I t 9 pxai roup I ff f if J. fUkea is OKANAGAN ONIONS 6 lbs. B. C. CARROTS 8 lbs B. C. SPINACH 2 lbs HAPPYVALE PEARS Packed by Llbby's 2 tins RED PLUMS per tin SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE 2's. 3 tins . AYLMER JUMBO PEAS Size 5, 2 tins BRAID S BEST COFFEE m'6. tin WHOLE DRY GREEN PEAS 4 lbs. SHOE POLISH 2 In 1 All colors, per tin been, the outstanding and most economical basic advertising medium. SPONSORED BY TriE J 25c H. J ZUMKEIIR Fully Equipped and Experienced Chimney Sweep Authorized certificates issued . with each chimney cleaned. Call or Telephone Tjiompson Hardware 6 ?t ; SPACE MR. ADVERTISER f Space in a daily newspaper possesses a power that is lacking in the lineage of other advcr tising media. It is not only more economical . . . which is a matter of easy computation'. . . it is not only more flexible, it is not only more timely and rapid, but also it is the advertiser's unfailing point of contact with the mass market and every spot market of the Dominion of Canada. The Daily Newspaper possesses, a power by means of which an advertiser, who knows how to use it, can reah and m'ovd to action all or any part of the Canadian Consuming public In this North American continent there was spent during 193-j in the columns of the daily newspapers more than $500,000,000, The strong-' . est of all supplementary rn'edia wgs used to the extent of $114,00,000. Why 1 ' Because for prompt action on sales. plans1. . .for quick consumer influence; at minimum cost . . for willing co-operation from the retail trade, the daily newspaper is todity as it always has Sale of Articles The Junior Girls Club of St Peter's Hhiirrh Hall TnelH o We Keep the Ball Rolling Here Is on Saturday afternoon of small a Chance to Save articles which the ?irls had heiped HIGHLAND PCfrATOES Only a few sacks left QQp 'to clear, per sack OtIU I to make. The affair was one of much Interest and attracted quite a number of visitors. Tea was served and a very Jolly time spent. 25c. "TILLIE THE TOILER" 25c 29c 11c 29c 27c 39c 25c! 10c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In J Season at Reduced Prices MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 rbone 18 a zz 1 A h & I BELIEVE- I Followed 'ME SIGHT IMTO "THE I m f g - 1T I IS HOP 1- I CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION KEEP SMILING 1 C. N. R. Trains For the East , Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt days . 5:30 p.m Prom the East-Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 10:15 p.m Try a Dally News classified ad. vjwat AfiE VUH ALL 7r TIIE DAILY NEWS SPORT Blue Birds And Doodads Winners Grotto and Strikers Defeated Last Nijht in Ladles' BoHling League "vfnnlng both matches. Blue Birds defeated Grotto by an aggregate score of 1381 to 1110 In the j Ladies' Bowling League last night. (In the other fixture of the evening, Doodads, although dividing the 'games, defeated Strikers on the' aggregate 1401 to 1318. High aver-iage of the evening was 181 by Mrs. j Stan Morin of the Doodads. The players were: Blue Birds Boulter. Church. Comadma, Webster and Keron. Grotto Vance, Connie Morgan, Munrb, Eckerman. Creddie Morgan. Doodads Smith, Gurvich, "Morin, depone and McKeown. . - Strikers Jnglls, Jones, Gillies, V. Morse, D. Morse. Ladles.' League standing to date: G. Tit Ave. Annette ...... 5 7164 1433 C. N. R. A 5 6885. 1377 Blue Birds -6 7665 1278, Doodads 6 7645 1274 Strikers 6 7461 1244 Carnation Girls 5 6063 1213 Coquette 5 6042 1208 Grotto 6 6335 1056 STUDENT BOWLING Girls' -League . t Lucky .Strikes ..a 2957 Twlrlers Aces x......t .?. Kippers :.:4 Oadgets ..J Co-Eds J. M OH. MAC I'M SO CITED ' IT'S ABOUT n-v - r LESS V ABOUT vou'rte i "THVJ OSUALI .2884 2001 2601 2470 2460 EdVTjI..S Edj.JV 2257 2257 King Bowler Bears t 2182 Play Maids r ,.... 2082 Boys' League Buckaroos 3056 Punks - 3053 Olante 3011 Champs ... , 3002 Cubs 2928 Tigers 2843 TIME TABLE OF BOWLING April 4 Carnation Olrls vs. Annettes. Coquettes vs. C N. R. A. April 8 Bluebirds vs. Strikers. Doodads vs. Orotto. April 11 C. N. R. A. n. Carnation Girls, Coquettes vs. Annettes. WELL KNOWN Mail Schedule STORY HERE "What Every Woman Know, ttj Sir James llarrie. On Capitol Theatre Screen Voted highly delightful by all who saw It last night, the picture version of Sir James Barrle's whimsical romance. "What Every Woman Knows," which has been a great success as a tage play for a JecaCe, U being featured on the i reenof the Capitol Theatre here it the first of this week. Headed by i Helen Haye who does a splendid! oiece of acting as Maggie Wylle. the ' za.il is a notable one. Brian Aherne. English stage star. I effective as' the leading man in the part of John Shand. Madge Evans plays the role of a charming titled English "siren" while Lucille Watson. New York, stage star, makes a highly favorable ' moving picture debut as a kindly if , designing countess Dudley Dlggcs. j Donald Crisp. David Torrence and: Henry Stephenson have Important supporting roles. . j Close attention has been paid to transferring the original story and stage play accurately to the screen with particular reference to human and pictorial values. Scenes and dialogue follow the story closely Authenticity of Scottish accent and backgrounds was Insured by the engaging of Harry Lauder II. nephew of the famous Scotch sinu-tr and comedian, as teehnlral advisor. Exteriors were reproduced from photographs of villages In the neighborhood of Glarjow and Edinburgh and provide realistic bark giound for the sparkling action What Every Woman Knows decidedly different from the usual talkie humdrum. Steamship Sailings 'or Yanrouvn Tuesday Catala I 30 pro Thurs a P. Rupert 10 30 p.m Friday s. Prtn. Adelaide 10 pjn Ss. Crdena midnight April 4: 15. 25-ss. P. Norah 5 pm fom Vancauvei' Sundaj5 ss. Catala 4 pjn. Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 p.m. Frldajr-fss. Prln. Adelaide 4 pm Si. Cardena . p.m April 11 and 21 s. P. Norah a.m. For Anjoi and SUwart Sunday ss. Catala . 8 pjn Wednesday P. Rupert 4 pjn. From Anjoi and Stewart Tuesday m. Catala 11:30 ajn Thursday-ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn or Naas Kle r Ana fort 5impon Sunday- ss. Catala . 8 p.m torn Naas Klvrr it fort Hlmioi. Tuesday ss Catala 11:30 am. 'or Queen Charlotte Islands-April 12, 2$ ss. Pr Johl 10 p.m. rom Queen Charlotte Island April 10 and 24 ss. Pr. 4ohn ajn or Ocean Falls Thurs.-ss. P. Rupert 10:30 pjn Frlday-s. Prm. Adelaide 10 p.m Her Defender EX- THE OH.VCAH ftONALO DrWtERE f Local Color for the East Mondays. Wednesdays and frl days 4:30 pjn From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days For Vancouver-Mondays (train! Tuesday Wednesdays (train) Thursdays Friday VAltLL.VOU VCNOUI l POLLOVMEO ME ANT THIUVC Ht'S K TVAH i i x---sr-n 10:15 pin - 4:30 pjn. . 12:30 pjn. 4:3C pm .9:30 p.m ii pjn April 4. 15 and 25 4 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday 4 pin Tuesday i (train) 10:15 . - pjn ficuurauay 10 a.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarclll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY UtO.M HOME" Kate Sl.00 up 50 Itiwms Hot As Cold Walei Prince Rupert. BC Phone Ml PO, Box W lliUlj. ... ''l.l I HAYES WHAT EVERY HHIAN AIIERNi MADGE EVAXS IAVII1 TORKLMt 'At 7 S3 u j ; Aho nut t KHKSH MILK AM CiUKAM DAILY VALKNTIN IMIR) IMionc fiTi? The Magic Brain iHPigagEPWH ggfl R.d.A. Victor Globe Totter RADIO Th MAGIC IlRAi?i iliijI instrument . C A Viet or a short-wave rerp..': Of DlfOClKil). Tlic ablen you tatune m M the globe with greater ease and accuracy and .i t tike tone than has hcretolore been possible Ask f folly explains the 'Magic Brain." R. C. A. VICTOR OLOBE TROTTERS give 0' ooct recepUon day and nihL lcledl for Uir appioaeMnc ionc summer eventm Trade n your old radio. Onerous allowance Terms on balance - F5 a :: US 1 J.1:J pa t infAamM LOQHV By Westover f I'LL (SO ' INOVVIMAC i TAKE A (kftvS, vZ I IcoMTutjcr. -roMAffgm. I ' THEfeE'S A LEAb VtM H,M- C VAJHAT brfAVA. AT HAVEN'T YOU K "mZ ( MA . Ha . tuay-s 30 UV M THE LP ) TOMA4.Uyg AMYTU TO Do tfffo XltrT v eoss' office 3"s s ; vi' Avoo but follow )gjKTTZm P-Y ycu' Jk ' V