8 THESE I DRESS I SHOES n are late but well worth waiting for; We ordered these shoes from samples months ago, and now they're here we are more than pleased with them. They are awfully smart, but practical too. A semi-closed Sandal type in black, or a putty brown Pump that Is smartly ? trimmed. See These Please i Here you will find the model of your choice- Perfect fitting assured. The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue THE DAILY NEWS. V TRINCE RUPERT - BSITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PDLLEN Managlng-Edrcor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mair or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.u For lessor periods; paid' In advance, per week l By mall to all other countrws,. pe year . 9.0C By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and News Department Telephone 86 Advertising- aad CirculaUon Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION A CASE FOR AID Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1935 The case of the men who started out to work the Betty mine at Telkwa IS one desfirvinf nf ftvprv pnnsirlArjiHnn I - -Q w VVlltJl 11 V V W from the department of mines or some other authority. As a result of the storm they lost practically the whole . . ' 1 1 I A 1 1 1 1 A - 1 - prouuet oi me wori 01 last year Irom the floods in the Telkwa River and this is the time of year when they might have produced coal to par themselves to some ex- mm ior me worK mey naa done, mey will be unable to do this now because of the lack of a road to get their pro-' duct to market. Married in City Saturday Eve Miss Reita Evans Becomes Bride Of Barney Jensen at Pretty Ceremony The wedding of a popular young couple of this city took place on Saturday night at thchome of the groom's sister, Mrs. Pete Leland, 447 Sixth Avenue East, when Miss Marguerite Florence Evans,, only daughter of Mrs. Ed. Evans of Prince Rupert, became the bride of Barney A. Jensen, second youngest son or M. Jensen and the late Mrs Jensen of Norway. The pretty home wedding was solemnized' by, Rev. Li C. Jensen, pastor of the Lutheran Church. The bride was prettily gowned in sky blue crepe-back satin with veil to match and carried a bouquet of sweet peas andfern and was given in marriage by her step-father, Ed. Evans. The matron of honor, Mrs. Einar Jenson of Seventh Avenue East, was charmingly dressed in cream satin with bouquet of pink roses. The groomsman was Harold Casperson of Sixth Avenue East. Following the ceremony a reception was held, there being sixty friends assembled. The bride's mqther was suitably dressed in navy blue crepe with hat to match. Rev. L. c. Jensen proposed a suitable toast ana V. Louis also lave a toast to the bride and groom. Then the knife was placed in the wedding cake by the bride. The bridal couple received the hearty congratulations and best wisnes or all present. I The bride and groom received 'many beautiful and useful gifts. Their many friends wish 'them a happy wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen will tav tin residence in Prince Rupert at 220 Seventh Avenue East. DELUXE WALL TINTS To brighten up' your rooms these dark days DeLuxe Wall Tints nro v.aii -..w-j rr? in us are seieciea wun ihe utmost care mix wun eiiner warm or cold water and easy iu appiy. per five-pound package will are 65c THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LIMITED FURNITURE D ELI 0 EXCHANGE We Sell New Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Size 6x9, $5.50; 7jx9, $7.00; 9x9, $8.40 D'omihioif Linoleum Rugs Size 6x9, $7.00 ; 7x9, $8.75; 9x9, $10.75 Printed' Linoleum Ijy Square Yard PHONE: GREEN 421 1 Lodge Men Defeat Lambie & Stone To Tie Cp Senior Hoop Stand-in? Annette's -Win The Moose put themselves to the running for first place honors of the Senior Basketball League last night by defeating Lambie Si Stone 40 to 29. The first half saw the Moose sit ting pretty with a substantial lead of 27 to 13. The second half began with Lam bie St Stone coming- within a couple- of points from the lead. Stiles finally started to shoot and, from then on, yJiere never was any doubt as to the outcome of the game. The forward line of Lambie Si Stone was having an off night while the Moose, with Wlngham, Mitchell and Stiles, had . their shooting eyes fixed on the basket. As soon as the Lambie Si Stone crew improve In their shootrng the Moose and Grotto can look forward to some tough competition. Intermediate League The High School Intermediates downed the Canadian Legion 34-27The first half was close with the High School leading 16-13. The second half started with a bang, the Legion making six points before the High School squad could stop them. Morgan was shifted to guard for High School and Lindsay, flopping them In from anywhere, soon put High In the! lead to finish the-game on the long j end of the score. J In the Ladies' League the Grot-j tettes were defeated by Annettes to the tune of 6 to 5. At half time the Ladies' Ready to Wear were leading 6-2. in the second half the Grottettes snared three points. holding Annettes down to nil, but could not make the winning In the Junior League the Boy Scouts defeated the Junior Scy thians by a score of 12-8. Half time score was 7-4 in favor of the Boy scouts. Individual scoring: Junior League : Boy Scouts Llndseth (2). Dyb-havn (I), Brown (2). Erickson (1), Eastman (4), Husoy (2); total, 12. Scythians -Antonelll (3), D. Montesano, Roma (2), Gullck. Pos- Stamp-Vincent, Stone (2); total, 6. Grottettes McMeekin, Beale (1), Croxford, Gulick, Dickens (4), Smith; total, 5. Intermediate League High School Lindsay (18). Da- vies (4), Campbell (7), O'Neill, ' Naylor, Morgan (4), McMeekin (1), total, 34. Canadian Legion Armstrong (16), Blake (1), Moxley, McPhee (10)! Christison, Viereck. Suehlro: total, 27. Senior League Lambie Si Stone Calderoni (8). Lambie (1), Morrison, Arneys Naka- moto, Lindsay (10), Johnson (10); total, 29. 1 Mqose Mitchell (4). R. Mnrrlsnn Stiles (25!.T: Mnrrlshn' ii xrt nam (7); total, 40. Bob Armstrong refereed the .in. nior game. Sonnv stiles hnnnw the ladies game while Jnhnn ,.w.wwi.u mC uilciIUC-! mate and senior games. f LEAGUE STANDINGS ' Senior League I W. L. P. Grotto ...A 3 1 6 Moose 3 2 ,e Lambie & Stone 1 4 2 Intermediate League High School 4 1 8 Ssythlans .2 2 4 Canadian Legion 1 4 2 i Ladies Grottettes High School Annette's Boy Scouts Moose Scythians League 4 Junior League High School b Vancouver Win s 0 1 3 3 Over Seattle In (Sunday). Rupert Rangers I. Detroit i TIME TABLE I November 14 Grotto vs. Moose, 8 'High School vs, Grptto, Scythians 4jys. Legion, Moose Jr. vs. High 2 'School. j November 18 Lambie St Stone 8(vs. Grotto, High Schooj vs. Scy-4 thlans; Annettes vs. 'Hfgh School, 2 High School vs. Scouts." 0 November 21 Moose vs. Lambie &. Stone; Annettes vs, drotto, Le- gibn vs. High School, Jr. Moose vs. ; Scythians. . S j November 25 Moose vs. Grotto, j Legion vs. Scythians;; Grotto vs. j I i ; "gn bcnooi, jr. Moose vs. Scouts. nockev Uocner 'Novembr 28 orotto vs. Lambie J JT - if. Stone, High School vs. Annettes, : Scythians vs. ' HIeh School . VANCOUVER. Nov. 12: (CP) . d v ' Vancouver Lions opened the North- . December 2-Lambfe ti Stone vs western Hockey League season last Moose, High School vs. Legion night with a five to one victory Orotto vs. Annettes, Scythians vs over th? Seattle Sea Hawks. Scouts. ' SYDNEY, Aust.. Nov. 12: Fred Pprrv. Rrltlsh tprinl sfrir siiffprprl ' a severe back strain yesterday an ' Booth Memorial School defeated . wi Jl be out of all further games in Borden Street School by a' score on Australia. 4 to 2 in the. Junior Football League Saturday afternoon. Jack. Ritchie was responsible for all four of Bodth goals while Sam Currie and Schubert were the scorers for Bor den. Half time score was two to one for Booth. Andy Home ref ereed. One postponed game between King Edward High School and Bor- dsn Street School remains to be played and, if High wins this, it will be tied with Booth for first half honors. The match will prob ably be played this. Saturday. The league standing to date: W. D. L. F. A. P. Booth ;.4 'i i 18 g 9 High z i i id 4 7 Burden p 0 5 3 24 6 HOCKEY SCORES National Hockey League New York Americans 5, Toronto (Saturday; New York INTERNATIONAL SOCCER PARIS, Nov. 12: In an International soccer game here Paris Racing Club and' played to a two all draw. TIME TABLE OF BOWLING Moose; Rose, Cowan Sz Latta vs. jCnox Hotel. November 17 Canadian Legion vs. Grotto; Power Corporation vsj Elks. November 19 Knox Hotel vs. Giotto; Power Corporation vs, At lin Fisheries. , November '24 Elks Vs. riosef, Cbwan Si Latta; Moose vs. Cana dian: Legion. Grotto.' December 13 Kno Hotel vs. Elks; Atllri Fisheries vs. Canadian Legi6n. December 17 Moose vs Knox; Atllri' Fisheries vs. Rose, Cowan St Latta. December22 Power C6rp6ration I vs. Canadian Legion; Elks vs.! Grotto. , j December. 24 Atlin vs. Knox; i Rose,. Cowan Si Latta vs. Moose. December 29 Grotto vs. Power High I Corporation; Canadian Legion vs. Elks. December 31 Atlin vs. Moose; Rose, Cowan & Latta vs. Knox. January 5 Canadian Legion vs. Grotto; Power Corporation vs. Elks, PAOE TWO DAILY NEWS Tut sda.- x SHOES That Spell Smartness ! MOOSE ARE IN RUNNING I We Buy For Less THE Dresses, Fur-Trimmed Coats, Lingerie of all kinds, etc. tuk, Murray; H. Montesano (3),;n-f.o o...- . , Be,""' tl8, Annettes surgeon, Morris (4), SPORT' BOOTH ON TOP AGAIN Peoples Store LTD. BUY YOUR Perry Strains His Back and is Out Of Australia Play Re-Opening Dance ! spent from 9:30 p.m. until 2:30 ajn. dancing to the strains of melo-' dlous music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra. Sam Joy was a genial master of ceremonies. Distribution of confetti and' novelties lent to the merriment. Delicious refreshments were served. The hall had been specially decorated for the occasion with Elks' colors of purple and white. The committee In charge consisted of Sam Joy, Mike Budlnlch, Walter Johnson, W. F. Stone and Joe Scott. Ernest Wilding presided November 12 Atlin Fisheries vs.at the door At Elks' Home Rig: Crowd Enjoyed Happy Hours' Ta Mark Occasion of Resump- j lion of Cse of Hall I the! Marking the re-opening of local Elks' Home .following recent renovation and repair work, a novelty dance was held last Friday night by the Brother Bills, the af- fair attracting one of the largest crowds which has turned out to the I hall in a long time. There were about seventy-five couples present and a very enjoyable time was Steve Sarich and Tom Ban, who have been employed at the Big Missouri mine at Stewart, left on last evening's train for Montreal where they will embark November 22 on the Aurania for their native I nome in Zagreb, Jugo-Slavia. If VOU. Wish tV November 26 Power Corporation Trv 3 classified. vs. Knox Hotel; Atlin Fisheries vs. Grotto. December 1 Rose, Cowan St Latta; vs. Canadian Legion; Elks vs. Moose. . December 3 Moose vs. Power Corporation; Grotto vs. Rose, Cowan Si Latta. December 8 Canadian Legion vs. Knox Hotel; eiks vs. Atnn Fisheries. December 10 Power Corporation vs5. Rose, Cowan Ss Latta; Moose vs, Grotto Taxi 456 3 CARS. AT YOUR SERVICK Proprietors Bert MWrgan & Bud Barrlr Don't forget the number 456 Rex BOWLING CLUB LIMITED FOUR GOOD ALLEYS Reserve' your alley by phoning 658 All five pin games 122c per line. We Sell For Lc ss Winter Underwear, Sweaters Overcoats, Zipper Coats In Fact Anything You May Require at THE RUPERT PEOPLES STORE You can buy with confidence as you are covered by Our Guarantee MERCHANDISE SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED Stove Pipes Now is (he time lo change worn out Stove Pipes with the new heavy IJ. C. Pipe We can supply all your needs Stove Cement Asbestos Heaters and Stoves Kaien Hardware A satisfactory place to shuj Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Keel Sockeye Look for the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL hT flip nnlv Sal- mon Canning Company with- an all the year round payroll in Prince Kupert; IIP NEW ROYAL HOTEL J.. Zarelll, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FltoM HOME" Rates 11.00 "P 50 Rooms Hot & Cold W' . nf". Prince Kupem. -- Phone 281 P.O. KIJA