PAGE FOUR dflHHHBHHHHHIHIilHMHHHHHHMBHHHIIHHHHIIHHHL. We Buy for Less. THE PEOPLES STORE Everything in Dresses, Swagger Suits and Spring Coats ALSO A FULL LINE OF BATHING SUITS OF EVERY DESCRIITION We Sell For Less. PICNIC SPECIALS We have everything you want at reduced prices MUSSALLEMfS ECONOMY 73p iOL Butter First, 3 !bs COOKED HAM dQf Idl per lb POTTED MEATS Assorted 97 3 tins , PICKLES-Sweet Mixed, Sweei Mustard, Picnic Jars -I c each J.OL HERRINGS IN TOMATO 4 r SAUCE, large tins B. C. EOOS Grad? A 94 P per doz rx V. C. PINEAPPLE--Sliced Qn tails, per On AuL AMBROSIA COFFEE Or Mb. bag GAULTS VALUE COFFEE QCn With premium, 3-lb. pkg.""' FELIX GINGER ALE Q-f Pints, per doz pXtTtU SOFT DRINKS All llavors ff0 per botUe OK, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Lettuce, large heads each 6c Bananas, per lb. uc Canteloupes. each nc MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue COAL Wood. Furniture Moving NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water . Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 1 Orange Ladies j Catholic Ladies Hold Banquet Fifty Members and Orangemen Gather to Honor Visiting Officials About fifty members of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association. Loyal Orange Lodge and Juvenile Orange Lodge sat down last night to a banquet in the Knox Hotel to honor Grand Lodge officers, Mrs. F. Finlay and Mrs. A. V. Beckett who are visiting the north on official duties. After partaking of a sumptuous epast there were the usual toasts. The King, proposed by Mrs. F. larber. chairman. T". ..1 I 1 1 uisi ij maim jjuage, pruputtfu by Mrs. S. V. Cox, responded to by j Mrs. F. Finlay. Presentations of souvenirs were ithen made to the guests of the 1 evening with suitable remarks df appreciation. j After dinner, cards, dancing and singing were enjoyed. The winners in cards were as follows: Bridge Mrs. Sundahl of Terrace, first; Mrs. Krause, second. Mrs. Sybil Bowen of Terrace j a visitor in the city today a guest at the Prince Rupert Hotel. ; 1 Lakelse Lake & Hot Springs Fishing, Boating, Hunting, Swimming Make arrangements with SWAIN'S TRANSFER & TAXI Terrace, B.C. to greet you. We meet all trains. Picnic parties every Sunday, 75c. Fare, adults, $3.50; each additional adult, $150. Hotel, Hot Springs or anywhere on the lake. "T1LLIE THE TOILER" Sale is Success Many Attended in Spite of Adverse Weather Conditions Yester day Afternoon The Catholic ladies held a most terday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Hubert Ward, AtUn Avenue. In spite of the inclement weather there was a large attendance of St. Peter's Held Success Number7 at Ladies Attended Kvrnt At Home of Mrs. Itqbt. Blanc. : ' ' ; A very successful afternoon tea and sale of home cooklngrwas held yesterday afternoo" by" the St. Peter's Women's Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Robert Blahee, many ladies calling during ith afternoon The rooms were, very prettily decorated with spring flowers. Mrs. I'M (SWIMS' THIS PO-PCTY AMD I HARDUx' KNOW AMY- I successful and enjoyable tea yes-' ladies. , 1 The rooms were very artistically, decorated with a profusion of sea-1 sonable flowera. Mrs. Nlekerson. president of the Catholic ladies. helped to receive the guests and Mrs. Cur tin and Mrs. Ritchie poured. I The home cooking was in charge ! Of Mrs. liilagiK) assisted by Mrs.! Blaln. Servtteurs were Mrs. Amadto. Mrs. Burbank, Mrs. Byrne, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. LacLaren . Cashier, Mrs. St. Amour. Mrs. Murray was in charge of j the kitchen. The raffle was won by Ling die I Tailor. Blance, assisted by Mrs. F. W.i Stamp - Vincent, received the! guests. In charge of the home cooking was Mrs. W. V. Tattersal and Mrs. D. Sievert. Convener of the tea room was Mrs. George Kelsey assisted by Mrs. Vigor and servl-teurs were Miss Dorothy Rush-brook and Miss Thelma Skinner. Mrs. Frebourg was cashier. THE DAILY NOTTS ANIMALS OF FOREST PICTURED Jean Parker's Pagan Beauty VUid-ly Portrayed in Story of Love And Animal Life The most startling innovation in screen entertainment since motion j pictures were first discovered is offered in "Sequoia " M-O-M's nature drama featuring Jean Parker, and now showing at the Capitol Theatre. A human romance Is blended into a stoqr of American animal life containing such unheard of scenes as a mountain lion and a deer, nature's most deadly enemies, playing together like lambs; hundreds of deer on migrations Into high Sierra regions never before photographed by a camera; mountain lions and wolves stalking animal prey; and intimate records of the dally life of such wild animals as coyotes, bears, raccoons, eagles, rattlesnakes, baby fawns and small lion cubs. , Photography that brines gasps to audiences was obtained by months of "stalking" behind trees and in brush shelters. Pack trains of mules carried equipment to the world s highest lak?s at an elevation of 11.000 feet where scenic beauties never seen except by for- test ranger patrols, were captured by the camera. j ' Girl of the Forest The pagan beauty of Jean Parker has never been brought out to better advantage than during her scenes as a "girl of the forest" who finds adventure and love while helping her naturalist father. Her portrayal sparkles with charm and evident interest in the many animals of the picture Russell Ilardto is virile and convincing as the young forest ranger who finds love with the "forest girl" amid the grandeurs or Sequoia National Park. America wonderland of giant trees. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloudy, calm. 52 Anyox Raining, calm. 56 I Use! ton Raining, calm. SO Sntlthers Ctottdy. calm, cool Burns Lake Rain calm. 54 Brie Barton was a winner in '!) Quaker Oats Company Babe Ku';. contest getUo a aoti&au or oa- ball as a prise for writing a 35 word letter. 1935 Contract Bridge Rapid Score Pads rhnvc arrived. Winged! -Price. 20c, ' Seoour-toOc and 05c Paying Cards for extra value. We haVfmcoiiiplcte range of fine cards from Ana-lit , f'ff - $2.00. (including tax) :i '.I V-?' ' Jv -v : Agents for 1 Houf df Mtiple Leaf Folding Tables From $3.00 up . GtiT YOUR PICNIC REQUIREMENTS Here Paper Plates, Paper Cups, Wax Paper, Serviettes and Table Cloths. Kodak Film and Camera Supplies eMaAs.JM An Astronomical Adventure MOvO -THERE'S eEALUY' MISS MOMAt 11 Be wis?. Read the want ads. G IB ft DO ANIMALS LOVE AS HUMANS DO? You'li find the answer in this the most unusual drama of man and maid and wild beast ever filmed I I i zhlU riWm$hW$: r&rnmmi AMO -THAT'S MONE OTHEI2.I THAN otFF BEMSQM ye) YOU'LL SEE a drama to remain forever in your heart . . . animals living out their elemental destinies . , . a girl leading their ro volt against man . . . bringing you your greatest experience in the motion picture theatre! it- SEE QUO YAH IflKV Jem PARKER RUSSELL HARDIE and The Door Star MALIBU At 1 IS & 0 M ADDED The una Todd, 1'atvr Kelly In POP KYK CARTOON -Main 8t KeUles" "SING SISTER, SING" GROTTO TAXI 456 You only Im once. Why not ride In the best? Three Cars at your service. Hert MorKnn Rud Harrie ritor. srTBEssGst3rsuatiir.isrrs:nKiatXBtem I Phone 311 ALL THE Bio- TArts ACE Mppcz TONKillT a V Taxi 99 The latest In rooltr J IraniporUtion .1 CAR sw:vii ! I Stan Moran, Proprietor SHINGLE STAIM Preerv and beautify yur shmzJe with p r- 1 Shingle bUin Guaranteed to Latt. Mixed in any R (Jreens and Greys, per gallon Illacks, llrowns and Reds, per gallon BRING YOUR PAINTING PROBLEMS TO t . GORDON'S HARDWARE McRride St. AMD CJET MC OUT OF TH'S VJBLL, IT IS A ft HAL PARTY I'M SWING", AFTEE ALL $1.75 sl.60 imriTiiiriniiTiiitinitiiivinTi i tm rw t t 'x ' By WRtnver AM, A PEFGCT f HEY! QUIT SPECIMEN OF THE SOOFuS 1 1 2 CUOVMMtMG V