. CUIUS TIE'S SHQWFLAKE 19c SODAS, family size, pkg. CASCO POTATO FLOUR 29c . 2 pkgs. O ItAPEFRUTT 5c ! each .. per doz. 55c CALIFORNIA LETTUCE 15c 2 for ; FRESH TOMATOES 20c per-lb. SPANISH ONIONS 25c 3 lbs' JELL-O All Flavors 25c 4 for BANANAS 35c 3 lbs FRESH ROASTED 21c PEANUTS, 2 lbs Orders $1.00 or Over Delivered Free! i MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE i "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 jrjnrrfgtMrj ! D. ELIO Furniture Dealer & Auctioneer USED I FURNITURE I HEATERS For Coal and Wood KITCHEN RANGES J - DRESSERS '. . RADIO BEDS Third Ave. Opposite Thrift's Phone Green 121 Box No. 06 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Blankets, from per pair $5.00 Flannel Sheets, from per pair $225 Mattresses, from $7.50 Door Mats, from $1.00 Phone 775 Third Ave. Prince Rupert FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 GOAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and, Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also , sell Timothy Hay,. Wheat. ... Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co, ; 58 Phones 55$ NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY HOME HOME" Kates S1.00 up 50'Rpoms Hot it Cold Water j Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 The Markets Retail prices current here are as 'follows: KSes B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A Large, cartoned, doz. .35 Local, new laid, doz. ... AC I Grade 3, large, doz. .. Fresh Pullets, doz . .27, Apples Wlncsaps, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. .25 Box 2.75 Vcdow Newtons, fancy wrapped 3 lbs .25 Box 2.75 Bulk, 4 lbs .25 Box 2.25 '.pitzenbergs, fancy wrapped 3'i lbs. 25 Box : '. 2.50 " Bulk, 4 lbs .25 Box , 1.95 Rome Beauties, Fancy, 3 V4 lbs. .25 Box , 2.30 ; Salomes, 4 lbs .25 Box .: 1.75 Delicious, fancy wrapped, 3 lbs. .25 Box 2.75 Bulk, 4 lbs. .23 Box 1.85 Fruits Hothouse Rhubarb, lb. .15 'unions, doz. 25c to . .40 Japanese Oranges, box 90 Bundle 1.75; Oranges, dor,. 25c to 60 ' Grapefruit, Cal., each, 5c to .10 Grapefruit, Florida, each 10c to .15 Bananas. lb .15 ;Almeira Grapes, lb .25 iEmperor Grapes, lb .25 Anjou, large, doz. .60 Butter Fancy cartoned, lb .31 :No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs . 80 lard Pure, lb. . .. U Vegetables Potatoes, No. 1 Terrace, 12 lbs. 2i Sack 1.63 Ashcroft, 10 lbs ...... .25 Sack 2.00! Onions, B. C, 7 lbs. .. 2i Garlic, imported, per lb, .35 1 Cabbage, local, per lb. 4c to 06!iaryi both of which were accepted. Cauliflower, large, Cal., 20c to 35 Parsley, bunch .06 Carrots, 10 lbs .2? Carrots, bunch .0' Turnips, upriver, 10 lbs 25 Beets, bulk, 8 lbs. 25 Bunch 04 head 10 to .151 Celery B.C., $ nomlnated by the vlcar as hls Green imported, lb.,... Peppers, J0)wart sldesmen chosen were A. sptnacn, B.u., z ids J iiiuuouru oquaiii, tu .08 Leeks, bunch Brussells Sprouts, lb. .. .13 Lettuce, Cal., head ...... .13 Feed Wheat, Alberva 2.15 Bran 1.90 Middlings 2.25 Shorts 1.95 Oats . "2.30; Fine Oat Chops 2.45 Crushed Oats 2.45 Barley .,.... 2.10 Laying Mash - 2.75 Oyster Shell 1.63 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb 23 Roasting Chicken, lb. 2l Ham, sliced, first grade ., .41 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb Mi Bacon, side, sliced, best grade .43' Pork, shoulder, lb , .13. Pork, loin, lb 23; Pork, leg, lb. 25 Pork, dry salt, lb. 20 Veal, loin, lb .20 Beef, pot roast, lb. 10c to ,15 Veal, shoulder, lb. 122c to .15 Beef, boiling, lb. 8c to ,10 Beef, roast prime rib, lb. 18c to .20 Beef, steak, lb. 20c to , .23 Lamb, shoulder, lb .18 Lamb, leg, lb. .22. Lamb Chops, lb 25 Fish Halibut, lb 15 Smoked Kippers, lb 15c. and .20' Salmon, fresh, lb 20 tttb DA.TT.T KKTn Wednesday : u -1 i Day in Western United States WHIFFLETS From the Water front With a fair sized list of passen- she will return here this evening southbound. The Seattle halibut schooner Paragon, under charter to the In ternational Fisheries Commission for research work on the halibui banks, arrived hi port yesterday afternoon from Queen Charlotte Island waters where for the past four weeks she has been engaged in dragging for halibut larvae. The vessel is here to outfit for another voyage and will probably leave overnight. John L. Kask is in charge of the scientific party aboard the Paragon. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker'Impcrial nrnvpn in nnn at -i n nirvtr in i morn,ng fronvIoco wlth a rarg0 of T!fuel tor tne company's local tanks After discharging, the Imperial will sail on her return south. Thomas Louden, superintendent of Canadian National Steamships. arrived in the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancou- ver. being here In connection with the overhaul of the steamer Prince Rupert at the local dry dock. Mr Louden will be returning south on the same steamer tomorrow night CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC "TILLIE THE TOILER" That's What She Had "Up Her wtLCc; COOK.Q LI mac Hgrta VfiTjJ Pioneer Fivt real trappers arrived at O rden's million-dollar hotel to w. the Bngham Young eeebra-tlon on Pioneer Day. Brigham Young brought his trallworn colon sts into the Salt Lake valley in th e ye'ar 1847. Terrace Church Annual Meeting Financial Situation Satisfactory, ' With Church Hall Debt Almost Cleared Off gers. C. N. R. steamer Prince Oeorge TERRACE, Jan. 23: The annual Capt. H. E. Neddcn, arrived in port meeting of the Anglican Church i at 10:30 this morning from Vancou-vestry at Terrace was held in the j ver, Powell River and Ocean Fall Church Hall, the vicar. Rev. J. 12. 1 and will sail at 4 o'clock this after-BirchalU presiding over a fair at-1 noon for Anyox and Stewart whence tendance. The vicar presented his annual statement In which he reviewed (he progress made during the year and conveyed his thanks to the various helpers. George Dover submitted the fln- anclal statement and Mrs. A. Head the report of the Woman's Auxil j n was stated that the debt on the Church Hall had been reduced to a very small figure which it was hoped would be cleared off in a short time. George Dover was reappointed npnnlp'n lrarripn ami H lfalllwel! Mtn j g k w and i " ry. Mr uover was g.ven cnarge , u' c ' 7V V elected .representative . to .u the synod. Honey Extracted Honey, per Jar 20c to JO Comb Honey Nuts Walnuts, broken shelled 25 Walnuts, shelled halves, lb .45 i Almonds, shelled, lb. .45 1 Flour Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat . 1.85; Second Patent 1.70 1 Pastry Flour, 10 lbs. 45c to .50' Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs .35 Dried fruits White Figs, ib. .12 alack Cooking Figs, lb. - Dates bulk, lb., 8c to .i Smyrna Natural FIrs, lb i.i Lemon and l.range pcei 11 1 Citron peel Prunes', 30-40, lb. .ici Prunes. 40-50, lb. 14! 'Primes, 60-70. Ib 12Vt '; Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .14 j Raisin's. Cal.. seedless lb 15. 1 Currants, lb .15! ; Apricots, lb. '. , Apples, dried 14c. to 17l Peaches, peeled, lCc to .19 1 sugar j White. 100 lbs 6.20 1 Yellow. 100 lbs 5.70 Cheese 1 Ontario solids, new, lb 22c & .25 1 Surprise Party At Doiron Home Presentation Made to Bridal Couple Of Silver Flower Basket Card And Dancing On Saturday evening about twenty-five friends of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doiron invaded their home on Ambrose Avenue and made a presentation of a beautiful silver flower basket on the occasion of their recent marriage. Robert Murray, in a neat speech, presented the gift on behalf or all present. At cards the winners were: ladies' f14-."-J- K- Murray; swond. Mrs. j. it. Murray; men s urn, uoo Murray: second. Frank Warne. Following the cards refreshments were served by the visitors and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Mail Scheduli for the Ka&t Mondays. Wednesdays and Frt days 4:30 prj From the Fall Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ...... 10:15 pjn For Vancouver-Mondays ttrnln) 4:30 pm Tuesday 12:30 pjn Wednesdays (train)...- 4:30 pjn Thursdays 0:30 p.m Friday u pjn Jan. 3, 17, 31 4 pjn. From Vancouver , Sunday 4 pm Tuesday (train) 10:15 pm. Wednesday 10 a.m. inursaay tiratni ........ 10:15 p.m. Friday k ; 4 p.m Saturday (train) , 10:15 pm Jan. 13 and 2 a.m For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday , 7 pjn Wednesday ;.... .'.' 3 p.m. I mm Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday 11:30 a.m Thursday . 8 p.m. For Naay River and Port Simpson-Sunday . 7 pjn From Naas River and Port Slmpsoi. Tuesday, ... . 11:30 ajn For ((uern Charlotte Island Jan. 1 unci la 0 p.m From (iieen Charlotte Islands-Jan. 16 a.m. l or Alaska-Jan. 13 and 27 a.m. From Alaska-Jan. 3, 17 and 31 p.m. Sleeve" CHAN FILM AT CAPITOL 1 " . r Warner (Hand In rtnoiner i Thriller I" is "Charlie Chan In London'' come a the screen of the local Capitol! theatre this mid-week. Warner j.land. whose name has become." .ynonymous with the character of .harile. again portrays the role of tie bland Chinese detective. 5 In the latest adventure, Chan Journeys to London to solve an amazing mystery. A man Is doomed to hang fni murder. His sister believes him innocent She pleads with Chan t take the case end try to find the real murderer and exonerate In . brother. With only sixty-five hour: I H remaining before the innocent mat must meet his death. Chan geu : m work. He finds he is working against time and a murderer who has th. H- cunning of a fox. He lays a clever trap, and snares' his human fox ; Drue Leyton plays the role of the romantic lead opposite Kay Mllland g Others in the cast are Mona Dame. Alan Mowbray. Murray Klnnwi y Douglas Walton. Walter Johnson K S. Clive. Oeorge Barraud. Madge S ; Bellamy and David Torrence r NEW PRIEST p FOR RUPERT : Father P. L. Wholey Transferred To Seattle and Father .Maurice Smith Coming Here Rev. Father P L. Wholey O M. I . who has been parish priest of Annunciation Church for the post year, sails tomorrow night on the Prlnee Oeorge for Seattle where he will assume new duties as parish priest of St Benedict's Church. Successor to Father Wholey here will be Rev Father Maurice Smith of Seattle, who Is expected to arrive about the end at the month Father Wholey came here from Lo well. Mass. Miss E Connerr after a visit of a faw weeks in the city, has returned to Arrandale HYDE Phone Jasper MORE HEAT mm m r LliL "'"""I ami iiiri.t 1 1 -n 1 k . i a i T T CnW rrz- B.w'4 rJN this )X3JHSkili rns y -iJ -- I tJArr ' 11 i ' - wmil li Aga I A 1 - . .IftffJ J ... i I - 'j S Where mvsterv sir , 'f (JlW only6Shcurj io save an cent viclir, the noote' tmm mm m mi m 2 WARNER OLAND Drue Leyton eu Raymond fnilland W"a Barrie 'At 7 42 At ADDKD ATTUUTI05 Technicolor Mii-mi m "My Grandfather (io,t Colored Cartoon "Little Diflrh Mill I .MARINA f.l OKCl wi:dino In Our kNt P ml- 18iaiBBBaBtlUfl till TRANSFER ' -580- Phone Coal LESS. ASH ffirl nil 'HSZ! 1 S SaBSSSTBSSSSSSSSSl - -Mm. m m 1 m Ml III Jt 1 M Qulokly toothing: and hesllnR ZamBuk It tplmdld Tor tkln troubles of all kinds. It htalt with thi of Naturt't htrbt, In Naturt'a owr way. By Westovei