gAOh TWO f MaiZS3l2KXI3KXKI UI2I3UKIKIUU ItlS 2 131X12 KtBZM 8 fc MEN Get Rid of Foot Aches Today DAILY, EDITION in Harttsj THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Erery Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edlvor STIFF UPPER LIP 5 h KS ADJUSARCH S If your feet hurt, ten to one it's your shoes! Hartt's Adjust-Arch Shoes will make jou forget you ever had foot aches they are so con-strutted to give quick relief to distressing symptoms and at the same time bring Normal Comfort to the foot. 4 Why Not Try a Pair Today? The Family Shoe Store SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ... $5.0 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week .11 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year . S. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Friday. June 21. 193? We-sutrerest that Prince Rupert people keep a stiff up per lip and try not to broadcast statements or suggest ! e a ' i :. i ixr u i : uons oi wnat may or may nut iiappeu. c me nupiu for a. better condition and it does no good to complain of business conditions or to try to make our neighbors feel downhearted. Many of us have waited a long time for something to happen and of course w;e are apt to feel that we cannot continue to be hopeful always. The next few monthu should prove whether things are to be realty better or i t a - 'a i ..n. i ! 1.1 - - it.; not. Lei us wan nopeiuiiy anu u mere is auyiuui wu can say keep up the morale of the city, let un do it. A WISE POLICY If the government of British Columbia had issued bonds to private money lenders for its n,ew road and works program of $2,000,000, even at a high interest rate, there would have been little or no complaint from the gov ernmeni'a critics, savs the Victoria Times. Now, be cause the government is issuing bonds and buying them itself, with the earnings not the capital of its sinking funds, it is accused in some quarters of practising dangerous finance. Yet the result is precisely the same so far as the province's debt position and the security of its creditors are concerned. It is $2,000,000 further in debt. How it could borrow $2,000,000 for roads and municipal works and not go $2,000,000 further into debt we do not know. In reality the only difference between the usual method and the method followed by the government, because the money markets were closed to it, is that it save.? brokers' commissions. British Columbia's sinking fund position has always been better than that of any province in Canada, and still is, even though it has been impossible in the last few years always to maintain the annual installments. It is only in the last year that the government has bal anced its current budget. We are still going behind on unemployment relief account, borrowing for what can not by any stretch ot tne imagination De considered a capital expenditure, but no government in North America, so far as we know, is handling relief expenditures in any other way. This is an unsound arrangement, certainly, but British Columbia, its own sources of revenue seized by the federal government, its commerce strangled by a lop-sided tariff, can not start the required reform, which will have to come from the top. Meanwhile, it is part of a sound financial policy to protect our capital assets. If we allow our road system to fall into the complete disrepair which threatens it, we shall be like a man who allows his house to be ruined by his failure to mend his roof. The improvements which the government will make to our roads this year will increase the revenues of the province in tourist trade, in the mining industry and in the increased travel of our own people. This is a wise and essential expenditure. Those who criticize the government for using the earnings of its sinking fund to pay the cost have yet to explain how the money could be secured in any other way when the federal authorities and the financial markets have joined in refusing to help us. THE DAILY NEWS Swim Hopefuls Looking Ahead For Big Games Canada's Water Stars Stroking l Jot Events in Olympic Contests In Berlin Nest Year (By Hmer Dulmage) Canadians will doubtless do bet tcr In -the water than on land a the 1936 Olympic Games In Germany. The tip-off came at the last British Empire Games In London and last month at the Canadian swimming championships In Winnipeg. Our swimmers are better able to look after themselves In intemaUonal competition than, for Instance, our track and field hopefuls. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Tennis Club Fallowing U the ahedule of tournament frames of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club: Saturday 2:00 pm. Barry vs. Thompson; Brown vs. Davis: Bdgeumbe vs. La Idler. ' 3:00 p.m. Ha worth and Mrs. Ha-! worth vs. Greggor and Miss Edg-! cumbe; Mrs. Tinker and Ml Mlt- . . . t .1,. tlx I chell vs. Mrs. nicnous u ., Stamford vs. Nor-Take Plan, Advanced For Big Event To Crulekshank; Place on July 1 rlngton. 4:00 p.m. Walker and Barry v$. The second meeUng of the Do- Thompson and Clarke; Miss Bruce, minion Day celebration committee and Miss eDlaney vs. Mrs Lawiet was held last night in the Cana- and Mrs. Barry. dlan Legion Rooms in preparation 5:00 pjn. Norrlngton and Mrs.' for the big event on July 1. Reports Jabour vs. Davis and Miss Davjs. f from the various committees shew- Sunday ed that sDlendid Drogress was be- 10:30 ajn Young and Mrs. Cur ing made. rle vs. Crulekshank and Mts, Nl- The committee decided ta ap- :holls; Nlcholls and Mrs. Crulck-nroach the Baseball Association thank vs. Freeman and Miss Bruce. with a view to staging a game on 2:00Jurmaln and Edgcumbe vs., the afternoon's piogram. thereby Davis and Laldler; Haworth vs.' .Including all the major sports In Freeman: Horton vs. Robertson. ! Prince Rupert on mat day. It was 3:00 Mitchell and Miss FriMell, felt that this popular pastime vs. Haworth and Mrs, Haworth or J would prove a big attraction and Oregfor and Miss Edgcumbe; fully complete what appears to be Barry and Mrs. Walker vs. Stam-', one of the most ambitious sport ford and Mrs. Horton. , Since Percy Williams1 dinky leg programs ever put on In one day 4:00 pjn. Laldler and Mrs.' gave way In 1930 and Alex Wilson nere Blackstock vs. Clarke and Mrs. I took a professional coaching Job j. s. Wilson was present, rep re- Laldler; Edgcumbe and Miss De- after the 1932 Olympics, Canada sentlng the Junior Football Asfto- laney vs. Brow and Mrs. Tinker; ' has found herself with a select few elation and stated that the gme Horton and Miss Mitchell vs. Wal-: high-grade trackiters Phil Ed- would be one of the best ker and Mrs. Barry wards, Scotty Ranklne. Dave Ko- the "Juniors have ever played If past 5:00 pm. Nlcholls and Crulck- monen, Harold wenster, sammy performances of the Junior League shank vs. Mitcneii ana Kooertson Richardson and no', many otners. this season were any criterion. Meanwhile the swimmers have p. Edseumbe reoorted that con- made amazing strides or strokes siderable Interest is being shown In There Is Phyllis Dewar, who may the Bulger Cup relay race aitd It Is or may not mane tne uiympic noasible that theie mav be as grade but who stands a better many as half a docen evenly SPORT CHAT ir in ii irsniiip ini ID ILIII iriiiu Party Given By High School Girls The two daughter of Mrs. time for the 1936 games, George the grounds whfch will be put Into 0X1 "rw piace ,or w ur5fr hpsteses-MIsss Helen Banan-Burlelgh of Toronto needs to tm- 'as good shanf as oosslb.e. The sale of the P,U seacon- J00 tyne. Helen Ukie. BJty Wood. W- prove only a HtUe to become a dis-l0f tickets for the fiee trip to Van- team' wmcn atanea oul 100n len Moore. Mary Orme. June Ar-tlnct sprint threat, and George ; couver is going over In a big way. fa,rly stron' UUed to " mour. Ruth Nelson and Jean Mc- Larson of Hamilton Is at least ai The dance committee report plans ulc cul v; " ""- Lean. good as Burlelgn. already being laid for a big day. When Burleigh, Pirle, Larson and Ben Gaell of Toronto teamed at Wlnlnpeg they set a new world re cord for the 800 yards relay Oranted that the United States oj lllllil 1 HI HI S3i LIXUCUIC Taete'i no tebttitete for it. I Mi wallow ltquvr kUly Ii Weeded bam Ut ftaett malt. Scottitk '"iioBC lk 16oi. I MfA 48" ' rjf T 2gdflgflB. Ha THC IRITiSH COLUMBIA -fSw WHggLHI OtttUAiaV CO ITU This advertiiement i nut puMMicd or displayed by Hie Control Board or by the Government of British Cohn: I about the middle of i Annates, where thrv heir future reatdencr The Fraternal 0-ot itMtd UMlr wekly meeti;. . ..Mires Jabour duetts ot Honor At;ntnc thI brim s : Oddfellows' Hall Event last dance. I. Otmula presui. Eenlit vet a IhrtJ? dlcuoi ckkd to hold Uw snm. i Dan Ofaasy Bay on Bunda. Jabour. Mareetle and Lorraine were committee api chance than any other Canadian matched teams comDetlnif.. 00113 01 anaQa uo . . guests of honor at a High School carry out the ii swimmer In history. Toronto Bob, commissioner Alder has kindly IlTe out 01 Mam m mt , W'ly t the OddJel-Plrle will be a growrf-up boy In Biven his nermlsslon for the use ot 'babaU 'eaKu have a W.e- lows' Hall. Thre wen lit girl Japan could send out a team any day. and beat the 8 23.2 mark. It still was a smashing performance, particularly since Gazell specializes at backstroklng and not sprint swimming. Larson fooled no one when he beat PIrie and Burleigh In tht 10C yards free style In 54.6 seconds. They knew he was good enough to do It. A determined youth Larson was beaten by Inches by Burleigh in the 100 yards at the 1934 Em pire Games In London. Burleigh's time was 54.8. When the games were over Larson stayed over and won every British championship he tried for from 100 yards to a mile. n I i J AA (A.i rtilif f AfTfill l I WUK IN CANADA JUM BtAD 1UE RUUi I tiMND Mt YOUR tNTRY NOW Contatt good only In Canada I Baseball FRIDAY. JUNE 21 Legion vs. S. O. C. Baseball Scores National League Cincinnati 6-1. Brooklyn 1-7. Pittsburg 2, New York 6. St. Louis 3, Philadelphia 1. American Lea rue Philadelphia 5-1. Chicago 3-2. New York 5, Det.olt 2. Washington 6, Cleveland 8. 'h like w"m rice vyt m for supperv EL ; W W$Z sir r j ' vl I PALS -thllDKlW URL I US BtttlP THAN tANOy'J TJERE'S nJiy way to get child- rcn lc lV-t n txlra flail mili i djyl Serve (htm Uuatcr Pulftd Whut or Quilifr'Pufftd Rur (or, Mpprt at wt II hriakfitt. Th double tritpiifi of these ruiuul liralih grain (puffed H linirsnoim.liiv) rinkelhrin uch woniltrful milk tarricrt that children can tm a whole glitl of milk on them and rcluh evtry tpotSn-ful, Tliev'r to eny to diReit they're ihe Att bedtime inack. QUAKER PUFFED RICE PUFFED WHEAT Wv jftieef 7500 Baseballs (Softballs (row BABE RUTH U Canadian BoyssGirls BOYS&cmu' Hint's TOUR CKAW(l tO OtIONlOF IHE RULES. Juit writ IS word oflm .t.lllnf "Wh Qatkrr Puffod Wheat andUuaker rvtte d Kice are the moat Send letter toother with kipe Irom J Uuaker Pulfed Wl.nt or Uuaker Puffed Klce (or lacmmilee) to BAUB L'o The (rueker Oate Co., jn. freak. Aee counte. lie aure to etate youre and aee whether yoa ant e Hoft ball or a laalaU If you win. I ne 99m eaaiianarv ra, It faaba n Me aeieu)( Bali. eavie aicapiae anal Atf. a, . of the pitching stall being largely Alan Davie was matter of eere- responslble. The Elks, who lostmonlwi and Balagno's Orchestra their first four start, took on a provided the music. Vocal solos new lease of life when they wal-,wrre given by Misses Betty Wood loped the Legion the other night an(i jtty BHln. and should make a better fight ot , Mrs ifKr Lakle received the iit In the second half They had guests, sixty in number, on their trouble with their outfield during j arrival, and other tadiea helping the first couple of games and then -included Mesdame Cox, Ilallan-J their infield, which Is the bestjtyne. Wood. McLean. Armour and balanced one In the league, cracked oj'Nelll. Mr. Jabour. mother of the I wide open. However, they pulUdJguMt, 0f honor, was also present themselves together, on Tuesday and gave their pitcher all the sup- I port he needed. If the Canucks Uo&e their two remaining games and Legion win all three of (heir's, 1 a tie would result between them The King's chief yachting ambition Is to win the King's Cup In the annual royal regatta at Cowes this August with the ancient Britannia. The yacht, built In 1803 for King Edward, has been remodeled to. bring her Into line with modern I boats. Even If he wins his Majentry' I can't keep the cup. It would go to I the yacht placing second. , SOFTBALL j June 14 CUMA, vs. Junior Elks. Jiyne 26 Grptto vs. Junior Elks. Today's "Stocks (OurKxiy 8. D. JohjMtao Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .ai. Big Missouri, .66. Bradlan, 2.00. Bralorne. 5,10, B. R. Cons., .03. B. R. X. Gold, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.13. Dentonla, .35. Georgia River, .00V2. Golconda, 3. Orange, .04. Indian, .01. Mlnto, .09Vi-Meridian. .05. Morning Star. .0lJ. National Silver, 03 !'2. Noble Five, .07. Pend Oreille, .57. Porter Idaho, .09 4. Premier, 1.66. Quesnel Quartz, ,10. Reno, 1.44. 811ver Crest, .00?;. Salmon Oold, .12Vfc. Taylor Bridge, .16. Wayside, .14"i. J Whitewater, .07. j United Empire, My3. Dr. Oorogh, foot specialist, is leaving for the south tomorrow on the Princess Charlotte after spending about a week In the city In connection with his profession. A presentation was made during the evening to thj uU 0f honor w,ho are leaving with their mother COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson. Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satlsfacUon. Try a ton of No, 1 Bulkley Valley. We slso sell Timothy Hay. Wheat. OaU and Barley. I'rince Rupert Feed Co. St Phone MS Evrrybody read tra 1 There's a reason THE ATTACK IS ON Keep Plants 1-Vc of Disease SPRAY NOW Sprayer from Brass Floral Sprayers Cotton Glove 2 pair for . . Sweet Pea Twine per ball 10c it DIAL THERMOMETERS I10T1I OKNAM KNTAL AMI L'SKFUL Oven Thermometers, hangs on oven grating Candy Si Jelly Thermometer chromium plated No guesswork no failures! Window Thermometers for outside window General Thermometer, inside or outside 25c S2.25 BeddlnR 0rmntum 1 window box. eu- C-f 6 for Oarden Special at Wbrelban S4.45 25c 20c Kaien Hardware PHONF. - J MOO .Mail Orders Carefully Filled THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Tkeftsh which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE ItUPERT, B.C. Co., Lid.