RESULTS IN BADMINTON Cltr Tournament Got Away to Start Latt Evening T. annual city badminton Umr-r.jarul got away ?o a good tart night following belnf the u -a til the games played: I It llorlon won over C. J. Nor-. clon. 15-8. 1513. II Frank! won over O. C. Young, I 0 15-10. P Tobey won over J. Murray, ' 15-2. M - McKay over Miss Cross, 1 11-0. M Horton and Miss Davis won Mi&scs I Mitchell and Thomp-- 15-8. 15-9. L mbie and Cross won over and Stamford. 15-6. 15-8. I Gibson arid Franks won over r cn.s and Murray, 15-12. 15-9. H irton and Tobcy won over L ,.s and Norrlngton, 15-2. 18-17. Astorl and Orcggor won MUs McKay and Darton, 15:6, 159 F 'Uowlng Is the Ilne-up for to-t-.t.iit s games: ' oa Miss Cross and W. Cross vs. M! DavU and J. Horton. "; 30 Mrs.' Horton and It. Bart-v Miss Lawrence and J. Nor-k.i 'on (X) Miss C. Mitchell vs. Miss T mpson. C -0 W. Cross vs. H. Tubey. C 00 Winner of the 7:30 game vs. M Grieve and O. Mitchell. ? 30- Miss Thompson and It. To-t: vs. Ml&s C. Mitchell and W. I. nibir 10:00 -J. Horton vs. It. Franks. 10 30 Magistrate At Terrace Loses His Commission VICTOMA, April 2: (CP)-The "mmlsslon of Olof T. Sundal of Terrace ns a Justice of the peace d stipendiary magistrate has been cancelled. Dr. H. C. Wrinch of Hazcllon Is appointed a coroner. Former Minister KETCHIKAN, April 2: (CTl Alaska halibutters are cyji'-'iderinj? a plan whereby Alaska and Seattle banks r;';'ht finance the freezing of surplus catches this season, f object being to distribute the extra fish according to narki't conditions with a view to stabilizing prices. Nego-L;Mon with the banks were opened by the halibutters fol-. Slowing the recent refusal of the federal government to advance money to be used hi financing the holding of the fUh. Boat owners and ftohermen here believe that Alaska bantu can finance the freezing of four million pounds and Seattle and other banks In Washington might finance the freezing of the surpluses of the Puget Sound fleet. , 4 Meantime all halibutters remain In port fawaUlng settlement of minimum price nejotlatlbnsj with the buyers. There was no change in the local halibut situation today. The local fleet is still awalUng word from Seattle as to the moving of the American fleet. CAMERON ADVANCES Dcfratrd Donald 1000 to 60S in City Hill lard Championship Although Andy Donald scored more freely last evening In the se cond and concluding block of 500 points against Nell Cameron In the city individual billiard championship he never struck his form and was beaten by 1000 points to 602. The block was ra'her slow. Cameron's best breaks being 36, 24, 22 and 21. Donald s best was 19. What luck there was cc.'alnly did not come Donald's way. An element of comedy was lntro-luced in Uie last hundred when Donald potted his opponent's ball three times in succession and left a double b4k. Cameron tried round the table shots but missed narrowly twice. The third time he went In Miss McKuy vs. Miss Da-jotf the red. still leaving himself a OOUUtC DillK. UUV t'WIl Jiuvnu wia opponent's ball In his succeedlns shot. They were well played. Donald now found himself playing from hand with a double balk but he played a fine round the table can non and everyone was satisfied. A point of lntcrest.was the giving of two successive misses Dy a player. The rules are perfectly clear about the point but It Is not often the situation arises and the resulting discussion was an Interesting piece of Information for those not thoroughly conversant with all the nlccUes of the "green table" game. The first semi-final takes place 'on Wednesday and Thursday eve-rtalacno and Tinker Of I nknv Pficcoc1- outcome is a very open VJ LidUUl 1 ctodCd quesuon and, with both playing a !mnri or less similar game, an In- S'r Arthur Stccl-Maltland Dies Interesting match Is assured. JSUiid at Age of 58 Years 'ONtkw. aim-11 2: ICP- lllUr Rtnnl tf-lil 1 Charged with being the Inmate of Sir Ar- a disorderly house, rean wnue w before Maglstrte Mcuy Iormcr former appearing a!"rr::Z IZ" Radio Equipment In Connection ' ?- l '-'- til J,- ' - on on With Telegraphs Wireless Sets Bcinp Installed to Ensure Communication Between Anyox and Stewart m1;;i..,1v:".lv u'."a,lu Ma - . Mr. Walker Is a member of the - - - i .JL.ii . . m WEATHER IS FINE Year to Date Shows .More Sunshine And Less lUln Month of March Was Xhilly Prince Rupert has enjoyed a total of 205.2 hours of bright sunshine so far this year as compared with 188 hours In the first quarter of 1934 while preclpltaUon for 1935 to date has amounted to a total of 10 M Inches as against 36.06 Inches In the corresponding period of last year. While the weather was fine, the temperature this March was a good deal lower than usual. The monthly weather summary for March was as follows: Highest barometer reading at sea level, 30.45 on March 29. Lowest barometer reading at sea level, 29.03 on March 24. Maximum temperature. 48 March 12. Minimum temperature, 18, March 5. Mean temperature 345. Total precipitation 3.35 inches. Bright sunshine. 104.7 hours. Today's Weather . Tomorrow's Tides wmln Hijh 0:50 ajn. 22.8 ft. Pnnre Rupert Clear, light wes-t, 13:16 pjn. 22.0 ft. t!y wind; barometer. 30.40; temperature. Low 7:12 ajn. 1.5 ft. 40; sea smooth. 19:26 pm. fr.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER v XIV No. 71 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 1935 PRIC: FIVK CEN18 BANK HELP FOR FREEZING OF FISH JURY CONVICTS CELONA, BANCROFT AND JOYCE WOMAN Seattle Fleet Still Negotiating For Aid In Financing Halibut Alaska and Southern Money Interests Looked to in Latest Plan Meantime Boats Are Still Remaining in Port Awaiting Settlement of Minimum Price The Prince of Wales Composes Pipe Music; To Take Lessons ; I 1-Y fcfcl, 1 .tjS Vancouver Trio Found Guilty of Engaging in White Slavery Activity Sentences Deferred Until End of Assizes by Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald Following Conclusion. Of Trial Last Night VANCOUVER, April 2: (CP)-Joe Celona, Clarence Bancroft and Ellen Joyce were convicted bv an Assize I Following a re?ular meeting ot VANCOUVER. April 2: 1 CP the .Nordkap Soilety at which bus-Wheat was quoted ot 82'tc on the 'hss was of a routine nature, the local exchange iMoniay. advancing members were Joined by theVar-to S2c today. dn Singers and a supper and party . , , were held In honor of Mr. and Mrs m BAU SILYLK B- Podcsen who were married dur ing the past winter in Norway. M-NEW YORK, Apdl 2: iCPiBar Petersen returned to the city re sliver closed at CIV4C per ounce on cenUy with his bride to take ur the local metal market today, un- residence. 1 ouVyears ' Soon ? A wireless staUon staff., changed from yesterday. ! Two presentations were made tc BOMBAY. April 2: (CP) In ! the largest mass child mar- rlage in Indian In many years, Mr and Mrs. G. E. Walker sailed 354 ,nIant couPles mar- this 'afternoon on the Catala for r,l n a meadow near the vll- 11 t Intro nf Ifnt.hlnurar J a: ir n trt vnncouYcr on vacuuuii. j the couple. For the Nordkap Sod , . , ' POUND STERLING t ety a beautiful tea service was pre- As emergency equipment m me sented by the president. J. Jorgen- cvtnt of wire trouble between An- MONTREAL. April 2: (CP The sen. On behalf of the VardenSing-yox and Stewart, Government) British pound sterling was quoted c-rs. Peter Lien made the presen-Telegraphs are about to lnstal 15-1 at $4.84"4 on the local exchange tation of a handsome table lamp. watt Marconi wireless sending and market while yesterday's j;rlce atl Claus Aune and Karl Strand receiving sets In connection with New York was $4.79i'2. were also present at the gathering the telegraph offices at the two, and welcomed back after having mining towns. They will operate on .spent the winter in Norway. a wave length of 131 metres and are being installed, ror tne meantime at least, lor operation exclu sively between the two points. The sets have been delivered but have not, as yet, been Installed. MASS MARRIAGE OF 'alter part of the evening wiin mu- INFANTS IN INDIA .lc by Julius Welle and his accor- dlon. There were about fifty per- sons present at the affair which i took place In the Metropole Hall. MARIE CUTS FIRST TOOTH CALLANDER. Ont.. April 2: Marie, smallest of the Dlonne quintuplets, cut her first tooth The Prince of Wales, who has recently Uken lessons In bagpipe-playing from Pipe-MaJr Forsyth, piper to the King, has composed a slow march for the pipes called "Mallorca" Spanish for MaJor:at. after the Balearic island which he has more than once visited. Both Pipe-Major Forsylh and Pipe-Major Robertson, of the Scots Guards, to whom it was offered, were enthusiastic over it. and the plpsrs' band of the Scots Guards rehearsed it with a view to playing it at the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. They gave it for the first time at the Tower of London. It has been described as a very fine march with a beoutlful melody and a stirring lilt. Now the jiews comes that Piper Fletcher of the Scots Guards, has been app olnted to teach His Royal Highness the advanced technique of playing the bagpipes. BUILDING IS AHEAD Value Not Hiffh so Far But Year Is At Least Ahead of Last at Corresponding: Date While by no means heavy, building permits In Prince Rupert this year are at least in excess of a year ago, the building value in the city for 1935 to date being $6080 as compared with $3925 in the first three months of last year. Permits granted during (he month of Court jury here last night on two Counts of procuring March this year represented a value girls to become prostitutes, bentences were reserved until the end of the Assizes by Mr. Justice D. A. McDonald. Hearing of the cases in camera had been" in progress for over a week. Celona, Bancroft and , , Ik. f A 1 A- have engaged in white slavery ac- HnTlftr NPWlVWPflS tivltlcs in connection with the od cratlon of hotels on East Hastings T oof FvoninCT HaA Street. They were arrested about t LiYCIlliitJ 11CIC the time of the recent rcorganiza- tlon of the city police department. Nonlkap Society and Vardrn Sins- i ere Join to Honor Mr. and Mrs. Vancouver Wheat B. Pcdcrsen of $3200 as against $850 In March a year ago. The permits this March were as follows: S. E. Parker, general repairs, Se cond Avenue, $2500. John Storseth, addition to resi dence. Eighth Avenue West, $150. Japanese Association, general re oairs. Fulton Street, $200. City of Prince Rupert, general repairs to Wcstenhaver Block, Second Avenue and Sixth Street. $350. Basing Warships Here Considered lleply Received Front Department Of National Defence in Regard To Local Suggcston "The representations will be ;lven careful consideration by officers of the department," states a tetter received by City Commissioner W. J. Alder from Lieut. Col. Clyde R. Scott, ml'ltary secretary to the Minister of National Defence it Ottawa, acknowledging a recent suggestion that either of the Canadian destroyers Skeena or Vancou- LADEN SCOW GOES DOWN Entire Outfit of Pacific Machine Works Lost in Fifty Fathoms Of Water Off North Of Graham Island Cause Uncertain Heavy Loss Occasioned But Insur ance Carried Accident Occurred on Way to Langara Island Armour Salvage Co.'s power tug Pachena. Capt. Ralph Green, re turned to port this morning after having lost Arne Solhelm's Pacific Machine Works outfit on the way to Langara Island where It was to be stationed for the season. The Pachena and her tow left here Saturday afternoon for Lan gara. The outfit was about seven miles off the north coast of Oraham Island not far beyond Tow Hill when the scow suddenly started to leak, sinking rapidly and going down, hxlif ty fathoms o!,water. Ole Rollog and Thor Sole, who were aboard the scow, were taken off by the Pachena. The cause of the. sinking of the scow has not been definitely ascertained but it is thought that it might have struck some obstruction. The sea was calm at the time. On the scow wa3 the complete machine shop outfit of the Pacific Machine Works, which was to have been operated at Langara Island this summer, machine shop supplies, commissary and household effects of Mr. and Mrs. Solheim who were to have lived on board. Insur ance was carried. Mr. and Mrs. Solheim were aboard the Pachena and not on the scow at the time of the sink-ng. The entire party was brought back to the city aboard the Pachena mi her arrival this morning. EVANGELICAL CAMPAIGN IS SUCCESSFUL Vcry favorable results in tangible iorm have been attending the Lcn-cn Campaign ot Evangelism which being conducted in the city by he Protestant churches and clergy nd much gratification over same vas expressed yesterday at the regular monthly meeting of th-Prince Rupert Mlnliterial Association. Reports w ere presented on the mass meeting In the Capitol Theatre with which the campaign was opened and on the weekly prayer meetings. Ways and means of keeping up the Interest and enthusiasm were discussed. A financial reporj. "howed that, with the collection and voluntary donations, the expenses in connection with the theatre meeting had been met. Rev. C. D. Clarke, president of the association, was In the chair for tnfc whole or a portion 01 each ; ... Ji . . 1 ... end Adjutant Eva Lay- The McBride District Board ofi"orth Trads has Just Issued In leaflet r from a reprint of an article pub- llshed In the Dally News last falli James Redpath, port steward for written by H. F. Pullen dealing with I the Yukon & White Pass Route, the possibilities of the town and and Mrs. Redpath were passengcri district along with two descriptive aboard the Princess Norah Sunday poems by J. G. Wall, one of which going north to Whltehorse for the was also published in the Dally season after having spent tht win-News, ter In Victoria.