Always Buy the Best mil A TIM" AiiAUA TEA 12 JASMINE 0 Southern France TOILETRIES Solid Creams 50c Liquid Creams 50c Face Powders 50c & $1.00 Ih illiantine .'55c & 10c Talcum Powdor .15c ISuge . . C 50c lipstick ........ ". 25c Perfume 25c to $1.00 ; ;c Sets for Men and Women from 75c to $7.50 An ideal jari ft? POTTER & MOORE MITCI1AM L AVKXDKIt Sets from $1.00 Novelties 75c & $1.00 Easter Novelties, 5c to SL25 Ormes Lid. Pioneer DruQrt'sts Die Ueiatl Stor Fhsnes: II 1 H Open Daily I'rom R a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 non till Z p.m., 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. mini Snhn.liln Snip k Niw On 15c on Half Pint 50c on ()uart YOU SAVE: 25c on Pints SI. 00 on Half Gallons W? i an -upply you with all the coupons you require 9 aiM-t'iai nnrM mnuni f mini Mil u d unit . bu iirir a iuui opportunity to decorate. t THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. orrii To Orran Fall. I'tiiicll Kltt-r and s.s. VAMOIVKU RINCE RUPERT fvkhy THURSDAY 10.30 p.m. VSM nuadlaii atloual Steamship UNION STEAMSHIP LIMITED Steamers leave Prince RuDert for Vancouver- CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:2 Py. Arriving" Vancouver Thursday Ar.iving vapopuvcr Monday a.m. ""klf nlllriM .a t. ill i.,n novtrt aitd NM mwrx potnu, iy rrinc nupm sunnaj. o pm. FBINCr RITFKT AflRNCTl Third Annf. fbont SS HYDE TRANSFER Office, 315 Second Ave.. Phone 580 Garden Soil For Sale CedarFence Posts, 8 ft. Ion?, 15c each Ear)) Ad. Copy is appreciated I LOCAL NEWS NOTES U VBe; wantfLandf omrortable by rld- Jng'ln 3z TaxlH costs the same. tf Ypa can rent a car at Walker's u low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a mil. E. c. Drown of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff sailed this afternoon on the Catala for a taxation trip to Vancouver". T. W. Ilall, Inspector of schools, sailed Sunday night on the Catala for a trip to Port Simpson on offl clal duties, returning to the city this afternoon. Alex Slrachan. Walter Ballinger and Harry Blake Jr. sailed Sunday niaht on the Catala for Anyox where they will Join the employ of the Oranby Co. Mm. George P. McColL afte' having spent a few days In the city on business, saMcd by the Ca-talla Sunday evening on her return to Port Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tate left on last evening's train for Smithers where they will take up future residence, Mr. Tate, who has Just retired from the provincial police, going into business there in partnership with T Rayner. Louis Sciiulz, well known AUm 'merchant, and Mrs. Schulz were i passengers aboard the ss. Princesi Norah Sunday returning to their home In the north. Mrs. Schulz 'has been spending the past year in Vancouver with a daughter. Mr 8chulz having gone south recently j 'to meet her. Mrs. E. H. MorUmer, who has jbeen spending the past year vlslt-i ing in California wth her daughter, i Mrs. Paul Yelton, is expected to re turn to the city next month and will take up residence on Second I Avenue In the Edge Block with her son. Richmond Mortlmor. Coming north with Mrs. Mortimer will be IMrs Becfcwlth, who win resume j residence here with her daughter Mrs. A. R. Nichols, after having 'spent the past year in Vancouver with her other daughter, Mrs. M. Manson. Following their wrekly luncheon tomorrow, members of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club will adjoum to the Capitol Theatre to view a series of moving picture films of scenes In various parts of England Including Yorkshire the Midlands Avon. Oxford and southern resorts. The films have been provided by William Crulckshank. city ticket agent for the Canadian National Railways, and will be exhibited through the courtesy of D. "O. Borland, manager of the Capitol Announcements 1 I M MMtaaHaaMHMMMMaiMii Salvation Army Sale Home Cooking, April 3. 23. Of Work, Presbyterian Church Choir Con c!rt, April 5. Pioneer's Bridge and Whist, Ea gle's' Hall April 9. Admission 25c. -ChloeiiUMtcd Church, April 11 and 12. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. rlance teasYcf' Monday. Daffodil Presbyterian Easter Sale April 11. United Church Easter Sale April Anglican' Spring Pale. April 25. Cambral Tillie's Treat, May 3. St. Peter's Spring Sale. May 9. Catholic spring sale, May 16. R-iptlst Church Supper April 25 Moose Hall TUBispAY 1 Rupert liclon No. 45 1 meets at 8 o'clock WEDNESDAY faoose Lodge meets nt A J'cjpck; 0 THJ5 DAILY NEWS Tonight's train, !d'ue from the East at 10:19. was reported this morning to be on time. Tom Barton of Jie Post Office; m oon o on ihp trip to to TP you suffer pttV odic Pain and dl;omfort, try Lrdia E. Pinkham'i Tablets. In mott cases ther bring welcome relief. As Mrs. Caroline Newman says, "They ease th tain". Mrs. Raymond Chaput, Route 4, Tilbury, On t ar,I suffered something terrible. Had such backaches and headaches I was worn out. Your Tablets helped me" Let them help yon, too. Aii ytur Jmggitt. Friends of Peter Black of this city, who expects to graduate next month from McGlll University as a Doctor of Biochemistry, will be Interested to learn that he has been recommended by txat. David L. Thomson of the Department of I Blchochemistry at McGlll for a fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada wheh would Involve a three-year scholarship at Cam bridge university in England. Pete, as he Is ramllarly known here, is expected lii "Prince Rupert In June' for a visit ERVICE PECIALS For Wednesday & Thursday NABOB COFFEE per lb SHORTENING Swift's Jewel, 2 lbs ... .40c 27c TISSUE Paragon, 6 oz., 2 rolls 15c DRIED PRUNES Fresh 9p AlCUlUIIl 4 1UJ GARDEN PEAS Ungraded Size, 2 tins 25c VALUES IX EGGS . ; Bulkley Valley Large. 22C 3 doz. 61c Solly's "A" Medium 99f . per doz. 3 doz. ... 61c RED ARROW sODASper pkg. lSc YELLOW SUGAR 4 lbs 23c MALTED MILK Burden's OQn VIlucuiaic. i-iu- mi CHATEAU CHEESF-Plaln or Pimento, '2-lb. pkg. SPUING CLEANlXG ALBERTA BUTTER -2 lbs. TERRACE POTATOES per sack UPRIVER TURNIPS- 15 c SUGGESTIONS I Pearl White Soap, 3 bars 11c Old Dutch Cleanser. 2 tins 19c Perfex Bleach, per bottle lRc Gem Lye. 2 tins 23c Old English Wax, 1-lb. lln 11c (With 1 bottle Furniture Polish) Brooms. Heavy 4 string, each' W PINK SALMON 1-lb. tin 12c SAANICH CLAMS- per tin lie ORANGE PEKOE TEA- CCn LYNN VALLEY PEACHES- per tin Fred Lowe left on the PrmesJte Norah Sunday for a trip to Ketchikan. Tonight 830 whtot drtve and drawing of raffle prize O.L.D.L. Admission 25c.' '' Mrs. A. Halvarson returned tr the city on the Princess Norah on staff sailed this afternoon the; Sunday from a trip to Vancouver Catala for a vacation Van couver. L.E. Moody, wen known Utk min II. s. Parker left' on last evening's train for one of hi periodical business trips to various Interior points as far east a Vanderhoof . W. M. Blackstock, local manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, is expected to return to the city on the Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from Medicine Hat, Alberta, where he was called recently on account of the serious illness of his mother ing man, left by last evening's train on his return to the Interior fitter ai brief business visit to the city Tom Hanson appeared in city police . court yesterday afternoon before Magistrate McClymont on a charge of vagrancy. Sentence was deferred. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson of Ketchikan were passengers aboard the Princess Norah Sunday re turning to the "First City" after a trip to Seattle. pReLLd!cEX,En Want Ads 20c 55c Quallty Guaranteed. 8 lbs. NAVEL ORANGES Sweet, Qfo Medium Size, per doz. 3 doz. -15 lbs. 23c $1.33 18c UUV 9tc Watts' Grocery PHONE 55 PHONE 56 "THE BEST FOR LESS," FOR SALE FOR SALE English Baby Buggy. In good condition, chsajx Phone Mrs. A. J. Webber. Phone Blaek 785. tl j : j : FOR SALE Davenport folding bed 'Krohlen. chiffonrobe, rocking chair, rug. desk chair. Party leaving town. Phone Blue 818,; Besner Block. Room 17. 76 i FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1418 2nd Avenue. Phone Red 421. tf LOST LOST Boy's tricycle on McBride Street. Phone Red 578. 77' PAINTERS PAINTINO ana Paperfcangln. Moller. Phone Red 802. MISCELLANEOUS UP TO $50.00 EACH PAID FOR U. S. INDIAN HEAD CENTS. W: buy all dates regardless ol con dition. Up to $1.00 each paio foi VS. Lincoln Head cents. Up to $150.00 each paid tor Canadian coins. We Buy Stamp Collections, Medals. Books, Paper Currency, etc. send 25c. (Coin) for large Illustrated price list and Instructions. Satisfaction guaranteed or 25c. refunded. HUB COIN SHOP. 113-10 North FORSYTHE, SAR-NIA, ONT. ion iu amble Use "61" Quality Varnish or Enamel Save 53c Buy one quart "61" Varnish or Enamel, get' Free Brush and Bottle Turpentine 25c Rrush with pints 15c:l!rush with -pints FOR THE GARDEN ROSE TREES, DAHLIAS, BEGONIAS, GLADS AND ALL KINDS OF SEEDS Bone Meal, 5 lbs. for 23c Ferlilher at Kaien Hardware Lloyd's Raby Coaches $27.50 Lloyd's Collapsible Carts $8.50 MACKENZIE FURNITURE rhoneYJS Third Ave. lllil Central L. Made. T: RoSse and D. McLean, city; Harold Jensen, Ooni River; A. McLeod, Port Edward. Knox D. E. Horton and George Johnson, city. M. Stanford. Omaha. Gordon Brown. Victoria; WIBtarn. Williamson and loe Mlddletor,' Denver; J. R. Reynold. Obnat River. M. Mills. Bdmontoft; R.-r-.-' nints. Winnipeg; 3. Morrison.; Prince Rupert. A Daily News Want-Ad.' will get what you want. Systematic Service Efficient & systematic service is the best and most economical. OUR SERVICE ' RECORD will show complete record of all repairs made and all parts replaced. A copy of this record returned with all sets serviced by- SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Phone Blue 320 rURNITURE DEALER PAQE THRU AND SYRUI THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD" product of The CANADA STARCH CO.. Limited Hotel Arrivals J COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a, ton bf No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We. aftd sell Timothy Hayf Wheat, Oats and Barley. 4 l?rince Rupert Feed Co. 58 Phones 558 , tuxoBsacstxamsm PERMANENT WAVES . a During the month of March IBM- New The.-mique Guaranteed Permanent Waves 4 complete, at La Parisienne Beauty Parlor 210 Fourth St. Phone 917 MANURE For Sale $1.50 a Load DOMINION DAIRY Phone Red 608 L 1 0 Exchanging and Auctioneer SPRING IS HERE House cleaning time once "more! You may have something you would like to exchange. Call us up. We do the rest Phone Green 421 Corner Third Ave & First St. ffl B1B3 U3 S3ia3l1 E BTaUKTaUS J B:i m E"3 Bi B I Bill BlBXKltBE: MURESC0 For beautiful, durable, economical decoration of walls and ceilings, Mureeco Is supreme. It can be applied over almost any surface, including most wallpapers. Material to Muresco the average room may be purchased for $1.50 or less. It comes in eighteen beautiful tints, t GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBride Street a i t. i i Its iwm m n riiaxin rmtm mtm.ix twmum rw tmrnxmsmmsMiM. Aave rtisements Are a Guide to Value Experts can roughly estimate the value of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by Handling and examining it. Its appearance, its texture, the "feel" and balance of it all mean something to their trained eyes and fingers. But no-one person can be an expert on sleeL brass, wood, leather, foodstuffs, fabrics, and all of the materials that make up a list of personal purchases. And even experts are fooled, sometimes, . by concealed flaws and imperfections. There is a surer Index of value than the sense's of sight and touch . . . knowledge of the maker's name and for what it stands. Here is the most Certain method, except that of actual use, for judging the value of any manufactured goods. Here is the only guarantee against careless workmanship, or the use of shoddy materials. This Is one important reason why it pays to read advertisements and to buy advertised goods. The product that Is advertised is worthy of your confidence. Merchandise Must be Good or it Could Not be Consistently Advertised. Buy advcitiscd Goods. 4 3 Tf 0 V 1 5