I 31. 1035 HOW'TO MAKE ICED TEA r.,'M nP'"5 twpooni or 3 d Buck Its In i .11 l l .1, U. Afur.l n,lnU,.b.ln.qu,d ., ,1." WhuV ho?' d3 1 i cup ol rsnuled tujti tnd the luict of 8 n Vi ' . JoUld, nil contain., with cold wtltr Do to tZ !l l!?."' T- RbIo SALADA tel. 1 KixLlt nutrs 1 smart Jim' gjft ii the folding (.jracri that" at c.-nple to use f a llrvwme. At the tuji of a burton, it springs to action. A c . It of the shutter and the picture's IjLcnf Vt e hoe Jiffy KndiLs In two tires . . I r , K iiuh piawea, $; for 1 x ? , imh picture. )8. See ihem st our store st your earliest itHitcuitni. LpsBbbV .-t. I; Developing Printing Enlarging l lm? left in before noon finished the same day TUV OUR NEW SILVERSIIEEN FINISH ON DOUBLE WEIGHT IAIEK No advance in price :rrial Mail Order Service. Films returned by the next mail. Oimes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Drttqfists II. Iteitll Store Phone: 81 k 83 Open Irally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. f'.undavs and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 p.m.. 1 p.m. (ill 9 p.m. HOLIDAYS How Will You Spend Them This Year? joy a period of relaxation with all the joys of country life at "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands SEA BATH I NO - TENNIS - FISHING Rates $12 and up. Modern Conveniences. Wrltf or wirelnw for reservations to MADAME ICA.I A IJ 1 IT.ic Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily f paper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the kV .1 ' Bureau of Circulations, u is me oniy pain.- Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding memnersnip organizations. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KUamfts leave Prl.ice Rupert for Vancoutir-TS.S, CATALA EVK.HV TIIKSDAV. 1:30 l'..M. ArrivinK Vancouver Tliursday TSS. CARD EN A EVERY FRIDAY MlllNIOHT. Arrlvlni! Vancouver Monday a.in. WfklT ullltuta U Tort Rlmpm Anyoi. UUwart wU N lllver pomu tav Princ Hup-rt tsunonj, fanner information regarding all sailings and tickets at- M" rHtSCt. ItlTF.KT AtirCVr TMM Atrnn llUpr wn PJ ft wua ! Jack Dennett of Porcher Island If tii the city today. 1 H. W. Harris, canneryman of Port BssiriBton U a visitor In the city. You can rent a car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c. a telle. . .. . W. II. Thompson of the International Fisheries Commission arri ved in the jcity.on tne s. rrlnee ! George this rooming. A. P. Allison wel known logging man of Cunniwa Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived In the city this morning from the south. W Oray, fotmetly a mlllman of Hyder. Alaska, Is on hs way to Stewart He wJU spend a month in the Portland Canal American town. Mrs Uogan of Copper City arrived In the. dty on last night train and Is a guest at the Pnnce Rupert Hotel. Dante Auspices Baseball Assn Moose Hall, TONIGHT, June 21, Adm. 50c and 35c. Everybody welcome. ISalagno't Orchestra. T42 LOW ROUND TRIP Fot isfcly, comfort, convtnUnc. tt.xtl by nil. JP N.tlon.l Pitk Ii only one of m.ny dli9nlful bttsk-Joutney points tn route, there ii no extre ch.r9t for Hopover prlvilegei. For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE V-1SI 5?8 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. SUNBURN Coellnf , toathlnC MeatheUlum relive the) Inflammation. Promote quicker healing. Hotel Arrivals Savoy "F. T. Patterson, H. McLennan, Surf Point; Jack Bennett, Porcher Island: Oscar Frausen, Forestitaie. R. Cunningham, Port Esstngton: 'a. Dugdale. B. Fltapatrkk, Prince P; George, h, Knox ' H. Brown. Lowe Inlet; D. W Webster, Victoria. m ' Central S J. L. Osborne, Terrace: H. Sto- ! nenburg. Wells, B.C.: T. Ander- son, CN.tt.; Mr. and Mrs. A. Rue. Skeena River. Prince Rupert H. E. Ooulbourn, Victoria:: Miss Sybil Boween. Terrace; A. V. rank-hurst. Vancouver; Harry Bowman. Prince George; H. W. Harris, Port Esslngton; V. A. Rollins, Vancouver: W. S. Matthews. Toronro; Air. and Mrs. C. H. Lewis, Vancouvei, Maurice McArdle. Vancouver; Mrs. Hagan, Copper City; J. Graham, Vancouver. Royal R. E. Woolsey, Winnipeg. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bed Room Suite 3 pieces Bed Room Suite ' 4 pieces Bed Room Suite 5 pieces Phone 775 S55 S70 890 Third Ave. SUMMER? FARES w r. lrUc. KuiMTl. Jmmutt kr rll u4 ilwMi' TRX DAILY, KZWft. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Forot fires mar nature's Mid-summer Day Sons of Nor way Ski Cabin outing June 23. laving come In from Prince George jn last night's train. Mrs. T. R. Mackay of Prince Ku- pert was the winner of a five dol lar prize In the Nettle's Milk Pro ducts contest which took place In he spring. The prize was given for a bran coffee cake recipe. Canadian Legion, B.E5.L. Pic nic. Digby Island, Sunday next: boats leave Cow Bay 10 ajn. till 1 rm. Free tea, coffee, sugar, milk. ood sports. Adults 50c.; children iccompanying parents free. II Be warm and comrortable by rid- tne In 32 Taxi it costs the same. : tf i R. Cunningham or rort Easing-! ton Is paying a visit to trie clty; making his headquarters at the Savoy Hotel 4 i F. T. Patterson, mining man of 6tirf Point, and H. McLennan ot the same place are visitors in tne ' ty at the Savoy Hotel Harry Bowman of he Canadian! tetlonal Railway land settlement 'epartment is In trie dty today V. S. Consul-GcneraJ and Mrs. ; ")avtg of VnnccAiver are visitors In he dty today having arrived on be Prince George this morning. Mr. Davis is making an Inspection t the local copulte. Joan and Stuart Denholme of Of ean Falls came In this morning in their way to TlelL Queen Char-otte Islands. They will upend the tiolloays with their cnue andauni.j Mr and Mrs. James Denholme at The Dunes." ' Miss Jessie Rothwell is leaving onlght for Vancouver en route to Regina where she wtuvislt with I tier sister. IrfVancver'the'will r the guest of Mrs. F G. Dawson, formerly of Prince Rupert, and In New Westminster she will be the ?uest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. O. B. Chatterton. Announcements High , School tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 22. Canadian Legion, B.EJS.L. Picnic. June 33. Anglican tea, Mrs.. WJ. Alder, June 27. Sons of Norway picnic, June 30. j rry . Eagles' Picnic, Grassey Bay, Sun day, July 7. Catholic Church' Bazaar Octo ber 2 and 3. 7. Presbyterian Bazaar. November Moose Hall TONIGHT Baseball Association DANCE Everybody welcome Admission 50c ii 35c COME TO Dunn's Cottages and Tents for holiday on famous North Beach. River and sea bathing. Boats tor hire Fishing and hunting. Open air badminton. Clock golf Dancing. Dining room. Good plain cooking. Terms moderate For particulars apply MRS. DUNN Sanjan River Near Massett. B.C. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 ANNETTE'S Shoe Unloading Friday and Saturday SWIM SUITS KUNGTHES Children's Qff from .. . Ladies' from i ir i I Mf . TY I II kV2&. J SALE GOING VH -? Jl STRONG UF We are overstocked with Ladies' Shoes and cannot afford to hold them over. Our customers will get the benefit and will be able to pick up some wonderful bargains. We suggest early anopping as there Is bound to be a run on this special offer tomorrow 200 Prs. of Ladies' Shoes in black, brown, white, tan and grey; ties, pumps, straps) oxfords, etc.; sizes 3 to 8; reg. values to $-1.95; UNLOADING SALE SPECIAL Wt 4k I 'PTf 1ISJ SsSaM Sman Tin lie, Itrp Tin 60c Em Urs Sort 7!e SeottSTrar Ui. KraeuUMpts-TrM E(. MaClillnrty Bco. UniMd. Taronto. 51 82.95 BATHING CAPS, BELTS WALLACE'S 6 Days Sale on Floor Covering Printed Linoleum, Reg. 89c Sale, square yard 75c COXGOLEUM RUGS Size 6x9, Reg. S6.00: Sale $5.00 Size 7x9. Reg. $7.50; Sale, $6.25 Size 9x9, Reg. $9.00: Sale $7.25 Size 9x10. Reg. $10.50; Sale $8.50 Size 9x12, Reg. $12.00; Sale ....$9.75 C. C. M. JOYCYCLE Ages 2-i to 4 - years, Reg $7.50 D. ELIO I.ASIJ ATT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease l.aml i U Land Recording DUtrlc of Prince". Rucert. Ranee 5. Coast UlAtnc ana OUAUTYi I MAT5 ft $1.95 0OJVRM X. 'S Fresh Killed Boiling Fresh Killed Frying 23c 30c B E E F VEAL Prime Rib, lb 20c Rumps, lb 20c Rump Roast, lb. ...20c Shoulder Roast, lb. 15c Oven Roast, lb 15c Breast, lb 10c Short Ribs, lb. ..... 10c . ' . " . ' Boiling Beef. lb. . 10c Ayrshire Bacon, lb. 28c GRADE "A" EGGS, in Cartons, 2 doz 45c Spare Ribs 2 lbs Comet Butter per lb LOST , COLUMBIA IX PKOHATE 25c 25c LJST Brown fountain pen tween Library and High School. Phone Black 396. 142, FOUND FOUND Reading Glasses, near Seal Cove School. Owner mar have same by calling at the Dallv News Office and paying for this advertisement. tN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP SVANTE N. SJOSTRAND. DECEASED. INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order ot HH; lienor. W. E. Fisher the Tth day ot ar June. A XI. 1 VB HWUlira u- " . mlntotrstor ot ttoe estate of Svante N. ! . ,,; . Aees 3V? to 5 e vears r, ReK. $8.25 o ct-.j hi ,nH lii nartimhAv- Sale 57.0U , tag uim .against Uw ald estat are hereby required to rumisn same, proper-: ly verified, to me on or before the 10th day of July. A:D: 193S. and aU parties j Indebted to the estate are required to I pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT I Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. bated the 7th day of Jun. A:D: 1935: Beef Liver per lb FOR SALE 15 c Gainer's Bacon -f p per pkg. . . . . Remember Y'ou Can Get it at the Sterling Want Ads g n P ! i S' Annette Ladies' Wear Coi I Alert Millions Enjoy Bubbling, Energiiing THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Federal Block Prince Rupert, B.C. WORK WANTED I : . 'GIRL wants work by the hour.' ! Phone 427. 141' FOR SALE Hot water, tank, pip: ing. switchboard, electric water heater and household furniture' 2 canaries and cages. Phone 2l 141 FOR SALE Cary Safe $75. Appfi Dally News Office. ' WE have left with us for sale a 3 by 4Vi lea Camera with film holders. Price $12.50. WrathaQ'5 Photo Finishing U FOR SALE Boat hull with goocl cabin. 26x8 beam, $30.00. Apply Seal Cove P.O. Vt m THE MATTER OF THE "ADMUUSH of ft by 9 rf, AND gas boat, roomy cabin, hatch aft, T Ford power, value $40$. Want sound hull 40 ft. to 48 ft. Above in good running order. McNeil & Lewis. Stewart. B.C. 145 PAINTERS PAINTING na Paperhanglni Moller. Phone Red 802 IN THE SrjPKEMl, COURT OF BRITISH. COLUMBIA IN PROBATE NOTICE ,IN THE MATTER OF TUB "ADVIN13- I TRATION ACT" "Water Act" and Notice to hereby given that HU Hon- JN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF i.. .wn. nniiirtrr nf ft mile our tn UANeiiaiii-uovernor dy ana aljce nuaiiuui. UfcCtAatiJ. in i south ot Lot 6710, Range 5. Coast Dls- with the advice of HU Executive Covin- j TESTATE: :rlct Porcher Island. ;cu raw Deen pnewaeo. vo marr uim inei jAiiE nuiiva uxac Dy oraer m rw Take notice that Clarence Edgar Sat- reservation ot the unrecorded waters cf Honor. W. E. Flaher. the 6th day of ttr of Haysport, B.C.. oocupaAlon can- Pine Creek and Surprise Lake In the June. AD: 193S, I was appointed Ad-neryman. Intends to apply for a lea,. of, Atlln Waiter District which reservation ! mlnlntrator of the, ata.te of Alice Ch lath, following deacrlbed lands was eta,bltohed by Order-ln-Counclt , holm, deceased, and all partlea having Conimfnclnz at a poe planted on a No. 55. approved on the 31st day of : claims against the said estate art here-, small Inland about three-quarters -of a : June. 1916, and Order-ta-OouncU No. by required to tumlAh aame, properly mUe south of Lot 6710. Range 5, Coaw 993, approved on the 19th cUy of Oo- . verified, to me on or before the 10th District, thence north-east 41.8 chains; j tctoer. 1916, b cancelled. !day of July, AI. 1935. and all parties thence west by north 23.4 chains, thence The aald ooncellatlon shall be effee-1 Indebted to the said estate are required south south-west 30.5 ohalns; thence tlv on the 32nd day of July, 1935. I to pay the amount of their Indebted-fouth-est by .wuth I7.S chains to the DATED at Victoria, B.C. thli 13Uijcem to me forthwith. itnt of commencement, and containing day of June. 1935. j NORMAN A. WATT, 631 acres mare or less. "A. WELLS ORAY" Official Administrator, CLARENCE EDO Alt SALTER. ! , Minister of Lands I Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated June 1th. 1935. June 17, 34, July 3, & 38, ; Dated the Tth day of June. A-D. 1933. i i n Ji at e i . i B a.-.--, tt m m mm u i I . SBBSM ii BsBIIIBBsBBIBBBIIBsllllBBIIBBBslBIWIIPBIIBIslslBslllll S3