PAOH POUR ECONOMY SPECIALS Are Profitable For You. Take Advantage of Them NOW! POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT 4 ftp Tails, per tin POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT 1 1 f a JUICE Tails, per tin CHRISTIES SODAS 1 At 7f 1-Ib. bags EXTRA SPECIAL SOAP OFFER! 6 bars P ti G SOAP 1 pkg. CHIPSO. Large 1 cake CALAY TOILET SOAP or 1 cake KIRK'S CASTILE 1 cake IVORY SOAP 1 SPECIAL N6. 16 GALVANIZED BUCKET With WOODEN .GRIP; Reg. price $1.50 QCp 00l ALL FOR 'Limited Quantity Only CORN STARCH XUL- 4 ftp per pkg. ICING SUGAR Bulk 25C 3 lbs . . . MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Uave More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 RUPERT DELICATESSEN Your Catering Needs i Skilfully Fulfilled We cater to socials, clubs, j banquets, luncheons, dances, dinners and bridge parties. Made to Your Order Nothing too large or too small, LUNCHES PUT UP TO TAKE OUT Phone us any time. Give Us a Trial Phone Black 625 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE FRESH SHIPMENT Linoleum & Congoleum New patterns. Freshen your home now! Phone 775 Hyde Transfer PHONE 580 nm E wince 315 Second Avenue Heavy Hauling Light Delivery ervice WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Fishermen's Harbor at Seven-Mile Point Again Asked May Restrict Herring: Fishing: Hunting" Parties Had Good Week-End. John F. Murray of Jap Inlet, Porcher Island, renews, on behalf of North Island salmon fishermen, the request for the making of a harbor at Wiah (Seven Milre) Point, Graham Island, for the benefit of the trailers and to provide many fishermen In that vicinity with protection from frequent westerly storms. This might well be included by the new federal govr eminent In any public works program, Mr-Murray believes. The Union Oil Co.'s tank scow, which was stationed at North Island during the past summer, has been moved to Winter Harbor on the West Coast of Vancouver Island where it will remain until next spring when it will be brought back to North Island. . . ' The Department of Fisheries announces its intention of reserving Jap Inlet and Butler Cove in this district fo herring fishing for halibut bait and food purposes only. It Is contended that at these two, points conditions are particularly, suitable for the distribution of live herring for bait to the halibut fleet owmg to their position, particularly as regards the requirements of the small Canadian hall-' but fleet. This would, of course, eliminate herring fishing at these points for purposes of reduction, i With a fair sized list of passen-t gers. Union steamer Catala. Cant. I James Findlay, arrived in port at' 7:30 Sunday night and sailed a couple-of hours later for Stewart,' Anyox and other northern points whence she returned here this afternoon and sailed at 2 p.m. for Vancouver and waypolnts, Clarence Arthur, veteran chief engineer of the Union Steamship COMMON ' Relieve the . distressing I symptoms hy apply ing Menlholalum in nostrils and rubbing on chest. Im'7i7TWt 'Ii I J'l : r?fM LUMBER We have a fairly complete stock of lumber at Mile 21, near Haysport, 'ready for rail and water shipments. If building or repairing, it will pay you to examine our stock and receive prices. SHAMES RIVER LUMBER COMPANY Haysport, B.C. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable, Wants 5,000 Martin Pelts 10,000 Minks & Other Furs He is in a position to pay the highest price going. Debts trappers owe him will not? be collected until after next fishing season. "TOOK AIL KINDS OF PILLS, THEN CEREAL BROUGHTRELIEF" Constipation, Due to Insufficient "Bulk," Relieved by Kellogg's All-Bran A fine letter from Mrs. Snyder: "I have had trouble with my bowels for years, taking all kinds of pills and drugs, with no relief. ''One year ago, I saw Kellogg's All-Bran and bought a package. I have good movements every day. I am 73 years old. I am telling my what bran has done for me." friends -Mrs. Sallie Snyder. Address upon request. ConHpation du$ to insufficient "bulk" in meaU. Research shows that Kellogg's AliBran furnishes "bulk" to exercise the intestines. All-Brah also supplies vitamin B, as well as iron, an element of the blood. Two tablespoonfuls daily are usu- ally sufficient to correct common constipation. With each meal, in serious cues. If not relieved this way, see your doctor. The "bulk" in All-Bran resists digestion better than the "bulk" in leafy vegetables. How much better to use this food in place of patent medicines. At all grocers in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Keep on tht Sunny Side of Lift Eight geese and 150 mallards comprised the bag of a large hunting party consisting of J. H. Pills-bury, Dr. C. H. Bastin, C. H. Orme, j. A. Lindsay, W.'O. Fulton, A. R. Nichols, J. A. Hinton, F. N. Good, W. M. Blackstock, Capt. J. R. Elfert, F. A. MacCallum, G. A. Bryant and Capt. W. P. Armour which made a holiday week-end hunting trip to Hartley, Bay, Klldala Arm and Gll- toyecs. The trip was made on the i Armour Salvage C0.75 service boat Algle. leaving Friday night and re- turning e&rly tills morning, Most of the game was taken at Hartlev Bay. There was an eight-inch snowfall on Sunday. Another week-end hunting party was that of Dr. H. L. Alexander, Joe Scott and C. W- Dawson who visited Kwinlmaas. They got a goose and a fair bag of ducks. An exceptionally heavy snowfall on Sunday was also reported by this party. Imperial Oil Co.'s tanker Alberto- lite;, Capt. A. Mosher, arrived in port early Sunday morning from loco and, after discharging fuel oil for the company's local tanks, sailed 11 wiai evening ior San Pedro. Capt. Larry Thomson, who came north as pilot of the vessel, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Sensation Sprung "TILLIE THE TOILER" WAMT you (AND XXJR MA TO COME TO DlNMEt? XT My MODEl HOME I MiOM In Wall Street Large Brokerage Houses and Cor porations Charged With Using Mails to Defraud NEW YORK, Nov. 12:-A sensa Uon was caused here when it became known that three of the leading brokerage houses and some twenty corporations had been charged with mall fraud In connection with the sale of alleged worthless stock. VMEtLOVE "TO- A OAfE WITH blCM IV VLU HIM DAILY NEWS Tuetday, NoTea, COMRADES REUNITED Local Canadian Legion Has Annual Armistice Day Banquet Oldtime comradeship was renewed at last night's Armistice Day banquet when the local branch of the Canadian Legion held one of its most successful reunions on the occasion of the seventeenth anniversary of the end of the Great War. Congratulations were extended to the various organizations who had made the, parade one of the finest ever held in the city. The smart appearance and drill of the naval and military units, the num bers of' the Legion itself and the'stjnd Women's Auxiliary, the splendid ! turn-out of all the other organizations and the full support of the citizens were all a rnatter of great credit to the city and a real tribute to the . glorious dead. The 'guardians of the stone In their (steadfastness were symbolic of the silent service of the fallen and a challenge to the present and future generations to commemorate the the large assembly of the need of the old spirit of sharing each others' troubles and made an appeal for the fullest co-operation of Co. service who was formerly chief ;all In making the lot of the needy of the steamer'' Venture and more rcently has been aboard "Lady" boats on lower coast runs, is at present aboard the steamer Catala, relieving the regular chief, Andrew Beattie, who is taking a two weeks' vacation. J. W. Nicholls and Dean Gibson. J. HEL.I.O THE LVJUCH-eOX? I WAMT FOUR DIMMERS Mures Norway Daughters Bazaar is Success Affair Last Friday Afternoon And Evening Drew Laree Crowds The Daughters of Norway held a very successful and well attended bazaar in the Moose Hall Friday afternoon and evening. During the afternoon there was a sale of home cooking, fancy work and afternoon tea in the hall which was suitably decorated for the occasion. Two hundred persons were pre- V2-pkg. Bacon, donated by Selvie Market. I sacrifices made by those who wereiwon by Haroid miland. the victims of the war. Box of butter, donated by Valen- iresiaenv jacic rreece reminaea in n.iirv unn hv npttv - returned men and their dependents Foot stool, donated by G. M. Hunt, won by Claus Aune. Many other raffles donated by members were raffled. , The committee In charge of the affair was Mrs. Tony Martlnuscn, easier. Notable addresses were -hnirmnn rhri. Tin given by Bishop E. M. Bunoz, Col'A wlck Mrs. John Wlck M' ' S. Wilson brought the congratula tions of the. Provincial Command to the local branch of the fine work Sorenscn, Mrs. A. Dybhavn, Mrs. Chris Johnson, Miss Lillian Lund and Mrs. H. Underdahl. Tony Martinsen and Gunnar Sol- far the returned and the men clty.ivig were on the door and Oscar Olof Hanson M.P. also congratu- Haveroy was master of ceremonies. lated the branch on the fine work; done quietly but so effectively in the community. Other speakers tribution to the parade, rendered were Lieut. Commander W. Hume cornet solos. The singing of old for the Navy, S. D. Macdonald for wartime songs with Al Small and the Trades and Labor Council and S. C. Thompson at the piano was Major C. V. Evltt who had charge ' carried out with rare spirit. of the arrangements for the Ceno- j taph service. A letter of regret aU his Inability to be present was re-' ceived from T. W. ,Hall. inspector of schools. Mr. Hall's address of some years ago still remains in the memories of the returned men as one of the finest talks ever given before them, Col. S. D. Johnston spoke for the Regiment very ef-i fectively. t The banquet served was an out standing attraction. Other items of the program were as follows: "6 Canada.'1 ' Opening ritual by First Vice- President W. M. Brown. ! "Last Post," W. J. Ranee. Two Minutes' Silence. j Reveille, Comrade W. J. Ranee. Grace, Bishop Bunoz. ' Toast, "The King." ! President's welcome. Solos Master David Jones, Dr. R. G. Large, Andy Home, Alex Du-thie, Frank Monls, James N. Kelly, Percy Tinker in "Alouette." Recitations J. Anglln. Jack Dougherty in stories. Bob Greenfield, under whom the Boys' Band made such a fine con- CUBES GRAVIES CO For Beautiful, Durable, Economical Decoration of valls and Ceilings per Pkg. 75c C' 40c GORDON'S HARDWARE VMHATS "THIS , A PAtery7 'sure, V'll. COME AMD fcfc-INg AT THE MEVM tpsco ISA McBridc SU Phone 311 More Than Mac Banked On Be wise. Read the want ads. Houston Girl Is Bride at Quiet Local Ceremony A quiet wedding took place last evening at 8 o'clock in the rectory, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson officiating, when Miss Elizabeth Janet Altken, elder daughter of the late Thomas T. Aitken and Mrs. Altken of Houston, became the bride of William Dungate, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. George Dungate. The bride was given In'marriaee by her mother. sent at the dance in the evening, MUs Malsle Dun(,ate hrMpa muslc being furnished by Mrs. J. S. mald and Fredrlck Dlngwen was Black's Orchestra. Drawings for the best man different raffles took place at the. the ceremony a qulet dance, winners being as follows: recentlon wnx hiM nt. th hM. f Cedar chest, won by Erling arin-Mrs Dungate. WateV Strct Occasional chair, won by Rodney Lars6n. Waffle Iron, won by Bert Jolin-son. Bedspread and cushion, won by Mrs. John Storseth. Front room embroidered set, won 'Apartments, by Karl Strand. I Embroidered bedspread, won by Mrs. John Storseth. 1 Fred Dlngwell proposed the toast to th bride to which the groom re-' sponded suitably. Mr. and Mrs. Dungate, who are receiving congratulations and best wishes of their many friends, will take up residence in the Bcsner LAST SHQWI Packed with k. mance. with ih,,.L.M: and everv ht acjcr actual Public neroi No. with Lionel Harrj more nesicr .Morris Jean Arthur Lewis Stone At 7 35 & fl:4o, Comrdy "KISS THE BRIDr WOULD NEWS EVENTS CHRISTMAS BOOB RESERVE THEM NOW! Only Seven Weeks Till Christmas 1936 ANNUALS CHUMS Every Boys' Annual MODERN BOYS Science and Invention MODERN BOYS Book of Adventure GOLDEN ANNUAL For Girls SCHOOLGIRLS' ANNUAL For 1936 STAMP ALBUMS Every boy wants one 40c & RED INDIAN SERIES Largo volumes RED INDIAN SERIES Small volumes BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES 20 Titles GARDEN CITY CHILDREN'S ILLUSTRATED CLASSICS COLLINS' ILLUSTRATED CHILDEN S CLASSICS HOOKS FOR YOUR FRIENDS SPRING CAME ON FOREVER Aid rich MORTON "SEARCH BOOKS" ANCHOR MAN Fanny H. Lea IT CANT HAPPEN HERE Lewis ANTHONY ADVERSE The book of the century, now only ACTING SECOND MATE Parkman Adventure JOHN O THE GREEN Famol SILVER MIST Sutherland , GREEN LIOHT Douglas MISTRESS PAT Montgomery .... THE DAYS DIVIDING Bell GLAMOUR OF B. C. Glyn-Ward til n And Hundreds of Other Books to 1'lcase Kvcryone.Come in in OH, tSUBBUfc-o- Mvc-s tfONWA , A "SO MKB OF ydU.MAC'K tsivts v TTpvj come.) 1 qwim5 bob, rjfi Choose Yours Now "Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Hello, lumch- &OX? IMCCeASE THAT DlMNES. ORDEfe TO TEN - -THIS IS SBTTlrJSl "TO EE A aAWQOSTj 11 1; 1; 13 li 13 13 V3.M TheFxsh which rnude Prince RuperlFamW Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. -By Westover