Today's Weather rrinee Hiipxt Snowing, ltpHt i ,.,ili.Tlr wWf; broinrtrr. 71 ., m,itiire. 2; smeoV V ' h vv No. 24. . W L M;r!.7le King mlse sympa'.''' ur r - "ii of Premipt Bcnnrtts reform program STATE CASE IS RESTING insriulion Lvlilcnte Haupl-matin Kldnap-.Mtmlcr Trial Is Completed FI.KMINOTON, NJ.. Jan 23: Un state intimates that it is now ;i'.sUiik the prosecution In the case Hruno Richard Hauptmann. iKum d with the kldnap-murder of !uiv Charles Augustus Lindbergh if The defence, It is xpectcd. will 'vc many witnesses and it will be bcttr mrt of two weeks, It Is "'"iupated. before the trial enos. Yesterday was the fifteenth day of trial. LIMERICK CONTEST l'lrt Prle, Sulrri(ion l Daily News, 1 Year Second Prlie Subscription to lMlly Js'cws, G Months Limerick must be original and must bo sighed by the author. Names of writers will not be published unless verse wins a prize. Many of verses submitted wll! be Dubllshed. if thought bff'sufflcicnt interest. the comment of one arrival. water Street cars and automobiles are unable to move. Deliveries of goods cannot be made by stores and business houses. Workers aannot get from their homWtVUielr worltlndThe tie-up t virtually complete. Victoria was virtually afloat with! slush. It was reported today. Bel-1 i iKham. Wash . was also virtually t ied up Train and telegraphic ser .res to Seattle were crippled. Arrf ils in the city this morning fi un Vancouver stated that conditions on the streets of that city on Monday were almost beyond description. Some of the downtown streets had the appearance of rivers that day after two Inches of rain had fallen on top of eighteen inches of snow. Automobiles found it almost Impossible to move and it was necessary to wade through two feet i of snow and sluth to get about. To make matters worse, there was Ice on the streets beneath the slush. It had not yet frown when the steam er Prince George left Vancouver Monday night. 'You people In Prince Rupert don't know what winter really Is You ought to go to Vancouver." was McBride Man Gets Jail Sentence On Pilfering Charge Divisional headquarters of the provincial police here have been advised of the sentencing at McBrldc of Joseph' Frank Lambert to three months' Imprisonment with hard labor tor pilfering from trappers' cabins on Ooat River In the Mc Bride district. Investigations by Provincial Constable R. McKlnlcy fololwlng complaints made by trappers led to Lambert's arrest and iconvlction. Washington Plans SAAR BASIN 3mM UNSETTLED German-Amerlcans May Not Able to Return Alter Plebiscite SAARBRUCKEN, an. 23:- Be Are Nominated For Executive Of Commerce Board At the annual dinner meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce on Friday evening of this week an executive council of fifteen mpmhprs will be elected from among the following: W. J. Alder, w p Armour. Thco Collart, W. E Drake, W. O. Fulton, Max Hell-broncr. George Hill, T. H. Johnson. S. D. Johnston. J. J. Little. O. W. Laldler, W. R. McAfee. M. P. McCaf-fcry, Thomas McMeckln. F. A. Mac-Callum. G. W. Nlckerson, J. W. Nl-cholls, C. H. Orme. S. E. Parker, H. !F. Pullen, P. M. Ray . it. looey, !o. P, Tinker and O. A. Woodland. T-v s; Wljkstrom, representing the NT CW LUXlirY u,. 1 aX writ India Match Co.. which Is . . 1 . 1 . 14- USU fnnlM-lac In Governor Clarenrc D. Martin Asks ior use m . m iMUe Chlria. and J. A. Johannson of the Four Hundfeed Are 111 in Juneau As j Influenza Spreads JUNEAU. Jan 23: There are 'nearly four hundred cases of in- SEATTLE. Jan. 23: CP Pas- forelcn Diebiscues wunouv jeupai- , th Ato- RiMm NOHTHEUN AND CENTKAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1053 Two people lost their iives and thousands of dollars damage waa ' - in and arounu Truro, Nova Scotia, when the Salmou river overflowed its banks and Leaded the surrounding countryside. Above scenes from flod areas show U; " an 1 ""mn' i ferrv from Oxford V 8. Oxford. Upper Rtghtr main street and railway yards at KentvUie under thrte feet of wa-er. "Below Ice cakes deposPtd un street 01 Ttuto i fluehza in Juneau. There will be an amelioration of the epidemic as n0hert Marsh, belne held on Five soon as the present cold snap ends. )0narge 0f vagrancy as a result oi pcrsons have been killed In the Saar it- Is expected. as a result of rioting following tne ; recent recent plebiscite pieoiscue when wiien the mc u. district voted in favor of returntng to Oef-taSSenerS T rOttl many. i WASHINGTON, DC. Jan. 23:; American Germans who went to: the Saar to vote In the plebiscite j there recently may have some , difficulty in getting back Into the ; United States. They cannot vote lnj Victoria Resume CHARGED Robert Marsh Held in Connection With Entering of Consulate And Store the breaking of a window In the American Consulate, was remanded foor eight days on appearing before Magistrate McClymont In city police court yesterday. Further charges are being laid against Marsh of breaking and entering the T "M iL T J Consulate as well as Miller's cash 1 TIB nOrtn 1 Oflay jand carry grocery on Monday night. i A typewriter was taken from the consulate, entrance to which was made by breaking a window and dlzlng their American citizenship.. PeninS the door from within. The hlD Co5 llncr v.ctorla, which went . . . t i i It is acciareu. iihore in Johnson Straits on Mon- Hy This Means coast Mills txporv w, ! F. s McNicholas, mine superln- iwho'have been on a tour of the;tendent fQT the Qranby CQ at An- OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 23:-Gov- (central Interior on business in con- x ,$ a passenger aboard the crnor Clarence D. Martin is asking nectlon with the purchase of moreprlnce this tQday retummg t0 the State Legislature to raise $39.-000,000 from a luxury tax to assist the state In balancing Us budget. timber, arrived In the city on morning's train. They will pro ceedfrom hereto Vancouver. Incident is believed to have taksn day morning at 5:22 in a heavy P'acc u 1U "c" tt snowstorm and returned here after nearu- . ,not v,r.ftif in twn Miller's store was entered hours, made a new start north ""'"s - aboard the steamer Yukon today. ), ww..--v..,-.. of tobacco, and nuantlty provisions The master of the Victoria brought his ship back here because she was-smau amount o casn -as Keu. leaking slightly in No. 2 hold. Suchj "ujafc U1 7 J. repairs as are necessary will be made here before the vessel goes back Into service again. METLAKATLA COUNCIL IS ACCLAIMED Seventh Avenue across Hays Creek, i The trail led to Marsh after he had been seen at the entrance of the Bsner Block with his hnd cut. Two Hundred and Fifty Carloads Bound For Alberta Pool's Local Elevator There are now about 250 more carloads of grain on the way from! the prairies to the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator, it was an nounced at elevator offices yester day afternoon. This will amply fill the house again following the sailing yesterday afternoon of the British motorshlp freighter Vancouver City with a full cargo for the Uni ted Kingdom or Continent. As announced yesterday th, Bit- usn treignier uangieecrag a que nere by the er.dol the month to load a full cargo for the United Kingdom or ConUnent. The Lang-Ieecrag. having broken down while on the way across the Pacific Ocean from the Orient. Is being towed into Vancouver by her sister ship, the Langleebrook which will load grain at Vancouver. Early Action On Adherence Urged States Senate Not to Delay Action WASHINGTON. D.C. Jan. 23: President Franklin D. Roosevelt has urged the Senate to act immediately upon the recommendation for United States adherence to the World Court in the interest of world peace. siU. S. STEEL FLOURISHES All Employees Ordered Back Work and Ten Percent Wage Cut Restored Marsh is a married man wtthls bemS restored. family of young children. The 1935 council of the native1 ri V5Tlf If T TO village of Metlakatla will consist of flf JJ Auckland, Francis W. Lcask. John! S. Ryan and Gus Leigh ton who have . been elected by acclamation. There' will be a meeting of the new coun cil tomorrow to choose, the chief ; taking aspen logs from this district em.nelQr and triincact other busl- i nes.s FIRE-SWEPT 'Warden Suffers Tomorrow's Tides High Low to i NEW YORK. Jan. 28: The Unl- 1 I. J rk.n C4.a1 linn rt f A He was arrested at 2 30 yesterday !WU '"llca - morning. It is believed Miller's store !result VaV Increased orders. was entered about midnight al- . though the police were not advised juntll II o'clock yesterday morning. ers back on the Job and a ten percent cut in wages made a year ago Skull Fracture Head of Penitentiary in Hospital After Having Been Set Upon . I By Bandits Planing Factory of Put Sound, Lumber Co. at Victoria Has i SAN QUENTIN. Cal.. Jan. 23: 5150,000 Loss j. (warden J. B. Holohan of San Quen- ' .itln Penitentiary Is still a patient In VICTORIA, Jan. 23: (CP) The hospital suffering from a fractured planing mill of the Puget Sound skull following the Jail break last Lumber Co. here was destroyed by Wednesday night In which he was i fire on Monday with loss of $150,000. set upon by escaping convicts and the smelter town after having taken jAbQut twenty.Hve men are thrown night beaten to death. His condi Mrs. McNicholas to Vancouver for medical treatment. out of employment. tlon is said to be favorable. 3:58 ajn. 19.6 ft. 15:57 pjn. 18.4 ft. .10:11 ajn. 7.1 ft. 22:22 pjn. 5.5 ft. PKICX: FIVE CEN1B MJVCOJra? IS STILL ALL TIED UP i WPOSITION LEADER GIVES VIEWS ON BENNETT REFORMS Veather Moderating in Southern City; Getting Ready to Dig Out Now I Train Services Tied up and Wires Down Community Transportation Paralyzed Coods Cannot Ik; Delivered and Workers Unable to Get to Jobs VANCOUVER, Jan. 23: With all train services into c city tied up on account of heavy snow in the interior, It'Kt aph wires in all directions still down, schools, stores id theatre closed and practically all citizens suffering comfort and inconvenience, the city of Vancouver was ill virtually paralysed today from the effects of the l .I... 'awofit winter storm in hUtory Wea- Breaks Silence fther was. however, moderating af-; tr a freakish spell of heavy mow. i rain cloud burst and frost It will I probably be some days, however, t before the city is able to be moving! on account of the condition of the streets which are covered to a depth, of two feet with snow, slush. Ice and) Two Die as Nova Scotia River Overflows Jurisdiction Should Not Stand In Way of Reform; Constitution Change Urged by Mackenzie King OTTAWA, Jan. 23: (CP) "I don't believe that jurisdiction should stand in the way of reform that is necessary," said Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Leader of the Opposition, in discussing the government's reform program as revealed in the Speech from the Throne, "but the provinces -have rights and objections fcfrom them might be surmounted by IMUCH GRAIN i ON WAY HERE conference. "I think the British North America Act has been an achievement and has served its purpose well but I also think it requires amendments. The first amendment. I think, should be to give this country the right to amend its own constitution. There ought to be another amendment to enable Parlia ment to pass legislation with regard to those questions that will be national in scope as Ume goes on. "It might be wise," suggested thtf Leader of the Opposition, "to secure from the Supreme Court an opinion on the authority of Parliament to deal with the government's social and Industrial program and thus save time." JoWEtaggahls ; f Laid at Rest Funeral of Pioneer Resident of City Today From B.C Undertakers To Fairview Cemetery Many friends from pioneer days were in attendance at the funeral this afternoon of the late John M. Duggan, a resident of Prince Rupert af twenty-six years' standing, whose ieath occurred on Monday. The service in the chapel of the B. C. ., .... 'Undertakers was conducted by Rev. President Roosevelt Urges United', p,,,,,,, VUUVil . 4 UO4W4W( tvv WW 4 St. Peter's Anglican Church, after which Interment was made In Fair-view Cemetery. Hymns were "Lrad Kindly Light" and "Abide With Me." Old timers of the city acted as pallbearers. There were ,many. floral offerings. Enormous Cost Of Great War i Conflict Cost United States Fifty Billion Dollars Not Including Debts Receivable WASHINGTON, D C Jan. 23: Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau states that the Great War cost United States $50000.(00.-"00 not Including $12,O0O.0O0J0 that is still owing this country by debtor nations. Today's Weather Terrace Cloudy, northeast wind., 'cmperature, 4 above. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 7 above. Stewart Part cloudy, calm. 4 above. Hazelton Cloudy, windy, 6 SmlthersCloudy. calm, bit mil der. Burns Lake Snowing, calm 15 below. ! Dead Tree PolnU-Snowlnp, light northwest wind; barometer, 29.49; temperature, 24; sea smooth. Triple Island Overcast, moderate northeast wind, sea" smooth. Langara Island Overcast, moderate southeast wind, sea choppy. cml 1 5